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Better Together Relationships

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25.01.2022 Some Friday Fun- Would you get back with your ex? Even if Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez did? Check out this article from ABC Everyday that our founder Melanie commented on-

24.01.2022 This week is all about love languages If you want to find out what your love language, then head to this link and take the test! Finding out both your partner’s and your own love language is one of the most simple, yet powerful tools to earning your happily ever after. From knowledge love is born, but not only that, knowledge creates fortitude to weather marital storms!

23.01.2022 Said so perfectly by @risingwoman- A conscious relationship starts with the one with ourselves and emanates from there

23.01.2022 What are confabulations??? It is a mouthful of a word that captures a really important concept of a cognitive error we can make that can have a huge impact on relationships. Find out more in our blog post this week ...

19.01.2022 Repost from @mytherapycorner What is it that makes people get into relationships/friendships then disappear as if the connection created between two people, no matter how short, did not matter? This leaves the person who has been left emotionally bruised. . .... First of all, if you have been ghosted, please know that nothing is wrong with you. The person you dated just didn’t know how to manage difficult emotions. . . If you are the one who ghosted, please know that while your fear of emotions is understandable, it’s not an excuse to behave without integrity. There are ways to learn. There are ways to heal the past fears fueling your actions now. . . Let’s shed some light on this fear of emotions that makes otherwise good people ghost and act out of integrity with others. . . If I tell you, the consequences will be too painful, scary, uncomfortable and I don’t know how to deal with that. . I don’t know what to say if you get angry or start crying. . It reminds me of when my mom/dad got angry and I did not have an answer then either. I didn’t know how to make things better. . I care about this person and don’t want to see them hurt so I will just avoid having this conversation. . . Does this sound familiar? These are the fears behind ghosting. However, if you never face the pain and discomfort of having vulnerable, honest conversations it will only get worse and become a source of more trouble. This is an example of being in denial, pretending that you don’t have a problem or that you don’t have to face the consequences of your behavior. . . Now disclosing something painful isn’t easy. I hear you. And you probably had negative experiences with that. And yes, it hurts on the receiving end of this too. But here’s the truth: research shows that 90% of partners want to be told the truth regardless. Otherwise they are left feeling crazy with many questions and no answers. Despite the pain, people feel better knowing the truth. In time, healing happens. And many relationships can survive even after as long as there’s honesty. Let’s live with integrity and value human connection. See more

19.01.2022 Our latest blog post talks about the best ways to improve self-soothing. To help the tension building up in your body during times of flooding get your body exercising! We don’t mean just go to the gym (even though that is a great option), we mean do something that physically moves your body that you enjoy doing! Whether that be dancing, swimming, running or anything else! The team at Better Together Relationships have their own favourite way of using exercise to self soothe! Michaela loves Muay Thai and Melanie loves yoga! There is no right way, just get moving!

19.01.2022 How we look after ourselves sets the foundation for all the other things we do. But in our society thinking about and putting ourselves first can be seen more negatively than than the wonderful thing it is. Read this week’s blog

18.01.2022 All emotions derive from needs; met and unmet. There is such a profound simplicity with this insight. Once you understand this you will have an invaluable tool to nurture your emotional wellbeing. Whenever you are uncomfortable, in emotional pain or distress, by realising that you are suffering because you aren’t getting something that you need or want, you can begin to change your situation. You can also begin to choose who can meet that need and that it isn’t solely the responsibility of your partner to do so.

17.01.2022 There’s a common saying treat others the way you want to be treated. It would seem to be good advice, but for relationships the goal should be to treat your partner the way THEY want to be treated! If both people in a relationship could learn to do this, I could almost guarantee your connection, security, and love would deepen! How do we do this you ask?! Head over to our blog to learn about the languages of love and how they impact your relationship!

17.01.2022 It can be hard to understand why our partner does things sometimes if it is so different to the way we may approach something. This can lead to conflict, disconnection, frustration and even break ups. Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies @gretchenrubin gives us another way to understand our partners by having perspective on how they respond to expectations. Read our latest blog to figure out if you and your partner are a Questioner, Rebel, Upholder or Obliger. ...

15.01.2022 One of the most common sexual issues people visit a sex therapist for is a discrepancy in libido. One of the most interesting things about this is that desire discrepancy can plague newly married couples as well as unmarried couples, just as much as those couples who have been together for 20 years! Visit our blog latest blog post for tips on how to create a change if your relationship is experiencing this issue!... Read the blog here

14.01.2022 Happy National Orgasm Day! Perfect timing to talk to your partner about how you can better align your libidos after reading this week’s blog And the perk for all you unattached out there, you don’t need to talk to anyone to have a great orgasm

13.01.2022 Being and doing things consciously is linked to mindfulness. Sometimes our thoughts can be really loud in our minds and we miss the moments we are in. Practicing mindfulness is like training a muscle- the more we do it the easier it becomes and the more we find ourselves being in the moment. Try these 4 tips to practice mindfulness throughout the day and this will help to enjoy more of the precious moments of our lives!

13.01.2022 Over the last week we have been talking about healthy strategies to self soothe. If you haven’t read the blog post on this head to the blog on our website to read about self soothing. Music is an amazing tool to use to help regulate our emotions. It depends what you want to achieve but there is a lot of research that shows that our brain will respond to the tempo of the music. So faster music can make us feel more alert and help to concentrate while slower music can help q...uieten the mind. Sometimes we need a sad song to sit in our sad emotion and have a cry and that is great too! The familiarity of our favourite song can be very calming and soothing regardless of the tempo of the song. It’s good to know what your favourite songs are for your different moods so when you are feeling overwhelmed they are part of your self soothing toolkit.

13.01.2022 We expect a lot from our partners and relationships in today’s society. However, It’s important to have realistic expectations. So how do we do this? We enter a life of talking about and entering into healthy and conscious relationships with our partner and ourselves! To find out more about this and explore this weeks topic of needs click this link

12.01.2022 This is so common for so many areas of our lives including our relationships. I will be happy once I meet the perfect partner I will be happy once we have children I will be happy once we buy a house I will be happy once my partner changes... I will be happy once we pay off our house I will be happy once we can go on a holiday The list goes on What a waste of beautiful life with all its ups and downs. We need to find the value in the now even if it isn’t perfect. It can be difficult to change this sort of mindset. It takes practice. Try for the next week, every time you think about things being better in the future, what is something you appreciate about the now

12.01.2022 In a relationship it is important to know what we have the power to impact and change. Relationships are a series of sliding door moments where are actions and words can send things down a certain path or another. Know this power and choose wisely. ... Know and check your confabulations (head to our website and blog posts ). If both you and your partner take this approach then you can really choose ‘your ending’ Thanks @brenebrown for your continued inspiration

11.01.2022 Continuing this weeks theme of self soothing, we wanted to talk about distractions! When we are feeling overwhelmed or flooded it can be useful to distract our mind in a healthy way! A lot of us will turn to using our phone as a distraction, but our mobiles have a tendency to suck us in for a long time! So our suggestions for those moments where you are feeling overwhelmed and know you need a moment to bring your emotions back to equilibrium turn to distractions that have a time limit. Some suggestions include watching one episode of a tv series, reading one chapter of a book, a walk around the block, or even a phone call to a friend!

09.01.2022 Negatively using or withholding someone’s love language is like a weapon wounding your partner! For example, for those with physical touch as their love language, withholding physical closeness is a weapon! And words used negatively or stonewalling would hurt the person whose love language is words. Be mindful of the way you respond to your partner in difficult times based of their love language, just as much as the way in which you show your partner love!

09.01.2022 Here at Better Together Relationships we talk a lot about sexual health for individuals and couples and today we want to do just that whilst exploring something new! If you could, would you seek a treatment to help improve your ability to orgasm and the quality of your orgasm? Well one of our team visited SM Aesthetic Lab to see what the O Shot (short for orgasm shot) is all about. If you would like to learn more about this treatment head to our latest blog post

09.01.2022 At a time when there is so much uncertainty in the world it is even more important to know how to look after ourselves, our emotions, our mental health and our relationships. A big part of this is knowing how to self soothe. Read our blog for some great tips on how to understand what self soothing is and how to get better at applying it when needed most

08.01.2022 As relationship and sex therapist, Esther Perel says, you are asking one person to give you what an entire village used to provide. When we enter a relationship we are agreeing to try our very best to meet our partner’s needs. But this doesn’t mean we have to meet every single one! So figure out with your partner what needs you require for them to meet and then for the rest learn to turn to the other people in your village.

06.01.2022 On a beautiful spring day in Australia the Earth has music to replenish us. Slow down - Listen -Let it fill you up. A small way to be Selful Read more about being Selful in our latest blog post-

03.01.2022 As adults we have the opportunity, but also the responsibility to become the wise inner parent to ourselves! This process is called the reparenting process. It is the practice of giving yourself what a parent could not give! Your child self is the key to understanding your adult self. To find out more about this process and how to do it, head to this link -

03.01.2022 Doing anything consciously will give you a different experience than doing it on auto pilot. If our relationships are truly important to us then we need to be in them consciously. Read more about how on our blog.

02.01.2022 You don’t have to match but you can still work together When sex in a relationship goes well, it is a positive, integral part of your relationship but not a major component- adding only 15-20% to couple vitality and satisfaction. However, when sex is dysfunctional or nonexistent, it assumes an inordinate powerful role, robbing your relationship of 50-70% of its intimacy and vitality! Click this link to read 5 things both the person with the lower sex drive and the higher sex drive can do to help revitalise your relationship or at least revive hopefulness and motivate you to talk about different ways to approach a discrepancy in sexual desire!

01.01.2022 It’s a controversial idea that if we think like couples who are having an affair it would be beneficial for our relationships. Give this idea a chance and read our latest blog post on ways to make sure you are putting in enough effort into your romantic relationship.

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