Bianca Jagoe Illustration + Design | Artist
Bianca Jagoe Illustration + Design
Phone: +61 466 281 926
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23.01.2022 I’ve been finding it hard to notice colour in my days lately, so to speak, so for the past few days I’ve been trying to make myself more aware of my surroundings. Feel free to share the colour of something you’ve noticed recently #biancamakeslists
22.01.2022 Is it just me or are brothers in law really hard to buy gifts for?! This year with some collective brainstorming with my sister, I made my brother in law @dr._sull some stickers for his home brew batch. I’m going to make him a couple of different colour options to correspond to his different coloured bottle caps/types of beer. You can swipe through to see the stickers and my initial sketch.
22.01.2022 I’ve been designing some free printable items for Sanctum Body’s lovely monthly newsletter. They have just opened up a sweet little tea room on Brisbane Street in Launceston called Tisane. For March I made these free printable tea themed bookmarks - I laminated mine. If you want to sign up to their newsletter you can see more of these little free printables of mine as I make ‘em! To download the bookmarks: To sign up to Sanctum’s monthly newsletter:
21.01.2022 A work in progress video of a poster I made for a couple featuring every theatre show they attended in their 2 years living in the UK - can you even believe it?! Definitely the most hand lettering I’ve done in a single commissioned piece! Lots of work but lots of fun!
21.01.2022 Three posters I designed recently for local events. If you’re putting on a bushfire relief fundraising event and you need a poster, I’d be happy to make you one for free
20.01.2022 I was looking through my Procreate files at the work I’ve made over the past year. There were lots of things I didn’t share here, lots of portraits, logos and chalkboard lettering jobs and a few illustrations I made for @getmessyartjournal that I hadn’t shared before. I thought this particular piece was a good vibe bring with me into 2021, so I wanted to share it - maybe it resonates with you too? I hope you’re having a lovely first day of the new year whatever you’re up to
19.01.2022 If anyone from YouTube wants to buy the rights to Theo’s song, he only wants 1 million dollars.
19.01.2022 Some kitschy Launceston suburb pretend stickers.
18.01.2022 I was putting Dominic to sleep a few weeks ago (that’s how long it takes for me to do a drawing these days after I have an idea ) after a rough day together and while I was holding him with the light out and going through our little nighttime ritual (usually I sing him a song and hold him and sway before putting him down), I just had a little thought that - this is important work. Sometimes the minutia and mundanities of parenting feel like they’re taking up space in which I could be doing other ‘work’, but really I know, this is the most important work. PS. I was tempted to caption this picture ‘moments before Dominic head butted his mother’ Because that’s become one of his favourite past times of late.
17.01.2022 Taking inspiration from @juliarothman again this year for my New Years intentions. What are yours?
15.01.2022 Some resolutions for the coming year. Tell me yours!
15.01.2022 My highlights of 2019! Tell me yours!
15.01.2022 A piece made for Get Messy Art recently.
15.01.2022 A really fun illustration commission I worked on last week for an Alice In Wonderland loving lady’s birthday (aptly named Alicen!).
14.01.2022 My internet pal Laura started a travelling journal this year and I was lucky enough to receive it in the mail to add a few of my own pages. The theme was ‘what I did today’ and I took forever to complete mine (thanks for your patience Laura ), because I kept thinking that none of my days were interesting enough to document - sitting at my computer doing uni work, walking my dogs, hanging out with my children, etc. But I think the spirit of the thing is that the mundane daily... details of life ARE interesting to document and contrast to others’. So I completed my pages yesterday and I’ll finally post it back to Laura today. I did a project a few years ago where I illustrated my day for 7 days and it was a really fun mindful exercise. I definitely don’t have the time to do it with any regularity but I thought it would be a fun occasional bullet journal addition. See more
14.01.2022 I made some little fan art to demonstrate my love for Parasite.
12.01.2022 Respect for sandwiches.
10.01.2022 This was a fun job I did for Get Messy Art recently. The quote was said by the partner of an art journaler when she asked him to look after the kids while she made art with friends online - obviously meant as a bit of shade, but a perfect answer to what art journaling is It reminded me of the obstacles that often contribute to mums’ inability to take time for creative pursuits (not least their partners implying that it is an indulgence). Motherhood is not supposed to eras...e who you are. Motherhood and creativity can be compatible. There’s a quote by Erika Hayasaki that says Diaper changes might cut into the time spent on creative work, but they don’t cut out the drive to do it. When inspiration strikes, we often have to file it away & wait for the right moment. Ultimately though, feeling fulfilled creatively makes me a better parent. Some things I’ve learnt about creativity and motherhood: + Creativity loves limits & motherhood is full of inspiration and limits. + Keep creative projects accessible so that you can get straight into them when you get a burst of time/inspiration. + Be creative about ways to be creative. The process/medium/inspiration might not look how it used to, embrace it. + Find, make & value the opportunities to express yourself. Schedule it in. + Write everything down for later. Then you’ll have a bunch of ideas already written down to action and expand upon. + Boredom is important, often this time yields tiny sparks of ideas. + Get it done when your kids ARE around. Let them see you do it. A mum who is sometimes distracted by her creative pursuits is better than mum who is sad and unfulfilled. + Include your children in creative activities & encourage them to value it as you do. + Connect with other creative people online & get inspired, but do not use them as a yard stick for productivity. + Better done than perfect. Just start the creative activity & give yourself over to the process. + Guilt is not conducive to creativity - give yourself permission to indulge in the activity. + Give yourself grace. Perfectionism & motherhood are truly incompatible, as are perfectionism & creativity. What are your experiences?
10.01.2022 I saw Morganized Living use the hashtag #nonaptimehustle recently & it really resonated with me. Being someone who craves organisation & the little dopamine buzz you get from productivity, I struggle to truly wind down when I’m not ON with my children. When Dom has his (sadly now singular) day nap, I hustle - I try to get as much housework & freelance work done as humanly possible, so that I’m not having to try to juggle it while he’s awake. But by the time he wakes up, I fe...el annoyed I didn’t get more time & I’m craving a moment to myself to stare at my phone, read my book or have a quiet cup of tea. There’s a tug of war, of trying to get as much done while children are asleep/away & be present with them while they’re awake, often at the expense of genuine time for relaxation, recreation & self care. I have definitely attached guilt to what I’ve perceived as ‘doing nothing’ during nap times. At the same time, I think there’s nothing wrong with doing housework while your children are awake where possible - it’s a necessity & children shouldn’t be oblivious to the work that goes on to keep a household going & should be invited to participate (Theo often helps me unpack the dishwasher & Dom likes to put washing in the washing machine). AND children should see their parents relaxing/doing self care too. I think there’s also a feeling for SAHP, of needing proof you’ve done enough during the day, as if just taking care of children isn’t enough. My partner would never come home, look around at a messy house and say What did you do today?, but he would say Did you get a chance to do anything for yourself today?. I guess what ‘no naptime hustle’ means to me is making sure that time isn’t wasted away on tasks that aren’t time sensitive, just in the name of productivity. Lately I’ve been setting a timer of an evening, 5-10 mins per room & just doing a bit of a basic reset & I’m trying not to fill up my planner with tasks just to box tick that will only eat up time & aren’t essential. So today in naptime I’m going to finish my book & eat some cake (& also hang out a load of washing & work on a freelance job, if my 2 most important tasks are done ).
09.01.2022 A fun recent commission. Love me some Dolly
08.01.2022 Hello January This is my first monthly spread for 2021, but I doubt my subsequent monthly spreads will be able to command this much time from me I did most of this design with gouache while listening to the audiobook of Ready Player Two. My lovely step sister bought me a bunch of new Winsor & Newton gouache paints for Christmas as most of my old ones had dried in the tubes. If you’re thinking you need some more organisation in the year to come, I implore you to try bulle...t journaling. It definitely doesn’t have to be as elaborate or self indulgent as this spread, haha. It’s a really nice system for organising your thoughts, planning, taking stock, gratefulness, being mindful, looking to the future. I recently read Ryder Carrol’s book The Bullet Journal Method - he invented the bullet journal method. It was amazing to see all of the different ways that people use this system and benefit from it. I’m thinking of doing some posts about the basics of bullet journaling soon for anyone who might be keen to know more. See more
07.01.2022 Just some pictures of me and my biggest boy very-much-no-longer-a-baby-#babyjagoe
04.01.2022 Here’s another spread from my 2021 bullet journal, my ‘year at a glance’ or ‘future log’, where I put birthdays and anniversaries and significant events. Here’s hoping we get to celebrate more of these occasions with loved ones again in 2021
03.01.2022 I made this illustration a few weeks ago featuring Launceston suburb names and have some limited edition prints if you’d like one. They are unframed 8 x 8 inch silk matte prints and $2 from the sale of each print will be donated to the Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania who help out new Launcestonians! You can purchase one here: OR send me a private message with your email address and I’ll make you an invoice
03.01.2022 I’ve been doing lots of nice freelance jobs lately, but they’re all Christmas presents, so I can’t share them yet! This one is a present I made for my lovely neighbour Kim - a drawing of her house.
02.01.2022 I decorated this ukulele, which Barratt’s Music donated, to be raffled off tomorrow night at the bushfire relief concert at The Royal Oak Hotel in Launceston (I’ve included a copy of the poster if you’re keen!).
02.01.2022 This is a fun logo project I worked on with Lucy Mccarroll over the past few weeks. She was super patient with me as I juggled child wrangling and study to get this done and I’m so pleased she was happy with the result. I’ve shared some slides that show the process. We met up in person on a super hot day in December and sat under a tree and she told me what vibe she was going for with her new massage studio, she shared her Pinterest mood board with me and colours and type styles she liked and then I made up some thumbnails and we went from there. Lucy is a delight and I am definitely going to book myself a massage with her ASAP and so should you!
02.01.2022 Similar to yesterday’s post, this is my bullet journal spread for things that people recommend to me. Feel free to give me some things to add!