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Birth from Within in Croydon, Victoria, Australia | Pregnancy care centre

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Birth from Within

Locality: Croydon, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 401 619 755


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23.01.2022 So true......hang in there everyone......we will get through it *If you are struggling please reach out and ask for help - talk to a friend, your GP, a psychologist, religious/spiritual leader or whomever you feel could best support you*

22.01.2022 Please stay safe

22.01.2022 Imagine the moment after 40 weeks of growing the life inside you that you and your soulmate created through love, where they are halfway between one world and t...he next. The moment where our son’s head rested in his father’s hands, yet his body remained inside mine. The moment between born and unborn for our baby. The moment between parents of 1 and parents of 2 for both of us. The 3 of us all in this moment together, each of us holding on to this thin line between one world and the next. We were all one being in this moment, and time stood completely still for me when my husband looked at me and said, I’m holding his head babe! I have his head in my hand! I delivered my child myself, my husband caught him in his hands, and we both brought him into my chest for the first time together @stoneys_wife

21.01.2022 I really feel sad for the families who have had, or will welcome, a baby during the COVID pandemic. If you are struggling, please reach out and ask for help.

21.01.2022 ‘There is no safe level of caffeine intake in pregnancy’. That is the conclusion of this ‘narrative review’ of caffeine safety in pregnancy (BMJ Evidence Based ...Medicine, Open Access) which a patient brought to my attention very recently after hearing about it on the news. I felt that it required clarification to avoid concern. The single author concluded that, after finding 48 studies (37 observational studies and 11 meta-analyses), caffeine intake in pregnancy significantly increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight, childhood leukaemia and childhood overweight/obesity. The author then goes on to recommend that all worldwide guidelines (including American, UK and Australian) stating the safety of caffeine in doses<200mg/day (approximately 2 cups of coffee) should be revised to say ‘there is no safe level of caffeine in pregnancy’. Fortunately, there is no need to panic. This paper is far from as conclusive as it might make you believe, but serves as a good example of how language can be used to persuade when evidence does not. Firstly, this ‘study’ is not a properly conducted systematic review or metanalysis. Literature from only PubMed and Google Scholar were searched. The search was not systematically or transparently documented and there was no reference to the PRISMA guidelines (a minimum set of items for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses). This is important as it means that a significant number of studies will have been missed in the search, introducing significant reporting bias (studies with results showing caffeine is safe in pregnancy may not have been included). The review looks at both observational studies and meta-analyses and it is not clear whether non-independence has been accounted for that is, some of the individual studies may have been included in the reported metanalyses. This would result in duplication of the data and an overestimation of the effect size. Because the review was not systematic, there is no detailed analysis of confounding factors (ie. Women who drank alcohol or smoked as well as drank coffee during their pregnancy which could also effect the outcomes). The variation between the studies have not been reported or investigated (therefore, cannot be compared or summed). This ‘heterogeneity’ has not been identified or reported. There is no consideration of publication bias (when only studies with positive results tend to get published), and even more importantly, no analysis of bias in each individual study (which is mandatory for any meta-analysis). The author appears to try to make conclusions based on the ‘number of studies that found an effect’ instead of the ‘number of participants that were effected’. It also doesn't account for the quality or lack of quality of each study. Even if a lot of studies find an effect, if they are not well designed then the effect may not exist. This paper seems to be written without any balance, making one concerned about the agenda of the author. The author states that the safety of caffeine may be backed by caffeine corporations (coffee and soft drink manufacturers). Indeed, a quick ‘Google’ search of the author’s name shows that he has written two books about the dangers of caffeine. While this does not mean that this report can be discounted, it does give some insight into the motives of the author. Interestingly, one randomised controlled trial which found no affect of caffeine in pregnancy is briefly mentioned in the discussion of the study, but quickly ‘discredited’. SUMMARY: In short, this article is really an ‘opinion piece’. Don’t put down your coffee cup just yet. It is safe to consume <200mg/day of caffeine during your pregnancy. In these times of media frenzy, please read your evidence and advice with care. As always, if you are pregnant and have any questions or concerns about something that you read online, be sure to discuss it with your doctor. Feel free to SHARE! #knowledgeispower #questioneverything #fakenews #lookdeeper #caffeine #pregnancy #safety #melbourneobstetrician TheGuardian CNN International BBC News To read the full article: Thanks, Bonnie for the photo!

20.01.2022 this is pretty accurate. Especially when you add in the older siblings who also like to wake up at night! Awake Training for Parents: Dear Fellow Babies,...Continue reading

20.01.2022 Just beautiful

19.01.2022 This is beautiful

18.01.2022 I’m sure you’ve all heard about the maternity crisis in Victoria - please consider signing this petition

17.01.2022 Sending love to all the mums who have birthed, or will give birth, during this pandemic. I feel robbed of all the special one on one time and things I wanted to do with Toby (#3) during my maternity leave. I cannot imagine how all of you first time mums are feeling right now. ... I hope that you are getting enough support from your partners, family and friends (at a distance) right now; and that you are able to snuggle up safely at home with your baby, until the outside world is safer.

16.01.2022 Have you seen ‘Spoonville’ villages in your local area, or all over facebook? It started in the UK (I believe) as a fun activity to do during lockdown. My boys and I started one last week in our local park - it has now grown into a decent sized community!... They love waking past to see how many new spoon people there are, and it’s been great talking with other people as they stop to look as well (at a socially distant 1.5m). . . #lockdown2020 #spoonvilleinternational #familyfun #isolation #barngeongreserve #maroondahcitycouncil

15.01.2022 You are not alone during COVID-19, and our team of birth professionals all over the world are dedicated to ensuring that you are supported during what is a very... special time for you. Now more than ever parents-to-be are experiencing anxiety, uncertainty, and stress about what's ahead for them and we want to help! Our gift to you is a guided relaxation that you can listen to daily to help release fears and feel calm, centered, and grounded. Give it a try yourself and hit download!

14.01.2022 Wow.....some more magical photos from Monet Nicole - Birthing Stories

13.01.2022 No words needed Congratulations to this beautiful family

13.01.2022 Some words of wisdom from Michelle Clift - Educator, Doula & Business Coach.

12.01.2022 Does anyone else find that they do a lot of online shopping whilst breastfeeding or holding their sleeping baby??!! I seem to buy something most days - but in my defence I have been buying birthday and Christmas presents . .... #breastfeeding #addictedtoonlineshopping See more

10.01.2022 Please take the time to complete this survey if you are pregnancy or have given birth since March 2020 in Australia.

09.01.2022 For all the 2020 new mums and dads You are all legends xx

09.01.2022 Today is my second HypnoBaby's first birthday. Happy birthday to my beautiful and cheeky boy Jack. This past year has gone so fast. I have been planning on making a slide show with my labour and birth photos but I haven't had the chance. I thought I'd share a few of my favourite photos today. Soecial thanks and photo credit goes to Kate Tyzack from Bump to birth photography xx

08.01.2022 Such precious photos of a mum and her rainbow baby.

06.01.2022 This is the best

04.01.2022 Dadvice because babies change everything. Watch the full series at

02.01.2022 Happy World Breastfeeding Week I have always wanted to breastfeed, and I’ve been fortunate enough to breastfeed two of my boys until they self weaned, and am currently feeding Toby who is 8.5 months old. Breastfeeding is natural, but it isn’t always easy. Throughout my journey I’ve had nipple thrush, blocked ducts, mastitis, been engorged, been bitten, had bleeding nipples, used a nipple shield, needed medication to increase supply, expressed and dealt with food allergies ...and dietary restrictions; and each baby had tongue/lip ties released. Phew.....that is a long list of problems! For me, the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh these complications. But, having the right kind of support is vital. Support and education during pregnancy, support from the midwives in hospital and home, and professional IBCLC lactation consultant support. Most importantly, a woman’s breastfeeding journey is made much easier if she has unwavering support from her partner, family and friends. Please reach out via PM if you’d like some guidance to find the best support for you. #breastfeeding #natural #instinctivebirth #australianbreastfeedingassociation #support #worldbreastfeedingweek

02.01.2022 Positive Pregnancy Post #1 I’ve decided to spend a few days focusing on being positive and suggesting some practical things you can do if you are pregnant and f...eeling stressed or anxious at this time. There are 5 posts in total. First there is probably the same suggestions you’ve heard everywhere turn off the news, limit screen time or stay off social media altogether and surround yourself (virtually) with people who either make you feel good or hold space while you unravel. I should probably tell you to exercise every day and eat well but let’s face it, our beds are cosy at this time of year and chocolate a necessity. So what can you do? I want to talk to you about making your home or a room in your home, your sanctuary. Let’s create that beautiful birth space now, even if labour is weeks or months away, I want to see the fairy lights, the candles, the positive affirmations, the cards from friends, the crystals, the altars, the flowers and everything else in between. Bring together the softest of blankets, the cushiest of cushions, the essential oils and the warmth of a dark room or throw open those curtains and windows and let the Winter sun shine in. BE in your space. BE mindful. Feel the furnishings, smell the scents, listen to the music, turn inward to yourself and your baby. Focus on yourself and what you can control. *** I have a free information session next week where I’ll be sharing more ways to have a positive pregnancy and birth. You can register here - I have HypnoBirthing courses starting soon check out dates here

01.01.2022 My brother and his wife are having a baby any day now. It could be tomorrow, it could be in 3-4 weeks. I am waiting patiently for their exciting news, and it’s taking me back to being pregnant myself. I always loved the final few weeks of pregnancy; I can feel the excitement and anticipation. When will I go into labour? What date will baby be born? Is it a boy or girl? Who will the baby look like?... It is such an exciting time, and I’m sad that I won’t be experiencing this again myself!

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