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Beyond the Gate Gallery in Daylesford, Victoria | Book shop

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Beyond the Gate Gallery

Locality: Daylesford, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 5348 8000


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24.01.2022 Work in progress... continuum

23.01.2022 Available from the gallery... originals from my In Stillness, and Water, Stone, Spirit and Bone collections... also available as prints to archival cotton rag... call for details... email for print size and price list, framed and unframed or journey to my website and wander the pages there at... ...all info and links are in my bio. Cos a girls gotta eat #lovemywork #wildnature #wildspirit... #OBODbard #natureart #naturewriter #naturephotographer #fineart #artdaylesford #beyondthegategallery #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #australiangalleries #wildspiritsoracleartistauthor #instillnessartistauthor #scrapsandwildgatheringsauthor #unfurledauthor #silversthreadsauthor #awildspiritlivesbeyondthegate #pennybeyondthegate #authoratbeyondthegatefarm #canonphotographers #Canon80D See more

23.01.2022 Two completed, heavily textured, mixed media (on recycled timber), pieces, in my Red Earth series. Australia is a vast continent with many and varied landscapes but ever since westerners colonised this magnificent island, the lands have been plundered for the rich minerals... devastating wild tracts, considered by the western eye, to be uninhabitable... yet the hidden, biodiverse landscape is rich in life forms, unseen anywhere else on this blue-green planet. Red Earth dust... rich diversity beneath cracked crust Blue waters clean Oceans deep Rainbow snake stirs from sleep Unseen ancient spirits wild feed the land the heart the soul of this adopted child Walk softly on this earth... be blessed... Penny The gallery is currently closed through lockdown, so for all enquiries, please contact me directly... the details are in my bio. #lovemywork #wildnature #wildspirit #OBODbard #natureart #naturewriter #naturephotographer #fineart #artdaylesford #beyondthegategallery #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #australiangalleries #wildspiritsoracleartistauthor #instillnessartistauthor #scrapsandwildgatheringsauthor #unfurledauthor #silversthreadsauthor #awildspiritlivesbeyondthegate #pennybeyondthegate #authoratbeyondthegatefarm #canonphotographers #Canon80D @ Beyond the Gate Gallery

22.01.2022 So folks this happened but contra to gossip... It's the building that we sold not our businesses. We decided that, to focus on our core businesses... art and poetry, ( @penny_at_beyond_the_gate_art ), reading, teaching, ( @daylesfordtarot ), we no longer needed the daily work of a retail outlet and so we will be moving, said core work, to a different location, to be revealed soon. David will be available by phone or zoom after we "leave the building" and from a locatio...n in town to be named shortly and my work will be available directly from myself or from my website until my new gallery is completed We remain at your service until a week or so before settlement in early December and will be announcing a huge stock and fittings sale in the next day or two... and discounts on some of my original pieces. An exciting announcement for us as a new journey evolves... it was written in the cards for a while now... then suddenly... it happened. Walk softly... walk the dream... be blessed... Penny See more

13.01.2022 Blogs up... the first for the new website

12.01.2022 Slowly... from blank and then textured canvas, I'm starting to lift layers and colours... it's a large piece and slow progress and this is just the backdrop to frame what's to come. Walk softly... don't rush the creative process... Awen /|\ ... Penny #lovemywork #wildnature #wildspirit... #OBODbard #natureart #naturewriter #naturephotographer #fineart #artdaylesford #beyondthegategallery #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #australiangalleries #wildspiritsoracleartistauthor #instillnessartistauthor #scrapsandwildgatheringsauthor #unfurledauthor #silversthreadsauthor #awildspiritlivesbeyondthegate #pennybeyondthegate #authoratbeyondthegatefarm #canonphotographers #Canon80D @ Beyond the Gate Gallery

09.01.2022 The wheel turns again and the world is somewhat difficult place to get one's head around. I'm finding this a very contemplative time... and decided, after today, the gallery (bricks and mortar) will close again... even without the further lockdown orders being made definate, I thought it right. I can work from home... and continue to send both original and print orders throughout Australia. Basically I feel I should not have to play copper to errant people... not have to ask ...people for their postcode evidence, when they know full well, they should not be travelling. Yes... I have to pay my way in the world like any other, and am dependent on support for my work getting out into the world like all small businesses but I will not encourage the breaches that are causing the virus to spread by being available in the flesh, so to speak. Chances are, by next Wednesday the new restrictions would see me close the gallery again anyway. Now It's Imbolc, seed/seedling planting time and I wish all my clients and friends a peaceful transition toward spring. It's sun-soak-up time. Bread baking time... painting and writing time... finishing projects time and time to get my head around what this all means for the whole of society. I'm not withdrawing... just stepping back from all the shocking hype and ill-advised info circulating, while remaining available to you via phone, email or website. Warm Imbolc blessings Walk softly... stay home when you can... see you in the otherside of Covid-19... Penny See more

06.01.2022 Ah... life in the fast lane restrictions mean even more home and studio time... no more little jaunts around the countryside... no visitors... no visiting... just slow days, finishing projects and updating the website with new pieces and prints for sale... I also have little greetings cards and large postcards, perfect to frame, of most, of the In Stillness collection... and soon many other wee prints. My books are also available to purchase. Life continues... we hop...e for relief soon... but we're all in for the long haul I think. Walk softly... stay safe... be blessed... Penny #lovemywork #wildnature #wildspirit #OBODbard #natureart #naturewriter #naturephotographer #fineart #artdaylesford #beyondthegategallery #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #australiangalleries #wildspiritsoracleartistauthor #instillnessartistauthor #scrapsandwildgatheringsauthor #unfurledauthor #silversthreadsauthor #awildspiritlivesbeyondthegate #pennybeyondthegate #authoratbeyondthegatefarm #canonphotographers #Canon80D @ Beyond the Gate Gallery

05.01.2022 Next book... playing with covers

03.01.2022 Sold, packaged and flying home today... Seeking the Mystery, original mixed media on archival cotton rag, framed in raw ash wood. Walk softly... be blessed... Penny

03.01.2022 So this is where it starts... a blank canvas a layer of gesso... a layer of sculpting past and crackle paste... then we see where it all ends up as colours blossom in the psyche. Home studio playtime Walk softly... take each creation step by step... be blessed... Penny

02.01.2022 The original of these three mixed media, ink and watercolour pieces, sold earlier this year but I am now making them available as prints... print only, print mounted or print mounted and framed. Contact me for price list of all sizes and frame options... info in bio. Walk softly... stay safe and well... Penny Visit my daily page too @penny_at_beyond_the_gate_art... #lovemywork #wildnature #wildspirit #OBODbard #natureart #naturewriter #naturephotographer #fineart #artdaylesford #beyondthegategallery #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #australiangalleries #wildspiritsoracleartistauthor #instillnessartistauthor #scrapsandwildgatheringsauthor #unfurledauthor #silversthreadsauthor #awildspiritlivesbeyondthegate #pennybeyondthegate #authoratbeyondthegatefarm #canonphotographers #Canon80D

01.01.2022 Imbolg or Lughnasadh, across the globe, it's as if we move into the season between seasons... neither one nor the other... my work has much to do with that in-between times and realms, seasons and cycles. Wherever you are in the world, celebrate life, nature, art, music, poetry... and a darn good book. Walk softly... be well... be blessed... Penny In solitude, I find myself standing... where sea and sand meet sky Alone, but not lonely, I ponder the timeless Soul that is 'I' Reflecting in quiet surrender realisation came with a jolt beyond the difference of gender a lonely thought; a lightning bolt We are all one in the centre our being; one and the same though along lonely paths we venture in solitude we merge... one flame Art and verse copyright Penny Reilly Giclee prints available to order... contact details in bio and on website. #lovemywork #wildnature #wildspirit #OBODbard #Ovate #Druid #natureart #naturewriter #naturephotographer #fineart #artdaylesford #beyondthegategallery #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #australiangalleries #wildspiritsoracleartistauthor #instillnessartistauthor #scrapsandwildgatheringsauthor #unfurledauthor #silversthreadsauthor #awildspiritlivesbeyondthegate #pennybeyondthegate #authoratbeyondthegatefarm #canonphotographers #Canon80D @ Beyond the Gate Gallery

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