Birds of the Bay | Community
Birds of the Bay
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24.01.2022 Think Pink Zooms ahead to beat Covid
19.01.2022 We have two types of spoonbills in our wetlands. The Royal Spoonbill has a magnificent black bill. The Yellow Spoonbill is larger.
19.01.2022 It's not even July. I just saw a new Holland Honeyeater gathering nesting material. These smaller honeyeaters are common in many gardens and found in the parks around Docklands.
16.01.2022 Crested Terns are the most graceful birds, sweeping across the sea and plucking fish that venture to the surface.
16.01.2022 Once the Pacific Gull has caught some food, it still needs to protect it from other gulls.
15.01.2022 Think Pink Birds of the Bay and Docklands getting ready to launch
13.01.2022 THE THINK PINK FOUNDATION AUSTRALIA Think Pink Foundation's 'The Living Centre' provides professional and caring support to patients, their families and carers at any stage of their journey with breast cancer. All of our programs are provided free of charge and we do not limit the number of visits by our clients.
13.01.2022 I've seen some groups of Pied Oystercatchers feeding along sandbars. Their thick bill can crack open shellfish.
11.01.2022 Check Out Think Pink Programs on ZOOM At The Living Centre our professional and experienced team is constantly developing our comprehensive range of services, some of which are detailed below. Each program or service is designed with care and sensitivity to the needs of breast cancer patients and many of our services are not available elsewhere in the healthcare system or at other support centres.... Most of our programs are currently running successfully via Zoom.
07.01.2022 I was very lucky to get a photo of a Darter with a fish it had speared. I could have been more lucky and get a closer photo. Darters are the only birds that spear fish. This Darter struggled to get the fish from its beak into its mouth. It seemed stuck.
06.01.2022 Check Out the Australian White IBIS Size: 70cm Where: From coastal mudflats to farmers’ paddocks.... What to look for: Black down curved bill. Only head, neck and tail black. They breed in large noisy and smelly rookeries. The long bill is useful for probing, mud, long grass and rubbish tips for food. Have you seen this bird let us know where and when.
06.01.2022 This time of year groups of crested terns can be found resting in groups along the coast.
01.01.2022 Like everyone in Melbourne, I am in lock down. But the birds can still visit our gardens. This is a male fairy-wren in its winter plumage. I'm lucky to have many native birds visit my garden. This might be a good to time to find out which birds call your garden home. Our Birds of the Bay app will help you identify the birds.