Bishop Anba Daniel: Bishop & Abbot of St. Shenouda Monastery Sydney. in Putty, New South Wales | Convent and monastery
Bishop Anba Daniel: Bishop & Abbot of St. Shenouda Monastery Sydney.
Locality: Putty, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6579 7093
Address: 8419 Putty Rd 2330 Putty, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 I wish you All a happy and successful new year 2019 and a blessed and joyful feast of Christmas.
24.01.2022 Promotion to a Metropolitan and an appointment to be Enthroned on the Diocese Of South Africa. Congratulations to my Very Dear Father Sayedna Metropolitan Anba Antonios Markos for this promotion. I am sure YE was not waiting for such Title, for your Aim was the Salvation of the Souls of the 1000s of People that YE preached to them and brought them back to the Bosom of our gracious lord Jesus Christ. ... Great example of the Servant Of God Who denies himself so the Lord may be Glorified. Great example of how to serve the Lord in a humble way to wash the feet of the most neglected and forgotten people of God in Africa. Great example of a Servant who serves for many many years with absolute passion and commitment, without waiting for any appreciation. To my very dear great Father whom I am very much indebted to, for encouraging and accepting my weakness,to be a Monk and took me by hand from Sydney to Egypt to His Holiness Baba Shenouda iii, in 1978. May our gracious lord Jesus Christ bless and strengthen YE for many more fruitful years for the Glory of His Holy Name. Amen. Your Son: Bishop Anba Daniel. St Shenouda Monastery. Sydney Australia.
24.01.2022 I really cant find Words good enough to comment on this post. It is just Amazing!!!
24.01.2022 Continued: A Day of Mourning The reason behind deleting the post :- Dear Abouna Angelos good evening. I pray you are fine and all is well with you. I do pray that the lord Jesus Christ support H Holiness and Kodsak and the whole church. Amen. ... Thank you for your message but let me explain to Kodsak that I didnt put a direct blame in my Statement to any Monk but I said that we dont know yet the killer but there are 3 possibilities;one could be a stranger,one could be from the 1000 Labourers,or one of the Monks. That is exactly what I wrote in my Statement:- We dont know yet who is the Killer but there are facts that states; the Crime took place inside the Monastery, at the time of Midnight Tasbeha, by a person who knows very well the timing of the Tasbeha Prayers and most of all he knows the custom of the Bishops route and timing of going out of his cell,coming to the Church. The Killer is then one of: A Stranger whether Christian or non Christian disguised as one of the Visitors or Novices, or One of the 1000 labourers who work at the Monastery, or one of the Monks !!! I didnt mean at all to blame any Monk and I didnt mean to hurt anyone and if I did,I do apologise here and delete the post from my Facebook. God bless you all. Anba Daniel.
23.01.2022 Today is the 40th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of late HG Bishop Anba Samuel who was killed with President Sadat on 6 October 1981. Here is a wonderful article written by Very Rev Fr Matthew Attia: HG Bishop Anba Samuel:...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Happy,joyful and blessed 50th Anniversary Of our great Coptic Orthodox Church here in Australia. It gives me great pleasure to be alive until now at these great Days of celebrating the 50th Anniversary Of The establishment of our Church and to see clearly from day one, the Mighty Hands Of our gracious lord Jesus Christ in supporting and blessing us in many different ways. In this incident, briefly,I just want to take the opportunity to mention here few Words of Appreciation...: To thank our lord Jesus Christ. To thank our very dear Fathers the Patriarchs; Baba Kirrolos 6,Baba Shenouda 3,Baba Tawdros 2. To thank my very Dear late Parents who brought me to Australia. To thank very much our Pioneer Priests who came first to build the Church from the scratch and worked very diligently serving all the Congregations. To thank all my Teachers,the Servants who taught me a lot about the church and how to serve. To thank all the very generous lay people who purchased the Churches for us. To thank all the Members of the Church Committees who organised all the services in the Churches. Lest I forget,May our gracious Lord Jesus Christ bless each and every one who shared in the establishment and the success of our great Coptic Church here in Australia. Please find below my short and small contribution during these 50 years. Please pray for me and for all the Monks At St Shenoudas Monastery in Sydney Australia. Amen.
20.01.2022 God made us: invented us as a man invents an engine. A car is made to run on petrol, and it would not run properly on anything else. Now God designed the human machine to run on Himself. He Himself is the fuel, our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There is no other. That is why it is just no good asking God to make us happy in our own way without bothering about religion. God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himse...lf, because it is just not there. C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity. - Happy and blessed and fruitful fast and feast of St Mary. May the blessings of St Mary and St Shenouda be with us All.Amen. Enjoy the Procession Below,just click on the link below: -/////- - The Link for the Procession At The feast of St Shenouda at the monastery in Sydney Australia on Saturday 14/7/2018.
20.01.2022 Our first and quick response to HG Bishop Anba Suriel about his Resignation,sent to HG on Monday 5/11/18. To our Dear Father and Brother HG Bishop Anba Suriel,kissing YG blessed hands praying for YG to be in the best of Health and Success. We were shocked to hear the news about YG resignation from the media and having no idea of how YG were feeling and the pressure on you. Although there are lots of Reasons for this Resignation,we are not eager to know at the ...moment but we are very concerned about YG well being,your peace and your health. We understand the pressure on YG and we are praying for YG asking Our gracious lord Jesus Christ to support YG and give you the Wisdom in dealing with all your Responsibilities and support and bless your Congregation. Amen. Asking for YG Prayers for our weaknesses and Absolution. Your Brothers:Bishop Anba Daniel Of St Shenouda Monastery and Bishop Anba Danieel Diocese Of Sydney-HG is overseas at the moment).Monday 5/11/18. My humble advice to all our Sons & Daughters is to calm down,Pray and Fast seriously,for such issues cant be resolved except by Prayers & Fasting. Pray lots of Holy Liturgies very late. God bless you All. Tuesday 6/11/18. . ( 5 ) . . . . . 5 2018 To the Christ loving congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne and affiliated regions. We your clergy join with you in deep sadness at the release of the letter by HG Bishop Suriel announcing HGs resignation from the office of Bishop of the Diocese. We have met today and have written to His Holiness Pope Tawadros II affirming our allegiance and support of HG Bishop Suriel as our Bishop. We call upon all the congregation to join with us in fervent prayer that God may bring an speedy resolution to this matter. Please rest assured that we are all working to resolve any issues. Please remain calm and faithful avoiding and unhelpful speculation but in all matters make supplication to the Lord.Monday 5/11/18.
19.01.2022 1-Bikhristos Aftonf-Khen O mithmi Aftonf. (Coptic). 2-Ekhristos AnistyAlithos Anisty. (Greek). 3-Christ is Risen-Indeed He is Risen. (English). 4- - . (Arabic).... This is what the Christians should say when greeting each other at the feast of the Resurrection of our glorious lord Jesus Christ instead of saying Happy Easter. (Please refer to the article below). Since the feast of the Resurrection is very important we celebrate it for 50 Days until Sunday: 16/6/19 The feast of Pentecost. Since we are Coptic,we should greet each other by the Coptic Version every day so we dont forget that the Lord died,buried and resurrected on the third day for us so to have Eternal Life. This is the best news we can ever hear in our life; that our sins are forgiven and now we can enter into Heaven. Before that,no one could enter heaven. Let us enjoy the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ not only on The day of the Feast,but every day through: 1- The Resurrection is Power that we gain and receive when we believe in the Risen Lord (Philippians 3:10) and (Rom. 6:5). 2- The Resurrection is the time to bring justice (Luke 18:7,8). 3- The Resurrection brings Hope that enables us to strive against Sins and stay pure (2 Thessalonians. 1:6). 4- if the Resurrection is a miraculous act and sounds impossible,then through the Resurrection of our lord we can achieve the Impossibles. 5- The Resurrection brings true Peace, since through the Resurrection we gain the forgiveness of our sins. 6- Through the Resurrection we preach and witness to others for the second coming of our gracious lord Jesus Christ, with strength, joy and victory. Amen. This year we had the honour to have with us H G Bishop Suriel celebrating the feast of the Resurrection At The Monastery and that brought lots of blessings and Joy. May our gracious lord Jesus Christ bless HG in his new Ministry where ever HG might be.
18.01.2022 Please Follow these Guidelines:
17.01.2022 50th Anniversary: Youth Celebration: The Coptic Youth Celebration of the Golden Jubilee/50th. Anniversary of the Foundation of their Coptic Orthodox Church here in Australia. What a great and wonderful idea to celebrate such a beautiful and Historical event by the Youth for the Youth in getting together on a Cruise in a wonderful and very elegant big Cruiser. ... There were about 300 beautiful young men and ladies whom were very energetic and very proud of their Coptic Church. I was very delighted to see them all and had pleasant time with them and took photos with them. I was very delighted too to meet with my beloved Brother HG Bishop Anba Danieel and the beloved Reverent Fathers the Priests. As a Youth/Teen ager myself,been raised and spent most of my life here in Sydney/Australia, before joining the Monastery, I feel very privileged to have been brought up and nurtured here by my Coptic Church, and well looked after by the most Reverend and Pioneer Father/Priest Fr Mina Labib Nemattalla who dedicated all his life serving his Flock with love and care. I am very thankful to my Parents who brought me to Australia, the most beautiful Country in the World. May our gracious lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve Australia for many years. Amen. My main Messages to our Coptic Youth of Today to Know that your Coptic Orthodox Church is: I- An Ancient and Apostolic Church, means founded by St Mark the Apostle. 2- Based on the 7 Holy Sacraments taught by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself,practiced by the Apostles. 3- The founder of the Monastic Life in the whole World by St Anthony the Egyptian. 4- The only Church that has the biggest number of Martyrs in all the History of Christianity. 5- The Church is full of Spirituality, Very rich with Music,Very rich with Arts, very rich with its Doctrines and Theology taught by great Scholars such as Pope Athanaius and Dioscorus. 6- So keep your Coptic Identity very Clearly in every respect and be proud of being a Coptic. 7- Try to be nourished and content by its pure and filling Teachings. 8- Try to be enlightened by the Lives of the many and incredible different types of Saints in it. 9- it is a fully Bible based Church. 10- A Church that had been blessed by The Lord Jesus Christ Himself and His blessed and pure Mother St Mary,when He came to Egypt as a Refugee escaping from King Herod. May our gracious lord Jesus Christ keep it blessed and fruitful and flourishing for many years to come for the Glory of His Holy Name for ever and ever. Amen. Bishop Anba Daniel. St Shenouda Monastery. Sydney Australia.
17.01.2022 My new Christmas Experience: This year January 2020, I had an amazing Experience, for the first time in my life, I spent Christmas Eve in Hospital. While I was in the Hospital in the middle of the sick people, I really felt the real meaning of Christmas, where we all there are sick, all are weak and all need a Healer, a Saviour, then I lifted up my heart and praised my Lord and my Saviour Jesus Christ for being born here on earth among us healing all our sicknesses and then ...saving us on the Cross. It seemed that I suffered very very Mild Heart problem and just to be sure we called the Ambulance. The Ambulance came and took me to the Hospital and there they did magnificent work on me and all the Results were good and they discharged me at 11.30pm. For that I am very grateful to the wonderful Ambulance Crew and the whole wonderful Hospital Doctors & Nurses also for their great work that they do with their Patients. Here I would like to thank every and each one of you who asked about me,rang me and most of all prayed for me, and to assure you that I am fine and very well and already back at the Monastery since last night. I wish you all a very happy and joyful new year and a Glorious and blessed feast of Christmas. Amen. Bishop Anba Daniel. St Shenouda Monastery. Sydney Australia. Tuesday 7/1/2020.
16.01.2022 Satan’s Conference: A direct message to all of my Friends and Brethren who are struggling in this world, and to all who are been dismayed in this Life and to those whom had been drowned and deceived by the Devil/Satan, I send them this Article, so to be aware of all the Tricks and the Techniques of the Devil. I didn’t write this article myself, but I read it through my daily readings and I found it very interesting, alarming even to myself and very relevant to what is between and around us and I wanted to share it with you for the benefit of All. I pray that you find it very alarming to yourself too,and helped you to change to the best and then you can share it with others so All can benefit. The Holy Bible is full of Verses that warn us from the Tricks and the Snares that are used by the Devil/Satan to hurt and hinder us from preparing ourselves for our Eternal Life. I will mention here just few: 1-Ephesians 6:10-12: Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. . Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. . Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. . 2-James 4:7,8: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you . . James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. . . 3-1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. . . May our gracious lord Jesus Christ protect us and enlighten our Minds and our Hearts so to be Vigilant and walk and live according to our Calling. Amen. Bishop Anba Daniel. St Shenouda Monastery. Sydney Australia. Thursday 2/9/2021.
16.01.2022 May: Is the Month of the many blessed and great Saints such as: On the 1/5:The feast of St George, 8/5:St Mark, 15/5:St Athanasius, 17/5:Empress St Helena,21/5:St Arsanious,22/5:St Pachomius, 24/5:St John the Evangelist. This is just a few of many more in this blessed Month. May their prayers be with us All. Amen. During this joyful Pentecostal days, we dont read the Sinexarium (The Biographies of the Saints) but we chant Khristos Anisty Hymn instead, and do the Proces...sion around the Church,concentrating mainly on the Resurrection of our Gracious Lord Jesus Christ. On this blessed Month also, we celebrate a joyful occasion which is the 80th.Birthday Anniversary of our beloved Sayedna Anba Asheia and also his 40th.Year Anniversary being a Bishop. See the Poster attached. On this Month also, you will find two very important Articles that I encourage you all to read it and share it with others. Thanks. Bishop Anba Daniel St Shenouda Monastery. Sydney Australia. Monday 18/5/2020.
15.01.2022 Dear Brethren + Sisters, Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ wishing you all a blessed and fruitful Fast of Great Lent. Please find attached our latest, final and official Statement from the Monastery. Please ignore my Previous message that permits people to come to the Monastery during the Passion Week and wait until further Notice.... Thanks and God bless you All. Bishop Anba Daniel. See more
15.01.2022 Offering Prayers, Fasting & Metanias : To whom it may concern about whats happening in Australia and particularly in Sydney, regarding the Fires in the Bush and the Fires in the Hearts and the Souls of the People who are fully immersed in Evil;where there is no Love, lots of Divisions,selfishness,very loose in every Gods Commandment and lately the shocking and evil Laws been legalised by the Government about the Homosexual relationships,Abortions and no Christian freedom of... speech Etc Etc. As we are currently in deep need of Rains to quench these horrible Bush Fires and the massive Dryness everywhere,We need to do the Following: 1-Raise lots of Prayers,saying: Remember O Lord,the safety of this place which is yours and every place and every monastery of our Orthodox Fathers. And every City and every Region and the Villages and all their Ornaments. And save us all from famine,plagues,earthquakes, drowning,Fires,the captivity of the Barbarians,the sword of the stranger and the rising up of the Heretics (Extracted from the Coptic Litany of the Place/Area). 2-Offer pure,holy and serious Fasting as we are Fasting (the fast of Nativity). 3-Let us kneel down meekly and make at least 30 Metanias (prostrations) all of us,together and at one time on this coming Saturday 7/12/2019 at 8am. And keep doing these Metanias until the Lord have Mercy on us and answer our Prayers. Amen. Bishop Anba Daniel. St Shenouda Monastery. Sydney Australia. Friday 6/12/2019. : . :- - : " . . - . - () : // . . . . . //.
14.01.2022 Continued;A Day of Mourning.
14.01.2022 Be aware from Wrong Teachings and the canning ways of the Devil in deceiving us. Please read the Warnings below that had been prepared by H G Bishop Anba Raphael and share it with others. Thanks and God bless you All. Bishop Anba Daniel. St Shenouda Monastery. ... Sydney Australia. See more
13.01.2022 1124 1125... 1126 . . We were blessed with the visit of His Grace Bishop Daniel, Bishop and Abbot of St Shenoudas Monastery Sydney. On Sunday 24th of November, His Grace blessed us in Kyoto for the Divine Liturgy at St Mark and St Marks Coptic Orthodox Church. HG joined the congregation for lunch and a visit to Nara Park. On Monday 25th of November, we were blessed to attend the Holy Liturgy with Pope Francis at Tokyo Dome. On Tuesday 26th of November, we were blessed with a Divine Liturgy at St Mary and St Marks Coptic Orthodox Church where HG ordained Mr Mamdouh as a Reader. We thank HG Bishop Anba Daniel for blessing us and we look forward to your next visit Sayedna!
12.01.2022 Consecration Of Fr Mark St Shenouda:
11.01.2022 Thanks be to our gracious lord Jesus Christ,St Mary and St Shenouda for looking after us,during this hard time. I would like to comfort and thank all those who are asking and concerned about us at the Monastery of St Shenouda during this Glowing Season,that we are fine. The fire that you see around the monastery in the photos attached is not the actual Fire, but it is what they call it Back Burn this is done deliberately by the Fire Fighters to cut and put down and stop a...ny close or future Fire. Yes there is lots of smoke but thank God no fierce Fire next to us. The Monks who have Asthma,I sent them away for few days to Newcastle until it is clear from Smoke. Many thanks for those who wrote and prayed for us. We should all pray fervently for lots of Rain and that will be the solution of all problems. Many thanks and God Bless you All. Bishop Anba Daniel. Abbot of St Shenouda Monastery Sydney Australia.
09.01.2022 My message during these days of the current issueThe Corona Virus.Please find below my Article and other Issues:
08.01.2022 Happy and blessed Fast & Feast Of Jonah. Be prepared for the most beautiful, important and blessed Days of the Whole Year,the Days Of The Great Lent Fasting. Please read carefully the message attached. Thanks and God bless you all. . : .... : - - . : - . - . - . - . " " - - - : - - - - - . . : - . " : " - " : " - . " : ". - . - . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
08.01.2022 Happy & Blessed 25th Anniversary-Silver Jubilee: On the 26 of August 2020, we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Monastic Life at our Monastery of St Shenouda here in Sydney Australia. :...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Pikhristos Aftonf-Ghen Omethmi Aftonf (Coptic). Ekhristos Anisty-Alithos Anisty (Creek). Christ is Risen-Indeed He has Risen. - . ... From the depth of my Heart I really wish you All,a very joyful and Glorious feast of the Resurrection. This is the first time in this current Century and the first time ever of our present Generation to celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection at our Homes. This is just reminding us with what had happened with the Disciples of the Lord when they celebrated the first Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, hidden up in the Upper Room,very scared not to go out,from the Jews, so not to be killed like the lord Jesus Christ. It was only then when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared and entered inside the Upper Room and comforted them by giving them His peace and encouragement to go out and to preach very boldly about the Risen lord , so it is also similar in a way that we had been locked in our Homes,scared from the Corona Virus, but we all had been also comforted by His Peace too. On this occasion, I would like here to apologize to all the Members of the Families of the Monks and to all the Friends of the Monastery for not being able to come, stay and celebrate with us the feast of the Resurrection at the monastery due to the Restrictions by the Government. Thanks be to our gracious lord Jesus Christ, we had a very joyful, blessed Passion week and a glorious feast of the Resurrection. At the Eve of the feast of the Resurrection, I announced that God willing we will celebrate two big Occasions at one time: 1-The feast of St Shenouda and 2-The Silver Jubilee of the foundation of our St Shenouda Monastery on the Weekend Saturday and Sunday 18,19 of July 2020 (please refer to the Poster attached). On this same joyful occasion, God willing,we will elevate Fr Shenouda to a Hegomen (Arch Priest) and ordain Fr Karas a Priest. Please pray hard that by then, should have no any Restrictions to ruin our joy. Please find below a beautiful Article in English & Arabic about How to live and Experience The Resurrection every Day. Yours sincerely, Bishop Anba Daniel. Sydney Australia.
07.01.2022 Continued:A Day of Mourning.
07.01.2022 Dear Blessed Congregation & all the Lovers of St Shenouda Monastery: I congratulate you All for the feast of the Apostles on Sunday 12/7/2020 and for the feast of our Patron Saint St Shenouda on Tuesday 14/7/2020 and for the Silver Jubilee of our Monastery on 26/8/2020(1995-2020). Unfortunately, due to the Restrictions Worldwide and specially here in Sydney,we wouldnt be able to accommodate and accept the big numbers of people as we usually had before on the last previous Ye...ars. Those who are allowed to come, are those with the special Invitations from me personally. We need to keep the numbers as low as possible, so only few people are invited this year. So please help us to be organised and abiding by the Rules of the Government for the benefit of All. Please read the Posters attached, for more Details and share the Informations with Others. Here,I want to thank all the people specially the Lovers of the Monastery and those who support and help diligently and Constantly-Financially and physically-May our gracious lord Jesus Christ reward them All in the heavenly Jerusalem by 100 Folds. Amen. All are welcome to come and visit the Monastery on the coming Months but please make sure to ring the monastery and book with Abouna Shenouda and have a permission to come. Thanks and God bless you All. Bishop Anba Daniel St Shenouda Monastery Sydney Australia. Tuesday 7/7/2020.
07.01.2022 Most Beautiful Girls: Girls Dressing~Beauty or Offense!!! To our very most beautiful young ladies, that are very pure in & out, without any makeups and without any suggestive Clothing, I write to you concerning your Clothing/Dressings nowadays:... Really, beautiful Girls dont need to worry much about how to show their beauty(for they are naturally beautiful) by painting their faces with many different types of makeups(but actually destroy their beauty) Or dressing in a very suggestive way and in indecent ways. My very dear young ladies, do you not know that by doing this, you are harming your Brothers and the Men who are around you, by stumbling them and falling into the Sin of lust and also by asking for trouble in attracting evil men to devour you and harm you instead of loving you or care about you. Actually you are not attracting the right or decent men to you by suggestive clothing at all,but on the contrary the bad ones,for the right,decent,wise and honest man who really likes you, he is not interested in your body/external appearance but mostly your personality, your purity and most of all your honesty,but all other types of men they wouldnt care much about you,they will just use you and have fun with you and then leave you and find another Victim. My dear beautiful daughters did you know that your Bodies are the Altars for the Holy Spirit,that had been anointed by the Holy Myron Oil when you had been Baptized by Abouna. Your Bodies are pure and Holy, the same as the Altars in the Churches where nobody supposed to touch it except the Priest and when he is Fasting. Also, it is written in the letter of St Peter (1Peter 3:1-5): Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. Do not let your adornment be merely outwardarranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands. (I Peter 3:1-5 NKJV). Please be careful when you come to the Church and the Monastery is to watch and make sure you come with the most covered and decent Clothes. Thanks. My very beautiful daughters,I leave you with this beautiful story that happened many years ago and I pray and hope that you benefit from it. It is in the Bible from the Book of: 2 Samuel Chapter 13. God bless you All and keep you all safe. Amen. Bishop Anba Daniel. St Shenouda Monastery. Sydney Australia. Thursday 19/12/19.
07.01.2022 God willing we will celebrate Christmas Eve on Monday 6/1/2020. Please find attached few Articles in English and Arabic as Messages from St Shenouda Monastery. I pray you enjoy it and benefit from it. Please Share it with others. If someone can translate the Arabic Article into English that will be very much appreciated so the Youth can benefit from it. You can email the translation to me ([email protected]).... God bless you All. Bishop Anba Daniel. St Shenouda Monastery. Friday 27/12/2020.
06.01.2022 On behalf of all the Fathers/Monks of St Shenouda Monastery in Sydney,we convey our deepest condolences to H H Pope Tawadros 11,to the Family of the Late Very Rev.Fr Macarius Wahba and to the Whole Coptic Congregation in Australia,on the departure of V Rev Fr Macarius from this Temporal Life.
06.01.2022 . . : ( ). 1. . ... . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. . 7. . . . 8. . 9. . 10. . 11. . 12. . . 13. . . . 14. . . . . 2018/8/13 See more
05.01.2022 My Very Dear Friends & Readers, I pray you are all fine and all is well with you,wishing you a blessed and fruitful Fast of Great Lent. Since we live in a time full of Evil things around us and lots of confusing things,... I wanted to clarify this issue of: The kinds of Monks; Who are they? How they live? How they are Tempted? And what people think of them? I do pray and hope that the Article below will be of some help to those who want to know the truth and facts of this very sensitive issue. Please pray for me and for all the blessed Monks At St Shenouda Monastery here in Sydney Australia.
05.01.2022 . ( ) .: ( 1923- 1991 ) ( 1898 1988 ) Editors Coptic Encyc...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Dear Fathers & Friends Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ wishing you all the best of Health & Success. Please find attached a Link for my last Interview at the Aghapy TV Studio in Sydney, on Friday 21/9/2018. To talk about the Monastic Life in general and the Activities that are provided by our Monastery of St Shenouda (Sydney-Australia) and the Future Projects at the Monastery.... Please click on the Link and watch it and share it with others. I would love to hear from you your feedback. The Link:
02.01.2022 Condolences for Met.Anba Hedra of Aswan: Bishop Anba Daniel on behalf of all the Monks & Brothers of St Shenouda’s Monastery in Sydney,convey our condolences to: H Holiness,All the Metropolitans, All the Bishops, All the Clergies, All the Deacons and All the Congregation of the Coptic Orthodox Church world wide, for the Departure of our very beloved and most venerated Sayedna Met. Anba Hedra, Metropolitan of the Diocese of Aswan, today on Tuesday 28/9/21. May our gracious lor...d Jesus Christ repose his pure soul in the heavenly Jerusalem and comfort all his Congregation in the Diocese of Aswan. Amen. NB: Please listen to His wonderful and Golden Words that he said, just few months before he passed away. Bishop Anba Daniel. Sydney Australia. Tuesday 28/9/2021. NB: The group photo below (The second Youth trip from Australia to Egypt back to 1989/1990) had been taken in Aswan with Met. Anba Hedra. We had great time with his eminence. I am sharing here few other Condolences sent by other Bishops and few photos too.
01.01.2022 The Monastery Youth Open Day: From most of our Coptic Orthodox Churches in Sydney and Adelaide, we had about 160 young Men & Ladies at the Monastery of St Shenouda on Saturday 30/11/2019. It was a big blessing to have those beautiful young people getting together, meeting each other in a beautiful and pure atmosphere and most of all worshiping God in a very Quiet place like the Monastery. ... After Lunch, they gathered again at Church to listen to one of the most interesting Apologetics Topic & Issues such as: Does God Exist? Is doubt a sin? Is it even possible to know God with Certainty? Doubt as a Christian today? How can we better deal with doubt as a Community? These and many other issues were discussed and explained by profound Speakers namely: V Rev Fr Antonios Kaldas, Mr Mina Hanna, Rebecca Salib and Samuel Kaldas. After the main Talk, they had the Q & A through the Panel of the Aletheia Servants. After that Session, they were divided into 8 Groups for WorkShops dealing with Doubt. Before leaving,they all had a great time together socialising, had delicious Deserts and a T shirt and left in Peace back to their Churches, renewing and strengthening their Faith and their Love to Our Gracious Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
01.01.2022 Dear Readers and Visitors: Please read carefully my message and other Articles below, wishing you All a blessed and fruitful Fast of Great Lent.
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