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23.01.2022 #scienceweek fact - colostrum is made by your body during late pregnancy and for the first few days after birth. It is a thick yellowish fluid, high in protein... and immunoglobulins. Colostrum provides protection to your newborn baby as they adapt to their new world. #ozbreastfeeding #colostrum #newborn
22.01.2022 It's amazing. You're going to love it. All those hopeful, well-intentioned platitudes, that we offer up to our pregnant friends. Because it wouldn’t be quite ...right to tell them the whole spectrum of the experience; the good and the bad, would it? Then the baby is born and the tone changes. The truth-telling begins. After Casey arrived, my inbox was suddenly awash with messages from seasoned mothers. Asking how feeding was going. Admitting how hard they had found breastfeeding and the early days. It was as though I were being inducted into the real world of motherhood, where the veil was finally lifted and the protective bubble of pregnancy was no more. One friend told me she couldn't remember much of the first six months at all now. She called it self-preservation. I came to understand what she meant by that. Because I too have forgotten so much of those first few weeks and months. Some of it has become so terribly vague with the passing of the time. But now that I'm through it, I want to remember it all. All of it. I can’t even properly remember the first time we took him home. Moments come back to me in flashes sometimes. His newborn obsession with light fittings, those alert shining deep-brown eyes that reminded me of a woodland creatures. Both arms in the air as he slept. Ah yes they were right, I did love it. And then come the other sort of memories. Prompted by the smell of a certain brand of nappy bags, the sight of a peri bottle or an out-of-date tube of lansinoh (that is now being used as lip balm) and I balk a bit with the memory of the rawness. Then I hear news of a friend becoming pregnant. It's amazing. You're going to love it, I say. ------------------------------------------------- Words: Karen McMillan (@mother_truths) Image: Spirit Y Sol 'Lessons: Reflections on Early Motherhood' is available to buy now on Amazon:
19.01.2022 When you look into the mirror, you see your reflection and know that whom you are seeing is the physical you. But how do the true self, the ego, and the soul se...e themselves? Well, your life is a mirror image of your mind, your consciousness, and who you really are. There are no schools of ancient spiritual wisdom sitting high on mountaintops in the Himalayas waiting to initiate us into becoming mystics and saints. Our lives are our initiation into greatness. Maybe you and I should see life as an opportunity to reach greater and greater levels of self so that we can overcome our own limitations with more expanded levels of consciousness. That’s how a pragmatist, instead of a victim, sees it. To abandon the familiar ways in which we’ve grown accustomed to thinking about life in order to embrace new paradigms will feel unnatural in the beginning. Frankly, it takes effortand it’s uncomfortable. Why? Because when we change, we no longer feel like ourselves. My definition of genius, then, is to be uncomfortable and to be okay with being uncomfortable
19.01.2022 It can’t be said often enough. Your birth decisions and experiences are nobody's business but yours. You have the right to make the decisions that are right... for you and your baby, no matter whether that's to do with where you give birth, who you have with you or what you want going on around that. We need to ensure that ALL birth decisions are respected and that no-one is hassled, groomed, shamed, coerced or bullied about pregnancy and birth decisions. Before OR afterwards. Loads of information at #midwife #midwifery #doula #childbirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #positivebirth #hypnobirthing #pregnancyyoga #drsarawickham See more
18.01.2022 Birthday Frosting . Vernix caseosa is the white waxy or cheesy like substance that covers and protects your baby's skin. It is mostly the result of a secretio...n of oil from your baby's sebaceous glands and begins forming around 20 weeks gestation. By the time your baby is full term, it begins to absorb into their skin, which is why some later term babies might not have as much. It consists of approximately 81% water, 10% lipids, and 9% proteins. . Why is vernix so amazing? . In utero, it helps protect and keep your baby's skin moisturized During labor and delivery, it acts as a lubricant and helps the baby maneuver and pass through the birth canal more easily Has amino acid, antibacterial, antimicrobial, lipid, moisturizing, and protein properties and compounds. Of the approximately 41 proteins found on vernix, 25 can only be found in vernix Facilitates extra-uterine adaptation of skin for baby during their 1st week earth side Helps promote bonding and temperature regulation Baby's swallow vernix in utero, which helps develop their gut Usually the majority of vernix is absorbed within 24 hours but generally isn't fully absorbed until 5-6 days after birth . : @sagemamadoula via @placentar_energia_vitalidade See more
17.01.2022 Repost from the gorgeous Rosie Geelong Born PLACENTA VARIATIONS Typically the umbilical cord is inserted in or near the center of the placenta. However their ar...e some interesting variations that can occur in the placenta. These variations may or may not cause problems depending on how the delivery of the placenta is managed and the interventions that took place in labor. 1.) Bipartite placentas occur when there is two (or three) completely separate lobes. Each lobe has an umbilical cord leaving them yet join a short distance from the separate lobes. 2.) Battledore insertion is when the umbilical cord is attached to the edge of the placenta. 3.) Succenturiate lobe is an extra lobe that forms that is separate but still attached to the main placenta by blood vessels running through the membranes. 4.) Circummarginate placenta is a variation of the normal shaped placenta and is characterized by the thinning of membranous tissue on the fetal side. 5.) Velamentous insertion is when the cord inserts into the membranes and the umbilical blood vessels also run through the membranes. There may be little Wharton's jelly protecting part of the umbilical cord. 6.) Circumvallate placenta occurs when the chorion and amnion double back creating a ring on the fetal surface of the placenta. Wonderful illustration by @trulyelke Were you game to check out your placenta after giving birth?? Was there something unique about it?
17.01.2022 What if I told you your eyes don't see but that your brain is what is seeing your reality? Keep reading to learn why this is true... Do you believe your beli...efs? All beliefs about God, spirituality, health, relationships, and love are subconscious states of being that are based on our past experiences. Now, most of those beliefs we think (but don't necessarily believe) are true. We think they are true because those beliefs are functioning in the subconscious rather than the conscious mind. So, if you stack several beliefs upon each other, you start to form what's called perceptions. Why is this important? Because, if beliefs are subconscious states of being and you're stacking beliefs together, then you are unconsciously viewing your life through the lens of the past. You're filling it in from your past memory. We know this to be true. Here's how: An experiment was done with a group of people who wore lenses that were split into two different colors. When the participants looked to one side, they saw one color, and when they looked to the other side, they saw another color. They wore the glasses every day for two weeks. When asked what color they saw at the end of two weeks, they reported they did not see a color on either side. This says a couple of things. Number one, the eyes don't see; the brain sees. Number two, the participants were filling in their external reality based on their memory in their brain. If they were genuinely seeing, they would be seeing the colors in the glasses. We overlay the present moment with our memory of the past. In our perceptions, we overlay our future, which diminishes possibility in our lives. In order for us to change any belief or perception about ourselves in our lives, we have to decide with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that's greater than the hardwired programs in the brain and the emotional conditioning in the body. When this happens, you will change. See more
15.01.2022 Sending love and light.
14.01.2022 Too early for pumpkin pics? I hope not! Dating pregnancy is not an exact science and there is considerable variation between women. It is normal that some ...women naturally have longer pregnancies than others. The idea that something terrible will happen if a woman remains pregnant for a moment longer than 42 weeks just isn’t true. The baby doesn’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight. It’s so important that women have full information and are able to look at the pros and cons of different courses of action before making the decisions that are right for them. Part of that is sorting the myths from the facts. This quote is from my book, Inducing Labour: making informed decisions." You can find out more about that and my other books and explore birth-related information and decision making at #midwife #midwifery #doula #childbirth #childbirtheducation #pregnancy #informedchoice #informedbirth #positiveinduction #childbirtheducator #duein2020 #nopumpkins #women #birthinformation #writersofinstagram #drsarawickham #nopumpkins See more
12.01.2022 Holidays are over and thought of the day is back...
09.01.2022 The Lunge opens the midpelvis. It is a good technique to be used in labor during a contraction, for: 1) Helping an occiput posterior baby rotate or descend 2) H...elping an asynclitic baby descend 3) Overcoming a stall in active labor Learn more:
07.01.2022 When someone is in lack & feeling separation from what they desire, when they are challenged in some way because they are out of brain & heart coherence (or to create matter to matter, & thus forgetting everything they've learned), then of course it makes sense they may cheat, lie, steal, compete, become violent, or act out in some way just to immediately get what they want. Why? It temporarily relieves them of those uncomfortable feelings. They're wondering why their life hasn't changed, yet they're not connected to the emotions of their future. They are back to the known familiar emotions of the past. If you want to be a master, a saint, or a mystic, then you have to start acting like one with your eyes open- you have to live this work. While your environment may not reorganize immediately to reflect who you're being, if you can operate from this consciousness, then you're no longer seduced by whatever it is that triggers your program, whether it's a pandemic, wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, a financial crisis, the loss of a relationship or job, & so forth. If you're living at a different level of consciousness, you outgrow the attachment to your reaction. Now you're no longer feeling the need to steal, cheat, gossip, blame, & so on because you're creating from a greater place. Only victims do that; creators don't. This is transcending the animal in us that lives in survival & victimization, to the divine in uswhich is when we become the creators of our life. Now more than ever is a time for us to transcend our limitations, transcend the illusion of a limited level of consciousness, & stop judging people for whatever fight they're in or whatever level of consciousness they are operating out of. It's neither good nor bad. It's just where they're at. So if we can rise above these limited levels of consciousness & be the example of love, gratitude, joy, generosity, caring for one another, & so on, that's a new level of consciousness. Now we're cooperating, connecting, & taking care of one anotherand maybe that's how a new collective consciousness is formed See more
04.01.2022 Get Praeclarus Press's new downloadable breastfeeding poster. This poster is free to print, and share. Feel free to include it on your own literature. Art by [email protected] #breastfeeding #ibclc
03.01.2022 And it’s important work.
03.01.2022 When we experience traumatic incidents in our lives (or an accumulation of repeated similar incidents) such as pain, loss, abuse, & so on, the strength of the c...orresponding emotional quotient turns on a survival center in our brains. That center is called the amygdala. Bc the experience was painful, the activation of the amygdala serves to protect us from the situation happening again. It’s an unconscious response to an external situation designed for self-preservation. The more times you experience the trauma or revisit on a daily basis the emotions of the suffering caused by it, it’s as if your brain continuously sets itself to a new baselinea baseline that is not connected to love, joy, balance, or homeostasis. Instead, it’s based in the hormones of stress, & as we all know, living in the hormones of stress for extended periods of time has serious health consequences. If your senses are always sweeping the environment to determine what is safe and/or what is not, if something in your environment triggers an association to the memory of that trauma, as the amygdala switches on, you’re back to living in your past & anticipating that future event happening again. There are afferent nerve fibers that go directly from the heart to the brain. Not only do they go directly to the brain, but they go directly to the amygdala. Why is this important? Because the research demonstrates that when you open your heart & feel loveI’m talking really surrendering fully to lovethe power of that profound love can create a new baseline in your brain & body’s survival systems. This means that the heart is also the command center of the body, as well as the brain. Do you want to learn how to do this? Join me on November 4th, 2020 @ 1pm PST/4pm EST for a live stream that will teach you this formula. Click the link to join!
02.01.2022 Last year, a review published in the British Medical Journal showed that universal antenatal screening for the group B strep bacteria may cause more harm than g...ood. The reviewers found that universal screening for group B strep "would have led to overtreatment of 138 583 (99.75%) women in labour." Given that the treatment is giving intravenous (by drip) antibiotics during labour, which have side effects and mean that movement and options are limited, this is an important finding. If you’d like to know more about group B strep and your options, take a look at That page has details of my book on this topic which helps parents, professionals and others to understand the issues and the evidence relating to the screening and prophylactic measures offered in the hope of preventing early-onset group B strep (EOGBS) disease and it also contains a link to my information hub, where you can read about this study and many others. #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #birth #childbirth #duein2020 #drsarawickham #positivebirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme #gbs #gbsexplained #birthoptions #getthefacts #youdoyou See more
01.01.2022 Children do not need encouragement to stop breastfeeding. Much less to be forced. Doing so implies that there is something wrong with their continued There is not. Here one mother's experience as written by her in an email to me: "I wanted to write and say I have living proof that everything you say about breastfeeding is absolutely true! My son is nearly 5 1/2 years old now and still breastfeeds (from one breast.) I still produce milk, even though I am 49 years old. Isn't the human body incredible? He calls it "mommy milk" or "snuggle milk". He has even verbalized to me, in his own words, that when he is hurt or scared, mommy milk helps him feel better. Typically he has a bit in the morning when he wakes up and definitely before bed at night. Do I share this with many people? No, unfortunately, no, but this is a decision for my son and me. He enjoys it, I am fine with it, so it works for us. One day he will decide to stop of course, but I would prefer it to be his decision. My son is confident and independent. He dresses himself, he washes his own hair in the bath (with supervision, of course), he's taking swimming lessons and asked the instructor (voluntarily) to teach him to dive as well. In his senior kindergarten class, he has been encouraged by his teacher to be a leader and role model for his classmates. You and your clinic do AMAZING work and we are so fortunate to have support for breastfeeding in Canada. So thank YOU!" My new book Breastfeeding: Empowering Parents contains an inspiring chapter on breastfeeding older children and self-weaning: