BHR Papalia in Bunbury, Western Australia | Tax preparation service
BHR Papalia
Locality: Bunbury, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9791 5877
Address: 23 Spencer Street 6230 Bunbury, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 If you are an employer, there are some important changes happening to the super guarantee (SG) that will affect you and your employees. Find out all you need to know via our latest blog post: #bhrpapalia
25.01.2022 The team here at BHR Papalia are once again supporting the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal. We are donating and collecting presents and will be delivering them to Kmart on Thursday 17th December. If you would like to help out with a donation of any size, we would love for you to drop it in and put it under our Christmas tree before the 17th.
25.01.2022 Are you or your family members working from home? If so, heres a rundown of how to record your expenses so you can claim the deduction in this years tax return.
25.01.2022 Its business as usual but done a bit differently. Our accountants having their weekly catch up to discuss the latest in regards to Government packages including the Job Keeper Payment. The details of the Job Keeper Payment are still not finalized but our team are working through the information to get a thorough understanding of it all. If you have any questions or need help navigating these uncertain times, we are here to help. While our office maybe closed, we are all still working and you can reach us by emailing [email protected], message through Facebook or calling the office on 9791 5877 and a message will be passed on.
25.01.2022 The team here at BHR Papalia are continuing to work extremely hard for our valued clients but in line with government recommendations, effect as of today, our team members will be working from home. We are all still available and are here to help. We now request that all meetings be held by phone or video conference using an app such as Zoom. Please be assured that we are working business as usual, just not from one central location. To reach our team you can:... - call our office on 08 9791 5877 and leave a voicemail message which will be forwarded on to the relevant team member; - email them directly; - send an email to [email protected] and your message will be forwarded on; - message us here on Facebook. This is an incredibly unknown time for us all - but we are all in this together. The more we work with and support each other the easier this will be. Take care and stay safe.
24.01.2022 Please note due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, our office will be closed from today Monday 1st February until Friday 5th February as per the lockdown dates currently in place. It is business as usual and our will be team are working remotely so if you have any queries, please contact us.
22.01.2022 Last week Mitch & Kiko attended the Bunbury Cathedral Grammar Schools annual Careers Lunch where they spent time answering questions from students looking at starting a career in finance and accounting.
22.01.2022 We understand that we are facing a difficult time, not only as a business but as individuals and as a community in general. In response to the current Covid-19 pandemic we would like to assure all of our clients that the BHR team is closely monitoring the situation and preparing our business plans accordingly. Now more than ever is the time that you may be looking to us for support. Please be assured that we are still operating as normal and we are here to do what we do bes...t; provide advice, support and service. Team safety and client service are our primary priorities and we have put in place precautions to limit the potential spread of the virus. Effective immediately, we will be following the guidelines below: OUR CLIENTS * Meetings in our office we request that all meetings and appointments with our team are to be held via digital means, either phone or via video-conferencing until further notice. Please contact our administration team to arrange an appointment when necessary. * Document collection / drop off while our office is still open we do request that visits to our office are limited. We encourage documentation to be emailed or posted where possible. Alternatively we will have a drop off letterbox setup at our front door for those who do not wish to enter the building. * Communicating on your behalf we are here to be your link to the ATO and other agencies to request payment arrangements, lodgement deferrals etc. * Advice be it a shoulder to lean on or to give advice to help your business through these uncertain times, we are here. OUR TEAM * Staff-to-staff interaction we have limited closed-door meetings to essential matters, maintaining 1.5 metres distance from other team members and will avoid gatherings of more than two people in the office. * Seminars/Workshops conducted by BHR all seminars and workshops to be held digitally until further notice. * Training sessions all training is to be conducted digitally until further notice. OUR OFFICE * Office cleanliness we have hand sanitisers available at reception and on all desks. We will regularly clean and wipe down high usage areas such as door handles and desk tops. * Office hours - at this point in time, we are still running our business as usual. We are fortunate that if necessary, we can have team members work remotely and this should not affect our service to our clients. We will continue to keep you informed of any changes that may affect you or our business. You can keep up to date with latest announcements on our Facebook page. Here we will share links about Government announcements such as the stimulus package and also updates about our office operations. For now, stay safe, happy and well. We are all in this together as a community and we will get through it.
20.01.2022 Check out all the presents about to be taken off to our local Kmart store for the annual Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal. A massive thank you to our generous team and clients for their donations to this great cause. Itll be sure to a smile on a lot of faces on Christmas day.
20.01.2022 Just a reminder that our office will be closed from 5pm today and we will reopen at 830am Monday 6th January. If you have any urgent matters that require our assistance during this time, please send an email to [email protected] and well be in touch. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas and a fantastic 2020!
18.01.2022 Next Thursday, 19th December 2019, will be our last working day for the year! We will be back to business as usual on Monday 6th January 2020. From everyone here at BHR Papalia, we would like to wish all of our clients, colleagues and friends a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy 2020. PS - this is a rare occurrence of having everyone at BHR in the one photo It took some coordination but we got there
18.01.2022 If you salary sacrifice into super, youre about to get a free boost. Under current super rules, employers can reduce their mandated 9.5 per cent super contributions when you salary sacrifice, on the technicality that you have reduced your salary. Effectively, they can pay super only on what is left of your salary after you salary sacrifice.
18.01.2022 We want our team to love working at BHR Papalia, and we are continuously working on improving our workplace culture. We feel that if our team love what they do, this will give our clients the best service and experience possible. This is why we came up with YOU DAY - an initiative of our team members where everyone is able to take a Friday afternoon off and do something for themselves that they may not otherwise take time out to do. Check out what our team got up to
16.01.2022 We welcome the announcement from the Australian Banking Association that Australian banks will defer loan repayments for small businesses affected by COVID-19 f...or six months. To find out more about this announcement, and access additional information on how to deal with the impacts of coronavirus on your business, visit: See more
16.01.2022 The festive season can be tricky to navigate through, with a variety of HR challenges you may face. This is the time of year when holiday and overtime issues may arise, including personal and work commitments clashing, employer expectations, overtime requirements and pay rates, etc. Weve put together some ideas on what employers can do to prepare for this festive season and to ensure everyone is ready for the Christmas / New Year period.
16.01.2022 PAYROLL TAX Is your business liable for payroll tax? Do you know the measures put in place by the Government to support businesses affected by COVID-19? In summary:... 1. PAYROLL TAX WAIVER: a) If your taxable wages were less than $5 million at 29 Feb 2020, payroll tax will be waived for your March - June 2020 returns. b) If your taxable wages were $5 million or more at 29 Feb 2020 you can apply to defer lodging and paying until July 2020. c) If you expect taxable wages to be more than $7.5 million at 30 June 2020 you can apply for an interest free payment arrangement. 2. GRANT PAYMENT You will receive a one-off grant of $17,500 if your taxable wages were between $1 million - $ 4 million in the 2019 financial year. If you were not previously registered for Payroll Tax, your 2020 taxable wages will be used to determine if you are eligible for this grant. The grant will be made once your 2020 annual reconciliation has been completed. 3. THRESHOLD INCREASE From 1st July 2020 the threshold for requirement to register and pay Payroll Tax will be increased to $1 million. This increase has been brought forward from the planned effective date of 1 January 2021. For more details check out
16.01.2022 Single Touch Payroll, or STP, is the new way of reporting payroll information to the ATO. Businesses used to report this information to the ATO once a year but it now done after each pay run is processed. Business with 20 or more staff had to make the switch and start reporting by STP in July 2018 and small business with less than 20 staff should have started reporting by STP from 1 July 2019. Have you made the switch yet? If not, you need to get STP compliant as soon as p...ossible. Its not as scary or complicated as it sounds and the best part is we are here to help. Check out this article for some information about STP and what it means to your business.
16.01.2022 Our Director Hugh McDonnell recently participated in a motorbike adventure that took him and eight companions from Perth, across the Nullarbor and all the way to Canberra. The Annual Wall to Wall Motorbike Ride commemorates fallen Police Officers throughout the recent history of Australia. Hugh has been part of this ride for the last five years. When you travel around this country you truly find out what an amazingly diverse place it is that we live in. We are all very, very... fortunate and have indeed won lifes lottery, Hugh said This recent ride has become the subject of a photo book, compiled by Supt. George Loverock (retired). The book is available for sale. Check out the great pictures and commentary at
15.01.2022 Working from home is now the new normal for the BHR Papalia team and anyone else not on the front line of keeping vital services up and running. Weve put together a few tips for working from home success. One of these tips should be to keep your fur kids close by for company
14.01.2022 We are proud to sponsor the Bunbury Fringe Festival once again, and the countdown is on until the 2021 festival which starts this Friday! We are looking forward to what will be another great event in Bunbury. See you there!
12.01.2022 Parliament have recently introduced a new casual employee definition. What does this mean for you and your business? Find out via our latest blog post: #BHRPapalia
12.01.2022 BHR Papalia will be closed on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th January. We will be returning to the office on Wednesday 27th January. We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend!
12.01.2022 Keep up to date with the latest Government announcement. The Jobkeeper Payment is by far a complex area so please reach out to our team if you need more information or help understanding the implications of this and other stimulus package announcements.
10.01.2022 Hows everyone going out there? Weve been back at the office for a few months now, getting set for the new financial year and hopefully a brighter second half to 2020!
10.01.2022 Annualised Wage Arrangements. Have you heard about the new rules brought in by the Fair Work Commission affecting annual salaries? This new ruling will affect several awards and came into effect on the 1st March. Read more here to see if your business will be impacted by these changes.
10.01.2022 The WA Government has announced its planned $114 million relief package for small businesses.
09.01.2022 Technology - love it or hate it, it has definitely played a significant part in a lot peoples lives over the last few weeks. Zoom, Slack, Teams, Team Viewer, Hangout, Face Time are just a few that would have seen an increase in users lately. We have been able to implement an app which means our individual mobile phones now replicate the in-office phone system. So we are able to answer and transfer your calls again! What apps or programs have you implemented to make working... remotely or from home easier? The team are nearing the end of our 3rd week of all working from home and it now feels normal. Well nearly, apart from the lack of good coffee and having a few junior assistants who dont want to work
09.01.2022 The team here at BHR Papalia are again throwing their support behind the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal. Kmart and the Salvation Army combine to help support those doing it tough. With 3 million Australians living under the poverty line, Christmas can be an extremely stressful time of year. By donating a present, purchasing a voucher or even making a cash donation in store or online, Kmart and the Salvation Army can ensure that those who need it the most get to enjoy Christmas... as well. Last year, the Appeal collected more than 200,000 gifts across Australia! Our team will be donating and collecting presents and vouchers and delivering them to our local Kmart on Thursday 19th December. If you can help out with a donation of any size, please feel free to drop it in under our Christmas Tree at 23 Spencer Street.
08.01.2022 The BHR Papalia team are proud to have been made platinum partners with Xero in August! Thanks to all of our clients for coming on the journey with us.
07.01.2022 The Government has announced a $17.6 billion investment package to support the economy as we brace for the impact of the coronavirus. The yet to be legislated four part package focuses on business investment, sustaining employers and driving cash into the economy. What does this mean for you?... FOR BUSINESSES: 1. Business investment - Increase and extension of the instant asset write-off - Accelerated depreciation deductions 2. Cash flow assistance for small and medium sized business - Tax-free payments up to $25,000 for employers - Wage subsidy of up to 50% of an apprentice or trainee wage 3. Targeted support for severely affected sectors, regions and communities FOR INDIVIDUALS: 4. Household stimulus payments to drive cash into the economy in the form of a tax-free $750 payment to social welfare recipients. Find out more about the package here If you wish to discuss how this package can benefit your business, please contact us on 9791 5877.
06.01.2022 The Bunbury Fringe Festival is in full swing again for 2020. Head on over to their page to check out what is happening. The festival runs until the 8th February and there are still some great shows coming up.
06.01.2022 Carried Forward Contributions. We all know by now that we are limited to putting $25,000 of concessional contributions into our superannuation fund each financial year. While this amount has been significantly reduced from $100,000 in 2008 - but there is a window of opportunity to top it up, starting with the 2019 financial year. ... Check out for more information or get in touch with us to find out how to make this opportunity work for you.
06.01.2022 Last week Mitch & Kiko attended the Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School's annual Careers Lunch where they spent time answering questions from students looking at starting a career in finance and accounting.
06.01.2022 Brian Hotker is a stalwart of BHR Papalia. For over 25 years, Brian has led the business to what it is today by mentoring the team and giving clients absolutely everything that they needed to get things done. With retirement on the doorstep, we caught up with Brian to discuss his career and the people that have helped to shape it along the way. Thanks Brian for the last 25 years!
05.01.2022 Need some help with Xero and your end of financial year planning? Check out this upcoming workshop in Busselton, run by our very own Kiko Willers in conjunction with Business Advisory South West and Peel. This is a Q&A style workshop to prepare new business owners for the end of the year. It highlights areas where business owners need to focus before 30 June, and what measures need to be taken depending on the circu...mstances. It is an open-ended discussion that helps business people start thinking strategically about tax. The Xero portion of the presentation is a demonstration of what the platform can do for small businesses and how it can help owners manage their affairs. It also provides a practical example of how to identify the need for some tax planning.
05.01.2022 We cant believe its already a week into February already! The rest of this financial year is just going to fly by no doubt. To help keep your business on track in the lead up to the end of the financial year, weve prepared a calendar of handy dates for the remainder of the financial year. Head on over to our website here to download a copy.
04.01.2022 BHR Papalia are proud to partner with numerous local businesses who are excelling in their industries and making an impact on their communities. This month we are spotlighting Eaton Community Pharmacy, an independent local pharmacy who recently celebrated their 10th birthday as a thriving local business in Eaton.
03.01.2022 This is an incredibly unknown time for us all - but we are all in this together. The more we work with and support each other the easier this will be. We have included some information regarding the Government Stimulus Packages along with some tips and advice in one place, to make it easier for you. We are always here should you like to discuss any of this or just have a chat!
02.01.2022 Some helpful information attached for Businesses and Not-for-profits around the JobKeeper payments. If you have any questions, please call us on 9791 5877 and speak with your accountant today.
02.01.2022 Need help with Xero and end of year financial planning? Weve got another online session coming up with Reon Tither of BHR Papalia to help you get properly set... up and ready to navigate the coming months. April 7 - 9.30am Book >>
02.01.2022 Last Saturday some of the team attended the Annual Summit Realty Charity event. Thanks to Summit Realty for the opportunity to support such a special cause. We had a fabulous night!
02.01.2022 PAYROLL CHANGES Changes to personal income tax thresholds took place on October 13. Employers and other payers have until November 16 to implement these changes into their payroll. See below further information. Please contact our bookkeeping team on 9791 5877 if you have any questions.
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