Big Wild Imagination in Lane Cove | Education
Big Wild Imagination
Locality: Lane Cove
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24.01.2022 Check out these amazing works by Australian sculptor Georgie Seccull!! "Comprised of numerous pieces cut from metal sheets, the materials lend themselves to organic forms like feathers, scales, wings, or the armaments of crustaceans."
23.01.2022 Lane Cove West Public School families... Big Wild Imagination will be back at the school, Thursday mornings and afternoons for term 3, so be sure to pop over and secure a spot by clicking the link below.
23.01.2022 Play therapy can help kids speak the unspeakable. "...When kids struggle to regulate their emotions and thoughts, their behavior can just look like acting out to adults in their lives. But what they’re searching for is a sense of control, said Diane Stutey..."
21.01.2022 Slime is even more fun amongst friends!! Some bright colours too, on a grey old day . . . .... #bigwildimagination #childrensartclass #mobileworkshop #mobileartclass #slime #artworkshop #privateartclass #processart #artplay #learningthroughplay #playbasedlearning #northshoremums #inthecove #innerwestmums #northernbeachesmums See more
20.01.2022 Be More Toddler How 3yr olds can teach us to be better humans | Matt Coyne | "Maybe, when it comes to toddlers, there are times when we would be better served not as teachers but pupils". Such a valid perspective and one that all parents and educators should take the time to consider. I think it actually goes for all ages. Instead of jumping to the answers or reciting the logic, that we take the time to wonder and be curious alongside children ...
20.01.2022 "Play is fundamental. It's what enable us to explore, to encourage, to find out for ourselves..." Tom Shea - Imaginator. A bit on the longer side but so, so worth the watch, I highly encourage you to save this one for later if you can't watch it now. It is such a beautiful explanation on the importance on play and trusting time and children to just be.
19.01.2022 We were busy this afternoon experimenting our little hearts out with monoprinting before adding some finishing touches with black and white ink . . . .... . #bigwildimagination #lanecovewestpublicschool #afterschoolartworkshop #afterschoolart #lanecove #artplay #openendedcreativity #monoprinting #artplayworkshops #learningthroughplay #processart #imagination #playbasedlearning @ Lane Cove West Public School See more
17.01.2022 Check out these out of world enormous kinetic sculptures called strandbeestsbeach animals in Dutch by artist Theo Jansen. Children will love watching these sculptures move. Does it inspire them to get creative?
17.01.2022 With Passing Of Education Luminary Sir Ken Robinson, His Call For Creativity Lives On. His wisdom, words and ideas on a different approach to education rang so true for so many people. It bought to the forefront key questions about what we believe to be important about schooling and education. It is this legacy, that will continue to live on for all those advocating for a shift in thinking.
16.01.2022 The biggest gift you can give to your child, is time. That is, unstructured time, away from restrictions and constraints and definitely away from technology. Time to be, time to play. "...Unstructured play, also known as free play, is loosely defined as any period of unstructured, child-led play. When children engage in unstructured play, their play is motivated by their own desires and curiosity, and guided by their own mental rules. It is removed from the work of real life, and it's something that they willingly engage in, deciding for themselves when to start and when to stop..."
15.01.2022 Public places through kids eyes? What do they value? "The digital map gives children an opportunity to add their viewpoints to community planning rather than just reinforcing adult views." Imagine a community where we really take the time to ask and value the input of children. How different could our community spaces look?...
15.01.2022 Why art helps children to thrive. A fantastic read about the importances of nurturing art in children's lives well into adulthood. The benefits of the visual arts are lifelong. Visual art does not have boundaries. It enables people to play with materials, to express their thinking, to problem solve and make sense of emotions, Dr Lindsay says.
14.01.2022 Underwater worlds fit for the most colourful mermaids in the ocean . . . .... #bigwildimagination #bigwildimaginationmobileartworkshops #childrensartclass #mobileworkshop #mobileartclass #smallworld #playdough #artworkshop #privateartclass #processart #artplay #learningthroughplay #playbasedlearning #northshoremums #inthecove #innerwestmums #northernbeachesmums @ Lane Cove See more
12.01.2022 We have space available for next weeks upcoming school holiday workshop. The children will work through various projects exploring tape art in the morning and wire in the afternoon. A whole day creating?? Yes please!! Workshops will be held for children aged 5-12yrs old, at Lane Cove West Public School, 9am - 4pm. $100/child or redeem your 2021 creative kids voucher. Click through to our website to book your child’s spot . .... . . #schoolholidayworkshops #artworkshopforchildren #lanecovewestpublicschool #lanecovewest #northshoremums #lanecove #lowernorthshore #artforkids #artworkshops #childrensartclass #artplay See more
12.01.2022 Taking mono printing to a whole new sculptural element with these funky looking creation . . . .... . #bigwildimagination #artworkshops #artplay #artplayworkshops #artworkshopforchildren #arteducation #lanecovewestpublicschool #afterschoolartworkshop #afterschoolartclass #lanecovewest #lanecove #play #playbasedlearning #timetoplay #imagination #processart #processartforkids #learningthroughplay #experimentalart #timetocreate #playbasedlearning #practicemakesprogress #sculpture #monoprinting @ Lane Cove West Public School
09.01.2022 Turning two dimensional pieces into three dimensional works . . . .... #bigwildimagination #lanecovewestpublicschool #afterschoolartworkshop #afterschoolart #lanecove #artplay #openendedcreativity #papersculpture #artplayworkshops #learningthroughplay #processart #imagination #playbasedlearning @ Lane Cove West Public School See more
08.01.2022 After creating a watercolour background on our pages, our artists explored contrast, using black and white paper and oil pastels. Children were encouraged to experiment with layering, ‘drawing with scissors’ and positive and negative spaces . . . .... #bigwildimagination #lanecovewestpublicschool #afterschoolartworkshop #afterschoolart #lanecove #artplay #openendedcreativity #contrast #artplayworkshops #learningthroughplay #processart #imagination #playbasedlearning See more
08.01.2022 It certainly isn’t the tidiest of experiences but I would argue that it’s one of the most engaging and fun!! Printing, stamping, scraping - experimenting with paint . . . .... . #bigwildimagination #lanecovewestpublicschool #afterschoolartworkshop #afterschoolartclass #lanecovewest #lanecove #play #playbasedlearning #timetoplay #imagination #processart #processnotproduct #learningopportunities #learningthroughplay #experimentalplay #experimentalart #timetocreate See more
08.01.2022 Pacing and prompting children is my specialty, the rest of it, is all them!! . . . .... . #bigwildimagination #bigwildimaginationmobileartworkshops #mobileartclass #artworkshops #mixedmedia #artworkshopforchildren #painting #artplay #artplayworkshops #imagination @ Lane Cove North See more
08.01.2022 Inspiring and challenging some friends with wire sculptures in the winter sun. Does it get any better? . . . .... #playmatters #learningmadefun #processnotproduct #creativeplay #processart #creativeminds #Imagination #fun #invitationtoplay #wildandfree #openendedplay #playbasedlearning #artplay #learningthroughplay #handsonlearning #schoolholidayworkshops #mobileworkshops #lanecove #northshoremums #lanecovewest @ Lane Cove See more
07.01.2022 Workshops will be packed full of fun and creative freedom. Click through the link in our bio to read more about the program and to book a spot. A whole day of making and creating!? Yes please!!
07.01.2022 Wire work with children is so often a beautiful experience that is a combination of empowering and humbling for them. It’s not the easiest of materials to work with and for many children is the first time. So time is spent experimenting and exploring the possibilities of the material, where children find some ideas work and sometimes they don’t. Regardless of the process though, children end up with a piece that they are proud as punch to present . . . .... #wirework #wireprojects #mobileartworkshops #privateartclass #artworkshops #artworkshopsforkids #childrensartworkshops #bigwildimagination #schoolholidayworkshop #bigwildimaginationmobileartworkshops #processaart #processnotproduct #sydneyart #childrensartclasses #learningthroughplay #playbasedlearning #northshoremums #inthecove #innerwestmums #sydney See more
07.01.2022 January was packed full of fun with Big Wild Imagination. Our holiday workshops were bursting with creative fun, experimentation, play and making. Here are a few photos from the children’s afternoon of exploring clay. Children pinched, rolled, squeezed, manipulated, pushed and patted the clay to create a bowl and a tile. The bowl was then decorated with a variety of coloured beads. The tile was an opportunity to explore printing where a visit to the garden provided the childr...en with lots of leaves and flowers to try. . . . . . #bigwildimagination #schoolholidays #schoolholidayfun #schoolholidayactivity #schoolholidayworkshop #schoolholidayworkshops #northshoremums #northshore #lowernorthshore #lanecovewestpublicschool #inthecove #artworkshop #artclass #artclassesforkids #lanecove #lanecovemums #lanecovewest #lanecoveliving #artplay #artworkshopforchildren #artplayworkshop #loosepartsplay #arteducation #openendedcreativity #creativityforkids #imaginaryplay #purposefulplay #creativeplay #invitationtoplay See more
05.01.2022 Finnish researchers just published the first big test of the biodiversity hypothesisthat exposure to the microbes in dirt is good for young immune systems. Nature needs children and children need nature.
05.01.2022 Sometimes it is as simple as piece of paper and some beautiful colours!! . . . .... #mobileartworkshop #privateartclass #artworkshops #artworkshopsforkids #childrensartworkshop #childrensartworkshops #bigwildimagination #schoolholidayworkshop #bigwildimaginationmobileartworkshops #processaart #processnotproduct #sydneyart #childrensartclasses #learningthroughplay #playbasedlearning #northshore #northernbeaches See more
04.01.2022 Here is a great list of podcasts for children, ranging from story telling to questions + answer style to music. Great for those quieter time at home or in the car!
04.01.2022 The colourful results of a fun and open ended process where children were given and prompted with different ideas and materials along the way and free to create as they pleased. Smiles beamed ear to ear as the children put their artworks outside in the sunshine to dry . . . .... #bigwildimagination #bigwildimaginationmobileartworkshops #artworkshops #artplay #mixedmedia #artworkshopforchildren #painting #mobileartworkshops #artplayworkshop #imagination @ Killara See more
02.01.2022 There was a bit of everything in this project this afternoon. It is such a fun way to end the day and play with art. It started with a bit of paint scraping. I forgot how enjoyable this step only is for children. We might have to revisit this again soon. We continued on working through different steps right up until we had to stop. Such vibrant colourful creations . . .... . #bigwildimagination #artplay #artplayworkshops #artworkshopforchildren #arteducation #arted #lanecovewestpublicschool #afterschoolartworkshop #afterschoolartclass #lanecovewest #lanecove #play #playbasedlearning #timetoplay #imagination #processart #processartforkids #processnotproduct #learningopportunities #learningthroughplay #experimentalplay #experimentalart #timetocreate See more
01.01.2022 Calling all artists aged 4-12 years, local to North Sydney Council. Children's Online Art Exhibition Arts & Culture North Sydney invites children aged 4-12 years old and their families to play I Spy and create an artwork about an object, place or activity that has special meaning to them.... Look around you, create an artwork about what you see and feel.
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