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25.01.2022 Want more website traffic, better visitors and conversions? Here are some great tips for speakers, specialists, experts and coaches. #seo #speakers
24.01.2022 Now is a great time to add some humour and engagement to your online events and presentations. A some more fun to your zoom meetings. Here are some great resources... #humour #zoommeetings #zoommeeting #zoomfatigue #onlinemeetings #zoom #presentationskills #presenter #professionalspeaker #keynotespeaker
24.01.2022 Got zoom fatigue? Sick of dull screen meetings? Here is a great article on better online meetings. #zoomdeath #notanotherwebinar #bantheboss
24.01.2022 Great to see the pivot of conference MCs to online event MC and host. If you want your online evenr or meeting to have Wow factor - get a professional MC! #meetings #events #zoom #virtualevents #mc #host...
23.01.2022 What are the latest HOT WEBINAR TOPICS post corona lockdown - during the recovery and the new normal? Here is an updated blog with some great webinar topic ideas. What are your thoughts?? #conferences #onlinemeetings #zoommeetings #events #conferencespeaker #presentationskills #inspirationalspeaker #presenter #zoom #virtualteams #zoomfatigue #speaking
23.01.2022 Who are the best speakers in New Zealand? Whether you are organising a virtual event or a conference for 2022 you will need some entrepreneurial and motivational talent. Here are some of the best. Who else is missing?... #speakers #onlinetrainers #onlinemeetings #conferencespeaker #virtualevent
23.01.2022 Who are the most inspirational CEOs and motivational Business Founders? It's time to get things moving again - who are our business leaders. Here is a LIST - anybody missing? #inspirationalspeaker #keynotespeaker #motivationalspeaker #leadershipspeaker #presenter #speaker #leadershiptraining #professionaldevelopment #conferencespeaker #conferences ...
23.01.2022 Want to speak more? Be a celebrity? Want to find virtual presenters or speakers for your upcoming event? You need a speakers bureau! Here is a blog about bureaus and talent managers... #speakers #keynotespeaker #presenter #conferences #speaker #onlinemeetings #professionalspeaker #virtualteams #inspirationalspeaker #zoom #zoommeetings ...
22.01.2022 Who are the best Innovation Experts and Creativity Speakers in Australia and around the world? They will be needed to prepare for the new normal. Here is a curated list of amazing Aussie talent and innovation resources. Who else is missing?... #innovation #creativity #speaker #onlineevents #evolve
21.01.2022 Want to become a better speaker or a paid professional speaker? - It takes skills and practice. - here are resources to help... #speaker #professionalspeaker #inspirationalspeaker #speakers #motivationalspeaker #onlinemeetings #leadershipspeaker #presentationskills #publicspeaking #zoommeetings ... #leadershiptraining
19.01.2022 We have all been on webinars, online meetings and zoom calls. Standards are rising. Who are the BEST virtual presenters and online hosts you have seen so far? Here is some virtual talent. Who else? #onlinemeetings #presentationskills #zoom #zoommeeting #msteams #virtualevents #virtualconference #pco #meetings #remotespeakers...
19.01.2022 The corona virus reset is the perfect time to reflect and reposition your value as a speaker, thought leader, expert or coach. Here are some resources to help with your positioning tagline, bio and intro. #covid19 #workfromhome #remoteteams #zoommeetings #virtualteams #speaker #thoughtleader #expert #coachingskills ...
18.01.2022 Want some more speaker bookings? Diary looking a bit empty? Sick of talking to your pet? - here are some tips to get busier. #speaker #speakerlife #conferencespeaker
18.01.2022 With lockdown v2.0 in victoria, there has never been a better time to pivot to virtual presentations and have multiple streams of income. Here is the BIG LIST - what can you offer? #speaker #pivot #income #ramen #2minutenoodles
17.01.2022 The hottest topic for virtual speakers and online trainers is how much should we charge for virtual events? $$$$$$$$ It requires much more energy & effort to engage and manage a "show" for a virtual audience. It has to be much more engaging too. AV production as well. The IP has to be amazing! Expect tv and movie star pricing if you can do it well.... #speakers #presenter #keynotespeaker #presentationskills #speaker #publicspeaking #professionalspeaker
16.01.2022 Virtual and hybrid events are the future in the new normal or PC - Post Covid! So how can we make them REALLY Good? What tech tools do we need ? Here are some ideas... #presenter #keynotespeaker #conferences #professionalspeaker #conferencespeaker #motivationalspeaker #predictions #onlinemeetings #zoommeetings
13.01.2022 How does a keynote speaker add value to any event? Here are some ways.... What are your thoughts? #speaker #keynotespeaker #eventsprofs #eventsindustry #professionalspeaker #conferencespeaker #conferenceplanner #event #conference ...
13.01.2022 What to be a better speaker or grow your speaking business? These people can help #speaker #presenter #keynotespeaker #conferences #professionalspeaker #presentationskills #publicspeaking #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalspeaker #leadershipspeaker #onlinemeetings #zoommeetings #virtualteams #zoommeeting #host #meetings
12.01.2022 What to be a speaker or online presenter? - find out about the marketplace for speakers and trainers. #speaker #trainer #presenter #eventsindustry
11.01.2022 Who really knows whats going on in the future? China corona economy tech wfh Property and stockmarket. These futurists, disruptors and trends experts all have their predictions. Have a look and place your bets!... #future #trends #predictions #china
11.01.2022 In these turbulent times and any tough times ahead - delivering great customer service will be a huge differentiator. Here are the best resources that can help. #customerservice #customerexperience #cx #ux #customers #customerstrategy # #keynotespeaker #inspirationalspeaker #professionalspeaker #speakers...
08.01.2022 Virtual presentations are here to stay. Experts need to know how to present to camera, look confident and lift their online engagement. Here are some video resources to help... Other ideas welcome.... #video #confidenceoncamera #onlinemeetings #virtualselling
07.01.2022 Need a new headshot? Time for a new you or new brand? Here are some of the best photographers that can build your brand. #personalbranding #speaker #expert #braning #headshot #professionalspeaker #keynotespeaker #motivationalspeaker #conferencespeaker
07.01.2022 Who are the best qualified speakers and presenters in Australia? Here is the current list of Certified Speaking Professionals from PSA the peak body for speakers in Australia. Most are leading the way with virtual events and new technology. #inspirationalspeaker #publicspeaking #professionalspeaker #leadershipspeaker #motivationalspeaker #presenter #conferencespeaker #leadershiptraining #speaker #expert #zoommeetings #speakers #conferences #onlinemeetings #remoteteams #speaking #presentationskills #remoteworking #virtualteams #keynotespeaker
05.01.2022 Who are the hottest celebrities for your online event or awards night? Need a name to draw a big crowd? Who else would you suggest? #onlinemeetings #onlineawards #virtualconference...
04.01.2022 Tired of Zoom meetings? Want better results from virtual sales calls? Need to engage your team online? Here are some tips that can help .... #zoom #virtualevents #onlinemeeting #virtualspeaker #virtualsales #virtualteams #virtualleadership #professionalspeaker #leadershipspeaker #keynotespeaker #inspirationalspeaker ...
04.01.2022 Online meetings are the future of selling venues. Time to get equipped and get really good at them. Clean your lens!!!! #zoom #zoommeetings #msteams #gotomeeting # #virtualteams #onlinemeetings #microsoftteams #wfh #remoteteams #collaborationtools #remoteworking ...
04.01.2022 Want some great ideas to help you be more productive? Need an expert to help get the most from your virtual team? Here are the best resources... #productivity #timemanagement #lifebalance #efficiency #effectiveness #gtd #getorganized
03.01.2022 4 months into Corona crisis and the experts on virtual presenting and online speaking are getting even better! Here is the UPDATED list - who else is rocking the online event world?? Home studios, mastering new tech and interactive zoom meetibgs that engage.... The speaking world has gone global and many are presenting to global summits and multi-nationals. #virtualspeaker #onlinetrainer #virtualevents
03.01.2022 Are there any Rules for Speakers and Presenters? What are the ethical standards? Here is an overview. What unethical behaviour have you seen? #speaker #ethics #trainer...
03.01.2022 Want to be a PAID speaker and learn how to be a better virtual speaker? Any speaker with virtual and online presenting presence is in strong demand now and will be in future for hybrid events. #virtualspeaker #virtualteams #onlinemeetings #onlinespeakers #remotespeaker ...
03.01.2022 Getting started speaking? Here are some groups looking for speakers.... #speakers #newspeakers #presentationskills
02.01.2022 Learning to Tell your business STORY is a critical sales tool in a virtual world. Here are some storytelling tips and resources.. What are your favourites? #storytelling #businessstorytelling #storyselling...
01.01.2022 An article on the future of events. Watch the rise of digital meetings, virtual events and virtual awards nights. Live In-person conferences will be back but hybrid meetings will be the way forward. Professional virtual speakers and hosts are already raising the standards of online events with new uses of technology and audience interactions.... #keynotespeaker #motivationalspeaker #presenter #keynote #predictions
01.01.2022 Who are the BEST motivational and inspirational speakers? With more people working from home and being in virtual teams. Motivation is essential. Here are some people that can help.. #workfromhome #socialdistancing #virtualteams #remoteteams #inspirationalspeaker #professionalspeaker #motivationalspeaker
01.01.2022 Get ready for the turbulent times ahead. Do some sales training now and learn how to sell virtually and make more online sales. Who are the BEST sales trainers? Here is the list. Anyone missing? #sales #salestraining #keynotespeaker #virtualteams #virtualsales #onlinesalesmanagement #onlinesales #salespeople #salesskills #salestips...
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