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25.01.2022 The humble flaxseed...otherwise known as linseed. I think the flax is the ULTIMATE superfood! Keep reading for another tight ass Tuesday tip! You may have seen flaxseed oil in the health food stores or ground flaxmeal or even LSA (ground up flax, sunflower seeds and almonds). Ground flax is great to sprinkle on top of your morning oats or muesli, perfect in a smoothie or even sprinkled on top of a salad. Same goes with the oil: it is commonly used as a dressing. You may ...find that the flax oil is expensive...and becuase it has a nice nutty flavour you'll be potentially spending $20 a fortnight (or more) on this health food. Ground flax is a little cheaper but I must admit: the oils in the flaxseed have the potential to go rancid quite easily. So if you ever buy the meal make sure it is in fridge and in a well sealed packet (out of light is even better). The best way to eat flax is to grind it yourself! All you need are whole flaxseeds (which are super cheap!) and a coffee grinder. You can find new grinders for about $15 or there are plenty of 2nd hand ones on Gumtree or marketplace. The benefits of DIY flaxmeal: you're saving money; you're getting more fibre by eating them ground (no fibre in the oil) and you know your flaxmeal is super fresh and the oils aren't rancid. I put 1 tablespoon of whole flaxseeds in my grinder and grind for about 5 seconds (no jokes!). So what's the deal with flaxseeds? Similarly to chia they are a great source of omega 3s. They also contain lignans. Lignans have to ability to block the effects of oestrogen and hence assist in the prevention of hormone-associated cancers such as breast cancer, endometrial and ovarian cancer and prostate cancer. They also have the potential to lower cholesterol levels and as mentioned above they are also a source of fibre. On a final note your body can't break down whole flax seeds so for best results they have to be ground! Flax are a great addition to your daily routine. - - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #flaxseed #flax #oakleigh #oakleighsouth #southeastmelbourne #tightasstips #fibre #omega3

25.01.2022 Such an interesting story and important topic this morning on ABC news: Antibiotic Resistance. You may have heard the term in the media over the last few years, however a recent report stating the consequences of this further progressing has shown light on this issue. What is it? Antibiotic resistance is when a certain strain of bacteria becomes resistant to an antibiotic trying to fight it. Long story short, due to high antibiotic use (in medicine, in agriculture and in o...ur daily lives with antibacterial disinfectants) many strains of bacteria have "mutated" to resist these very agents we use to try and eradicate them. In Australia, prescribing antibiotics has reduced since 2015, which is great however the report states that they are being overprescribed in situations where they may not be necessary. I believe that antibiotics are essential in medicine and they do save lives, although if facing the common cold or minor infection it's time to look at other options. There is interesting research out there on how we can deal with this resistance, one in particular where scientists are trialing probiotics on farmed pigs instead of using antibiotics as a preventative to infection. Another cool one is using honey on skin infections (as good raw, unheated honey is packed with natural antimicrobials). What can we do ourselves? - question where our food is coming from. Is the meat we are eating factory farmed? - choose organic or biodynamic where possible as these agents are also used in the soil that grows our veg - reduce the use of antibacterial soaps or surface sprays. The 99.9% antibacterial sprays aren't helping - build our natural resistance with food as medicine - make sure our microbiome (good bacteria in our body) is nice and diverse and strong! This is a huuuge topic and I feel like I could go on and on. Stayed tuned for my winter blog on how to prepare your immune system heading into winter. - - - - - #naturopath #southeastmelbourne #herbalist

24.01.2022 Watch this space! My good friend and fellow naturopath and I are bringing some exciting things to the communities we live in. Camille is from @camilleinthekitchenau, Mansfield, and as well as being a naturopath, she is an amazing chef- what an epic combination! If you have been to Camille's cafe, you'll know she creates beautiful & nourishing plant-based food. Camille & I are starting, 'The Better Health Project' - health & cooking workshops, which will run in both Marysv...ille and Mansfield. We are SO excited to be bringing this to you! If this sounds interesting to you, comment below or send me a DM saying, Keep me in the loop! so we can contact you when we're ready to take bookings. #naturopath #nutrition #camilleinthekitchen #plantbased #mansfield #murrindindi #healesville #marysville #taggerty #alexandra #buxton #narbethong #dindidirectory #supportlocal

24.01.2022 Hot flashes are something that many women in perimenopause dread due to their uncomfortable and unpredictable nature. Check out my blog written for @holisticbodyworks984 which outlines 3 simple things you can do at home to reduce their severity (link in bio). Feel like you need extra help with managing your hormones? Find me at Holistic Bodyworks on Thursdays! - - -... - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #oakleighsouth #oakleigh See more

23.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what herbal medicine really is? Whether it works and importantly if it is safe? Check out this month's blog via the link below. P.s. Appointments available tomorrow at Holistic Bodyworks. Click on the blog link and go to the 'Book an Appointment' tab to make an appointment....

21.01.2022 Happy Sunday everyone! Melbourne has given us beautiful weather this weekend, however I did miss out of some of that sunshine yesterday to get my nerd on! As naturopaths, we need to earn a certain number of professional education "points" to re-register every year with our association. This keeps us on the ball and up to date with the latest scientific research.... Yesterday I was learning about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It is more common than I was aware of and many people are unaware they have it. There are no current pharmaceutical medications aimed specifically at NAFLD, but numerous research papers have shown that exercise (even just moderate exercise for people who haven't worked out in a while) and a wholefood diet can make a massive difference. Pretty amazing! - - - - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #oakleigh #oakleighsouth #liver #nafld #fattyliver

21.01.2022 Not quite sure what naturopathy is or if I can assist you with your health concerns? Why not take the opportunity to have a chat with me before deciding whether you would like to book in. I offer complementary 10 minute Discovery Calls for people who haven't seen me before. Visit my website or send me a DM to book. #naturopath #herbalist #murrindindi #triangle #marysville #taggerty #healesville #alexandra #buxton #narbethong #dindidirectory #supportlocal

11.01.2022 Winter: the time of hibernation and self-care. I've definitely bunkered down this winter and have aimed to re-charge with self-care practices such as upping my natural skincare routine, cooking nourishing and warming foods and the occasional hot bath. It's so important to give your body the time to rest, especially in our busy society where we are always on the move against the clock! What do you do to recharge?

10.01.2022 Who said chia pudding had to be for breakfast?! Chia pudding is a great snack, it's cheap and can be pre-made, hence ready for you in the fridge whenever a hunger attack occurs. Chia is a great plant protein, rich in good fats and therefore satisfying! Here I mixed 3 tablespoons of chia seed, 1 cup of rice milk, threw in some blueberries and cut up some apple. ... I made this the day before so it was ready and waiting for me. You can make all sorts of never ending combinations (cacao & blueberry is one of my faves- just add about a teaspoon of raw cacao powder to the mix). Delish. - - - - - - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #oakleigh #oakleighsouth #southeastmelbourne #chiapudding #chiaseeds #healthysnacks See more

09.01.2022 Well it seems we are well and truly in soup season! Featured here is my potato, garlic & kale soup, which I have been loving. I've never really been a big soup person, but recently made a choice to make soups for lunch, as they are a great way to increase ones daily vegetable intake (and to be honest, it's just way too cold for salads at the moment!). My favourite thing about soups are they are quick, easy & cheap to make. The potato soup above came about by looking at wha...t I had leftover in the fridge and pantry, i.e., potatoes, onion, garlic, rosemary, kale, cannellini beans and vegetable broth/bouillon. I love making a big pot of soup and then freezing it in portions. That way if I have a busy weekend and don't find the time to prep my week's meals, I don't have to fret, my lunches are already there. I find as long as I have the following ingredients at home, I know I'm set for a batch soup cook-up: potatoes, sweet potatoes or pumpkin; lentils or beans; vegetable broth/boullion; onion/leek; garlic and any leafy green or vegetable I can find in the fridge. I'm especially packing the garlic into my soups (up to 6 cloves at times), to add flavour and importantly for immune support. Do you have a favourite soup recipe? #naturopath #nutrition #murrindindi #healesville #marysville #taggerty #alexandra #buxton #narbethong #dindidirectory #supportlocal

08.01.2022 Kombucha! It looks like I'm harbouring aliens, but I've got 2 little scobies in this jar together with a tea brew- ready to ferment! The benefits of ferments and good bacteria are well documented. They are beneficial for gut health, immune system strength, skin health and even mental health (the gut-brain axis- the two are very much connected!). I bought these kombucha scobies on gumtree and I love how easy it is to find them! Bottles of kombucha in the shops are around $5...- and this is how much I spent today on these scobies. The great thing is these scobies are the gift that keep giving as they continually make babies...meaning you can end up with many a jar of kombucha or even start your scoby-selling side hustle. There is the misconception that being healthy is expensive. It's not. I want to show you all how to be healthy on a budget. Being healthy shouldn't cause financial stress, stress on yourself or the environment. This month I will be giving you tips and tricks on how to be frugal AND healthy! Stay tuned... - - - - - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #oakleigh #oakleighsouth #kombucha #scoby #guthealth #microbiome #southeastmelbourne

06.01.2022 It's mushroom season! Braving the rain today to pick these beauties. When I was a kid my family would go every year out to forage. I loved the process but would never eat them! Being older luckily my palette has improved and I appreciate this tradition even more. Mushrooms are the perfect winter food as well- so great for our immune systems. -... - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #winterhealth #winterfoods #immunehealth #oakleighsouth #oakleigh .

06.01.2022 For those of you who have private health insurance, you may have been informed by your provider that from the 1st of April, naturopathy and herbal medicine (and a bunch of other therapies) will no longer be claimable. When you see a naturopath who has a provider number with your health insurer, you know they are part of a professional association; they update their professional education each year; they have professional insurance and mandatory first aid credentials. There ...are many issues with us being removed from the health fund lists, but for the general public the main issue is safety. From the 1st of April it will be harder for individuals to ascertain who is a qualified naturopath. Unfortunately, there are some people out there who call themselves 'naturopaths', without having any professional education in the field whatsoever. I'm hoping we won't be removed from the health fund lists, however if we do please make sure the naturopath or practitioner you want to see is part of a professional association. There is still time to sign the below petition and have your voice heard if you are upset about not being able to claim these therapies. Public pressure can make a difference! For those who have already signed, thank you for your support!

06.01.2022 It's tight-ass Tuesday and time for a frugal health tip! :D Here is a turmeric latte I made myself the other night. As many of you may be aware, turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, proving useful for conditions such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease. You may have come across some pre-made turmeric or golden latte formulas out there and my are they expensive! They usually range between the 20-30 dollar mark for a 100g bag.... Turmeric lattes are the EASIEST thing to make and doesn't need to break your budget. On the stove heat up 1 cup of milk of your choice. Meanwhile put 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in your mug, a dash of cinnamon as well as a dash of ginger powder and nutmeg. When your milk is ready, pour some into the mug whilst stirring (to make sure the turmeric mixes with the milk). Pour the rest of the milk in and viola! Look at that beautiful colour! I usually add a bit of honey in there too for a bit of sweetness. Enjoy! - - - - - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #oakleigh #oakleighsouth #southeastmelbourne #turmeric #turmericlatter #antiinflammatory #goldenlatte

06.01.2022 Reflecting on this passionflower I stumbled across last weekend whilst visiting friend and amazing dermal therapist @mediskinaustralia. Passionflower when used as a tea or in liquid extract form can aid in moments of anxiety, stress and nervous energy. Additionally, it is a great hypnotic, aiding in falling asleep. I can't help but notice how some parts of the flower look like little nerves. It's such an unusual and beautiful flower, I think it's my favourite. - -... - - - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #herbalist #herbalmedicine #oakleigh #oakleighsouth #southeastmelbourne #passionflower See more

03.01.2022 Have you heard of the Premier's Active April program? What a great incentive to get more movement into your day. Active April challenges people to do 30 minutes of physical activity per matter how small. This could be a gentle walk, stretching or even gardening. Finding the right type of exercise for you can be hard and I've definitely been there! ... If you sign up to Active April you get the opportunity to try different activities for free or at a discounted rate (e.g., dance, golf, tennis, paddle boarding etc). We all know the benefits of exercise, but most importantly it's about finding what works for YOU. What motivates you and keeps you getting up in the morning. - - - - - #naturopath #naturopathmelbourne #oakleigh #oakleighsouth #southeastmelbourne #healthyhabits #activeapril

02.01.2022 Hello! Wow, it has been a while since I have posted on my social media platforms and a lot has happened since finishing up practice in Melbourne at the end of last year. I have spent the last six months setting down new roots in Marysville, Victoria and my clinic is about to start running once more from the 6th of July. I feel so grateful to live in such a stunning part of the world and I'm so excited to get to know and help my new local community. If Marysville is a lit...tle too far for you to travel, I also offer online consultations. I really look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve optimal health and well-being. For more information about how I work, check out my website: #naturopath #murrindindi #triangle #marysville #taggerty #alexandra #buxton #narbethong #dindidirectory #supportlocal

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