Koru Collective Wellness in Perth, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Koru Collective Wellness
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 423 275 616
Address: 91 Eighth Avenue, Maylands 6051 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: https://www.thekorucollective.com
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25.01.2022 Magical words from the magical Halley. It is an honour to be able to do this work and I am in awe of the courageous souls who allow me to hold space for them to return to their own internal knowing, strength and love.
25.01.2022 Save the date! The last day retreat was so wonderfilled and the attendees all had such amazing experiences. I am beyond excited to move into this next one. I have honoured the many requests to facilitate two breath journeys for the next retreat. Not only does breathwork accommodate us on many spiritual and emotional levels, there are so many health benefits to this mode of conscious connected breathing. "Breathing is the first place, not the last, one should look when fatigue, disease, or other evidence of disordered energy presents itself" - Sheldon Saul Hendler
25.01.2022 Yin Yoga penetrates deep into connective tissue, joints and fascia while targeting the meridian lines throughout the body - releasing stagnation or increasing the energy flow throughout the meridian lines. This is a practice of release. Release the muscles, release the judgement, release the stories, release the need to improve. Just be exactly where you are and feel. A beautiful meditative practice and a wonderful way to learn to sit with ourselves and let go of our stories. Monday nights 6.30pm - 7:30pm EarthPoint Energy Centre East Perth
25.01.2022 Soothes the nervous system by activating the parasympathetic nervous system Increase clarity and focus Elevate conciseness ... Positively influences gene expression Delivers more oxygen to the body Improves sleep
25.01.2022 Baby Yoga! Join me Tuesdays for a magical hour of connection, joy and laughter.
25.01.2022 Honoured to be part of this amazing Collective. Hope to connect with you soon.
25.01.2022 Another message from Spirit Guides gifted to one of my attendees at my most recent Breathwork Day Retreat. Thankful to be able to hold space for people to receive and release.
25.01.2022 Stillness. Breath. Courage.
24.01.2022 Breathwork Journey set up. My favourite seat to sit.
23.01.2022 Sweet made with love offerings for those who attend my Breath Journeys or Day Retreats. Every offering is different but all offerings are made with powerful intention and love.
22.01.2022 Baby Yoga! Join me Tuesdays for a magical hour of connection, joy and laughter. @collective_energy_
21.01.2022 Bubs having fun at baby yoga! 5 week baby yoga course 10.30-11.30am Tuesday at Plenty of Space in Maylands $100... DM me to book
20.01.2022 Shining bright and feeling magical to share the gift of breath with others. Happy to be part of the amazing Collective @collective_energy_ We are getting ready to sprinkle some wonder and magic around #maylands As part of this new beginning I am offering my Introduction to Breathwork at a discounted rate and also will be giving away 3 passes for this Sacred Breath Journey. If you are Breath Curious then this is for you. ... To enter the giveaway like and comment on this post why you feel you need to Breath (DM is cool too!) and follow the most glorious @collective_energy_ @studio_forma_fo @samantha.briatico and @erin_._griffin See more
20.01.2022 Channelling my alien vibes with an up close and personal. Also, kinda showing off my amazing jewels from @kartique_perth
20.01.2022 I love making these wee offerings for people who attend my Breathwork Retreats and Journeys. Happy with the super cute result.
19.01.2022 The bowl of light story When we are born we are born with a beautiful bowl of golden/white light within us. Due to programming, conditioning and trauma - societal, child our bowl fills with black stones which block out the light and who we truly are, blocking our true light. Breathwork is a mode that can help breakdown these stones helping us to return to who we truly are and allowing us to hold space, love and compassion for... our totality. To alter our reactions to our programming and conditioning. To grow and understand beyond that to know that we are more than these conditionings and limited ways of being. We are limitless and infinite. Click the link in bio to see our upcoming Breath work day retreats.
19.01.2022 Sweet, soft, strong and supportive crystal grid I created for my most recent Introduction to Breathwork.
18.01.2022 What are the benefits of Yin Yoga? Calms and balances the mind and body Reduces stress and anxiety Increases circulation... Improves flexibility Releases fascia and improves joint mobility Balances the internal organs and improves the flow of chi or prana Yin yoga runs every Monday evening 6.30 - 7.30pm at Earth point energy Centre
17.01.2022 Children's yoga Learning tools to find more self love and self acceptance with Yoga, Breathing, Dancing, Journaling, Discussion and having so much fun along the way. Teaching our children essential skills for growth, love and acceptance through Mindful Movement including Yoga, Breath, Dancing and stillness through Breath, Reflection and Meditation. Allowing our children to learn to love themselves so unconditionally that they truly feel their strength and find their courage... to do the hard things, work through the hard things to find the beauty in all that is and especially themselves. Children's yoga runs on Sundays 3.00pm - 4.00pm in East Perth.
16.01.2022 Next offering. Join me for another sacred, deep, wonder and beauty filled day. `Breath is the key tonthe crystalline grail within` @sacredbreathacademy
15.01.2022 High Tea time! High Tea is one of my favourite things to do.... The tea, the food, , the dress up, company - The whole experience. A wonderful break from the world and all its chaos.
14.01.2022 Did you know I also do Kids yoga? Kids yoga is on Sundays 3.00pm - 4.00pm at Plenty of Space in Maylands.
14.01.2022 Happy Sunday! Hoping you got the sleep-in you deserve.
12.01.2022 Your bodies wisdom during a Breathwork Journey will come alive bypassing the ego mind and moving beyond programming and conditioning. Allowing this wisdom, this deep knowing to heal, download, activate, release or whatever else may be required to push through the reisitance and into your truth. All journeys are different but all provide exactly what is needed at that time all you are required to do is commit and trust the breath. Trust the knowing.
11.01.2022 This wisdom filled message was passed on to one of the attendees at my most recent Day Retreat via her Spirit Guides. I am grateful to be allowed this insight and grateful for her permission to share. One of the many amazing downloads and visitations that may happen as you journey deep into yourself with the Breath as your guide and teacher.
11.01.2022 The sacred breath method of conscious breathwork is the purposeful application of conscious, connected breathing. The sacred breath modality of conscious is a portal or gateway to non-ordinary states of consciousness where profound healing and transformative experiences can occur. Click the link in bio to see upcoming breathwork events. DM me if you have any questions.
11.01.2022 Baby Yoga Spend some quality time with your baby while practicing a unique bonding experience. Baby Yoga is 10.30am - 11.30am every Tuesday at Collective Energy - Plenty of Space in Maylands.
11.01.2022 One of the benefits of breathwork includes: Conscious breathing helps to oxygenate the brain. Try three slow, deep, conscious breaths the next time you are about to make an important decision. Feel the clarity. Notice your ability to focus more intentionally on the subject at hand. Group Sacred breathwork journey sessions run every other Friday 6.30pm - 8.00pm
10.01.2022 ALL of you deserves to be held with love, grace and compassion. Breathwork can teach you to hold yourself as such by bypassing the ego mind, bypassing conditioning and programming. Returning you to your light and releasing the heaviness of this material world that we carry.
09.01.2022 OXYGEN ~ Did you know that 90% of our energy comes from Oxygen and only 10% of our energy comes from food and water. Conscious connected breathing allows one to receive up to 60% more oxygen. There are so many health benefits of conscious connected breathing. Conscious connected breath can ~... ~ Soothe the nervous system ~ Elevate mood ~ Increase clarity ~ Increase focus ~ Deliver more oxygen to the body ~ Improves flow of lymphatic fluid ~ Aids in elimination of toxins ~ Plus so much more See more
08.01.2022 Breathwork allows us to show up for ourselves while holding space in and through discomfort with love, grace and compassion. It allows us access to our inner courage and strength and carry this through to our every day lives and beyond. Opening us to a deep inner knowing that in our wholeness and totality we are divine, messy perfection.
08.01.2022 Cute setup for my Sacred Day Retreat yesterday. THIS IS WHAT I AM HERE TO DO. Faciliating Breathwork Journeys to allow people to reach into themselves and find the strength and wisdom we are always holding within ourselves. All of our knowing and knowledge is within us. We are all we ever need to know which direction to flow. Flow back to love, compassion and grace.
08.01.2022 Contemplating how much crystal jewellery is too much.... Something tells me Im not wearing enough in this pic and there will never be too much....
07.01.2022 Beautiful space for breathwork. We specialise in the Sacred Breath Journey. The Sacred Breath method of conscious breathwork is a portal or gateway to non-ordinary states of consciousness where profound healing and transformative experiences can occur. The multi-faceted experience of the Sacred Breath Method incorporates conscious, connected breathwork, intentional ceremony, powerful music, high grade essential oils, vibrational sound, energy work, quantum breakthrough coaching, sacred circling/processing and various other tools to invoke the deeper aspects of one's being. Integration techniques follow the breathwork journey so that the experience may be solidified into day-to-day life.
07.01.2022 Testimonial time. (Thanks Jodie... Ill fix you up later....) . . .... Why I do the work. For Jodie and anyone else who needs to take time and bypass our "busy" minds to get back in touch with our true and beautiful nature in all of its totality. See more
07.01.2022 Repost via @risingwoman . . ALL of you deserves to be held with grace, love and compassion. Breathwork is a sacred tool we can use to bypass the ego mind, bypass our conditioning and programming. ... We can release the heaviness of this material world and allow ourselves walk this earth with grace, love and compassion for all that we are. Knowing that as long as we are breathing the breath we have all the strength, courage and knowing we need ~ always. See more
06.01.2022 For those of you who have completed the Introduction to Breathwork and are not comfortable in a group setting. For those who wish to explore more independently prior to joining a group session. We can move immediately into a journey once intentions have been set and any questions answered.... PRIVATE 90 MINUTES $60 DM me to arrange your private Session. See more
05.01.2022 Many of our baby yoga poses are to help with the development and are based on peer reviewed research on child development. We aim to help both babies and caregiver relax in their shared enjoyment and exploration in the movements, building a stable foundation of trust and future independence. 10.30 - 11.30am Every Tuesday in Plenty of Space Maylands.
05.01.2022 THIS - Ethereal words from my most wise teacher @sacredbreathacademy THIS is why I breath and why I wish to facilitate and introduce to the wisdom and magic of the Breath. To be able to sit in the strength of the Breath and your inner knowing and wisdom amongst and through ALL of it - this is the work and the beauty way.
05.01.2022 Merkaba crystals and Selenite. More amazing gifts for those who attend my events.... . . .... Mer ~ Light Ka ~ Spirit Ba ~ Body Powerful sacred geometry shape known as the body of light. . . . Selenite ~ Representing spiritual purity, light and connection to the angelic realms. . . . There is no doubt we will be shining our brightest inner lights at the end of our Breathwork Journeys. See more
05.01.2022 ....Breathe.... Breathe to find yourself, your strength, self love and compassion. Breathe into our conditioning and programming. Breathe into the observation of this. Breathe into your truth that you are whole and complete as you are. Breathe into your shadow and dance with it. Breathe to return to your light... Breathe into love and grace. Breathe into the wisdom and knowledge that you have all of the answers and knowing within you. ....Simply Breathe....
05.01.2022 Testimonial from my beautiful client and amazing, powerful woman Vanessa. Love seeing her light shine and her heart open.
04.01.2022 Hello I'm Rachel I am the owner of Koru Collective. Koru Collective Wellness hosts Breathwork and Yoga events and retreats and encourages a lifestyle that upholds the values of collective consciousness. Koru Collective for us represents growth, new life, peace and strength. I believe this is exactly what Breathwork is. ... Koru Collective brings me back to my roots in New Zealand and my blood. During many of my journeys I have been supported and held by my many ancestors. I was given the sidial (symbol) of the Koru during a journey which has propelled me to grow and delve deep into this side of me. The knowing I am deeply supported is priceless.
04.01.2022 Ready and grateful to facilitate todays Sacred Day Retreat. @earthpointenergycentre
03.01.2022 Happy mums and bubs in the baby yoga course. Recharge and connect with your little one while enjoying postnatal yoga. Baby Yoga is 10.30 - 11.30am every Tuesday at Plenty of Space in Maylands. ... DM me to find out more!
03.01.2022 The Koru Sigil (symbol) was given to me during a Breathwork Journey on my Level 2 training... During my after this particular journey walks along a not so shelly beach I kept coming across shells with the Koru Symbol on them. Solidifying my roots and my history and supporting me through all of lifes changes moving forward since. The Koru allows me to be a human representation of the meaning - of Growth, New Life , Peace and Strength. Always supported and held within the breath.
02.01.2022 For couples who wish to discover a deeper aspect of their relationship and become clear on their intentions within their relationship. To grow and release together. We will move through the Introduction to the Sacred Breath Method. Begin with Cacao to really open the heart, set intentions in preparation to begin the joined journey. Find, release, love and renew together. Private sessions $120 DM me to book or jump on the website
01.01.2022 The beautiful art of Breathwork allows one to return to the knowing that we determine our worth and our value on our own terms. A return to the knowing that have the strength and courage we need residing within at all times. The bypassing of the ego mind plus all of our conditioning and programming allows us to see through the veil and into our own truth and wisdom. . . .... Did you know....... "Oxygen is our greatest and first source of energy. It is the fuel required for the proper operation of all bodily systems. Only 10% of our energy comes from food and water and 90% of our energy comes from oxygen. Every cell in our body requires oxygen to live" See more
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