birthwell birthright | Pregnancy care centre
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25.01.2022 Please sign this important petition: In 2016 Medicare withdrew the item number for abdominoplasty following pregnancy, without any public or clinical consultation. However, the Medicare benefit remains for significant weight loss. Pregnancy can cause similar abdominal injuries to obesity; injuries that cause debilitating long-term back pain and/or urinary incontinence. This negatively impacts the day-to-day quality of life for many women across Australia, affecting their abi...lity to be physically active mothers. A study published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: March 2018 - Volume 141 - Issue 3 - p 637-645, titled Abdominoplasty Improves Low Back Pain and Urinary Incontinence showed abdominoplasty significantly improves the incidence of chronic lower back pain and urinary incontinence in postpartum women. Women who seek abdominoplasty for purely cosmetic reasons should not be covered by Medicare, however those Australian women who suffer significant functional issues associated with their pregnancy injuries should be given Medicare assistance for life-changing abdominoplasty surgery. There are many operations performed for relief of chronic pain and instability incurred by sports injuries that are reimbursed by Medicare. Abdominoplasty associated with repairing pregnancy injuries should be considered in a similar light, in that it is a procedure that addresses pain, instability and function issues.
25.01.2022 Which Rona Barbie are you? Ive been several of them. I think it just depends on the day!
24.01.2022 The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) recently released their updated perinatal statistics in their Australia's Mothers and Babies report. Here are some sobering statistics: Induction of labour rate: 34.2%... Caesarean rate: 35.3% VBAC rate: 12.1% - yes, this means that almost 88% of women will have a repeat caesarean section. Bear in mind, these statistics are national and aggregated across public and private hospital birth. If you looked only at private maternity, these rates would be even higher, with many private obstetricians having caesarean rates well over 50%. The bottom line is this: if you are wanting a VBAC, you cannot "go with the flow" and hope for the best. Education is critical, as is iron-clad labour support and choosing the right care provider. All these factors led me to develop our course, VBAC Your Way. This course is available in person (small groups and private classes), as well as a self-paced online version. This unique course will provide you with all the current evidence-based information and resources you need to maximise your chances of having a successful VBAC. Our goal is to help women make informed decisions about how they want to give birth and to encourage an honest and respectful dialogue with their caregivers. Providing accurate information and resources about VBAC can help childbearing women and their families avoid the risks associated with caesarean section. To learn more about VBAC Your Way, please visit: DON'T JUST HOPE FOR A VBAC. PLAN FOR A VBAC.
24.01.2022 Pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness, and the abortion pill does not cure or prevent any disease, he tweeted. Really Senator Ted Cruz? Methinks the research will tell you otherwise. ... America has been called the most dangerous place in the developed world to deliver a baby. According to CDC data, in 2018, the maternal mortality rate in the U.S. was 17.4 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, by far the highest in any developed nation. And for Black women, the rate is twice as high: 37.1 deaths per 100,000 live births. Every year, approximately 800 women in the U.S. die during pregnancy and within 42 days after delivery, and 50,000 are severely harmed due to complications related to childbirth.
23.01.2022 Every woman is different and needs to make her own decisions about how she wants to give birth. Look for the answers you need to help you feel safe and confident to labour for a VBAC. birthwell birthrights unique online VBAC Your Way course will provide you with all the current evidence-based information and resources you need to maximise your chances of having a successful VBAC. Our goal is to help women make informed decisions about how they want to give birth and to encou...rage an honest and respectful dialogue with their caregivers. Providing accurate information and resources about VBAC can help childbearing women and their families avoid the risks associated with repeat caesarean section. VBAC Your Way is a self-paced, online course that allows you to go at your own pace from the comfort of your own home. Register by the end of August and save 10%! Just click on the link in the bio to get started! Lamaze Australia hashtags #Lamazeaustralia #lamazeinternational #60yearsoflamaze #lamaze60yearsyoung #Lamazechildbirtheducator #Lamazechildbirtheducation #childbirtheducation #givebirthwithconfidence #supportnormalbirth #empoweredbirth #pregnancy #prenatal #motherhood #fatherhood #parenthood #parenting #parentstobe #babyontheway #vbac #vbacsuccess #vbacwarrior #vbacwithconfidence #vbacwithoutfear #vbacbaby #vbacyourway
23.01.2022 I think we could ALL do with a beautiful story about a boy and his dog.
22.01.2022 Although this article is not about birth trauma specifically, it is about how women are simply not heard in the healthcare system. Our pain is minimised and we are accused of overreacting being emotional and yes, even being hysterical (where do you think the term, hysterectomy comes from?!) If you are a woman of Colour, you can magnify this experience ten-fold. ... Believe it or not, until just a few years ago there were nursing and medical text books in the United States that actually stated that Black people dont feel as much pain as White people. We still have so, so far to go...
21.01.2022 Delicious fresh fruit platter ready for today’s Lamaze class #birthwellbirthright #Lamaze #Lamazechildbirtheducator #Lamazechildbirtheducation #lamazeaustralia #lamazeinternational #childbirtheducation #givebirthwithconfidence #supportnormalbirth #empoweredbirth #pregnancy #prenatal #motherhood #fatherhood #parenthood #birthpreneur #birthpassioneer #parenting #parentstobe #babyontheway
20.01.2022 UFO is a fun and easy acronym to remember!
20.01.2022 Yes!!!! A million times over YES! Let women have their damn doulas! It has been months since we were able to accompany our clients and support them in hospitals. #ENOUGH
19.01.2022 Acupressure is a fantastic skill to learn, particularly for partners and other support people. Its easy to learn, its completely safe, its evidence-based and most important of all: IT WORKS!
18.01.2022 Just a few great reasons to do a Lamaze childbirth class Im currently offering live, online classes via Zoom but very hopeful that the easing of COVID restrictions in Melbourne soon will allow me to return to small group classes. In the meantime, to register for an upcoming course please visit If youve got any questions, feel free to send me a PM through this page or send an email to [email protected]
16.01.2022 This is just breathtaking.
16.01.2022 Its Birth Trauma Awareness week. For many women, their birth experiences have resulted in profound emotional trauma and so I want to firstly want to acknowledge this and secondly, make sure that I dont inadvertently re-trigger anyone. Please take care of yourself and reach out for help and support if you need it. ... Tanya x
16.01.2022 What a perfect beautiful baby and placenta! Can you see the dark spot on baby’s bottom? It’s called Congenital dermal melanocytosis or slate grey nevi.... Congenital dermal melanocytosis are a type of birthmark, with flat blue or blue/grey spots. They may resemble bruises but they are not bruises, they are birthmarks. There are no medical complications associated with congenital dermal melanocytosis. No treatment is needed they will usually go away by the time the child reaches adolescence. They used to be known as Mongolian blue spots but this term is very outdated, derogatory and should not be used. If your baby is born with congenital dermal melanocytosis and later goes to daycare or kinder, be sure to inform the centre that your baby has these birthmarks and that they are NOT bruises! A letter from your GP would be beneficial to include in your child’s intake information.
15.01.2022 Umbilical cords are amazing!
15.01.2022 Is anyone on Clubhouse? If so, follow me @tanyasc
14.01.2022 Happy Birthday Lamaze International!
14.01.2022 Have you heard of the fetal ejection reflex?
13.01.2022 Due to a couple of last minute student deferrals, there are now a couple of spots available for the Melbourne Lamaze Childbirth Educator training program (February 10-14). If you register before January 24th, we will extend the super early bird discount which is a saving of 15% ($300)! Flexible payment plans are also available. This is an internationally-accredited course and approved for 39 CPD hours with the Australian College of Midwives - however, no prior experience or... training is required. Just a passion for supporting families through pregnancy, birth and early parenting with evidence-based childbirth education! Please feel free to send us a PM or email [email protected] for more information. You can also find out more about the program online -
13.01.2022 Am I just being overly sensitive, or do other people find this photo profoundly disrespectful? A sad indictment on how we’ve lost the sacred beauty and intimacy of the birth space.
13.01.2022 Vale RBG. May her memory be a blessing.
12.01.2022 Are you pregnant and looking for some great resources? Lamaze International has some fantastic free parent handouts which you can download. Evidence-based, up-to-date information which can help you to make confident, informed decisions.
12.01.2022 Errr... pretty sure theres a MAJOR typo in this story and that this baby was 7lbs not 7.2kg!!!
12.01.2022 Thrilled to be featured in this new blog from Lamaze International all about virtual childbirth classes! Just because in-person classes aren't running in Melbourne right now, doesn't mean you have to forego childbirth education! More than ever, it is vitally important that parents-to-be inform and educate themselves about giving birth in these unprecedented times. Knowledge is power!... Check out our schedule on LIVE VIRTUAL Lamaze classes here:
11.01.2022 If you’re pregnant or postpartum, do yourself a favour and book in for a wonderfully nurturing massage with the beautiful Narelle from Hands On Wellness
09.01.2022 Did you miss our recent info session webinar about the 2021 Lamaze Childbirth Educator training programs? You can watch the replay here: If you have any questions about the course, please feel free to PM me, or send me an email to [email protected] We hope that you will join us in 2021!
09.01.2022 What a fantastic blog! I attended a birth here in the hospital recently where there were 12 people in the room, only one of whom was birthing. This included three family members. Two labor and delivery nurses. One surgical tech. Three nurses from the neonatology team ("we come for all deliveries", they told me). One nursing student. And myself. Granted, each of these people had a well-defined task, which they were performing well, but what does a birthing woman really need? ... Does she need all of the cables, lines, noise, and distraction? Does she need the bright lights? Does she need stirrups and people yelling at her to push? Does the baby need a diaper right now? Does the cord need to be clamped immediately? Does a newborn exam have to take place at this second? Does it need a bath? Is the weight and length that critical? Gently asking the crowd to disperse while the patient is going through what I can only imagine is one of the most exciting and simultaneously frightening moments of her life ultimately just results in the nurses thinking I'm a dickhead. Fair enough. A less passive aggressive question might be: What in the actual fuck are you all doing here anyways? Are all of these tasks needed to keep a pregnant woman safe? The fact that our maternal mortality data pales in comparison to many other developed countries makes this question rhetorical in my eyes. Read the full blog here:
09.01.2022 This poor woman. What a horrendous ordeal.
08.01.2022 Absolutely love Tova Leigh - My Thoughts about stuff! Thank you for #keepingitreal
07.01.2022 I LOVE this meme! Let's stop talking about a due date and start talking about a due MONTH! And remember, you are not "overdue" when you go past your due date. You are only "overdue" once you go past 42 full weeks of pregnancy.
07.01.2022 Dont miss this Facebook live this Friday 11th September at 10am (AEST). Absolutely incredible lineup of speakers.
07.01.2022 It was sooo lovely to go back to seeing clients again! Such a lovely postnatal visit today and took this gorgeous little bub out for a walk to give his mum and dad some much-needed quiet time. #birthwellbirthright #Lamaze #Lamazechildbirtheducator #Lamazechildbirtheducation #lamazeaustralia #lamazeinternational #childbirtheducation #givebirthwithconfidence #supportnormalbirth #empoweredbirth #pregnancy #prenatal #motherhood #fatherhood #parenthood #birthpreneur #birthpassioneer #parenting #parentstobe #babyontheway
06.01.2022 Some absolutely wonderful advice from the lovely Lael Stone. Perfect timing for all us parents stuck at home in lockdown and homeschooling!
05.01.2022 Without a doubt, one of the best parts of my job is training others to become Lamaze childbirth educators. I am so proud of my Melbourne 2020 group who all worked so hard and absolutely dedicated themselves to study throughout what was an absolutely unprecedented year. These beautiful women hold such a special place in my heart and I was utterly overwhelmed when I came gone today to discover this beautiful gift from them.... Honestly - I have the best job in the world
03.01.2022 There are just 72 hours left to take advantage of our SUPER EARLY BIRD discount and register for one of our Lamaze Childbirth Educator training programs in 2021. N.B. Places are extremely limited! MELBOURNE... Feb 10-14 ONLY ONE PLACE LEFT! BRISBANE Feb 24-28 ONLY 2 PLACES LEFT! SYDNEY April 28 - May 2 ONLY 5 PLACES LEFT! Pursue your passion for pregnancy, birth and early parenting and gain a nationally and internationally-recognised qualification. This course is also approved for 39 CPD hours with the Australian College of Midwives. To take advantage of the super early bird discount, you must register for one of our 2021 training courses by MIDNIGHT DECEMBER 31ST. (Australian Eastern Time). Flexible payment plans are always available! For more information, or to register online please visit:
03.01.2022 This article is long but so brilliantly written. It examines so many deeply complex issues that we, as a society, still grapple with.
02.01.2022 Women supporting women!
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