Bizo in Gold Coast, Queensland | Business service
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 415 710 174
Address: 37 Conner Street 4220 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Last night, Director, @timdive at the Gold Coast Titans 2019 Season Launch. After working with the Titans over the last couple of years, we can see a huge transformation due to the heavy influence of Chairman Dennis Watt, seen here with our Director, the new ownership between the Frizelle and Kelly families, and now with the values and culture leadership of Mal Meninga. This is a new, reinvented Club and 2019 looks more promising than ever for the Gold Coast Titans. #GoldCoast #RugbyLeague #GCRugbyLeague #NRL #GoldCoastTitans #ThrunThru #RAPT #QRL #GCRL #Sport #AustralianSport #QueenslandSport #GoldCoastBusiness #Broadbeach #BurleighHeads #Southport #Surfersparadise @ Gold Coast, Queensland
25.01.2022 EMPLOYERS: Ever said, "The Fair Work Commission only cares about employees!"??? Well. this article won't change your mind - but it will provide you with tips on staying out of the hands of the Commission.
23.01.2022 SMALL TEAM? The general understanding of most employers is; If I have less than 15 employees, I don't need to pay redundancies, and I can take 1 year for probation periods with my staff. You're kinda right, but there may be circumstances where you've got 20 or 30 staff, and you still meet the conditions for gaining more flexibility under the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code. Or, maybe you only have 5 staff, but your Business Partner is a Director of another entity with 12. ...You may not qualify as a Small Business for the purpose of the Code. It all comes down to the work patterns and rostering methods of your Casual employees, and let me tell you, I've seen the Commission apply some pretty loose theory to the assessment, so don't assume you'll qualify as a Small Business without a thorough assessment. #SmallBusiness #Fair #Dismissal #FakeNews #SmallBusinessEmployer #SmallBusinesstips #BusinessTips #GoldCoastBusinessNews #GoldCoastBusiness #GoldCoast #Burleigh #EmploymentLaw #BusinessOwner #australiansmallbusiness #australianbusiness #brisbanebusiness #Brisbane #hr #ir #network #hradvice #iradvice #labourhire #casualemployment See more
23.01.2022 Industrial Relations Commission, Fair Work Commission, and Employment Law. It all sounds very scary, right? But it shouldn't be feared. Employers become fearful of managing difficult employees that begin claiming stress and injury during performance management, redundancy processes or termination. The system enables progress in the face of these claims, but fear often causes employers to conflate the issues, and that gets messy and risky. Know the system. #BizoisBizo #Bizo #IR #HR #IndustrialRelations #Businessowner #Smallbusinesstips #SmallBusiness #GoldCoast #Burleigh #Employmentlaw #GoldCoastSmallBusiness #employer #employeradvice #learn #knowledge
22.01.2022 The Commission has changed the rules around paying annualised salaries to employees - learn more here -
22.01.2022 Trying to make sense of employment law is often quite a challenge. A rule that business owners will often hear, is "do what would be reasonably expected of you to do (plus a bit more), in any sitiation". Judgments and decisions are often based on the same "logic". Unfortunate thing is, there is no legal definition of "reasonable". So, good luck! . #smallbusinessbrisbane #smallbusinessgoldcoast #GoldCoastBusiness #BrisbaneBusiness #SME #businessnews #businessowner #HR #IR #australianbusiness #australiansmallbusiness #Australia #goldcoastnetworking #brisbanenetworking #employment #localbusiness #goldcoastlocal #burleighheads
22.01.2022 JANUARY IR UPDATE: Enterprise Agreements and Unfair Dismissals are so hot right now. Unions are pushing hard, employers are biting back, and there are signs that a change of government may bring about some significant changes to the Industrial Relations landscape. Read my full opinion in the article, link in BIO. #Unions #dismissal #industrialrelations #ir #hr #BizoisBizo #bizo #entrepreneurs #businessowners #GoldCoast #GoldCoastBusiness #Burleigh #Brisbane #BrisbaneBusiness #Toowoomba #toowoombabusiness #Businessowners #work #leadership #management #businessnews #businessupdate
20.01.2022 There has been a lot of talk lately around the validity of reasons to terminate employees, but as these cases highlight, "reasons" are usually not the issue, process failures are what let us all down.
20.01.2022 There are a few specific criteria your staff need to meet, including that they're currently employed or were employed by your business at March 1, 2020. This includes anyone that has been stood down or re-hired since then. They also need to be either a full-time or part-time employee, OR a casual worker who has been employed regularly with the same employer for more than a year. And finally, they need to be either an Australian citizen, someone with a permanent visa, a Protected Special Category Visa holder, a non-protected Special Category Visa holder who has been residing continually in Australia for 10 years or more, or a Special Category (Subclass 444) Visa holder.
20.01.2022 STARTUPS & BUSINESSES IN GROWTH. New post, link in BIO.... With success comes change, and dealing with change effectively is a true test for successful startups. The agile, lean, low-budget startup suddenly becomes a team of 10, then 20, then 50. And it’s often around-about there that we see some cracks start to appear. Growth of demand can come so quickly that successful startups can’t recruit fast enough, forcing bosses to become firefighters, spraying warm bodies, new equ...ipment, and tech solutions at bottlenecks in their business, as if they were spot fires on the verge of a full blown disaster. That works, to a point. Then it can become a real problem with an opposite effect. #BizoisBizo #Bizo #moremoney #moremoneymoreproblems #growth #startups #entrepreneurs #smallbusiness #smes #smallbusinessowners #GoldCoast #Brisbane #Ipswich #Toowoomba #Burleigh #southport #surfersparadise #broadbeach #miami #GoldCoastBusiness See more
18.01.2022 ALL THESE NEW RULES!! Now, if an employee requests to access flexible working arrangements, you've practically got to do a business case to defend a "no" response. It's difficult, a little bit ludicrous, and may have the potential to limit your capability to say yes or no to casual conversion requests (another liability). What's more, employees rarely understand what is and is not a "flexible working arrangement). Check your modern award for the 'flexibility' clause to see the parameters, I'd say 50% of requests don't align with the rules of engagement Still, a tough one to manage. #Bizo #employmentlaw #flexibleworking #smallbusiness #smallbusinesstips #GoldCoast #GoldCoastBusiness #brisbanebusiness #Brisbane #work #flexibility #Burleigh #Broadbeach #southport #Australiansmallbusiness
18.01.2022 The hardest part about HR is simplifying it enough to be effective. All the effort should be focused towards strategy development, capability and execution. HR is a supportive function. HR has become a profession that consistently tries to appear more and more important, to take more control, to prove its value. And while it is important, while it is valuable, while it is critical, it's still a support function, not the core business. Don't let overzealous HR pros force on your people that isn't fit for purpose. If your HR consultant hasn't bothered to understand your vision and strategy, how the hell can they support it? Don't let your HR systems get too fancy, just make sure they support your vision and strategic objectives. #smallbusiness #SME #productivity #worksmarternotharder #businesstip #management #people #work #GoldCoast #burleighbeach #brisbanebusiness #GoldCoastbusiness #Brisbane #HR #performance #QueenslandBusiness #Australiansmallbusiness #leadership #skill See more
17.01.2022 Bizo's Bizo - Our Monthly IR Updates that Impact Your Business -
17.01.2022 Think you're safe to sack someone willy-nilly in their probation period? Don't be so sure - particularly if you've got a prickly employee on your hands! If you've got more than 15 staff, the "safe" period is 6 months, BUT, a raft of circumstances can make terminating an employee in their probation period very, very, very dangerous. Here's the kicker - the most frightening claim of all is a General Protections claim (or referred to as adverse action), because the penalties are... uncapped, and cases are heard in the Federal Circuit Court. Where the worst cases of outrageous unfair dismissal might see 4, 5, but no more than 6 months wages awarded, the Federal Circuit Court might award employees hundreds of thousands of dollars in a General Protections claim (uncapped). Probation periods should be utilised to get the wrong people out of your business. But, a vindictive employee might lay a few traps if they sense things aren't going their way - Be cautious - get advice... #smallbusiness #sme #businesstips #employertips #businessadvice #smallbusinessadvice #employers #goldcoast #goldcoastsmallbusiness #brisbane #smallbusinessbrisbane #smallbusinessowner #yourefired #sacked #fairwork #toughlife #businessistough #businessishard #hardwork #businesslife #smallbusinesslife See more
16.01.2022 WARNING: There are now 87 Modern Awards that give casual employees the protected right to ask for permanent employment. Did you know that as an employer, you had to issue notification of this right to casuals by 1 January 2019? Going forward, you have to notify all casuals when you engage them. Further, the Federal Government is now trying to pass an amendment that will mean every casual, even those not under a Modern Award will have the right to request permanent employment.... 2018/2019 is going to be a period of rapid change in the employment world, and let's not forget, all experts point to an incoming Labour Government.... Brace for more change, and seek assistance with complying to these new and changed rules. #smallbusiness #GoldCoastBusiness #BrisbaneBusiness #GoldCoastBusinessnews #brisbanebusinessnews #businessnews #SME #businessnetworking #employmentlaw #australianbusiness #GoldCoast #Brisbane #toowoomba #toowoombabusiness #businessowner #HR #IR See more
15.01.2022 Getting back on tack from COVID-19 will take a company's best people to do-what-they-do-best, exceptionally well. Don't be an employer that chases your best people away. #hr #humanresources #peopleandculture
14.01.2022 NEW POST (Link in bio) - A Must Read for any business thinking they have a culture problem! ... #performance #performanceimprovementstrategies #culture #communication #capability #youwin #betterbusiness #dobetter #bebetter #highperformancehabits #workplace #hr #ir #labour #professionals #sales #retail #corporate #industry #leadership #management #GoldCoast #business
14.01.2022 Are you building better connections with your people? If you can't do that at a time like now, your people are looking for it somewhere else. #people #hr #goldcoast #brisbane #business #businessowner #employment #goldcoastbusiness
12.01.2022 (LINK IN BIO TO FULL BLOG) RECENTLY, I WAS IN A ROOM LISTENING TO TALK BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE FAIR WORK COMMISSION (JUSTICE IAIN JK ROSS AO). In the 2 hour discussion, one of the particularly relevant items raised was 2018’s seemingly ridiculous processing time for Enterprise Bargaining Agreement applications. ... I was, at the time, just finished with an approval that took, from start to finish, almost twelve months to get an EBA through. We knew this one was always going to be tricky, it had a number of terms and conditions that were way too loose and open for interpretation. Still, we thought it’d be a little quicker than a year, even with contest by the Australian Workers Union. Back to the President. He said: "In the 2018 year, 70% of EBAs submitted were not compliant, in comparison to only 30% in the 2017 year." I realised, we were part of the problem. #EnterpiseBargaining #Management #Negotiating #makeithappen #wages #profit #Business #employmentlaw #employment #SME #smallbusinessbrisbane #smallbusiness #smallbusinessaustralia #smallbusinessgoldcoast #BurleighHeads #Brisbane #GoldCoast #GoldCoastBusiness
11.01.2022 We love working with driven leaders. There's a real difference in mindset between business leaders that consistently improve and succeed than those that aren't always striving for better outcomes. This client could look at their accolades every day and rest on the acknowledgement that they kick arse. But, instead, they engage us to work with their leadership team and refine their excellence, protect their culture and support their growth. #awards #businessawards #GoldCoast #entrepreneurs #success #leaders #accolades #winning #business #smallbusiness #excellence #HR #IR #Bizo #winners #hardwork #failure #strategy
11.01.2022 Workplace Culture. Think it's an HR issue? What if I told you that HR may be your biggest problem in fixing your Culture?? True Story! The link in our Bio will take you to the article, must read for business owners or leaders who want to work on their culture and internal behaviours in 2019. #smallbusiness #SME #smallbusinessgoldcoast #smallbusinessbrisbane #australiansmallbusiness #GoldCoast #Brisbane #GoldCoastBusiness #BrisbaneBusiness #ipswichbusiness #ipswich #toowoombabusiness #Toowoomba #workplace
10.01.2022 New Post - Link In Bio - REDUNDANCIES ARE INEVITABLE! SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESS ARE AT RISK Why? ... These are the most unlikely to be able to afford the kind of HR and Industrial Relations expertise required to carry out these processes. Industry associations and member groups sometimes provide guidance and insight, but rarely do they cover all bases, and their advice is general at best. #redundancy #employertips #employmentlaw #workplace #hr #ir #smallbusiness #sme #entrepreneurs #business #GoldCoast #GoldCoastBusinessnews #GoldCoastBusiness #Burleigh #Miami #Tweed #Southport #surfersparadise #Brisbane #Bizo #BizoisBizo
10.01.2022 The COMMON mistake made when Employers are so frustrated with an employee, is assuming that "instant dismissal" can be performed "instantly". The ability to run a termination without notice, doesn't mean you can terminate somebody without running a careful, documented and fair process. Even where your employee's behaviour is so damaging to your company, or risky to other workers, the rule stands. I remember a case where a drunk forklift driver working at a chicken farm killed... a large number of chickens due to his decision to work under the influence and make enormous errors behind the wheel of machinery. Yes, the Commission agreed he should be terminated for Gross Misconduct (without notice), but he still won his unfair dismissal claim, because the termination was "instant" and without due process. So, you see - the system and our understanding of it, is quite at odds. #sacked #terminationtuesday #yourefired #baddecisions #fairworkcommission #smallbusiness #goldcoastsmallbusiness #GoldCoast #brisbanesmallbusiness #brisbane #entrpreneurs #employers #bizo #businessadvice #smallbusinessadvice #businesstips #smallbusinesstips #employertips See more
08.01.2022 TIME RAN OUT! Are you in strife?? If you employ a casual employee, and you didn't know that you had until 1 January 2019 to notify them of changes to their Modern Awards, you need to get advice. Chances are, your casual will fall under one of 84 Awards that are relevant to the new rules. You can't bury your head, you really must comply if you want to avoid penalties in future potential claims made against you.... those rascally Unions and Lawyers are waiting in the shadows to take your $$! . #smallbusiness #SME #goldcoastsmallbusiness #brisbanesmallbusiness #goldcoastbusiness #businessnews #australianbusiness #casual #workplace #fixit #penalty #labourhire #temp #fulltime #casualemployment
08.01.2022 How to Align People to Business Strategy... NEW POST NOW AVAILABLE - LINK in BIO. . . . #BizoisBizo #strategicplanning... #strategy #peoplestrategy #highperformance #success #businessowner #businesssuccess #management #smallbusiness #GoldCoast #businessimprovement #stepup #justdoit #betterbusiness #better #leadership #successfactors #burleigh #Broadbeach #Coolangatta #surfersparadise #southport See more
08.01.2022 We've got the ATO, Fair Work Commission, Trade Unions, Industry Groups and Centrelink doing their part in supporting employers and employees with new, rushed policies and rules over and above an already complex legal landscape. It’s too easy for employers to get something wrong in this emergency climate. #employmentlaw #covid19
08.01.2022 EMPLOYERS: If you employ any casual employees, but did not notify them formally by 1st of January 2019 of their new rights, you may be in breach of your legal obligations. #hr #management #employmentlaw #rights #ir
07.01.2022 The existence of Employee Benefits does not mean you have a great Workplace Culture. There is a problem with many SMEs thinking a bar fridge with beers, a pool table, birthdays off, or free gym memberships will make employees happier and take less time off work. That's backwards logic. You know what makes humans happy? Success through adversity. Delivering against challenging conditions. Achieving great outcomes. I call it high-performance, but simply put, it's really just k...nowing your place and value, and delivering as an individual towards outcomes of the team. Employee Benefits will be the reward for getting this right, not the band-aid for failing. #SME #smallbusiness #goldcoastsmallbusiness #brisbanesmallbusiness #roowoomba #toowoombabusiness #goldcoastbusiness #brisbanebusiness #productivity #makeithappen #passion #focused #bizo #entrepreneurs #businessowners #GoldCoast #BurleighHeads #Brisbane See more
07.01.2022 STRATEGIC PLANNING: The moment an Award Winning team of 10 highly skilled leaders put their minds together to strategise organisation design criteria. . This is our thing! . . #strategicplanning #strategy #businessstrategy #planning #leadership #construction #service #maintenance #GoldCoastBusiness #goldcoastentreprenuers #GoldCoast #Brisbane #Queensland #Consulting #excellence #Bizo #BizoisBizo
06.01.2022 THE HEADLINES WILL DECEIVE! (Take the link in BIO for full post) : The Federal Government has intervened in an Undperpayment case, and also amended workplace regulations to give the impression it's looking after employers. Don’t be lured into a false sense of security with the headlines telling you that casuals are not able to double-dip. You still need to update your contract clauses, schedules, and payslips, and be absolutely clear of all the separate loadings and allowances you’re paying. Otherwise, they absolutely can double-dip. #smallbusiness #Bizo #SME #smallbusinessgoldcoast #smallbusinessbrisbane #businesstips #businessadvice #management #GoldCoast #Burleigh #Brisbane #Toowoomba #HR #IR #Leadership
06.01.2022 A Fair Work Inspector may issue an individual an infringement notice and fine of $1,260.00 and the business a fine of $6,300.00 for each contravention of record keeping obligations (ie. incorrect or improper payslips). Go to Court, and the individual may see a penalty of $12,600.00 and the business $630,000.00 for each contravention. Enough to cripple and destroy a small to medium organisation, its employees and owners. #Hr #IR #GoldCoast #Burleigh #Southport #Broadbeach #Smallbusinesstips #smallbusiness #Goldcoastbusiness #Brisbane #Toowoomba #Bizo #Fairwork
06.01.2022 EMPLOYERS: Please ensure you're providing the current up-to-date Fair Work Info Statement to your employees - if you don't know what that is, then we need to talk (potential large penalties from Fair Work). Item 5 on the National Employment Standards has been updated... *** Current wording: 5. A total of 10 days paid sick and carer’s leave each year (pro rata if you’re a part-time employee), two days paid compassionate leave for each permissible occasion, two days unpaid ca...rer’s leave for each permissible occasion, and five days unpaid family and domestic violence leave (in a 12-month period). Family & Domestic Violence leave is now a right extended to all employees - how you manage these days and requests for accessing them can be fraught with all kinds of risk. Privacy, sensitivity and compliance to record keeping is paramount. You may want to roll out some training, or create a new policy for dealing with Family and Domestic Violence leave requests - employers are more likely to suffer consequences of sloppy processes performed by employees who aren't skilled or knowledgable in discreet management of sensitive and private matters, such as these. #Family #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #employmentlaw #employeewellness #smallbusinesstips #leadershiptips #GoldCoast #Brisbane #Toowoomba #Ipswich #Queensland #Australia #GoldCoastBusiness #BrisbaneBusiness #BusinessOwner #workplace #management #goldcoastlocalbusiness See more
05.01.2022 Organisational change (which is what cultural change is) requires dedication, belief and commitment from all levels of an organisation. It’s simply not a matter of drawing a line in the sand and telling your employees that from that day onward, this is the new normal way of operating - get on board, or take the next stop off. If you're considering that Culture may be an issue in your workplace, this piece is a must read before you do anything! #culturechange #strategy #culture #businessadvisory #workplacewednesday
03.01.2022 EMPLOYERS: Probation periods are supposed to be straight forward, yet so many businesses are making critical mistakes managing their staff through probation. Let's clear up some of the uncertainty!
02.01.2022 If left too long before correcting an individual's poor performance, you’ll potentially create a situation where the poor performer becomes isolated from their colleagues, falls victim to frustration and backlash, feels the mistrust oozing from their cohort, and they can become excessively distressed, dejected, and psychologically scarred. Here's a simple way to address issues early.
01.01.2022 We don’t want everybody in our teams on different roads, traveling to different locations, all believing they’re going the right way. Strategy Development and Planning are critical components of aligning your people to business strategy. Skipping these activities is almost certainly the cause for frustration between leaders and staff.
01.01.2022 No words can thank them enough. Lest we forget.
01.01.2022 Thank you @synnch_ for our invitation to attend your launch! To our clients and connections, Synnch has simplified and amplified your opportunity to gain 44% return on your R&D spend, through the Government's R&D Tax Incentive. After hearing today's stories from Founders that have seen enormous gains, I'm eager to refer anyone I can to Synnch to claim and manage your claims against the Incentive. #RandD #ResearchandDevelopment #Tax #Law #Business #smallbusiness #cash #money #GoldCoast #Brisbane
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