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21.01.2022 So I share a fair few music clips that very few if any give a toss abt bc yeah... there’s lots of other stuff going on in our lives and worlds. But I’m just to bombard my page with clips of this beautiful talent bc I stumbled upon her last night at Albury/Wodonga’s Upstream Festival (and shot abt 100!) and her music just blows my mind! TESSA DEVINE - guitar, harmonica, a voice that is so sublime and stunningly awesome in range, beautiful lyrics from heartbreaking to whimsical and the sweetest, lightest, warmest onstage banter. Puhleeeease check her out!! See more
21.01.2022 Abt 4 mins of a doco shot 3 years and a half years ago but sooo powerful and revealing and v.v.relevant to these days. Well worth watching if you’re into unders...tanding where America is at today. The black and white Flint, Michigan police officers talking politics re policing on the eve of Trump’s victory in 2016. Racism simmering away and empowered, more so since that date by the election of a divisive, morally bankrupt and intrinsically racist leader. A leader voted for by all of the white Flint police officers but none of the black despite throughout the entire doco, their unity and camaraderie on the job, being so clearly evident. Today’s protests are really abt a bigger, broader picture of history and injustice, George Floyd and every other person before and inevitably to come who were/will be victims of systemic racism in law enforcement and governance in the US AND here in Australia and elsewhere. The time for protest is now, no question. Racism, fascism, sexism - all the isms that don’t support equity need to confronted and no longer passively condoned, no matter how long or how much it takes to get to a better place. Poverty and lack of opportunity, it breeds crime. What abt everybody else... you know sometimes it just can’t be abt you Detective Scott Watson - City Of Flint Police.
20.01.2022 Paul Kelly’s From Little Things Big Things Grow That was the story of Vincent Lingairri But this is the story of something much more How power and privilege can not move a people... Who know where they stand and stand in the law From little things big things grow From little things big things grow From little things big things grow From little things big things grow #changethedate
19.01.2022 More deflection! Zero accountability, explanation, justification or leadership.... just more deflection from the facts, the reality - that America has been on a downward trajectory morally, ethically, democratically and financially since the day he took power. Veering from one ludicrous or disastrous chapter to the next, on repeat.... The random senseless theft and violence that is becoming a part of the US protests is not driven by the extreme left or perpetrated by Antifa.... It is being driven by citizens uprising bc they find themselves living in a ‘democracy’ that is devoid of justice, on a fast track towards authoritarianism and being exploited - as all periods of civil unrest are, by opportunists with no moral compulsion even remotely connected to George Floyd’s murder. A country imploding under a leader who has been empowered always by the promotion of disunity and governs to serve his own megalomania not the ppl. A man who has done nothing to better opportunity or equity or justice for the country he ‘rules.’ Who has sought not to address or progress positive change on the structural racism that exists and is condoned, within hearts and minds or law enforcement but rather to inflame more division based upon his own love of power and deep intrinsic racism. A man who has sought only to oppress civil and human rights, press freedom, social justice and equity on any and every level. A man who has empowered every single racist or far right extremist, every sexist, racist prick with a rifle and every disenfranchised, marginalised, poverty/stricken citizen. He has roused and called to arms the former and enraged the latter! And it is these two cohorts who are wreaking havoc on the streets of American cities, not Antifa and not those who protest with rage but in peace bc they believe citizens should not be smothered to death under the kneel of those sworn to protect. This... this America the world sees today is of Trump’s creation! If it would take the destruction of the country for him to protect his position, he is willing to do that. He has shown that he is willing to kill every single thing in this country, including its people, if it protects him. He’s willing to kill democracy. He is willing to kill any sense of real respect or trust in his government. He is willing to kill America’s international and global relationships. He is a destroyer. LaTosha Brown, a civil rights activist and co-founder of Black Voters Matter
18.01.2022 Midnight Oil ft. Alice Skye’s Terror Australia You can't think about the future still running from the past Tall tales lie in history and flames burn through the memories There's a country that is aching for a way to call its own... #changethedate
18.01.2022 Happy, happy International Women’s Day!
17.01.2022 Getting our art on this arvo at CIGS Artists Gallery.
15.01.2022 I’m watching Flint Town on Netflix atm bc I’m trying to understand how the US got to this point and really challenge the beliefs and possible biases I hold as a result of my own searching and learning, connections to admittedly vastly liberal (Democratic) voters who live there and time spent there as both a tourist and contract writer. Flint is oppression, despair, criminality, racism and hatred and very relevantly to today, it’s also one of the cities in the US where crime the most rife and distrust in law enforcement is at epidemic levels. It was prior to Nov 2016 and it has worsened ever since. I wish this doco had convinced me that in the US racism within law enforcement was not the condoned norm and that racial oppression was not the everyday reality for people of colour in America. But the truth is the ‘good guys’ in power and on the front lines of law enforcement are few are far between and over the last 4 years Trump has failed utterly to address either but succeeded wholly in making life more dismally devoid of opportunity or justice and unbearable for the vast majority. I acknowledge there are ‘good’ police officers, I understand there are ‘bad’ citizens but I also see exactly why ppl are taking to the streets in an uprising and America is imploding. And I support them 100% just like the ‘good’ people within law enforcement and government do. November 2020 will determine America’s path. See more
15.01.2022 Fishin’ for Murray Cod but catching only redfin, turtles and 1 tigersnake!
14.01.2022 Sea of colour, music and creativity last night at the Upstream Festival!
13.01.2022 You are NOT an ally of peaceful protest if you order law enforcement to unleash tear gas and rubber bullets on yr citizens as they kneel in peaceful protest on public land, purely to facilitate a photo opp as another ill-thought out, inherently stupid attempt to deflect from yr own abject failure to lead and govern responsibly when yr country is imploding. You are NOT a leader for law and order when you exploit a murderous injustice by using it as an opportunity to quash peac...eful protest, gag media, incite rioting and violence and call to arms far right extremists and opportunists to ravage yr cities, then flee in fear to a bunker bc you are in reality weak and impotent but yr own support base and empowerment can only thrive within, and depends upon, disunity to retain power. Asshole, wrecking-ball POTUS! Destroyer of America, that will be yr only legacy!!
13.01.2022 Imagine.... Often wonder what such a social justice conscious creative like Lennon would make of our world today. Lennon’s words, Cornell’s vocal’s - divine beauty.
12.01.2022 So, he’s tried blaming the Democrats, the media, Mexican drug-runners - yes he really did (April 2, 2020), Obama, the CDC, US State Governors, China apologists ...and now it’s the WHO’s turn - anyone and everyone but himself, the POTUS.... for the fact that the richest, most powerful nation on Earth that he leads, who could have and should have fared far, far better, is on course to face the most devastating toll globally from Covid-19 in terms of human life and likely also economy, despite his concern for only the latter - and even that, based solely on his own desperate cloying need to be seen to have achieved something whilst in office. Despite the blindingly obvious truth that with the kind of overarching powers the US system grants their presidents, unlike most other Western political systems; it is decisively him who failed utterly on every possible level to take appropriate action to best mitigate risk and prepare and protect the US from the impact of the virus. This time I really hope the endless deflection, corruption, bribery, lies.... every ‘trick’ he uses to try to manipulate reality and aggrandise himself will not save him or the freakshow he has made of the US office of president for the last 4 years at the ballot box. Surely now even the stubbornly ignorant at best - stupid at worst, who voted for him and relentlessly defended his lunacy for so long, will be realising they empowered a narcissistic, egomaniacal, megalomaniac. A man who NEVER had the intelligence, acumen, experience, humanity or humility to lead a nation and NEVER sought office to serve anyone but himself..... Bought this T-shirt in in 2018 bc the sentiment resonated then in my mind, these days its msg is reverberating so often and so strongly - for Americans and for our world. Trump MUST go this year.
08.01.2022 If you do click on this and listen and it doesn’t make you think for a little bit abt how just a date can be so divisive and wrong and consider the absolute legitimacy of generational trauma, then I guess nothing will.... Archie Roach’s Took The Children Away This story's right, this story's true... I would not tell lies to you Like the promises they did not keep And how they fenced us in like sheep. Said to us come take our hand Sent us off to mission land. Taught us to read, to write and pray Then they took the children away, Took the children away, The children away. Snatched from their mother's breast Said this is for the best Took them away #changethedate
08.01.2022 If you love music, words, art - creativity... please consider signing and sharing to support the survival of this much loved and much challenged these days, community. I really feel the arts community are always the first to step up and volunteer pro bono their time and talent whenever things get tough, just as we saw again recently throughout the bushfire crisis. But they are re Covid, the most adversely affected AND unsupported sector atm and there is no end in sight to tha...t challenge for so many. Petition EN1609 - Support for Australian Arts and Entertainment Workers now Petition Reason The arts and entertainment industry has been devastated by shutdowns caused by the coronavirus crisis. It was the first sector to be hit, when gatherings of 500 people or more were banned, and is likely to be one of the last sectors to be released from restrictions. Data recently released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows fewer than half of businesses in the sector were operating by the end of March. After years of cuts and neglect, the government has failed to act to save the arts and entertainment sector. Although JobKeeper will help some, there are major gaps in coverage for freelancers and contractors which the government has failed to address. These gaps affect the vast majority of artists and a very significant number of technical workers. The Treasurer has the ability to fix this without legislation, and he must do so immediately. The government must also deliver the sector a tailored fiscal relief package to ensure its ongoing viability. We need large and small companies and venues to still exist following the crisis so they can continue to employ Australian artists. Australian artists are the keepers of Australian stories. They give so much to our country and to the Australian identity we cannot do without them. Petition Request We therefore ask the House to Extend the JobKeeper payment to arts and entertainment sector workers who are currently ineligible; and Deliver the arts and entertainment sector a tailored and properly targeted relief package to ensure its ongoing viability.
08.01.2022 We only managed 2 of 15kms this morning but it was beautiful little walk regardless...
07.01.2022 When the ACLU - a bipartisan US organisation that exists solely to create a more perfect union beyond one person, party, or side whose mission is to realize the promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees is stating in no uncertain terms, we condemn Mark Zuckerberg's decision to continue publishing President Trump's statements inciting and glorifying violence in ways that could prove harmful to African American communities th...e world truly has gone mad! Civil rights advocates are condemning Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg over a decision announced late Friday to let stand a post by President Donald Trump that threatened to have the U.S. National Guard open fire on demonstrators in Minneapolis enraged over the police killing of George Floyd. And I’m sooo sick of seeing MLK’s words abt peaceful resistance plucked randomly and misrepresented by ignorant ppl to shame civil rights activists! The ONLY words relevant to this point in time ever uttered by MLK that he would be speaking if he were alive are A RIOT IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE UNHEARD See more
06.01.2022 Let Everything Happen To You Beauty And Terror Just Keep Going No Feeling Is Final... (What an absolute gem...) AUTHOR Rainer Maria Wilke Bohemian-Austrian Poet And Novelist
06.01.2022 This is Wilbur, the most beautiful, warm bundle of squishy sweetness. He’s 7 months old, was found wandering solo - his mama nowhere in the vicinity, sadly....... So he is now living with my son’s mate’s mum who is a wildlife rescuer, for the next 18 or so months until he can be safely released back into his big bush backyard and able to fend for himself. He’s a local Bend Of Islands, Nillumbik Shire boy which is where he will be living, indoors mostly while he grows into independence and where he will when he is ready, also be released. I cuddled him for abt 15 minutes and just fell utterly irreversibly in love! It was really-really hard to hand him over!! Oh he’s a wombat, in case that’s not clear. See more
05.01.2022 CW: may be triggering for ‘some’ blokes. So, I am def not a very competent or confident stats/science person but have insomnia atm and really wanted to try t...o find out whether this photo’s claim (altho I instantly wanted to ‘believe it’) had any credence. So I went to the most confronting but basic, legit, bottom-line indicator available from the current plethora of sources on stats and studies re Covid-19 globally atm - the death rate per nation per 1million of population. And it’s actually quite fascinating really..... at least to me bc the photo is just a tiny ‘tip of the iceberg’ example of what is actually a rather large and credible theory relative to how nations are faring during one of the biggest challenges we’ve ever faced collectively as a global community; the pandemic, based on leadership gender. It’s now widely acknowledged/accepted that the detection of transmission via the volume of testing, early closure of borders and introduction of social distancing, isolation of known cases, tracking of transmission and availability/preparedness of critical healthcare are THE things that mitigate risk and improve outcomes for nations re Covid-19. Even taking into consideration the differing transmission risks based on a nation’s geo location - ie. land/sea borders, normal human travel volume pre Covid-19, population age demographics and capacity to act based on individual wealth, it’s very clear that it is reasonable and accurate to state that nations being led by women at this time are faring far better in comparison to the majority of their comparable - similar in location, wealth etc... male led neighbours. Angela Merkel’s Germany is a prime example. Transmission in Germany, like many other central European human travel hubs, was rapid and widespread but.... the death rate to date absolutely, is very, very low. NZ vs Australia - while I’m very grateful we Aussies seem to be flattening our curve... NZ have to date done ‘everything’ re mitigation and outcomes far more effectively than we have. It is the countries who despite infection numbers, have managed to keep down the death rate that really are doing the best in terms of outcomes and they are statistically overwhelmingly - these doing it best countries... led by a woman. So this is not a sexist or feminist beat up, it’s actually statistically just fact based on the very definitive and indisputable bottom line stat of deaths per 1m per nation.... Makes me wonder yet again how the biggest challenges faced by humanity - war, climate change, environment, equity, equality, health, criminality, social justice etc... might look in a world where there were more women as heads of state... or at least a more ‘representative of global population’ based on gender, share of power..... If more women were put in charge, there would be less war, kids would be better taken care of and there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes. Barack Obama 19.12.2019
05.01.2022 Not taking part in any more criticism, shaming or online arguments for differing takes amongst mates on Australia Day this year. Just throwing out some music and words on the subject instead. A song a day in the lead-up, then silence from me at least, on 26 Jan. ONLY in the spirit of learning what we kids of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s were never taught in school abt the history of our country, to help understand why Jan 26 is so painful and divisive and how we could just genu...inely reconcile and celebrate our patriotism in unity 1 day.... IF we changed the date. Luke O’Shea’s Happy Australia Day Let the truth fill the space in between us replacing the blame and the fear And what we must learn first we are better than our worst and respect for each other starts here So why celebrate this great nation on a day that insults and divides For regardless of clan well we all love this land find a way where we stand unified #changethedate
05.01.2022 Poet, prophet and politician so they said of Jim Morrison. I just heard this song played in a Netflix series and remembered my love of The Doors. Especially Jim... And so often lately, probably bc I fear borders will not open for a long time and so travel is more a dream than a foreseeable reality anytime soon... I am summoning often to my mind travel adventures I have had and immersing myself in those memories, especially those of my backpacking years. And there was one ...magical, steamy hot Parisian day that feels like a lifetime ago, (think it was Aug 1996...) when I, like millions of others made the pilgrimage to the cool concrete and shady green confines of Pere Lachaise and Jim’s grave. Back then it was not cordoned off so you could sit beside it and I did.... for almost the whole day. And it was one of those uniquely beautiful travel days where you end up swapping life stories with total strangers bc you’re gathered together living in those moments no matter who you are or where you’re from, an experience you sought that somehow just opens and connects you. I met so many ppl, of so many ages, from so many countries that day; all of whom were on the same pilgrimage. Music was played - The Doors of course, ppl laughed, ppl cried, they sang, read poetry, wrote in journals, took photos with cameras and got high on the herb but no one took selfies bc most didn’t have mobiles and if they did those mobiles had no camera function. People Are Strange.
04.01.2022 Powderfinger’s Black Tears Fragile little thing go lightly on the wing Don't be put off your game If troubled wind should blow you off your way... Natural love and trust Have downed their tools and struck The nation's heart it rusts is no surprise And seems so appropriate today Black tears on a red rock Fall right through and they dry up How could it fail to grab your attention Black tears on a red rock #changethedate
03.01.2022 The endless bs lies and corruption this govt is overflowing with and the fake outrage but very real arrogance they display every time they are challenged to provide a credible explanation is insane! Corman sitting squirming, red-faced, staring at floor level as he reels off lie after lie and responses full of words that never address the question he was asked. And Morrison last night on 7.30, who carried off the same kind of performance with of course the addition of his cons...tant stupid grinning arrogance - the contrived pantomime-like ploy he uses when cornered and under pressure to try to distract from the question and ridicule the questioner. So many men and women in this current Lib govt are so dishonest, corrupt, stacking lie upon lie over so many stuff-ups and deliberate abuses of power to try to maintain it that they are literally becoming performing caricatures of bad politicians NOT public servants serving Australians. I cannot understand how a single conscious, sane person supports them any longer - the words and mannerisms they use to continue to perpetrate their lies and defend their sea of corruption literally make the assumption with the certainty of extreme arrogance, that a majority of Aussies are either dumb or naive enough to believe them..... We need a national integrity commission now that has zero involvement or influence from serving politicians or politically beholden committees or govt bodies. See more
02.01.2022 A v.loose little ode/sonnet-ish bunch of words abt our escape... Thank you beautiful Byron Bay for the sun-filled, warm and blissy days that you just gave us We... arrived a bit anxious being from Covid-spike Melb but you welcomed us with if you’re well, where yr from... really doesn’t phase us You let us watch from the sand, the first time ever for us, 2 Southern humpback whales sooo wild and beautiful, breaching off Broken Head And 1 bottlenose dolphin hanging out with the surfers just metres from us in the swell on Clarkes Beach, he plays there often they said Yr relaxed vibe, BIG wide blue skies, sandy trails and super-lush hinterland Yr endless, sooo pristine beaches with their wild surf and squeaky white sand Yr warm even in winter...saltwater full of awesome boogie board rides, an abundance of flatties, bream and golden trevallies You made us feel so free, chilled out and happy and let us catch fresh fish every single day to help fill up our bellies! For nature, for slowing down, for the soul.... 1 of my fave places on Earth!
02.01.2022 This is 2 of a team of nurses from The Northern taking part in a lunge challenge to raise funds for Prader-Willi Syndrome. I have spent so much time over the l...ast 3 months and especially over the last 15 days - solid at least once a day in ED, ICU and on wards with both now, of my parents in their care. I’ve watched nurses and doctors and support staff work in such a pressure-cooker environment that it blows my mind. I’ve witnessed everything from mild annoyance to raging, expletive filled threats of violence and endless selfish stupidity thrown at staff. Some from patients with MH issues so acute that it’s unfair to deem them culpable while they await transfer to overloaded public psych services. But.... mostly, overwhelmingly, from a small minority of actual asshole ppl patients and a v.large majority of asshole ppl accompanying patients or visiting patients at the hospital. I’ve had such a big insight lately into The Northern as a workplace from a bystander perspective and regardless of Covid-19 protocols; it just seems like the toughest workplace ever, especially in acute care areas like Resus, ED and ICU. ED... where so many ppl with the most mundane and minor health issues rock up with coffees and take-away food, chatting and laughing to mates on mobiles AND simultaneously yelling at staff about wait times bc they want attention ahead of others with life-threatening genuine EMERGENCIES. The ER waiting room and stats whiteboard tell this story over and over again, day after day... non-emergencies presenting at Emergency who all no matter how un-necessarily, have to be entered into the system and triaged just bc they turned up. But the one thing that really resonates is - the staff do their best and in relation to The Northern specifically, in my perception at least... they do it in a very underfunded, misused and broken system. The many-many staff I’ve crossed paths with have all been super-kind and have just done everything in their power to care for both of my parents. They’ve held their hands and mine in times for us amongst thousands, that have been filled with fear and anxiety, total powerlessness. So when we vote I think public healthcare should be THE number 1 priority! And we should never call an ambulance or go to emergency if it isn’t AN emergency. And when we have to navigate the endlessly complex and frustratingly slow system of being in or supporting someone vulnerable in, the public health/hospital system, we should remember the staff almost all work daily under big pressure - it’s not THEIR fault. Bc from ambos to consultants to support staff and everyone in between, including the ppl who direct calls or human traffic - all of them cop so much at work. And 99.999% of the challenges we experience as users of the system are based upon funding short-comings and the system’s misuse NOT the ppl who work within it. When the chips are down... as much of a cliche as it will sound these days, the ppl working in public health and hospitals on this ‘frontline’ really are everyday not just at this time I think, heroes and saints most of them. NB I want to add that bc my parents are fortunate enough to have private health cover, I have over the years, also spent a good bit of time in private clinics and hospitals with them and that only makes me think - if you were a healthcare worker why on earth would you elect to work in the public system other than a genuine desire to help other human beings.... And I know that regardless of whether you can afford private health cover you will if you have a complex or acute illness land and possibly remain for a LONG time in the public system. So again, no matter individual circumstances or ethics - we SHOULD vote for funding our public system.
01.01.2022 Shining! Rocking a crochet top & flares.... a strong, intelligent, beautiful and super-talented woman. Helen Reddy (and especially this song of hers) such an icon of my childhood and it’s highly likely that her character and this song contributed a little to my thinking and identity as I grew up in my childhood home. My mum’s life, the lives of both my maternal and paternal grandmothers, their destinies and roles playing out before me. Forming a sense of myself in this world,... the beginnings of my thoughts and values around feminism, gender and equality taking shape with words like those within I Am Woman echoing in my ears. I still remember my mum’s voice - and unlike me, she had pretty good one... ringing out in unison with Helen’s as I Am Woman blasted out from the monster stereo system that dominated the biggest wall in our living room and could be heard way beyond our court. My mum would run from wherever she stood to lift the needle with a screech, back across the record just as the final notes of this song dissipated to rev it up again and play it over and over bc once was never enough roar! I just adored the song, its power and suggestion that women could and probably should, roar. A sentiment echoed by witnessing the lives of the women I loved that surrounded me. And just sensing and loving my mum’s crazy happy abandon while singing it. The 1972 I Am Woman album cover is imprinted on my memory like quite a few others from the 70’s. With both this song and her version of Don McClean’s And I Love You So on the record’s flipside being big loves for mum and I. So, like many I’m really sad to hear of Helen Reddy’s passing but... she created and leaves sooo much magic in her wake. Not least of all, this song that she co-wrote (well I believe wrote herself really bc the voice within it is so distinctly, a woman’s) while pondering her own challenging experiences as a young mother and female artist at the time. A song she performed so exquisitely time and time again. And one that became a feminist anthem that has accompanied thousands of marches, protests and movements towards gender equality for women over the last 50 odd years. Just a few years back when I turned up on the first night to participate on a Reclaim The Night committee this song was being played as we strangers of all ages arrived at the set time, as an ice-breaker, mood-maker and idea generator and within moments we were all smiling and singing along. So still, it has the power, beauty and relevance to stir hearts and minds today. And it was the woman who owned the song in every sense of the word, that the world lost today. A big loss.
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