Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund in Colac, Victoria | Mental health service
Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund
Locality: Colac, Victoria
Address: P O Box 534 3250 Colac, VIC, Australia
Website: http://bipolarresearchfund.org.au
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24.01.2022 Such a magnificent online fundraising effort by Angela Johnson, our National Ambassador for the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund Bipolar Day celebrated annually 30th March ! A truly superb effort Angela and I extend a huge thank you to you and all whom have supported this cause....we are nearly there ....just another little way to go and the 4th Phd scholarship for further bipolar research will be paid for. THANK YOU ALL, EVER SO MUCH !! We would not get there without your support !! Carol Smit Founder - Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund
24.01.2022 WORLD BIPOLAR DAY CONFERENCE was celebrated last night at Deakin Edge, Federation Square Melbourne with the most amazing and inspiring list of guest speakers. Many very deep, meaningful and inspiring questions were answered by the panel as we all shared in further understanding much still to learn and research about the many complex characteristics and challenges of living with bipolar disorder. Dr Olivia Dean did a superb job of hosting the evening ! ... We were very honoured and privileged to be present in the audience and for the support offered in sharing the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund information as one of the bipolar tables for the guests to browse. I would to acknowledge that all help and support devoted to this night through the IMPACT team of staff and volunteers was very much appreciated and fully deserving of much applause. Carol Smit www.bipolarresearchfund.org.au/donate
23.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS ! New research hope for Bipolar Disorder ! I am honoured, delighted and very humbled to have the honour from today to announce the third worthy IPBRF recipient Lisa Furlong. Lisa has been awarded certificates for her studies and research toward drug and alcohol addiction and the effects on the bipolar brain. Lisa will undertake her bipolar research in helping to find new ways to improve the quality of life in people living with the challenges of this indiscrim...inate and insidious bipolar mental health disorder. Brunslea Park Estate Wagga Wagga NSW Manager Samantha Brunskill, one of our National Ambassadors have kindly donated tens of thousands from blocks of land sales donated toward this scholarship, therefore giving Lisa the opportunity to be chosen as our third worthy recipient and will be awarded the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund - Brunslea Park Phd Scholarship at an awards night to be planned for later this year. Congratulations Lisa !!! I am very proud of you and you too deserve to feel very proud of yourself too and sincerely look forward to working with you as we try and do our very best as a team helping to improve the living quality of all bipolar people and the survival rate of many living with the negative dialogue of suicide tendencies. Carol Smit Founder of the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund Founding Partner of the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund E: [email protected]
22.01.2022 Last night 26th June 2018, we were honoured to have Lisa Furlong attend our Rotary Club of Colac West as Guest Speaker. Lisa is the third successful recipient to receive the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund Phd Scholarship in support of her bipolar research studies to help improve the quality of lives in people, through brain and facial expression imaging technology. Lisas scholarship funding was this time raised by tens of thousands of dollars being donated by the Bruns...lea Park Estate land sales in Wagga Wagga, with 1K very generously being donated to the IPBRF by Samantha Brunskill National Ambassador of the IPBRF and Manager of her families business. We are so ever grateful and so much appreciate their huge support toward another new and extensive approach toward further research of the bipolar brain. Lisa is based at Melbourne University and is very grateful to the Swinburne Institute for their access to this very special imaging technology as there are only two of these machines available in the Southern Hemisphere.
20.01.2022 13th Oct 2016 SAMANTHA BRUNSKILL - National Ambassador of the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund shared the following: Very grateful for the beautiful event held by Deakins Strategic Research Centre in Innovation in Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Treatment (IMPACT) at Deakin University. Three breakthrough treatment options discovered just this year, world leading expert in Bipolar Disorder Professor Michael Berk said its been one of the most successful years in research for quite some time. #embracementalhealth
20.01.2022 Courtesy of Colac Herald today, 14th September 2018.....
19.01.2022 **MY FUNDRAISING BIRTHDAY DONATIONS COME TO AN END*** I wish to convey a huge THANK YOU to the 9 people who donated a total of $295 toward the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund 4th phd scholarship award. All donations were greatly appreciated. Many, many thanks...Carol Smit
17.01.2022 NIGHT OF FUN IN GEELONG ..for a vital cause....BIPOLAR RESEARCH!!! Please consider sharing this Save the Date flyer as far and wide as possible...update of final flyer will be forthcoming asap....thank you in advance....and to the IMPACT Team, Deakin University for designing this flyer for our fabulous upcoming fundraising Trivia Night... Carol Smit - IPBRF Founder
17.01.2022 The next 6 weeks are going to be the killer for some. The mental health issues related to lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. The wonderful charity MIND have a 24 hour helpline: 1300 554 660
17.01.2022 ***REMINDER FOR TOMORROW : IPBRF BEANIES4BIPOLAR & TRASH & TREASURE STALL WHEN: Saturday 23rd Sept 2017 TIME: 9.00am - 3.00 pm WHERE: Colac Garden - Lifestyle Expo... Exhibition Hall, Colac Show Grounds Murray St Colac Vic 3250 Proceeds to the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund. A great day of many stalls, great food and a day not to be missed ! See more
17.01.2022 For my birthday this year, Im asking for donations to Australian Rotary Health, funding partner of the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund, where they will direct your donation to the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund PhD Scholarship Program. Ive chosen this nonprofit because their mission towards bipolar research means a lot to me. We need phd students to use their gifted talents in their preferred modalities of bipolar disorder research studies to help us in our quest to help... improve the quality of lives of those living daily with the many complex challenges presented by bipolar disorder, find the cause and eventually a cure one day. I hope youll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me. I have all I need in my life, therefore the best birthday present you could give me is your donation to help with my goal to further raise a minimum of $500 this month toward the fourth scholarship award I wish to have the honour of presenting to the next worthy recipient, and only once my goal is achieved over the next 2 years of raising 38,500. Thank you, Carol Smit - Founder of the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund. See more
17.01.2022 Dr. Emma, inaugural PhD scholarship recipient of the Deakin University - Australian Rotary Health - Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund - this is such is great news!! Congratulations!! I had every confidence in your success !! ... You deserve such great recognition and your wonderful results are your well deserved reward for all of the relentless hard work of 4 years of your sincere dedication and passion of helping to improve the quality of people globally, whom are living with the daily challenges of bipolar disorder. Up, up and away to ?? from here hey ....
16.01.2022 https://vimeo.com/user33274799
16.01.2022 IAN PARKER 14th ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE 18.12.1954 - 10.08.2019 As I entered this day of 10th August 2019, I was expecting to have posted this tribute much earlier, but with a lovely life-long visitor arriving, my day has been merged with a huge flow of a heavy heart, mixed feelings of happiness and sadness, loss and gain and many overwhelming treasured memories. ...Continue reading
13.01.2022 I am very proud of the dedicated team supporting and representing the Australian Rotary Health - Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund Campaign. L-R: Melanie Ashton - second recipient of IPBRF Scholarship, Jane Cox - ARH Director, Dr Emma Gliddon - inaugural recipient of IPBRF. Thank you so much for your shared visit and wonderful bipolar research information shared on our Rotary night.
13.01.2022 COMMUNITY BIPOLAR FUND AUCTION ! This coming Tuesday 15th Oct 2019 !!!! Lift the Lid on Mental Health - also a variety of Mental Health Speakers and PhD recipients will present the latest Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Research studies. ... The Rotary Club of Colac West is hosting a Community Event of a fundraiser HAT NIGHT AUCTION for the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund. Please wear a hat ! Bring a friend ! All hats will be eligible to be judged ! Categories: 1. Biggest Hat 2. Smallest Hat 3. Most Creative Hat 4. Best Handcrafted Hat 5. Most Outlandish / Novelty Hat DATE: Tuesday, 15th October 2019 VENUE: Colac Central Hotel - small function room ADDRESS: 10 Murray St, Colac TIME: 6 .00 pm arrival for 6.30 pm start MEALS: 2 Course Dinner - $20 pp * Must pre-book meal to Amanda by Sunday 13th Oct. 2019....0448 874 685 If not eating, arrival by 7.30pm please. RAFFLES: 3 tickets for $5.00 HAT & BEANIES AUCTION: Many great designs to bid on ! AUCTIONEER: Josh Lamanna GREAT BARGAINS FOR SALE: Babies/Toddlers/kids beanies for special sale price on this night only @ only $1.00 ea. LUCKY DIPS: Mens, Ladies, Boys, Girls - 20c, 50c, 80c, $1, $2.50 to choose from. ALL WELCOME ! JOIN IN THE FUN TO HELP MAKE THIS NIGHT A GREAT SUCCESS ! LOVE YOU TO COME ! All funds raised will be donated to the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund. www.bipolarresearchfund.org.au
11.01.2022 IMPACT DEAKIN - IPBRF TRIVIA NIGHT HUGE SUCCESS !! ...Theme: Stigma vs Superstition .....wonderfully executed !!! CONGRATULATIONS !! Guest totalled 135 !! Funds raised for the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund from ticket sales and raffle drawn on night, totalled $2,500.00 !!! I am very honoured to acknowledge the amazing effort and huge support that is so gratifying and deserving of much praise and complementation to all concerned; the amazing IMPACT Team of Deakin Univer...sity Geelong for hosting this night, the superb guests for their generosity of support to raise such a great amount of funding, the Thomson Cricket Club for their venue and everyone else whom has helped make our Trivia Night a very memorable event filled with much fun and humour ! Well done ! .... We look forward to next years theme ... with eager anticipation ! Emma Gliddon Olivia Dean Melanie Ashton Carol Smit Founder-Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund Lifting the Lows - Healing the Highs www.bipolarresearchfund.org.au
11.01.2022 #embracementalhealth IAN PARKER BIPOLAR RESEARCH FUND NATIONAL AMBASSADOR (Samantha Brunskill) ....UPCOMING EVENT.....TOMORROW NIGHT .. 10th August 2018 ...Wagga Wagga NSW to raise funds for Bipolar Disorder Research in Australia. Free popcorn. Coffee and hot chocs available for purchase on the night, bring chair/rug/esky, BBQ comedy movie screening on an outdoor cinema + $10 beanie sales going towards Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund 6pm, for 7:30pm movie start ... Hazelwood Dr, Brunslea Park, Wagga Wagga NSW RSVP by clicking going and read full event details here: https://www.facebook.com/112898292118208/posts/2093873697353981/ Help us spread the word by sharing this post with all you know living in the area or whom may like a beanie posted to them, if you cant make it and want a beanie... comment below and we can arrange this xx
10.01.2022 MY BIRTHDAY WISH for 12th April, 2020. The donations I am hoping to raise are in in lieu of any personal birthday s , and will be transferred by Australian Rotary Health (ARH) to the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund Phd Scholarship Program. (The ARH and IPBRF are funding partners of the Phd Scholarship Program for Bipolar Research).... We are now so close to completing our fundraising efforts toward paying for the fourth Phd IPBRF Scholarship, and have a student interested in applying for this scholarship. All support is very welcomed and very much appreciated. Due to the COV19, all fundraising events planned for 2020, which was to include Ians proposed 15th Anniversary Memorial Concert in August, have now been cancelled. I wish to thank all donors for their generosity in advance. ARH are registered with the ATO for Charity purposes. Receipts will be issued by ARH for taxation purposes for donations of $2 or more, for all residents within Australia. Carol Smit - Founder & Event Manager Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund
08.01.2022 BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE... 18.12.1954-10.08.2005 Remembering with much love my beautiful brother Ian. Had you still been with us I cannot believe we would be celebrating your 65th birthday today ! Gone but never forgotten and my many treasured memories of your amazing life will be carried in my heart forever my one and only darling brother / sibling. Much loved always....your ever loving sister Carol (and brother-in-law Ike) xxxxxxxx
08.01.2022 A very proud and fun moment of sharing our Lift the Lid night with many beautiful, inspiring and influential people all working together in support of the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund. Thank you to all, for your attendance, support, appreciation, dedication and continued loyal support. We raised between $550-$600 ! A great effort by all !
07.01.2022 https://amp.geelongadvertiser.com.au//d44f4dcae3365a6338d5
05.01.2022 Congratulations Melanie Ashton !!! It has been an absolute honour and privilege to have you as the second Phd recipient of the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund Scholarship, partnered with Austraian Rotary Health. I look forward to seeing you at a Rotary night later this year ! A huge THANK YOU to all whom have supported Mel and myself at Deakin University Geelong and Burwood Campus and the staff of Australian Rotary Health....and a really special thanks is extended to Prof M...ichael Berk, Olivia Dean and all of the IMPACT Team at Deakin Uni ! My heart is filled with so much gratitude for all you have done in supporting Mel over the last 3 years, as she dedicated so much hard work and many long hours toward Bipolar Research through her PhD thesis project on the efficacy of adjunctive Garcinia Mangostana ( mangosteen) pericarp for Bipolar depression. I wish you a well deserved break Mel and we wish you nothing more, than great success in all of your future pursuits in the field of mental health. Love you all. Carol Smit Founder - Manager Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund and Funding Partner of the ARH - IPBRF Phd Scholarship Program for Bipolar Research. See more
05.01.2022 Raffle prizes drawn on night and lucky door prizes too ! Late RSVPs will be accepted to Tues 13/11/18 for supper catering purposes....
04.01.2022 ****TONIGHT !***** 8/11/16 Lake Colac Bowls Club Armstrong St Colac Starts: 7-9pm Mental Health Speakers Entry: Gold Coin Donation... Raffles Great Supper is provided !! Ps. (No dinner orders). See more
04.01.2022 WORLD BIPOLAR DAY Free tickets available on link below to register your spot - love to see you there.
03.01.2022 UPCOMING BOOK LAUNCH - MENTAL HEALTH WARRIOR and AUTHOR- Willow Jayne I encourage you to open your hearts and purses to kindly pledge a donation to raise funds for the printing of Mental Health Warrior Book, written by our Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund National Ambassador and Author Willow Jayne. The countdown is on, with only less than 30 hours left for the publishing cost of $3000K to be reached.... but she is nearly there ! Your help will guarantee the publishing of t...his first book by this wonderfully amazing and courageous young woman and for her to see her dream and goal of sharing her very own personal bipolar journey to become a reality for all to share in....due to be published in July 2019. Thank you folks in advance for your generosity. Carol Smit Founder - Manager Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund www.pozible.com/project/mental-health-warrior-movement
03.01.2022 https://facebook.com/events/s/marooned-7th-feb-at-the-caroly/585993931942913/?ti=icl
03.01.2022 Sharing our next movie fundraiser for the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund..you are encouraged to book early, as tickets are expected to sell quickly as this movie is set to be extremely popular...and for every ticket purchased I thank you for your support toward bipolar research... Tickets @ Box Office: 03 5232 2077 Carol Smit - Founder of the IPBRF
02.01.2022 YOUR FREE MENTAL HEALTH COMMUNITY INVITATION ...sharing education, awareness and strengthening communities ...updates on latest bipolar research Tues 13/11/18... personal bipolar stories shared...supper provided throughout night, raffle and lucky door prizes ! All proceeds toward the Ian Parker Bipolar Research Fund See flyer for further details and RSVP.
02.01.2022 World Bipolar Day .... 30th March 2019 was celebrated today Monday 1st April, in Geelong...we were otherwise committed today, but were thinking of you all as we strive together to break down the barriers of stigma and educate and share in the many new positive outcomes of the latest bipolar research studies. Carol Smit www.bipolarresearchfund.org.au
01.01.2022 BIRTHDAY WISHES 18.12.17 Happy 63rd Birthday to my darling brother Ian Parker. When I look back on us as baby/toddlers, we played together; when we were little children we played and fought together; when were in our teens we developed our differences but always loved and respected each other; when we grew into adults, this love and respect grew deeper and deeper - our true soul mate-ship was now well realised; we laughed together and cried together; but always continuing t...o share in each others birthdays and lives. Treasured memories are mine to keep in my heart tucked away forever. A candle in my heart is burning bright today for your special birthday memory - my beautiful, loyal and much loved Ian. I can feel you watching over me, even sitting on my shoulder so many times with your smiling guidance and wisdom gently whispering into my hearts ear. Happy Birthday my darling guardian angel. Love you forever. Your ever loving sister Carol. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX See more
01.01.2022 Now the full set of all four papers is available (free full text online): paper 1: the method of CINP guidelines development https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27815414 paper 2: review of the evidence and presice algorithm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27816941... paper 3: the clinical guideline https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27941079 paper 4: unmet needs and future perspectives https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27677983 See more
01.01.2022 Sharing an interesting website found tonight...... www.bipolarsolutions.com
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