Be Your Truth in Dee Why | Business service
Be Your Truth
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25.01.2022 You don’t have to be skilled in everything to raise happy, confident kids. You just need to have these five qualities in your parenting toolkit: Love. Boundaries. Flexibility. Interdependence. Listening... This is the perfect blend of firm and fair that will have your kids thriving.
24.01.2022 Do you listen to your kids' advice? Yes you have more experience than they do, especially when it comes to understanding consequences but they are living in the moment and experiencing the now. Some of their suggestions and explanations might actually be the smartest thing you hear all day.
24.01.2022 Wishing you, your family and all your friends a wonderful Christmas. Remember to be grateful for each other and to share what you are grateful for (keep breathing).
24.01.2022 Relationships are important because they open us up to new viewpoints and new possibilities. They test us, motivate us to try new pathways and question our ideas. No matter what relationship type it is; romantic, friendships or family we have an opportunity in these groups to learn and strengthen compassion, empathy, bravery, acceptance, compromise and self awareness. ... It is this, and not our social status or how many followers we have that makes us better people.
24.01.2022 Do you find it easy to admit to your kids that you’ve made a mistake? If so, how do you tell them or let them know? I Would love to hear the tips and techniques you use.
23.01.2022 Amazing skills you might not know about: Saying no with polite conviction. If we feel compelled to say yes to every request we give away not just our time, but also our energy and power. Learning how to say ‘No thank you’ is an incredibly rewarding skill. ... A dangerous flip-side to always saying yes, is that we feel that other people will be bound to say yes in return, which might hold us back from asking for help, for fear of placing an unwanted burden on someone else. When you practice saying no, you also learn that other people can say no too, which means you are more likely to ask for help, knowing they will only agree if they genuinely want to.
23.01.2022 Play is such an important part of your child’s development. Just like baby animals play to learn survival skills, the play your kids engage in is all about sharpening skills for their future lives. A great way to encourage play is to give your kids plenty of time without electronic devices and with plenty of props. Give them a pile of objects, clothes or even furniture and see what they create.
23.01.2022 An old rule of relationships is never go to bed angry: How good are you at making peace before going to bed?
22.01.2022 Get to know your triggers. Understanding what sets you off gets you halfway to resolving those past hurts and unresolved experiences that are preventing you from moving forward. Write down triggers when you notice them, and the emotions that you feel. ... Look for patterns, for example, you feel angry when you are ignored, guarded or argumentative when given instructions, or maybe feel threatened when criticised. Ask yourself what the original events might be that have fired off these old emotions.
22.01.2022 Know who you are? In three words, describe your personality in the comments below.
22.01.2022 Cheating in relationships breaks trust, and it doesn’t have to be about infidelity. Cheating can mean secrets around money and finances, around health and lifestyle, around extended family relationships. When lies and deceit is revealed most people say it’s the cover up that hurts more than the action. ... If you are holding secrets, no matter what they are, consider sitting with your partner and coming clean to them gently. Tell them you love them enough to be honest with them and let them speak their truth around their feelings afterwards.
22.01.2022 What are your kids best at?
21.01.2022 When teaching your child it’s always good to check-in to make sure your expectations of their results are in line with their abilities. Sometimes we can automatically expect them to behave or act in the same way an adult might, only they are smaller, their emotional reactions unharnessed and their physical and mental ability still developing. Do they need smaller steps to reach their goals, or perhaps more support or a slower process while they get the hang of it? ... Getting the sequence right is just a matter of watching their challenges, letting them set the pace or taking a moment to see the world from their point of view.
21.01.2022 What is your intention for today, or maybe this week?
21.01.2022 If you had never met your life partner, what would be the biggest skill or lesson missing in your life now?
19.01.2022 Relationship feeling strained? One of the things you might be finding yourself short of during COVID-19 is patience. In times of change we can push ourselves and our relationships to the limit trying to get back to a feeling of being normal. It's very normal to not feel right with so much going on, so many new rules and so much uncertainty. ... Things feel different because they are different, feeling out of sorts is completely okay. You and everyone around you are coping the very best way they can. Until normal returns, find ways to have fun and stay focused on your long-term goals.
19.01.2022 Give yourself a ten-minute breather. This time of year things can go at insane speeds. Be okay about taking a break just for you and stopping for just ten minutes. It’s so important to do this to maintain your energy levels and not go overboard on stress and anxiety. You can take ten minutes to sit and enjoy a coffee or listen to your playlist without the world falling apart! If on Christmas day you need to take a nap or go for a walk on your own.DO THAT. It’s your absolute right to look after yourself and be healthy inside and out.
15.01.2022 Feelings of obligations and SHOULDS at Christmas can make the season stressful, and even lead to resentment and burn out. There are no shoulds this Christmas. Make sure at least some part of your day is dedicated to what you want and need. Find that inner strength to stick up for yourself and say ‘no, thank you’ to ‘traditions’ and requests for your time that just don’t serve you. Create a tradition that is actually fun. If you sit in your pj's and eat toast instead of roast who cares? If you have kids or a partner they will just love having the day with you and you can create lasting memories. If you do have obligations you can’t get out of, ask for help getting them done to ease the stress and keep the obligations to your schedule.
15.01.2022 Public displays of goofiness: Do you feel okay about being silly and playful in public when you are with your kids? How often do you do it?
14.01.2022 Have guests coming over or taking your kids out and worried about their behaviour? Before your guests arrive or before you leave to go out, spend 10-15 minutes with each of your kids and fill up their love tank by giving them your absolute attention. Put away the phone and do an activity they choose (by their rules). ... Make sure the activity they pick will fit into the time-frame and make it something that has face to face interaction. They will feel so loved up they won’t mind that you are giving attention to other people and they won’t demand it from you during the visit.
12.01.2022 As 2020 continues to be the most unique years anyone has probably experienced in their lifetime, how many of us have found that we are neglecting our needs even more by either putting everyone else's needs before our own or being in denial as to what is happening right now? Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or that life feels like a hamster wheel? To support you, I have taken my Discover Your Truth - Women's Workshop online. ... Over a period of four weeks I will teach you how to: identify and release the old programs that no longer serve you, put your needs first guilt free, grow from the people and experiences in your life, identify the difference between an emotion and a feeling, shift your mindset to a positive mindset and much much more... Each session is 120 minutes long So if you are ready to get off that hamster wheel, boost your self-care and create some "me-time" then click on the link below. And for the men, please share the link with the ladies in your life!
10.01.2022 Yes you want to be in control of your reactions but that means choosing effective responses to get our needs met. It does not mean silencing our emotions, hiding our needs or shutting down inside. When we voice our feelings, goals and desires in ways that are direct, honest and vulnerable, we open channels for communication that lead to satisfying results. ... For example, instead of, 'Why are you always interrogating me as soon as I get in the door? You are so clingy. It drives me nuts', try, 'I know you want to hear about my day and spend time together, I want that too. I would really appreciate it if I can have 20 minutes to myself when I walk in the door, then I can settle down and share my day with you'.
09.01.2022 It’s never too late to reach out towards your dreams. Rather than ask your kids to do activities or learn the skill you wish you had of done as a child, go out there and learn it now. It’s just as possible as an adult and you’ll actually get to know what it’s like. ... It’s more satisfying for all of you and your kids will be keen to jump in too if they like what they see. Rather than just giving them the life you wanted, you can give them an experience that goes far deeper than the lesson itself.
09.01.2022 The more you laugh with your kids and just BE with them, the less fight they will put up when something important requires action. That means that when you put your foot down on those big and important issues there will be less push back because they feel empowered and important at other times in the day and week, so it’s not essential to their sense of self to put up a fight.
07.01.2022 Struggling to find calm in the current crisis? Here are a few things you can do to keep calm and carry on with a smile. 1. Focus on what’s really important. What matters most is the health of yourself and your family. 2. Ask for help. Not only will getting help reduce your stress levels and give you a boost, the person who supports you might have been looking for a feel-good activity, so you both win. 3. Fill up your love tank. Do activities (or maybe take some time to do a...bsolutely nothing) that have you feeling relaxed, inspired or energised. These will feed your inner-self and give you a feeling of deep satisfaction to get you through even the darkest of days. 4. Make sure you have a healthy way to release and let go of any unwanted emotions, remember all emotions are valid! Talk them out,write them out, take positive action or meditate and self reflect. 5. If you can, take a mini break within your state (or wherever you can travel). Even just a few days away, will leave you feeling refreshed. And if you find yourself needing some one on one support, then please send me a message and we can talk.
07.01.2022 What blunt question has your kid asked that you weren’t ready to answer? How did you handle it? Share below.
06.01.2022 Fantastic, the weekend is here! What would be your perfect couples or family weekend be like?
06.01.2022 Finding activities to do as a couple can be really simple. A walk around the block together gives you a great opportunity to talk about whatever is on your mind, see the neighbourhood, get some fresh air and stay active. Some things to keep in mind: Wear comfortable shoes, set a pace that both of you enjoy, and be okay about feet, and topics of conversation, wandering off the planned route.
05.01.2022 During this crisis, there is a lot of fear and uncertainty circling around us, and it can cause us to neglect our needs as we’re so busy trying to help others. How would your life look and feel if you used this time as an opportunity? An opportunity to reconnect with yourself, fill your cup, and build incredible energy.... Over four weeks, beginning Saturday 5 September, I’ll be running Be Your Truth online via Zoom to help you live a life of happiness! Learn more and grab your ticket here:
04.01.2022 If you have been through a break-up recently the best thing to do is take time to get to know yourself anew. Find out who you are and get to love yourself completely. While going on dates and finding new love might feel like a solution, it’s only a temporary band-aid over your pain, not a cure. Take the time to face your feelings, however uncomfortable they may be, this way you have something incredible to gain, new strength and understanding that will, in time, make your next relationship an even more rewarding one.
04.01.2022 Christmas get-togethers: After such a challenging year, who do you really want to spend time with the most?
03.01.2022 I absolutely agree with the idea that you need to break out of your comfort zone and do something that scares you, however, I also think that the activity you choose can lead you somewhere you really want to go. The things that scare us most are those that are preventing us from moving forward. Rather than a thrill ride, choose activities that will push through those walls blocking you from reaching your full potential and you will receive not just the feeling of energy and power that comes from doing something scary, but you will also have taken great big steps towards the life you truly want.
01.01.2022 What’s your favourite part of Christmas with your kids?
01.01.2022 When you invest in yourself, you teach yourself and others that your needs matter, and that your happiness is important! This is exactly what Cathy Neich did, and was able to gain clarity as well as reconnecting with her life purpose. I highly recommend Bianca and her workshops for any woman looking to find clarity or wants to ‘reconnect’ with themselves or their life purpose. Her presentation style is engaging and the content inspiring. I’m glad I took the time and invest...ed in myself. - Cathy Neich. The next Be Your Truth workshop starts September 5, and will be held across four online sessions. Learn more here: