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Beyond Rest Prahran in Prahran, Victoria | Medical and health

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Beyond Rest Prahran

Locality: Prahran, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 9521 4963

Address: 26 Regent St 3181 Prahran, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hi friends, our beautiful colleague is in need of support. She has recently been diagnosed with Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Helicis uniquely located on the tip of her nose and has been deemed a category 1 semi emergency case in urgent need of an operation. As an international student here in Australia she does not qualify for governmental support and her overseas student health care will not cover the expense. Her parents are unable to offer assistance as they have lost thei...r jobs in the covid-pandemic and she has lost her source of income during Melbournes lockdown. Our heart goes out to her as shes the most kind, loving and generous person I know. We have created a fundraiser to help with her medical expenses and are asking for donations. If you are able and willing to help contribute the link below will redirect you to the campaign. Any donation is greatly and humbly appreciated. Camille & Bonnie Help Jess Now:

25.01.2022 What are you looking to change about yourself with this new introspection time?

25.01.2022 "Its excruciating at first and I start to think I may just get out. But then something happens - I become self-sufficient, which I later realised is a skill we never normally need to call upon... My imagination begins to kick in, and I think up ideas that I didnt realise I was capable of." - GLAMOUR UK

25.01.2022 You do what you gotta do to get that feeling!

24.01.2022 Awareness is the first stage, then finding a method that will work for you to find peace of mind. We know of one of the more powerful ways to help effortlessly

22.01.2022 "Floating is leaving your nervous system in a state where the world feels more rewarding after the float. So a single one hour float session, was able to take these stressed and anxious nervous systems and induce a reset that lasted for an entire day" - Dr Justin Feinstein - TED

21.01.2022 "6. But its also good for looking inward and learning new things about yourself."

20.01.2022 Cosmic Journey Float - Now Floating Part One: Take flight and break free of not just the atmosphere of earth, but your own daily problems too.... Part Two: Journey beyond the bounds of our solar system, and discover the unity of the entire living universe. Elements: Ether A Journey of the Mind, and a change of perspective.

20.01.2022 Vijay Ravikumar aka The Float Guru" sharing his wisdom on floating on the latest Melbourne Reconnect podcast. Full episode here:

19.01.2022 Struggled in the pod? Go Deeper Than Ever. Meet the New Journey Floats JOURNEY FLOATS are like being personally guided to higher worlds and states of being, by a Master Teacher skilled at transforming minds and expanding consciousness. And, for those who simply need some guidance on how to consciously relax, or how to attain the wellbeing of a meditative calm, we have created MINDFUL FLOATS. Like a Meditation Master personally leading you into deeper experiences of calm a...nd tranquillity than youve ever been able to achieve before. Your Journey Float Menu: Journey to the Ancient Forest Journey to the Ocean Depths Journey into the Living Cosmos - (coming soon) Journey into the Desert of Transformation - (coming soon) Within each Journey Float you will be led to distant or inner realms Your Mindful Float Menu: Mindful Relaxation Mindful Meditation - (coming soon) For those seeking guidance to achieve deeper relaxation or mindful awareness. Its time to switch off in different ways to reach your deepest state of tranquillity, calm and peace in the pod. Then carry it with you. Whole New Worlds Await You...

19.01.2022 Our Journey Into The Living Cosmos that you can experience in the pod will be released later this week. Part One: Take flight and break free of not just the atmosphere of earth, but your own daily problems too.... Part Two: Journey beyond the bounds of our solar system, and discover the unity of the entire living universe. Elements: Ether A Journey of the Mind, and a change of perspective.

17.01.2022 Stress Free Gifting LET US TAKE THE STRESS & CRAZY OUT OF 2020 FOR YOUR LOVED ONES! GIFT CARDS HERE FROM $79: ... If you know anyone who is stressed, in pain or looking for a unique relaxation experience floatation therapy is for them this festive season. Is the float experience for everyone on my list? We graciously host those from severe anxiety and claustrophobia to the "oh, I could never" on a weekly basis. Simply because floating's most groundbreaking research is showing amazing results with clinical anxiety. Who else has also embraced the practice of floating? Workaholics Busy Parents Tradies Pregnant women First-responders Athletes (recovery, visualisation, reducing performance anxiety) Insomniacs Creatives The Benefits of Floating: Stress & Anxiety Relief Pain Relief & Recovery Deeper Meditation & Focus Alleviates Fatigue & Jetlag Improves Deeper & More Restful Sleep Enhances Productivity, Clarity & Creativity Releases Muscle Tension, Reduces Inflammation & Offloads the Joints Shifts the Nervous System from "fight or flight" to "rest and digest." For more information explore the benefits and research on floating. Give a gift that will positively impact the person you love. We’ve got you sorted with Gift Cards HERE: GIFT CARD $79: Or call our centre at 9521 4963 and we can have a gift card emailed to you!

17.01.2022 Send Dad on a Journey this Fathers Day Give Dad the gift of mental wellbeing with a float this Fathers Day. Treat him to some much-needed relaxation and the float will: 1 Reduce stress & clear his mind 2 Alleviate chronic pain, aches & muscle tension... 3 Improve his sleep quality 4 And Much More! (Dad can even try the new Journey and Mindful floats!) Buy a Beyond Rest gift card for just $79 today: What people are saying about the Journey Floats: "Normally find it hard to switch off, but the Journey Float made it really easy to feel relaxed and forget about the outside world." "I didnt think I could turn my mind off properly ... but the Ocean Depths Journey made a gigantic difference to my experience." "By far the most relaxing float Ive ever experienced. I cant wait to try the others."

15.01.2022 Today is the 4th anniversary of Beyond Rest here in Prahran, some of you have been with us from the start and others have only have just begun their Floatation journey. So from all of here at Beyond Rest we would like to thank you for being such amazing people and making our time here facilitating your floats so enjoyable. We have a big year ahead with our new Journey float series taking off and some new relaxing additions to our service to be announced shortly that we are very excited about. Stay tuned Again thank you to all our loyal floaters and we look forward to seeing you all again soon. Much love from Kye, Camille, Jess, Stavros and Moe.

15.01.2022 Cosmic Journey Float Coming Soon

15.01.2022 Another incredible article by Yahoo Lifestyle about how floating changed the life of a long term migraine sufferer. "When a migraine comes on, the float pod is my preferred therapy. It is my oasis and my relief. Finally, after 17 years, I finally have found a way to allow me to live a comfortable life regardless of my migraines."

14.01.2022 Coming Soon: The New Journey Floats Series The Greatest Innovation in Floating since the Float Tank. Whole new worlds await you...... (Sound On )

14.01.2022 Wonderful to see A Current Affair highlight that Float Therapy is a major wellness trend for 2020 and come to us for the scoop. The interview was based on this data from mindbody: Experiential wellness will continue to drive forward in 2020 as a significant majority (88%) of Australias show interest in trialling new fitness and wellness activities. Float spas (46%), wellness pop-up events (45%), meditation studios (42%), nap bars (41%) and express facial bars (40%) are the t...op five wellness activities Australians are keen to trial next year. Integrative health services will also continue to grow, with acupuncture (27%), hydrotherapy (24%) and floatation therapy (21%) sparking the most interest

13.01.2022 We're Officially Open Again! We are now officially re-open with the all clear from the local government. We are sure after this break with feeling stress, anxiety or pain, more than ever it is greatly beneficial to come in and float. To gain the physical and mental benefits as well as boost your immune system.... Your Safety ~ Here at Beyond Rest we continue to regularly work with the Health Department to ensure the optimum standard of our pods and centres. We are also taking all safety and cleaning precautions: Please read more here: Social Distancing ~ With our large centres all rooms are spaced with your own private sitting area and your own private pod room. Creating the best environment for your floatation therapy. Video on Why it’s Safe For You in Our Centre: You Will Need This More Than Ever With COVID-19 Monitor' latest research telling us feelings of anxiety and stress have spiked, there is no better time for YOU to switch off and bask in the tranquility of your own pod. Book here now: Amid the chaos, reconnect to your calm. We look forward to seeing you soon. Camille, Jess and The Beyond Rest team.

13.01.2022 We're Officially Open Again! We are now officially re-open with the all clear from the local government. We are sure after this break with feeling stress, anxiety or pain, more than ever it is greatly beneficial to come in and float. To gain the physical and mental benefits as well as boost your immune system.... Your Safety ~ Here at Beyond Rest we continue to regularly work with the Health Department to ensure the optimum standard of our pods and centres. We are also taking all safety and cleaning precautions: Please read more here: Social Distancing ~ With our large centres all rooms are spaced with your own private sitting area and your own private pod room. Creating the best environment for your floatation therapy. Video on Why it’s Safe For You in Our Centre: You Will Need This More Than Ever With COVID-19 Monitor' latest research telling us feelings of anxiety and stress have spiked, there is no better time for YOU to switch off and bask in the tranquility of your own pod. Book here now: Amid the chaos, reconnect to your calm. We look forward to seeing you soon. Camille, Jess and The Beyond Rest team.

13.01.2022 Floating for mental wellbeing Regular floaters share how floating has helped them with their mental wellbeing

13.01.2022 Powerful interview with Paul Medhurst on why floating is so needed today. Created by local barber Jack Sprenger. Full interview: Go and follow Jack. He will be giving away haircuts and floats on his profile shortly:

13.01.2022 Work is a verb, not a noun, dont let it define you.

10.01.2022 If you know anyone who is stressed, in pain or looking for a unique relaxation experience, floatation therapy is for them this Christmas. Gift a 2 x 60 min Float gift card for $99! (Thats $49.50 a float, with no limit).... Floating Can Help: 1 Alleviate Chronic Pain, Aches & Muscle Tension 2 Reduce Stress, Anxiety & Clear The Mind 3 Improve Sleep Quality 4 And Much More! Grab Yours Before The Xmas Special Finishes

10.01.2022 Not sure how to spend this Valentines day?

10.01.2022 Were here to help you mentally bounce back when we get out of this!

10.01.2022 Were Officially Open Again! We are now officially re-open with the all clear from the local government. We are sure after this break with feeling stress, anxiety or pain, more than ever it is greatly beneficial to come in and float. To gain the physical and mental benefits as well as boost your immune system.... Your Safety ~ Here at Beyond Rest we continue to regularly work with the Health Department to ensure the optimum standard of our pods and centres. We are also taking all safety and cleaning precautions: Please read more here: Social Distancing ~ With our large centres all rooms are spaced with your own private sitting area and your own private pod room. Creating the best environment for your floatation therapy. Video on Why its Safe For You in Our Centre: You Will Need This More Than Ever With COVID-19 Monitor latest research telling us feelings of anxiety and stress have spiked, there is no better time for YOU to switch off and bask in the tranquility of your own pod. Book here now: Amid the chaos, reconnect to your calm. We look forward to seeing you soon. Camille, Jess and The Beyond Rest team.

09.01.2022 "Generally speaking, our culture does not promote sitting still, and that can have wide-reaching consequences for our health, well-being, productivity and other areas of our lives. Technology doesnt make it any easier: The smartphone you carry with you at all hours makes it almost impossible to truly unplug and embrace idleness. And by keeping ourselves busy at all times, we may be losing our ability to sit still because our brains are actually being rewired." Why we need niksen in our lives...

09.01.2022 Great piece on Channel 9 News on Beyond Rests Police trial of Floating to aid in the management of pain, anxiety and PTSD. Our aim is to get WorkCover involved to subsidise all First Responders for Floatation Therapy. This is a great first step after much hard work.

08.01.2022 "Research suggests that float therapy can be a good stress outlet for folks teetering on the edge of burnout, and even help ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. Float therapy may even help people with chronic-pain conditions, like arthritis, separate studies suggest." - Womens Health

07.01.2022 If you find the allure of your slippery germ stick simply too strong, this is the article for you.

07.01.2022 Stress Free Gifting LET US TAKE THE STRESS & CRAZY OUT OF 2020 FOR YOUR LOVED ONES! GIFT CARDS HERE FROM $79: ... If you know anyone who is stressed, in pain or looking for a unique relaxation experience floatation therapy is for them this festive season. Is the float experience for everyone on my list? We graciously host those from severe anxiety and claustrophobia to the "oh, I could never" on a weekly basis. Simply because floating's most groundbreaking research is showing amazing results with clinical anxiety. Who else has also embraced the practice of floating? Workaholics Busy Parents Tradies Pregnant women First-responders Athletes (recovery, visualisation, reducing performance anxiety) Insomniacs Creatives The Benefits of Floating: Stress & Anxiety Relief Pain Relief & Recovery Deeper Meditation & Focus Alleviates Fatigue & Jetlag Improves Deeper & More Restful Sleep Enhances Productivity, Clarity & Creativity Releases Muscle Tension, Reduces Inflammation & Offloads the Joints Shifts the Nervous System from "fight or flight" to "rest and digest." For more information explore the benefits and research on floating. Give a gift that will positively impact the person you love. We’ve got you sorted with Gift Cards HERE: GIFT CARD $79: Or call our centre at 9521 4963 and we can have a gift card emailed to you!

07.01.2022 "Floatation gives me time and space to think through any challenges Im facing and provides the option to switch off."

06.01.2022 Phone in your hand down a 13 deep Instagram profile rabbit hole, laptop on your knees 2 half done spreadsheets sitting there, Kindle on the couch beside you 4 Im-still-reading-it books active and the TV screen on the sideboard showing credits for the season of Gilmore Girls you just binged, and, oh, its only 11am? Yeeaah, thats a bit stimulated. Take advantage of not being at work, do nothing for a while - Gary wont mind, walk outside, look at the sky, read a book youll learn something from, watch a doco, see how long you can hold your breath for. Some more words that say the same thing. Or, you know, scroll down and be inspired for the time when were all through this, this is what were reading/watching right now.

06.01.2022 "And people stayed at home And read books And listened... And they rested And did exercises And made art and played And learned new ways of being And stopped and listened More deeply Someone meditated, someone prayed Someone met their shadow And people began to think differently And people healed. And in the absence of people who Lived in ignorant ways Dangerous, meaningless and heartless, The earth also began to heal And when the danger ended and People found themselves They grieved for the dead And made new choices And dreamed of new visions And created new ways of living And completely healed the earth Just as they were healed." - Kitty OMeara

06.01.2022 TANK UP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WITH THE POWER OF FLOATATION THERAPY At a time like this your health and wellbeing are a high priority. The power of our float pods are an ideal way to take care of yourself and boost your immune system. You can rest assured as you tank up your immunity that the safety and hygiene of our centres and float pods are our top priority, as your health and wellbeing is our number one. ... *Why Float - Floatation therapy reduces your stress (cortisol levels) which in turn boosts your immunity. The deep rest you get in the pod lowers your stress. Allowing your body to focus energy and resources on strengthening your immune system... Were here to support and encourage you to make your health and wellbeing a priority. CLICK the link below from our latest article on how were keeping you safe:

04.01.2022 We're here to help you mentally bounce back when we get out of this!

04.01.2022 Do you make time to switch off from the busy work week? If so, what do you do?

03.01.2022 We’re Back!!!! We are so excited here at Beyond Rest to be reopening our doors on Today! We look forward to being able to help you with all of the stress, anxiety, pain and sleeplessness built up over lockdown

02.01.2022 "Silence is a rare commodity these days. Theres traffic, construction, air-conditioning, your neighbours lawnmower ... and all this unwanted sound can have a surprising impact on your health"

02.01.2022 We’re Back!!!! We are so excited here at Beyond Rest to be reopening our doors on Today! We look forward to being able to help you with all of the stress, anxiety, pain and sleeplessness built up over lockdown

01.01.2022 Coming Soon to hopefully a major streaming provider near you: "Float: A Documentary About Floatation Therapy." Heres a first look at the official trailer...

01.01.2022 Champion tennis player, Champion human being. We've loved having Novak Djokovic in floating many times and hanging around with all of us in the chillout space through the tournament again. Helping with his recovery with a side injury and mentally prepare through a tough tournament for him. He comes in as he feels it's a second home for him now, floating for mental and physical recovery.

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