BICWA | Agriculture
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25.01.2022 Hi all, in case you havent seen there is a Bee event streaming live June 20. Click the link to get your tickets
22.01.2022 #tuesdaytrivia To ensure everyones safety, anyone selling honey, or any food for that matter, must have a food registration with their local council. Selling... honey out of your backyard hive is not appropriate unless you have valid registration. Giving it away as gifts to friends and family is fine though! See more
22.01.2022 Please remember if you pack more than 1500kg per year you are required to pay the federal levy to Dept 4.6cents per kg. See link
21.01.2022 This weekend tickets online here
21.01.2022 Cancellation BICWA Conference 2020 In the light of the recent developments around the COVID-19 and following the Governments advice, we have decided to cancel this years event. We are still powering ahead to create a fantastic event for 2021 - DATE: 29th June - 3rd July. More infos on this channel or our webpage:
20.01.2022 In case you arent aware, great place to get updates on all beekeeping information. You can subscribe to the email newsletter too!
20.01.2022 Information on recent finding of AHB and varroa Jacobsoni in Townsville. Another Biosecurity reason for all beekeepers to support AHBIC financially.
19.01.2022 Such sad senseless destruction
17.01.2022 So Important that we understand the value of our South West Forest.
17.01.2022 Marri looking beautiful, lots of nectar and pollen
16.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS - to Luke de Laeter, 'Winner of the Australian Meeting of Young Beekeepers 2020'. Luke was meant to compete in the International Meeting of Young Beekeepers in Slovenia in July 2020. Due to the uncertain health development around the globe, Luke will not travel to Slovenia. We keep you updated. You find more infos on Luke's journey here:
15.01.2022 World Bee Day celebrated by Australian researchers The Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Honey Bee Products, which works to sustain and improve Australias ...honey bees, is celebrating World Bee Day (20th May). Since starting in late 2017, the CRC had attracted more than sixty researchers from a diverse range of scientific, arts and engineering fields to focus on the honey bee. This is not surprising as due to their combined effect on ensuring pollination services, the value of managed and wild honey bees to the agricultural and horticultural industries in Australia is estimated at $14.2 billion. Work focused on honey bee health and honey bee products allows the industry to better understand and promote the benefits and the quality of local honeys, said CRC for Honey Bee Products CEO Liz Barbour. The CRC for Honey Bee Products has created a Geographic Information System database of honey bees favourite flora, tracked the timely production of nectar and pollen for their sustenance and equated the value of each floral zone for honey production, Dr Barbour explained. This is helping provide knowledge for a growing industry and allows them to harness crucial bee foraging resources. While Australia is known for its peroxide-bioactive Eucalypt honeys, amongst the flora the CRC genetically-defined as bioactive, it is Leptospermum species that can produce the highest-grade Manuka honey. Protecting the integrity of local honey products is also important, particularly in export markets. Australia-wide, the honey bee industry has its own quality assurance system, B-QUAL and the CRC partnership will provide the digital platform so that honey bee product traceability from our wild forests to customer can be assured, continued Dr Barbour. Australia is the lucky country for honey bee health and the CRC is aiming to keep it this way. The CRC is also developing a new set of tools including real-time disease detection and long-range electronic monitoring as well as building the immunity-defence of our bees and malnutrition detection to avoid colony collapse. With more than 30 projects running in the CRC it is an exciting place to bee. See more
15.01.2022 Great innovation for our industry
14.01.2022 BEEKEEPER INPUT SOUGHT One of the outcomes of the WA Honey Research and Development Group (WAHRDG) projects, managed by ChemCentre, is a model to predict Marri honey harvests. An initial model has been developed, based primarily on BOM weather data and satellite vegetation information (see the peer-reviewed publication at the link below if you're interested). To improve the model, further harvest data from beekeepers is required, to be collected in a confidential manner and ...stored in a de-identified database that will not be shared beyond the researchers directly involved in the model development. It is planned to use the additional data to launch a geospatial portal in December 2020 for beekeepers to see the weather and Marri harvest predictions. A beta-version of this portal is already avilable for participants to access. The detailed objectives of the next stage are: - Improve the model from Marri harvest data from a wider range of climates and soil types - Improve the weather input data (esp. use of DPIRD rain-radar) - Incorporate bushfire history into the model. This includes calibration of satellite metrics to quantitatively measure burn severity and recovery rates - Develop predictive models for other species/areas (Jarrah and the Banksia woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plan are the targets) If you are interested in participating in this research, please contact Tristan Campbell via [email protected]
13.01.2022 Congratulations Luke
12.01.2022 For anyone looking at packing their own honey this is a great detailed look at the requirements.
12.01.2022 BICWA has received the following communication from our Biosecurity team at DPIRD. DPIRD understands there is angst about how the intrastate movement conditions coming into effect tonight (i.e. movements across regional boundaries) and how it will impact industry. These new restrictions are not a DPIRD determined enforced restriction. They have been determined by the Premier and will be implemented by WAPOL... I can assure you that there is no intent to stop essential work which covers agriculture and food production, and the WA Police Commissioner has reiterated that. Unless advice changes, we ask that beekeepers please note the following when travelling for beekeeping purposes: Keep your current DPIRD issued Beekeeper Registration card with you Ensure all your hives are branded in accordance with current legislative requirements That you have appropriate signage to install at new location in accordance with current legislative requirements Maintain records in accordance with current legislative requirements Please advise current hive numbers directly to Brands Office (if different to what is recorded on system) An extract from Biosecurity and Agriculture (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) 2013 is available, please email [email protected] if you would like a copy. (sorry couldn't attach) If there are any updates or changes, DPIRD is in direct contact with the Bee Industry Council of Western Australia who will be provided any updates in the first instance. Should you have brand related queries, please contact DPIRD Brands Office on 1300 926 547 or email [email protected] If you have a bee biosecurity concern please email [email protected]
11.01.2022 Missing out on beekeeping information in this isolation are you available June 20? Then see this link
10.01.2022 Thanks Glen Sorensen and others for getting this page up and running. About time we begin to share the same message. After all unity, sustainability, security ...and pure passion are the reasons why I continue to work the hours I do. It would be great for those unaware of the work our industry bodies do to protect the interests of all beekeepers to head on over and like and share their pages. Queensland Beekeepers' Association Inc New South Wales Apiarists Association South Australian Apiarist Association - SAAA West Australian Apiarists Society. Victorian Apiarists Association And the national body Australian Honey Bee Industry Council Apologies to the NSWAA, VAA, SAA & WAAS as I was unable to tag them in this post. Great to see some of the previous season posts. Were all praying for a return to regular rainfall events and subsequent a bumper honey flow in regions across the country. Great page. #SupportAussieBeekeepers #australianhoney #beesneedtrees #Queenslandbeekeepers #Queenslandbeekeepersassociation
09.01.2022 Like to learn about bees, beekeeping and how to become a beekeeper plus experience the difference in honey flavours. Come join us at the Bees2Honey Festival the Gidgegannup small Farm Field day, lots of exciting innovations in sustainability. Sunday May 24th Like to have a stall? Email [email protected]
08.01.2022 Today a letter went off to the Minister for Environment which is self explanatory. Although it seems we are not making headway, it feels like due to continued action there are cracks forming......
08.01.2022 Suggest all beekeepers carry their DPIRD beekeepers registration card with them at all times in transit. Please share this with your beekeeping associates. This is the official advice (overarching view) for WA agriculture and food supplies in and out of WA it also by allowing this movement covers intrastate movement of livestock (which includes bees). ... New border restrictions are now in place for Western Australia. Under the State of Emergency declaration, a Direction was enforced from 1.30pm on 24 March 2020 to restrict Western Australian borders to limit the spread of COVID-19. This Direction applies to all travellers via road, sea, air and rail. All non-essential interstate travel should be avoided. Unless exempted, arrivals from interstate are ordered to self-isolate for 14 days. Exemptions for primary production The Direction includes exemptions for essential services and workers, which apply to: freight and logistics services into and out of Western Australia people with specialist skills critical to maintaining key industries and businesses, including those employed or engaged in agricultural or primary industries who are required to be physically present in WA. This provision ensures agricultural production and food supplies, such as fresh produce, meat, processed products and livestock, can continue to be transported. Police Officers and Responsible Officers will provide instructions to essential service providers about the principles they will need to follow. Travellers are urged to be patient and follow the instructions of checkpoint officers. More information is available from the WA Government website. Also for your reference is Fed Minister's media release regarding agriculture and primary producers:
08.01.2022 7 tickets to sell for this movie to go ahead
07.01.2022 The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) is working closely with AgriFutures Australia to realise an industry-wide communication plan to promote the importance of bees. The pathway focuses on Australian honey bee industry unity, professionalisation and premium offerings.
07.01.2022 PhD candidate, Shannon Holt, discusses her project with the CRC for Honey Bee Products. Her research focuses on evaluating the immune responses of bees and the implications for resilience.
05.01.2022 Did you know, that AgriFutures Australia provides access to a wide range of publications designed to help inform decisions made by Australian rural industries, and to contribute to policy debate on rural issues of national and international significance. Click here for recent publications:
05.01.2022 AHBIC is campaigning to stop the use of imported beeswax. Australian beeswax is pure and needs to stay that way. The full article can be found on AHBIC webpage / latest news. AHBIC asked that you send samples of imported beeswax to AHBIC for testing. The sample size is about 100g, if foundation two sheets will be needed. Make sure you include the contact details of person submitting the sample, ... where purchased, when and how it was advertised, and was it sold as pure beeswax or as Australian beeswax. Send your samples to: Trevor Weatherhead Chair Australian Honey Bee Industry Council Inc. 1416 Middle RoadPeak Crossing Qld 430
05.01.2022 Help required! Needing some ideas for speakers for this year and next years conference . What would you like to know more about? Have you read or seen something that youd like to see presented here in WA ?
04.01.2022 COVID-19. BICWA is interacting with DPIRD to ensure that WA beekeepers' movement within WA is not impeded and we are considered an Essential Service. This is not just for hive relocation for (honey) production, but also for pollination services, queen rearing, bee health and for beekeepers being able to source locations in first instance for bee health, access to retailers and suppliers as well as ongoing maintenance of hives.... Please be advised that your BICWA committee are ensuring that we are in the conversation as an important stakeholder for immediate and foreseeable future. If you have any concerns please email [email protected] or telephone Leilani 0428290029.
04.01.2022 Plants for a bee friendly garden - specially in winter.
02.01.2022 AHBIC media release: Beekeepers don't use imported beeswax foundation.
02.01.2022 Did you know? It is a legal requirement if a beekeeper packs over 1500kg of honey (and doesn’t deliver it to a packer, who will pay it on your behalf) that they must declare this and pay the 4.6c per kg levy due to the Federal Dept Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE). This can be lodged annually or quarterly but you need to apply for a Levies Revenue Service (LRS) number. Please go to this link for further information or phone 1800 900 090. Please look after your industry biosecurity by supporting this valuable service that supports us. Please share this information to your networks.
02.01.2022 Workshop & Network opportunity by the CRC HBP HONEY BEE HACKATHON 2020 WA has the purest honey bee products in the world, and we need to protect our healthy bees. In a day and a half you will learn about WA's honey bee industry, share your product ideas and develop them, with guidance, into products for the export market. On Friday evening, the Hackathon begins with hearing from the commercial beekeepers, honey bee product packers and successful product development storie...s. After drinks and a light dinner, Hackathon-ers take the floor with your ideas and forming teams for their development. Saturday is the working day - business model development, product and market validation, coaching by experts, pitch preparation and then pitching to a panel, feedback and wrap-up. The concept voted to most likely meet challenge will be awarded $500. See more
01.01.2022 A great information piece before you get started in bees.
01.01.2022 Please click on the link below for the pdf with details. We are primary producers and therefore fall under Specialist skills item 7(l). In basic terms, if intended travel does not meet these requirements, people should not travel. If they think they meet the requirements, they should have evidence of their travel need. This would be your up to date DPIRD registration card. Should you have brand related queries, please contact DPIRD Brands Office on 1300 926 547 or email [email protected] If you have a bee biosecurity concern please email [email protected]
01.01.2022 For the latest updates and travel information to COVID-19 visit our webpage.