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Bioscor International in Oakleigh East, Victoria, Australia | Hair replacement service

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Bioscor International

Locality: Oakleigh East, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9544 7429

Address: 182 Huntingdale Road 3166 Oakleigh East, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 WOW. We're flattered. Really! And yes, it's true, we cannot resume ALL services at the moment but for the ones we are permitted to, we're going through our current list of priority patients! These were the ones who have had their appointments abruptly cancelled when the last restrictions were put in place. Please bear with us while we work to fit everyone in! ... If you're interested in having a treatment, please submit your interest here We may not be able to see as many clients as we like due to COVIDsafe measures so we ask for a little more patience from you. Thank you for showing us so much love!

21.01.2022 Ummm... what do you mean that this "coffee drip" might kill me? Go away, don't talk to me until I've had my coffee

21.01.2022 x ! Now that skin services are permitted again, we are now back Mondays to Fridays 9.00am - 5.30pm! Thank you everyone for your patience and ongoing support We are very excited to see you soon!... : . ! ______________ #skintreatmentmelbourne #skinclinicmelbourne #cosmetictreatments #beautymelbourne #bioscor #queenofcollagen #cosmeticmedicine #cosmeticdoctor #dramandaong #cosmeticdoctormelbourne #threadliftsmelbourne #collagenstimulators #bioscor

15.01.2022 We're closed today for the Melbourne Cup holiday! Don't worry, we'll be back tomorrow 9AM ______________... (03)95447429 [email protected] ______________

15.01.2022 Where do you stand on the hair loss scale? Hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia is progressive. How fast or slow this progression takes place really depends on a variety of factors. If you're interested in having a chat, fill up your medical history and tell us where you are on the hair loss scale in our online form We'll get back to you as soon as we can (03)95447429 | (03) 95442852 [email protected]

13.01.2022 The Intraceuticals Holiday Collection is coming soon to Bioscor Melbourne! With 6 skin quenching and revitalizing sets to choose from. Pre-order yours today! For more information (03)95447429 [email protected]

09.01.2022 We’re here across the lockdown period so never fear, we can still post out your products! Dr. Chan is also available at his usual times. #staysafe

09.01.2022 It's been a while since we could perform in-house hair treatments #lockdown #whatyearisit Some of you are dying for a haircut (aye Melbourne peeps?). Others are dying to give their scalps the TLC they need from our in-house hair treatments! While we're waiting for good news, pamper your scalp with our AO Scalp Treatment Kit. Dissolve all those clogged hair follicles + any dead skin layer and let your hair thrive in a clean, healthy environment!... ______________________________ The kit contains: 30ml Peel 30ml Neutraliser 10ml Soothe (Lotion 1) 10ml Heal (Lotion 2) ______________________________ (03) 9544 7429 | [email protected] (03) 9544 2852 |

09.01.2022 WOO HOO! Just a little over a week away before we're permitted to perform skin treatments again! Again, there is a massive backlog of customers on a wait list so we're working VERY hard to fit everyone in. Naturally, we're prioritizing patients who have had their appointments abruptly cancelled when restrictions were first put in place. If you haven't put yourself on a wait list yet, register yourself via This will help free up our phone lines so we can make outgoing calls to book patients in! Stay safe and healthy! See you soon!

08.01.2022 Can YOU grow back ALL the hair you've lost? There's no straightforward answer to how much hair a person can regrow. And it becomes more difficult the longer hair loss is left untreated for. So it really depends on quite a few factors as well as the type of hair loss condition you've got. ... This is also why we tailor the program to you and your needs. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment regime here! Over the last 25 years, we've been successfully treating most types of non-scarring hair loss. With any form of treatment, consistency is the key Talk to us today! (03)95447429 [email protected]

05.01.2022 . One of the most satisfying 'before and afters' featuring the gorgeous Anna. She is a vibrant and ever-youthful soul and we're glad that the results match that personality of hers! Can we all agree that with the right tools and skills, you can achieve great results? This is why is the Queen of Collagen! _____________... #threadlifts #cosmeticmedicine #cosmeticdoctor #dramandaong #queenofcollagen #cosmeticinjector #cosmeticdoctormelbourne #cosmeticinjectormelbourne #beforeandafterthreadlifts #threadliftsmelbourne #collagenstimulators #collagenbooster #bioscor

05.01.2022 "Why am I balding?" Hair loss affects a lot more people than you realize. The most common reason for hair loss is due to the genetic Male/Female Pattern Hair Loss. Now, there's nothing wrong with being bald. There are those who just accept it and even rock the look!... There are, though, those who much prefer to hang on to their hair. We can understand how devastating hair loss can be. After all, your hair is part of your appearance and therefore, a part of your identity and sense of self. It's only natural to feel concerned when you notice more hair being shed than usual. The best thing to do is to ask yourself how important your hair is to you. When you're ready to talk, call us on (03)95447429 or email us at [email protected] If it's after hours, fill in this form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can

05.01.2022 Blink and you might miss it Did you know these double eyelids were created using stitches? has been creating natural-looking double eyelids using this stitch method for more than 10 years! The advantages of this procedure include minimal recovery time, minimal trauma, natural aesthetic appearance, and easy reversibility. To determine whether you are a suitable candidate, book in a time with Dr. Amanda Ong! ... (03) 95447429 | [email protected] #doubleyelidsstitch #doubleyelidsprocedure #cosmeticdoctor #dramandaong #bioscor #bioscormelbourne #cosmeticclinicmelbourne #cosmeticphysician #cosmeticinjector #queenofcollagen #skinclinicmelbourne #lipfillersmelbourne #ellansemelbourne #sculptramelbourne #threadliftsmelbourne #threadlifts

04.01.2022 HUZZAH! We did it, Melbourne! There is a buzz in the air! We're working hard booking all our priority clients and those on our wait list. Please bear with us while we organize ourselves Note that not all services can be resumed but you can always register your interest on our waitlist... As per government guidelines, retail is now permitted so you can come in-store to pick up your products as of Wednesday, 28th Oct 2020. We can't wait to see you (in your mask at a safe distance of 1.5m) soon! _______________________ [email protected] (03)95447429 | (03)95442852

04.01.2022 Hair loss is not just a problem that men face. It's just a little different when it comes to Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL). Female hair loss is often more diffused throughout the scalp rather than specific balding areas that men tend to experience. Check out one of our previous posts to see the hair loss scale and types While a small number of women will experience hair loss before the age of 29, it seems that 1in 4 women will have noticeable hair loss by the time they 50. A few years ago, this patient came to us at age of 26 with noticeable thinning at the front of the scalp. With diligent use of our products, she was able to regrow her hair AND maintain that to this day. If you have questions on your hair loss, shoot us a message today! (03) 9544 7429 | (03) 9544 2852 [email protected]

02.01.2022 It's Chinese New Year! Officially the year of the ox! Which Chinese animal zodiac are you?

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