Beyond Success Coaching | Sport & recreation
Beyond Success Coaching
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24.01.2022 ~ CELEBRATING 250 LIKES ~ Wow! Just yesterday we reached the milestone of 250 likes on this page! This is so exciting! Thank you to every one of you who supports this business. I realise that many of my own friends, family and colleagues are here supporting this endeavour - thanks lovelies And I also recognise that more than half of you that follow along here, I have never met - not even online. I appreciate you so much. ... I'm so glad that the message that "you CAN live beyond the limits of your current experience" is getting out there. I trust that the messages shared are inspiring, insightful and challenging, and that they motivate you to look for the possibilities you may have thought were not even available to you. Looking forward to celebrating more milestones with you
24.01.2022 "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears" - Nelson Mandela Hey lovely Have you ever considered what drives you to make the decisions you do? Why you keep making the same choices that get you results that you don't want? How does this quote from the great Nelson Mandela resonate with you? Do you recognise that many of your decisions in the past, and even the choices you make now, are driven by fear? Fear of being rejected. Fear of not being loved and accepted. of being found out. And now it's your default system for making decisions ... Hey, it's okay. We've all been there. I just want you to know that you have the ability to change. That you can tap into hope and alter the way you make your choices. You have power within you. If you recognise hope calling out to you and you recognise you need guidance to change the way you make your choices, please reach out - send me a message
22.01.2022 SURPRISE!! Flowers from my biggest fan . My husband surprised me with these flowers tonight because he’s awesome. Or because I’m awesome. .... He has been my biggest supporter on my journey to become a coach. This is the toughest thing I have EVER done. It is consistently challenging in so many respects. Human behaviour, psychology, emotions, the vast canvas that is human experience- it’s a lot!! Surely, even rocket science is easier than this!! . However, through all my challenges my husband has been my greatest encourager. He always tells me how proud he is of me and my achievements. He champions me when I’m doing well and prods me when I’m slacking off or finding excuses. . I’m very blessed to have him on-side along this very exciting but tumultuous ride #coachlife #blessed #grateful #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #journeyofalifetime
20.01.2022 FLIPPING LIMITING BELIEFS Now that you know how those limiting beliefs are affecting you and their outcomes in your life, it's completely understandable that you may want to change them. Your next question is probably, "how?"... Here is a brief overview of a method you can try in your own time. 1 What would you like to experience instead of the current outcomes of your limiting belief/s? What do you want to experience differently? 2 Create a new belief statement around that outcome or experience. It should be framed positively. Avoid "I don't want" and instead use positive language in the present-tense. E.g. "I don't want to be tired all the time" becomes "I am energetic & vibrant". 3 Repeat these new beliesf to yourself multiple times a day. Put them in a place where you will see them often. Say them to yourself aloud in front of the mirror. Recite them to yourself all through the day. Watch how your words and thoughts change your feelings then your actions and then your results. Without a doubt the best way to go through this process is with a coach. Someone who can lead and guide you to change and then embed the new, helpful, positive beliefs. If your'e ready to live beyond the limits of these unresourceful beliefs, please contact me and start the conversation. I know it can seem scary - I've been there! Just know I am here to support and champion you, providing a non-judgemental space where you can explore your thoughts. Much love.
20.01.2022 WHAT DOES A COACH DO? Hey lovely lady Ever wondered what a coach actually does and why having one is important? I'm here to share a little about what coaches do. Essentially, a coach partners with you to create the meaningful outcomes you want in your life. From achieving something new to being more content with yourself.... A coach will listen to and really hear you, acknowledging and validating your experiences, feelings and where you are in life. There's no judgement here And then, a coach helps you draw a line in the sand to say "no" to letting your past hold you back any longer. A coach will reflect back your current thinking, helping you uncover beliefs that are preventing you from moving forward in your life. And then to install new beliefs that are empowering and life-changing. They will challenge your ineffective thinking and behaviours, inspire new thinking and collaborate with you to create plans for your future. A coach will champion you and bring out your best. The aim of coaching is to help you realise that you have the power to change your life. You can be content with who you are rather than constantly fighting yourself. Your coach will be alongside you as you make changes, become a greater version of you and create a life that inspires you. To learn more about how a coach can be of value to you in your life journey, just send me a message. I'm here to help. #liveyourbestlife #bestversionofyou #liveyourdreams #dreamagain #dreambig #lifecoach #successcoach #beyondsuccesscoaching #inspireyou
18.01.2022 Thought for the day #nothinglastsforever #liveyourlife #liveyourbestlife #thankgod #gratitude #gratitudebringsmeaning #beyondsuccesscoaching
18.01.2022 The bridge. Over Pumicestone Passage. Taking me from my hood to the beautiful Bribie Island. Looks harmless enough, doesn’t it? That’s what I thought when I approached it on my (new!) bike 2 days ago. My confidence was soon shaken as I began the long ride across the bridge. ... It is so narrow!!! The concrete path is so bumpy. The rails are so close. And the water is just to one side of me, a sheer drop. I began to panic, fear set in and my riding became very wobbly. I soon crashed into the railing, scraping my arm (took off skin - ouch!) as I went. I wasn’t sure if I should focus my vision directly in front of me or further ahead. Anyway... I survived to do my ride on the island then returned via the bridge, this time with slightly less trepidation but still al lot of wobbles and caution. I could well have used this experience as a reason (aka an excuse) to not ride over the bridge. And in so doing, limit how far and wide I can ride my bike... But no. This morning I did it all again!! Fear? For sure. Wobbles? Some. Scraps. Zero. The moral of the story? Trying to avoid fear will limit what you can experience in life. Fear is completely normal and the best thing we can do is learn to live with it in a healthy and functional relationship. Wanna know how? Contact me! #brave #feelthefearanddoitanyway #beyondsuccesscoaching #loveyourlife
17.01.2022 I CAN’T DO THAT. I’M AFRAID OF... Have you ever said, or thought, this? Of course you have- you’re human! ... Fear is a natural human response to change and things that are new and different. It’s completely normal to feel fear. However, how we respond to fear is CHOICE. Truly. If you’re keen to get more out of life and grab more opportunities, rather than being paralysed by fear, I highly recommend this book, Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers. It’s a classic that has helped millions of people begin a more resourceful relationship with fear. It’s a great book if you’re new to the personal development space. It’s super easy to read and has application steps so you can actually start living out those awesome thoughts and ideas you have. Go for it!! And if you struggle to put the action steps into place, don’t stress, get a a coach #personaldevelopment #reading #books #feelthefearanddoitanyway #fear #courage #choice #beyondsuccesscoaching
14.01.2022 What weekend?! Have you ever said that on a Monday? Perhaps you said it to your colleagues or friends this morning when you were discussing how everyone's weekend went. Isn't it amazing that so many of us live for the weekends, then often don't even enjoy them?! ... How often are your weekends full of 'to-do's, expectations (of yourself or imposed by others) and events that you may not feel like attending (perhaps you didn't flex your "no thanks" muscle)? How often are your weekends so busy that you don't even feel rested or recharged by the end of it? How good would it be to actually enjoy your weekends and come out them refreshed? The how-to for this is completely dependent on our individual personalities and traits. For me, I am more energised by interactions with one person and also enjoy time alone. Being in groups is so much fun and also extremely draining for me. So I am learning how to balance this to make the most of my weekends. This weekend I was at home, very quiet and very relaxed. Because I hadn't balanced out my energy the pervious few weeks and had exhausted myself!! So learn from me and listen to what your body wants and learn to recognise what energises you, what depletes you and how to get a good balance of fun, rest and those important responsibilities. Lots of love #balance #beyondsuccesscoaching #relax #rest #recharge #energise #loveyourlife
12.01.2022 ABOVE THE LINE THINKING I first heard of above the line thinking in an online class and I thought, oh that’s interesting, I can see how that could be helpful. Later, I learned more about the principle in a face-to-face training, where the trainer expounded it in such a way that led me to think, oh that’s amazing, I didn’t realise just how broadly this applies. Over the next 12 months, however, my thoughts about this principle progressed to, this is powerful! In fact, I...Continue reading
08.01.2022 CELEBRATING 250 FOLLOWERS To celebrate this milestone I thought I’d share some facts about me so you get to a bit about the person behind BEYOND Success Coaching. 1 I didn’t like my first name Allison as a teenager and preferred to be called Ally or Al. Now you can call me Allison, Ally, Al or anything else nice and I will respond My sisters’ nickname for me is Bird but only she can call me that ... 2 I eat a whole foods plant-based diet which I love because of the health and vitality it gives me. My favourite veg is broccoli and my fave fruit is mango Most people think my diet is weird 3 I have an auditory sensory processing disorder, which like most sensory processing disorders has me in a state of ‘high alert’. I live in a constant state of anxiety and this is the greatest challenge of my life - daily. 4 I was born in South Africa, had my 5th birthday in Hong Kong on our way to a new life in Australia. I lived briefly in Sydney then most of my upbringing was in Melbourne, Victoria. I moved to Queensland 21 months ago and absolutely love being up here. 5 I am a recovering perfectionist. Having realised how much I’ve missed out on and how much stress I’ve suffered, due to perfectionism I’m doing my best to ditch that thinking and replace it with being REAL, compassionate and flexible Celebrating me, my quirks and all of me that I’ve invested in this coaching adventure. As my little badge says (photo) - who I am makes a difference - and I trust I’m making a difference in your life
08.01.2022 RECLAIM YOUR HOPE Hey beautiful lady Do you remember being a child and envisioning yourself doing all sorts of amazing things with your life? For me, I recall wanting to be an architect designing liveable and interesting spaces for people (and dolls). I also thought creating boardgames was so much fun and that being a postie would be an epic job. Everything was possible and nothing was too far-fetched. I had an unwavering hope in myself and the world that I could do I imagined. Then ... Life ... Hurts. Pain. Struggles. Growth. Peer pressure. Insecurity. Expectations. Responsibility. And that hope slowly but surely dissipated. I know you’ve experienced the same thing. That you’re just getting by day to day, wondering how you got here. Wishing that things would improve, that life would be better, that you’d be better. And I hear you sister. And I feel you. I’m here to let you know that the hope is still inside. I know you feel it sometimes. It peeks out of your circumstances, looking for a way back to your consciousness, wanting to be noticed again. The desire to be better is there because hope. You suppress it because it scares you. Because allowing yourself to raise your hopes again means you may experience disappointment. And you’ve had more than enough of that! How do I know? I’ve been there. I want you to know that hope is a good thing. A great thing! You were right to have an unwavering hope in yourself as a child. Hope is part of who you really and naturally are at your core. I’m here to help you reconnect to and reclaim your hope. In a safe and non-judgemental space. Send me a message if this resonates with you and you know it’s time to reconnect with your hope. Let’s have a conversation. I’m here for you. #reclaimyourhope #hopelives #hope #beyondsuccesscoaching #liveyourbestlife
08.01.2022 Happy Tuesday to you all! . The best thing about today? It’s a new day!! A fresh start. A clean slate. We can make of it whatever we like. . If you’re going to work, enjoy it! Think how privileged you are to be employed. If you’re staying home looking after your children, savour it! What a blessing to have this time with your kids. If you’re at home sick, make the most of the time to rest and marvel at your body’s innate capacity to heal. You know how hectic life can get!!... . Whatever the day ahead holds, make the most of it and enjoy it. If it turns out to be one of those funky days that doesn’t quite go to plan, just remember that it’ll be over before you know it . Lots of love to you all #morningmotivation #perspective #gratitude #loveyourlife #lifecoach #beyondsuccesscoaching
04.01.2022 LIMITING BELIEFS It was only about a year and a half ago that I became consciously aware of this term - 'limiting beliefs'. .... I was watching a documentary series called "Transcendence" by FMTV on Gaia (it's brilliant and I highly recommence it to every one of you that sees room for improvement in your life) and Marie Forleo talked about beliefs and 'limiting beliefs'. . I was shocked! Seriously. What she was saying was that our beliefs determine the way we live our lives and the results we ultimately get (good or bad). Marie talked about beliefs she'd had that prevented her from achieving certain things in her life and how she turned them around. . Now if you're more enlightened that I was in December 2018, you may think this is so obvious and not a big deal. For me, back then, it was huge! . In fact, what I learned from Marie Forleo and others on that episode of Transcendence actually changed the trajectory - and quality - of my life. . If you'd like to learn more about 'limiting beliefs' and the power of belief, stay tuned, there'll be more content in the coming days.
04.01.2022 LEARNING IS FUN I’m just about to jump on a live virtual training, learning about E-DISC - behavioural profiling. Woooh!! I’m so keen for this. Learning as an adult has been so daunting for me. Anyone else? But doing something I’m actually interested in has made it much more manageable! ... Learning doesn’t have to be in a formal setting but it’s an integral part of continuing personal growth and development. What are you interested in? What lights you up? How can you get more of that in your life? Always learning, always growing to enable me to serve you better!! #learningisfun #personaldevelopment #beyondsuccesscoaching #loveyourlife #getuncomfortabletogrow #coach
04.01.2022 Do you think you’re brave and courageous? If not, consider all the times you’ve stepped out and done something that scared you or made you anxious. That’s courage, my friend #courage #brave #feelthefearanddoitanyway #beyondsuccesscoaching
03.01.2022 WHAT IS A LIMITING BELIEF? Simply put, a limiting belief is any belief we hold that limits us and what we experience in life. Let me expand on it a bit more for clarity. . A limiting belief ... keeps you stuck in the same situation... prevents you from moving forward reduces your options feels contracting (rather than expansive) inhibits the amount & variety of experiences you have sounds like a fact is something you say to yourself and others often . . Limiting beliefs can be about ourselves, others, the way the world works or life in general. For even more clarity, here are some common examples of limiting beliefs ... There is never enough to go round I can't afford it / I don't have any money I can't ... / I could never ... I've always been ... so I always will be ... I've never ... so I can't ... Opportunities never come my way If only I were ... then I could have/achieve ... Wealth is only for a chosen few Nobody likes me . . And the biggest one, the one that affects every single one of us in some way, shape or form is ... I am not enough BOOM! NOT good / smart / pretty / valuable / educated / loved / appreciated / nice / worthy / insert word here ENOUGH! . . Reading through these can you begin to see how those beliefs may be limiting you? Notice how they prevent you from looking for possibilities and how they keep you small. Do you hear some ring of truth in them but can now acknowledge that maybe it's not 100% TRUTH? . Identifying limiting beliefs is a process and can be challenging to do alone. If you'd like some assistance to get started on this for yourself, send me a message and let's chat. #limitingbeliefs #beliefs #powerofbelief #beliefbust #beyondsuccesscoaching #lifecoach See more
03.01.2022 TESTING LIMITING BELIEFS So now you know that limiting beliefs are a 'thing'. You know what they are.... You have an idea how to recognise them. But you may be asking, "are they really that bad? Are they really such a big deal?" Great questions! Here's a great method for you to test it out yourself. Choose one of the limiting beliefs that you recognised. Take out a notepad and pen, make some time for yourself, and answer the following questions. 1 What is it costing me to hold this belief? In other words, what am I missing out on because I believe this? 2 What don't I like about this choice? O, how am I suffering because of this belief? 3 If I continue to hold this belief, what will it cost me in the next year? What will my life be like and how will I be a year from now? Expand this out to 5 years and 10 years from now. How will you feel if you keep living with this limiting belief? Now that you've answered those questions, you be the judge. Is it really so bad to hold on to and live by those limiting beliefs? I know from personal experience how challenging this process is. If you'd like help to walk through this and change your limiting beliefs, just send me a message and we can begin to work it out together.
02.01.2022 This quote from Richard Bach hit me pretty hard when I came across it early in my personal development journey. It was challenging enough to realise that I had beliefs that were limiting me, then to hear this?! . Yes, this is what we do. We develop a limiting belief (unconsciously) then we fight tooth and nail to keep it. We do this because our belief keeps us 'safe' and prevents us from having to do any work to get out of the situation we're in - yes, even if we really 'w...ant' to. . See why I found this difficult to swallow???? . It takes work to even look at our limiting beliefs, let alone shift them, and that can be scary. If you'd like support in your journey to uncover and unroot limiting beliefs, get in touch with me. I'd love to be your guide. See more
02.01.2022 Since beginning to dig up my own limiting beliefs and learning how to listen for them, it's amazing how often I hear them now. I hear them when I speak and even when I think! As a coach I have the privilege of hearing even more limiting beliefs when I coach someone. They come up - Every. Single. Time. These are beliefs that prevent people from being all that they can and from experiencing a fulfilling life. They keep people stuck and unhappy ... and frustrated and ashamed they're stuck and unhappy! So I'd love if we could have a go at seeking out and revealing some limiting beliefs together. Get them out in the light so that they don't weigh so heavily on us. So that we can see them for what they are. Nonsense. Rubbish. Untruths. Lies. I'll get us started in the comments below.
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