Billy Bellara | Baby goods/childrens goods
Billy Bellara
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25.01.2022 Nappy clutch off to a lucky M A M A #OneLuckyMama #youdeserveit #newborn #nappyclutch #nappywallet #newmum #leatherclutch #nappybag #leathernappybag #leatherwork #leathergoods #diaperclutch #diaperwallet #leathernappyclutch #nappypouch #diaperpouch #leatheraccessories #newmom #babyproducts #babyshop #babyshowergift #newborngift #madeinmelbourne #madeinaustralia #italianleather
25.01.2022 N A P P Y C L U T C H & W I P E A B L E M A T styling is P I N K perfection amongst all these other goodies. Thanks for sharing @thejadedmonkey - #nappyclutch #leathernappyclutch #wipeablemat #changemat #nappywallet #nappypouch #diaperwallet #diaperclutch #portablechangemat #flatlays #flatlay - -... - - - #leather #babychange #babychangemat #babymat #pink #pinkleather #babyaccessories #babystyle #babyshowergift See more
24.01.2022 Fit for a little princess Head to to pre-order a Helena childs bag for your own little princess - @littleconnoisseur . .... . . #lcxbillybellara #billybellara #preorder #madeinmelbourne #helenachildsbag #kidswear #kidsfashion #childrensboutique See more
23.01.2022 Discussions on the building site (or maybe Grandmas courtyard ) wearing their original T O O L B E L T S Perfect Christmas present for your little workers or artists (bearing in mind that these can also be used as an art belt). Our tool/art belt has an adjustable velcro strap to fit around most little waists and making it easy for the littlies to put on and take off themselves. Available colours are listed on our website, click the link in our profile to shop yours #childrensaccessories #childfashion #toolbelt #artbelt #leatheraccessories #leatherwork #leathergoods #childfashion #builders #leather
23.01.2022 Dolly varden cake for the little princess (Brigids daughter and Catherines niece). Barbie was wrapped in cling wrap, then the cake was made around her. Brigid even managed a fish plait in Barbies hair Thanks to mums vintage Womens Weekly Childrens Birthday Cake Book #StillGoingStrong #WinsEveryTime
21.01.2022 Because today is international women's day and we couldn't choose just one inspirational woman to post a photo of...and don't all women love flowers? We have been surrounded by wonderful, strong, hardworking and motivated women our whole lives. We dearly miss our Grandma but we can see the qualities she passed on to our mum and we only hope that we live our lives guided by what they have taught us. Being the middle 2 of four girl's (we don't have any brothers) we were collect...ively known as 'the girls' while we were growing up (which was lovely) but we're still baffled by the comments people would say about our dad like "oh, four girls, your poor dad" or "your dad must find that hard" and on and on. No one commented on how lucky he was to firstly have four healthy children, but how lovely it was to have the privilege of raising four young women and we're amazed as to why people made us seem like such a burden. Would a son have made everything better? On a lighter note we're proud and not sorry of who we are and we're grateful to be surrounded by business women who have helped us on our Billy Bellara journey so far...thankyou @basikorganics @beksheppardstylist @lexandlivfootwear @littleconnoisseur @candlelitandco @sweetelephants @geraldinenegridesignandstyle @jana_barrow @chiefthundercloudco @teenytinylinen @mumswithhustle @lapetitejewellery #internationalwomensday #womensday #proudtobeawoman @grandiflora_sydney See more
20.01.2022 When your cobalt mary-janes look very similar to a little princesss...but yours are on sale for only $30! Handmade of super soft leather and a flexible rubber sole, youll be buying her a crown in no time #dresslikeaprincess #princess #princesscharlotte #katemiddleton #royalfamily #kensingtonpalace #duchessofcambridge #maryjanes #handmadeshoes #madeinaustralia
20.01.2022 Because today is international womens day and we couldnt choose just one inspirational woman to post a photo of...and dont all women love flowers? We have been surrounded by wonderful, strong, hardworking and motivated women our whole lives. We dearly miss our Grandma but we can see the qualities she passed on to our mum and we only hope that we live our lives guided by what they have taught us. Being the middle 2 of four girls (we dont have any brothers) we were collect...ively known as the girls while we were growing up (which was lovely) but were still baffled by the comments people would say about our dad like "oh, four girls, your poor dad" or "your dad must find that hard" and on and on. No one commented on how lucky he was to firstly have four healthy children, but how lovely it was to have the privilege of raising four young women and were amazed as to why people made us seem like such a burden. Would a son have made everything better? On a lighter note were proud and not sorry of who we are and were grateful to be surrounded by business women who have helped us on our Billy Bellara journey so far...thankyou @basikorganics @beksheppardstylist @lexandlivfootwear @littleconnoisseur @candlelitandco @sweetelephants @geraldinenegridesignandstyle @jana_barrow @chiefthundercloudco @teenytinylinen @mumswithhustle @lapetitejewellery #internationalwomensday #womensday #proudtobeawoman @grandiflora_sydney See more
19.01.2022 These little M A R Y - J A N E S are ready to ship throughout Australia just in time for C H R I S T M A S and given theyre so cute and small, theyd be the perfect stocking filler! #Only$27! #ShoeClearance #stockingfiller #childrensshoes #handmadeleathershoes #billybellara - - -... - - - #leathershoes #childfashion #toddlerfashion #toddlerlife #toddlerstyle #toddlershoes #maryjanes #maryjaneshoes #navy #navyleather #leather #madeinmelbourne #madeinaustralia #melbournemade #australianmade #babiekinsmag #lapetitemag See more
19.01.2022 When your wipeable change mat fits into your purse....which then fits into your nappy clutch #organised #leather #wipeablemats #portablechangemat #purse #leatheraccessories - - - - #babystyle #babyaccessories #babyessentials #babypurse #babyshowergift #babyshowergift #newmom #newmum #leathergoods #nappychange #diaperchange #diaperbag #babybag #stylishmum #madeinmelbourne #madeinaustralia #australianmade #melbournemade
19.01.2022 These littlies (literally) are now only $24!!! Made by hand in Melbourne of super soft cow leather with a suede sole and an elasticised ankle to make putting on easy, yet being snug enough to stay on. Perfect for a stylish newborn through to their 1st birthday and beyond...#billybellara #softsoles #booties #leather #babyshoes #babyshower #moccs #newborn #babylife
18.01.2022 Blown away for 2 reasons!!! 1. When @becjudd shares a picture of a product you have worked tirelessly on (pinch us now!) and 2. Following on from the successful launch of the LC x Billy Bellara Helena childs bag we are now SOLD OUT! Never fear though, we are working hard to produce more so head to to pre-order your bag now!! @littleconnoisseur @becjudd #lcxbillybellara #preorder #collaboration #childsbag #leatherbag #toddlerbag #kidsbags #personalised #personalisedgifts #blushpink #madewithlove #billybellara
18.01.2022 M E L B O U R N E C U P * The race that stops a nation * If youre lucky enough to have the day off like us, we hope youre enjoying it We need to emphasise that were no experts but our tip is B O N D I B E A C H purely based on the fact that we love the water...we have no idea who the jockey or trainer is but heres to a win and a fabulous celebration #melbournecup #springracing #flemington #flemingtonracecourse #springracingcarnival #horseracing #cupcarnival #vrc #racingfashion #horse #horses
18.01.2022 So the food has to match the theme...and stars and pink are every little girls dream!!! Catherine made these shortbreads and were still licking our lips...Wouldnt mind one now with a cuppa #cuppaandbiccy #partyfood #starbiscuits #pinkpartyfood
16.01.2022 Party season essentials tucked into this cream Billy Bellara P U R S E /make-up bag. Because leather is so versatile and so can use your Billy Bellara products for anything! #party #christmasessentials #makeup #makeupbag #chanel #mac #dior #christiandior #billybellara #makeupessentials #leather #leathergoods #leatherwork - - - - -... #purse #leatherpurse #leatherbag #mascara #foundation #lipstick See more
15.01.2022 Argh!! Christmas is just around the corner and we think this W I P E A B L E M A T is a perfect stocking filler for that special someone, work colleague or kris kringle. Wipeable, unique and at only $18 your wallet will love you for it Available in a range of colours to suit your baby bag or home decor. The mat can be used as a portable change mat, eating placemat or put the mat on the table during art time. S H O P the mat on our website...oh, and if youre after a colour which is currently out of stock, send us an email and well arrange one for you #wipeablemats #changemat #babychangemat #babybag #diaperbag #babychange #tablecover #babychanging #portablechangemat #babyaccessories #stylishmum #babyshower #babyshowergift #portableplacemat #placemat
14.01.2022 Louis Vuitton Dans la Peau with an infusion of leather, an invitation to explore the senses. Available from September #onthelist #leatherheaven #leather #louisvuitton
14.01.2022 Fill your Billy Bellara purse with organic goodness from @basikorganics. This would be such a great gift for a new mum, especially because presents are generally for the baby. @basikorganics are another great Australian brand made right here in Melbourne and seriously are the best products for both mum and baby...hands down Pictured here are Brigids favourites (getting a serious workout at the moment!). *Cleansing spray is great for quick night nappy changes...just spray a...nd wipe with cotton wool. *Baby oil is fantastic for after bath massages. *Bottom balm helps to keep their bottom rash free. C L U C K Y M U C H? #babyessentials #organicbabyproducts #leathernappybag #leathergoods #madeinmelbourne #australianmade #billybellara #organic #pregnancy #pregnancypack #pregnant #maternity #dryskin #nappyrash #massageoil #massage #essentialoilblend #essentialoil #purse #leatherpurse #leather #babyshowergift #babyshower #pregnancypack See more
14.01.2022 I am absolutely in love with the nappy pouch (clutch)!!!! It seriously is the best baby product I have ever purchased. I just recently bought a backpack from (a brand now sold in a major Australian department store). On arrival I was actually a little disappointed, still like it, its just not as good quality as your products. Great design, great quality! We love your feedback and were so happy that after hours and hours put into not only the design process, but sourcing ...all of the best materials we can find, thats its not only noticed, but it is truly appreciated!!! Please keep in mind that this is our ORIGINAL design...we worked tirelessly to produce the product you see based on the fact that there was/is nothing like it on the market. For all enquiries please purchase via our website or contact us via [email protected] @dianawilsonhearts Feedback @daniellecammarata #customerlove #leathernappyclutch #nappywallet #diaperwallet #nappypouch #diaperpouch #leatheraccessories #leathergoods #clutch #leatherclutch #newmum #newmom #newmommy #babyproducts See more
14.01.2022 Happy Halloween!!! No costume is ever complete in our house without a touch of leather, and tonight Brigids son will be howling to the moon in his leather batman mask #BillyBellaraDoesHalloween #halloween2016 #halloweencostume #halloween #leathermask #batmanmask #batman #skull #skeleton #leatherwork #leathergoods #leather #madeinmelbourne #madeinaustralia
14.01.2022 Packages headed out just in time for Sunday...were literally wrapping up our Christmas orders this week! Tomorrow is your last day to order for Australia wide delivery so get your skates on and head over to our website. Shoes are currently ready to ship, along with select childs bags and toolbelts, however all other items are now on pre-order due to the handmade nature of our products....if we had little elves it would be a different story but good things D O come to thos...e who wait! #christmasiscoming #wrapitup #festiveseason #christmaswrapping #christmas2016 #christmas #billybellara - - - - - - #wrapping #wrappingpaper #leather #childfashion #toddlerfashion #childrensfashion #present #presents See more
13.01.2022 Hip, hip hooray!!! Today we celebrated Catherines BIRTHDAY !! Whilst Catherine didnt get to enjoy a day off, we did do something equally exciting... A day of sourcing and perfecting the design of 2 of our popular products and we cant wait to share it with you. But for now, were going to enjoy a cup of tea and cake and pretend it looks just as good as this one @simmerandboyle #excitingthingstocome #watchthisspace #productupdate #newdesign #ourlipsaresealed
13.01.2022 Handmade super soft leather t-bars now only $27!!!! These shoes are amazing for every day wear or keep them for a special occasion like flowergirl shoes....or for the upcoming party season!!! Dont be afraid of cream leather either-just a wipe over with a baby wipe will do the trick when youre in a hurry...and leather cleaner at home. Check our website for more colours #PartyShoes #leathershoes #handmadeshoes #childfashion #toddlershoes #billybellara - - - - -... #childrensshoes #toddlerlife #toddlershoes #leather #leathersandals #childrenssandals #tbars #childstyle #ministyle #ministylekids #babiekinsmag #lapetitemag #shoesale See more
12.01.2022 You might have wondered where we have been all week...weve kind of been M.I.A...and this is why!!! Our football team is in the grand final tomorrow and we are beyond excited!!! The past week has been filled with embracing everything about our club, plus attending open training yesterday and the grand final parade through Melbourne today. Tickets to the match are as rare as hens teeth, so we are heading out to to the clubs ground to watch the game there tomorrow. The Wester...n Bulldogs last won the premiership 55 years ago and back in 1989 the club nearly went under, only to be saved by the public rallying around and all contributing to save it. Dad has filled us in on a lot of what happened back then, contributing $100 himself which was a lot of money in those years. #NotSureHowWeWillSleepTonight #ItsBeenALongTimeComing #dreamscancometrue #redwhiteandblue #bulldogsforlife #dogsfortheflag #westernbulldogs #cmonboys #bulldogsbandwagon @geraldinenegridesignandstyle See more
11.01.2022 Hip, hip hooray!!! Today we celebrated Catherine's BIRTHDAY !! Whilst Catherine didn't get to enjoy a day off, we did do something equally exciting... A day of sourcing and perfecting the design of 2 of our popular products and we can't wait to share it with you. But for now, we're going to enjoy a cup of tea and cake and pretend it looks just as good as this one @simmerandboyle #excitingthingstocome #watchthisspace #productupdate #newdesign #ourlipsaresealed
11.01.2022 Bags and custom order cutlery rolls are on their way Keep an eye out for your postie Contact us via [email protected] for all custom orders As always, we worked super hard in prototyping this cutlery roll and it is our original leather...of course! #customorder #cutleryroll #delivery #billybellara #childrenshandbag #madeinmelbourne #madeinaustralia #italianleather
11.01.2022 C U S T O M O R D E R S - We them! They give us a chance to be creative and we work hard to deliver on what you envision. Contact us for your orders and dont hesitate..... something is always possible. W H E R E T H E R E S A W I L L , T H E R E S A W A Y #customorders #customerlove #creativeproject #billybellara #leather #leathergoods #leatherwork #purse #leatherpurse #leatherclutch #clutch #blackleather #italianleather #billybellara
10.01.2022 The children played pin the tutu on the ballerina and instead of lolly bags Brigid made the children these ribbon twirlers. We were going to attempt some rhythmic gymnastic moves with the twirlers but by the end of the day it was a bit beyond us! #BuddingGymnasts #ribbontwirlers #ballerina
10.01.2022 Thinking back to this time last week when we were shocked to hear that our Helena childs bag would be in the October issue of @insideoutmag released the following exciting! Heres the full image perfect for a little ballerina. Beautifully styled (as usual) by @jessicahansonstylist and photographed by @samcaddam_cooper Looks gorgeous ladies Pick up your copy of the mag now! #ExcitedIsAnUnderstatement #shocked #pinchus #thrilled #styling #interiordesign #interiorstyling #billybellara #helenachildsbag
09.01.2022 Perfect day for it @kettleblackcafe Have been wanting to visit this place for a while and surprisingly it wasnt for the food..Ive wanted to go mainly to get this very shot and check out the interiors and well...they delivered! #sopretty #LoveMeATerrace #brunch #melbournefood #melbournecafe #melbournefoodie #melbourne #architecture #melbournearchitecture #exteriordesign #terrace #terracehouse
08.01.2022 3rd birthday party spam following (apologies in advance) was Brigids daughters princess, prince and pink party yesterday and it was such a fun day. There were her 3 year old little friends running around plus some older cousins and it was really nice seeing everyone together. Brigid made so much considering how busy she is. This beautiful card is just one of them #partyspam #partytime #toddlerparty
08.01.2022 When you cant decide whats cuter... these tiny Billy Bellara S O F T S O L E B O O T I E S or those chubby legs! On sale at O N L Y $ 2 0 , were choosing the booties for the time being! Colours are now limited so get in quick because at this clearance price, theyre not hanging around for long #clearancesale #childfashion #childrensshoes #toddlershoes #babyshoes #leather #leathershoes #billybellara - - -... - - - #moccs #leathermoccs #toddlerlife #babyshower #babyshowergift #babyshowerideas #handmadeshoes #babiekinsmag #babyessentials #childrensfashion #newbaby #newbornfashion #newborn #babyspam #babystyle #babystagram #madeinmelbourne #madeinaustralia See more
07.01.2022 A snippet of @littleconnoisseurs favourite things for her little girls big girl room! Featuring our original Helena childs bag (grey and silver) and many other beautiful items . Fair to say our LCxbillybellara collaboration childs bag may have snuck its way in here now! Tap for details. Fantastic styling @littleconnoisseur #childsroom #interiorstyling #bedroom #bedroomdecor #girlsroominspo #girlsroomdecor #madeinmelbourne #australianmade
04.01.2022 Because she has new shoes...and they match her H E L E N A C H I L D S B A G ! Now shes ready to party through Christmas and summer prepared with these @bobuxshoes sandals. H U R R Y to purchase your bag now as theres only 1 of these grey and silver left (now sold out since listing). We have just listed 2 x navy and pink bags on our site also and we have a few white up there too. These are now R E A D Y T O S H I P throughout Australia for pre Christmas delivery!!! #p...artyready #christmasiscoming #soissummer #helenachildsbag #billybellara - - - - - #leather #leatherbag #childsbag #childrensaccessories #childfashion #toddlerfashion #toddlerlife #toddlerstyle #stylishkids #childrenssandals #childrensshoes #babiekinsmag See more
04.01.2022 Perfect combination of our toolbelt and @westernbulldogs coloured pyjamas #StillOnAHigh #billybellara #westernbulldogs #grandfinaltoolbelt #toolbelt #morningfun #dogsgettheflag #redwhiteandblue
04.01.2022 You can now find our products at @thelittlepopupshop, 268 Bay St, Brighton. Were so happy to have a shop stock our items and its a beautiful little space where you can find products by other small businesses like ourselves and the bonus....@thelittlepopupshop is attached to a fabulous cafe if you need to fuel up before shopping! #thrilled #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmall #shoplocal #supportsmall #popupshop #melbourne
03.01.2022 Custom order colour options...silver or pewter #DecisionsDecisions #customorder #orders #colouroptions #silver #pewter #colouroftheseason #billybellara
01.01.2022 Perfect styling of our cream t-bars by @dianawilsonhearts...and the best bit is that these little handmade leather shoes are now on SALE for only $30!!!! Also available in navy, cobalt, gold and silver (metallics $35). Shop these and other styles via our website #springandsummerwardrobe #shoeenvy #toddlerlife #clearance #handmadeshoes #madeinmelbourne #madeinaustralia #australianmade #melbournemade
01.01.2022 Were passing on the savings to you this Christmas! Head to our site where youll find a beautiful range of childrens shoes made of super soft leather at clearance prices #madeinmelbourne #shoptillyoudrop #christmassavings #shoppingspree #giftsforthelittleones #childrensshoes #toddlerfashion #toddlerlife - - - - #toddlerstyle #moccs #shoeclearance #sale #leatherchildrensshoes #handmadeshoes #childrensstyle #childrensfashion #leathershoes #toddlershoes