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24.01.2022 Dads often get overlooked when it comes to the emotions of birth. We don't really talk about how it feels to watch the person that you love, be in pain. We don't talk about how it feels to stand by and wait for your child to be born when you have no control over it. We don't talk about the pressure of providing emotional and physical support for an event that you have never witnessed before. We don't talk about the waves of emotion that can hit you when you finally connec...t with the child that your partner has known for 9 months but that you are just now seeing. Its a lot. Its life-changing. Its the birth of a father. Dads & partners deserve support too. A good birth class will help dads understand what that need to do to look after themselves and their partner in labour& birth as well as in the weeks of being a brand new parent. Doulas can provide an additional emotional and practical support for Dads who are nervous and want the back up of an experienced professional. Here in Australia @pandanational can provide emotional support over the phone if partners feel they need to chat things out with an experienced and caring ear, as can @menshelpline. We are also so lucky to have a great new service called @sms4dads2020 available for new Dads, with great tips that will help build that confidence to help with the learning curve that becoming a new parent brings We love you Dads, grab the support that’s there so you can flourish into fatherhood! #Repost @gracefullbirth @birth_boot_camp @nathaliepaulifotografia #oxytocin #normalizebirth #empoweredbirth #childbirtheducation #empoweryourplan #lgbtqparents #samesexparents #expectful #bumpbirthandbeyond #nestedmag #dadsmattertoo #birthcenter #hospitalbirth #lgbtqfamily #pregnancyjourney #unmedicatedbirth #csection #bumppositive #fatherhoodjourney #doula #midwife #bumpdated #postpartumjourney #fourthtrimesterbodiesproject
22.01.2022 Its time to #starttheconversation about the fact that around the world, one in three women report the experience of #birthtrauma. Think about that....our mot...hers, sisters, friends, perhaps even you personally may be impacted by this troubling statistic, and its time to say #enough! This is a conversation that spans physical and psychological scars, and left unacknowledged and untreated, increases the incidence of anxiety, depression and even PTSD. It impacts adversely on a womans emotional and physical wellbeing, as well as relationship with her body, her baby and her partner. This is a MASSIVE issue - in fact, could it be one of the bigger under discussed feminist issues of our time....? Theres a feeling in my waters that says it could well be. We need to talk pelvic floor injury. We need to talk trauma from caesareans; we need to talk not being listened to and sometimes even disrespected, and we need to understand that when it comes to birth related trauma, that one womans definition of what it was for her will be different to anothers.So what it is...? Its whatever the woman deems it to be, and thats what we need to be listening out for. A healthy baby is super important but its not the only thing that matters. Mothers matter too, and as a health care provider, childbirth educator & mental health advocate, I think its time to beat the drum to get ourselves moving towards doing better so parents go into their new roles feeling more empowered, and not like theyve come out of a war zone from what they perceived as a disempowering & traumatic birth experience. If you can, please donate to the Birth Sense Australia teams walk n talk for birth trauma event for this Saturday. Head to #birth #childbirtheducation #healthymum See more
22.01.2022 #Repost @doctorerinbowe Working through trauma is like pulling weeds The temptation is to just pull the top off, so that at least you cant see it. ... Going in and untangling the roots takes time, you get your hands dirty and its hard work But if you cut or pull rather than carefully separate the strands then you leave part of the root. It stays hidden for a while, but it will come back up to the surface My online birth trauma courses are designed for you to just make a start with some strategies. The same ones Ive been teaching for over a decade & the ones I used myself after my own traumatic births. Deep work doesnt happen in isolation & youll never really feel ready. But its a start. Link in my bio #morethanahealthybaby #birthtrauma #birthtraumatraining #drerinbowe #birthtraumaawareness #birthtraumaawarenessweek #birthtraumaawarenessweek2020#yourstorymatters #starttheconversation #ptsd #postnatalptsd #postpartumptsd #maternalptsd #paternalptsd #makebirthbetter
21.01.2022 Bringing a baby home can be scary. And in a pandemic, all the more so. But as this article says, as unqualified as you probably feel, it’s going to be ok...
20.01.2022 Walk n' talk this Saturday for the Australasian Birth Trauma Association? Join the Birth Sense Australia team and help us reach our goal to support this incredible charity OR maybe donate just a little bit of pocket change towards our 10km hike and #starttheconversation.
18.01.2022 As 2020 draws to a close, we say thank you to #annefrank, for her timeless and eloquent words. Now off you go 2020. Off. You. Go #goodbye2020 #2020 #2020mom #natal2020
17.01.2022 Happy fathers day to all the expectant and new dad's today! You know from 18 weeks your baby can hear you really well, and by the time they are born they'll know the sound of your voice and be looking for you. Isn't that so gorgeous! For this fathers day, put your feet up for the next half an hour or so and tune in to this webinar with Darren Varley, who has a passion for working to educate, inform and empower fathers. This lead him to work with the Mercy for Women Heidelbe...rg where he designed and facilitated a 2-year pilot program of ante-natal classes for new fathers. He also delivers the Dads and Bubs sessions at St. Vincents & Mercy Private Hospital. Darren also consults privately with parents who have young children with sleep/settling and behaviour problems and is a regular contributor to community discussions regarding the role of Dads in contemporary families.
16.01.2022 The research behind the advantages of mindfulness for our emotional and psychological wellbeing is very compelling - for life, birth and parenting. In the post graduate studies that I'm currently doing in Perinatal Mental Health, journal articles, research and other academic papers state again and again the benefits of mindfulness based childbirth education, which has been shown to.. improve a woman's sense of control... improve confidence in giving birth improve maternal mental health outcomes (Byrne et al 2013). Birth Sense Australia has some exciting news around a new mindfulness based program that we are launching for pregnancy, birth and parenting that it 100% evidence based...the online program will commence in January 2021, and face to face classes will be offered in the beautiful Macedon Ranges, Victoria soon after. Until then, our current online program (which is a blend of hypnobirthing/relaxation based techniques and practical skills) is there to support and your partner with some great skills, tools and knowledge for your birth experience. See more
15.01.2022 This service is so needed and so fabulous. Its a new support service for Dad's, which sends useful information via text message that is matched to your bub's age. Sign up at SMS4dads
14.01.2022 With new evidence, must come new practises. #wednesdaywisdom #evidencebased #evidencebasedbirth
14.01.2022 Hey Beautifuls. Have you ever heard the term matrescence? Like adolescence, only for new mummys? I listened to a very fabulous TED talk in the week that suggested the huge influx of hormones, body changes and life transition that becoming a mother brings is similar to the upheaval of the child to adult metamorphosis. ... Dr Sacks, a Reproductive Psychiatrist, suggested that women need to talk more about this to each other....about the impact that these rapid physical, emotional and psychological changes bring, and how they can knock you off your feet when you become a parent. She proposes, if we did this more, it wouldnt be such a shock to our systems when life isnt like the magazine images, and that the all too common feelings of matrescence would be normalized, rather than stigmatized.... Check out the talk, its brilliant & its in the link in our bio. The fatigue. The sleepless nights. The need to Google everything on Gods green earth. The anxiety. The post partum depression. The body image struggles. The tears. The spit up. The waves of loneliness and isolation because you feel certain youre in this alone. The mastitis. The brain fog and forgetfulness. The lapses in judgement. The messy house. The exhaustion. The harsh opinions and words of others. The blow outs. The feelings of cluelessness and inadequacy. Dont forget that behind all the cute baby pictures that you see in your feed, theres a mom who is experiencing one, most, or all of this and more. We are real women with real lives and real feelings who are doing the very best that we can. Never underestimate the impact that your extension of grace, kind words or sweet gesture makes on us. You probably wont get a thank you card, or if you do, its like 8 weeks late. But I can promise you that Ive never been more thankful for the people in my life who have extended these kindnesses to me. Repost @nestedmag : @anna_cadavos #thisispostpartum See more
14.01.2022 Hi Melbourne parents. Have you seen this wonderful collaborative of midwives in Victoria? Everything you could possibly want from a Midwife-led model of care...including home births.
13.01.2022 Who saw todays #birthtrauma Facebook live? An incredible event with a fabulous line up of passionate and dedicated professionals. Thanks you to each and everyone of you for the work you do to further humanity. Todays discussion encapsulated the reason Birth Sense Australia continues to be a deep passion and vocation for us. We have so far to go to elevate the status of women in society and when this happens, the shift in birth culture will follow (have you ever seen... the french movie I am not an easy man? - the birth scene is sensational and shows clearly how the status of women in society impacts on our entire culture, not only birth). As it was so beautifully articulated today, in my heart and soul I know that birthing with dignity matters, and that the birthing process in itself is of huge value to women, to babies, to fathers and to partners. Birth rights are human rights and until we get it right, humanity will continue to go round and round in circles. If were cruel to those who are baring our children, to those who are already vulnerable with both their emotional and physical bodies when bringing new life into the world, then we arent valuing whats core to us all in the first place. Humanness! Thankyou @pbb_media for hosting todays event. #humanity #humanrights #birth See more
13.01.2022 Its RUOK? day. So...are you OK? I don't know too many people who haven't found things tricky at some stage or another in their lives, and this year? Its fair to say that 2020 has not missed a beat. If your answer is "no", you're not alone. Pick up the phone - call a friend, your GP or one of the many freecall services we are so lucky to have...... Beyond Blue Lifeline National Suicide Prevention Lifeline '1-800-273-TALK (8255)' Gidget Foundation PANDA How do you cope when things are tough going in a resourceful way? Exercise is a great thing to keep our stress and anxiety in check, as is the practice of mindfulness, or "taking notice". The evidence mindfulness has behind it is very, very compelling. Here is a taster of some mindfulness from our friends at #the5waystowellbeing
13.01.2022 We did a walk n talk to raise some $$$ for the @ABTA in #birthtrauma2020 week. In our very non blinded, non randomized, non-clinically controlled research while walking in the Aussie bush we found the following results.... 5 women 11 babies between us ... 4 traumatic births. It seems our group pretty much represent the international stats that show that 1 in 3 women perceive their birth experience as either physically or psychologically traumatic. We have within us tales of loss of control, physical injury, disassociated states and even fear of death...who knew that we had these stories and are all such Warriors? Shows what you learn when you #starttheconversation about a womans birth experience. Being alive is not all we need to be focusing on as health care providers. Its bigger than being grateful to have had a healthy baby and ignore the impact on the mummas. . We can do better... Research shows that when appropriate debriefing occurs, perception of trauma is reduced and healing is supported. @doctorerinbowe offers an online course for parents who have experienced trauma, as well as health care professionals. She discusses that post traumatic growth is even possible. Please take a look, shes a clinical psychologist and shes fabulous. Stopping trauma in the first place? Now theres a big discussion....head to the link in our bio to hear industry experts discuss this very thing. . The maternity system needs a massive overhaul, and cultural change is so slow, so the question is what can we do on a individual level to reduce our chances of birth related trauma? . The research says that you should check out midwifery led continuity of care models. Mindfulness based interventions have also been shown to demonstrate improvement in a womens sense of control and confidence in giving birth, improving maternal mental health outcomes (Byrne et al 2013). And we can help you with that. #birth #childbirth #childbirtheducation #mindfulness See more
12.01.2022 How cool is Pinky McKay? Such a darlin'! Before you break the bank account with your baby shopping spree's - here's some pointers & some good, sensible advice from one of the O.G baby whisperers for you.
11.01.2022 We just can't not feel the love for Smiling Minds and their free mindfulness app "Mind the Bump" for pregnancy, birth and life with an infant.
10.01.2022 Included in this podcast are wellbeing tips for new parents.
08.01.2022 Its Womens Health Week (you had yours in June boys, now its our turn!) My girlfriends have always been super important to me, in fact, along with my kegels, I consider them completely vital to my emotional and psychological wellbeing. In this pic heres some of us bonding over a bush walk at Mt Buffalo. ... What do you do to look after your health and importantly, what do you even consider is health? I subscribe to @michelleobamas definition in that being a healthy woman isnt about getting on the scales or measuring our waistlines. What matters more is how we feel about things day to day, and how we feel about ourselves.... Love this. Love her. And I love my gals...the ones in this photo as well as all the ones who arent. Happy #womenshealthweek all my lady friends and thanks @jeanhailes foundation for all you do to keep us all well. #womenshealth #womenshealthmatters #galpals
08.01.2022 Meet Darren Varley - father advocate, parent educator and all round good guy. In this webinar, Darren talks all things Dads, gives expectant fathers the heads up about some of the things that are good to know as you enter this exciting and new phase of life. Being a dad brings with it new challenges, different relationship dynamics and big responsibilities and in this chat we talk them out in Secrets of the Dads Den... Head to the Interviews with Experts and Friends link in our bio for this webinar, and other great conversations too. #newdad #dad #dadlife See more
08.01.2022 #Repost @pregnantbump_ Ab heute sind wir in der #40ssw Meint ihr es ist endgültig der letzte Tanz mit #liebeimbauch ? Habt ihr Songvorschläge für den ersten Tanz mit Baby? .... . Follow us (@pregnantbump_ ) for more . . . @strongasmom #tanzen #mamablogger_de #momtobe2020 #momtobe #dezemberbaby2020 #babybauch #40weekspregnant #detmold #schwangerschaft #pregnancy #bielefeld #bachatasensual #bachata #dancevideo #djtronky #dancel @djtronky (Werbung wg. Musik) See more
08.01.2022 Going to Google to get answers, can sometimes end up leaving us more confused than when we started. Got pregnancy and diet related questions? You can’t go further than Melanie from nourish.
07.01.2022 Little man is getting lotsa love. Oliver Chase is a lucky boy to have these two as his parents. . @julesrobinson82 @cammerchant ... @verveportraits #familyportraits #littlefamily #littleman See more
07.01.2022 Doggie and baby Friday fun. The licks to the face are good for Liam's microbiome, so don't fret about that.
07.01.2022 The moment after they both realized a strength in her they never knew possible. He's in awe of his lady and how can we blame him! @doulaviewllc ... @birth_boot_camp : @katekennedybirthphotography #thebirthimpact #informedbirth #birthwithoutfear #informedparents #birth #dontforgetdads #power #birthwarrior
07.01.2022 Happy Tears Thursday. The music helps sets the scene for a good old cry too. How I wish this was the dominant image we saw of birth; can we please replace the one we are commonly exposed to of a woman on her back, IVs and monitors hooked up to her, in stirrups and heavily draped in sterile sheets? ... Thats just so disempowering. The reason women were chucked on their backs was because King Louis XIV popularized the lying down position because he had a fascination with watching women give birth. Talk about making it all about him!! Seeing that was like, 300 years ago, can we move past that whole 18th Century fashion statement and pop ourselves into 2020? Incredible birth support by the way. Go Daddy. Mother: @oh_mwanawanga Video: @justinezappa Repost @birth_boot_camp @inamay.gaskin #empoweringwomen #birthsupport #activebirth
07.01.2022 If you read nothing else please read these words from the incredible Professor @hannah.dahlen Birth trauma week starts on the 6th and goes until the 12th September and I will be focusing on this a lot in the coming week. There is a common myth out there that is also often politically hijacked that birth trauma is just physical trauma and hence the focus ends up on the pelvic floor and manifests as anti normal birth. As over a decade of ours and others research has shown ...this is just the tip of the iceberg. Birth trauma is so often about not being listened to, disrespected and losing control. It often leaves no physical scars and so is dismissed as something women should just get over and be glad they had a healthy baby. I have heard leading health professional and others say no one is ever traumatised by Caesarean section. This reveals the reductionist, narrow thinking on this issue. We must work to reduce all kinds of trauma whatever the woman or her partner says that trauma is. Our book this year, Birthing outside the system: the canary in the coal mine, showed clearly that trauma is so often deeply psychological and also can be physical and we must work to reduce both. The safest birth is one that is supported by a respectful, competent and known midwifery care provider backed by an equally respectful and component obstetric provider. Doulas also play a critical role in reducing birth trauma. I have become a great advocate of these amazing people.This kind of supported birth has been shown to be both physically and psychologically safe. Do not let the agendas of some people derail the reality thousands of women attest to. Stay tuned as there is about to be announcement of a free, first ever fabulous event next week with a line up of speakers (consumers, obstetricians, lawyers and midwives) like you have never seen before. Announcement coming soon . Professor Dahlen! Cant wait for this line up of professionals! Registrations are open now for our chat THIS MONDAY at 12.30pm with the The link is in our bio. #starttheconversation See more
06.01.2022 Nothing to do with babies or pregnancy...just so, so funny.
06.01.2022 What an incredible line up of speakers!!
05.01.2022 With all thats going on in the world in 2020, this is great advice....but um, how? We have a little suggestion for you. There are 5 ways that research has proven will help you create your own little place of sunshine when applied consistently. Five simple, practical things, that researchers around the world have agreed to call the 5 ways to wellbeing.... Head to Interviews with Experts and Friends in the link in our bio to hear mental health social worker Tiff discuss them in detail. Go create you some sunshine my friends #the5waystowellbeing #emotionalhealth #psychologicalhealth See more
05.01.2022 PANDA is there for all new parents as a wonderful resource on this #ruokday2020, and for every other day you may need some emotional support too. Thank you PANDA, we just love your service.
05.01.2022 Join us for today's webinar at 12.30pm with Amy from the @ABTA. The topic "Understanding Birth Trauma", will empower expecting parents with tips and education, and educate those who have had their babies and may be are struggling to know why they may be feeling the way they are about their birth experience. Register here-
04.01.2022 This panel of experts is a gathering of many of the best Birth Industry experts in Australia and Internationally. Thank you to each and everyone of you for the incredible work you do. What was discussed today is at the core of our work at Birth Sense Australia. As a society we all have far we have to go for the real changes to manifest. It has to start somewhere though, and its discussions like this that start the ripple effect. So much gratitude to you all! "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new" - Socrates
03.01.2022 One of the objectives of the ABTA Birth Trauma & Injuries Support Group includes reducing the rate of birth-related trauma in Australia and New Zealand. In line with this objective, they have developed "THINKNATAL", a series of educational resources aimed at providing support and information on a variety of topics that are often excluded or underrepresented in existing antenatal education. This is in collaboration with consumers and a range of clinicians involved in maternit...y care, such as midwives, obstetricians, pelvic health physiotherapists and mental health clinicians. The philosophy of the ABTA is to encourage a collaborative, multi-disciplinary and individualised approach to pregnancy, birth and postpartum care that recognises each persons life experiences, values, wants, needs and physical health requirements and they encourage health professionals to do the same. Join us MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7th at 12.30pm as Amy Dawes (Co-founder/CEO) joins us to speak about the things that parents and health care providers can do to empower themselves with this much needed education. To register and be able to ask questions head to.... After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
03.01.2022 Christmas (and parenthood) often brings with it so much expectation - the promise of happiness, joy & quality family time. Sometimes it’s like this - and sometimes it’s really not. And maybe that’s ok? In a year that has been a very challenging and terrifically unusual for many of us, perhaps the loss and sadness of 2020 may mean that today is not really that Merry. There are plenty of people in this boat, and I am sending love and thinking of you all.... In 2020, our little family have focused on the joy of simplicity. Of our quiet life in those isolation weeks. Of our time just being at home....and today, of dressing our dog up in an elf hat and a glass of wine because he’s as cute as and we just love him to bits. Pregnancy and parenthood isn’t always the perfection we see in the media - and same can be said for Christmas - honor your feelings; if today you’re sad you are not alone. I believe there’s joy to be found in unusual places if you take a minute to look for it, and I hope that you gift yourself some moments of joy and compassion today, and every day going into 2021. #christmas2020 #covidchristmas #selfcompassion #joy See more
02.01.2022 Hey Dads. Did you know your baby can hear your voice very well from about 18weeks...? When theyre born, theyll be looking for you! Happy Fathers Day to all the new dads, as well as all the expecting dads who are waiting on your baby to make their way to you. Watch our webinar Secrets of the Dads den with dads advocate Darren Varley in our interviews with experts and friends series. The link is in our bio. ... Dads, never doubt the ability to connect with your baby, simply with your lovely voice. @fotografie_eweliny #happyfathersday #fathers
02.01.2022 Each year many people refresh their First Aid certificates and I'm one of them. Each time, I feel a huge sense of relief that should someone need basic first aid assistance, I've got a handle on the most up to date information and skills. What a great idea to have a baby specific course, so new parents can feel confident in your ability to handle the unexpected. Have a look and pop it on your radar to do before Bubby arrives. ...
02.01.2022 An fabulous resource for women planning a positive Caesarean birth, from Midwife Leonie at CaesarCare
01.01.2022 Love a good’s one to help your emotional and psychological health stay on track.
01.01.2022 COVID time was intense, but productive. Thanks La Trobe - I loved the perinatal mental health post grad course, just loved it!
01.01.2022 Join us tomorrow for this most important conversation. X
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