Blackall Range Uniting Church | Non-business places
Blackall Range Uniting Church
Phone: +61 490 421 874
Address: 1290 Landsborough Maleny Rd 4552
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25.01.2022 Hi everyone, Welcome to our E Study om the Holy Spirit. The introduction video and two page guide and programme is on line, on our website under E Studies, available at: For those who do not have access to the website, please use the hard copy. Please also remember to enquire and share with persons who may not be on e-mail and consequently not be receiving this notice.... The intention is to have a zoom meeting on Sunday evening the 7th June at 6pm for anyone to join in the conversation on this past weeks study. Details of this will be sent later this week. Please also join in the conversation on the BRUC Facebook page: May we be blessed, enriched and enlightened ShalomLiena
25.01.2022 Hi everyone, Greetings from the Synod. Mmm, although I am generally not a supporter of e-meetings and less so of e-meetings of a particular nature such as a synod, I need to applaud the work, effort and time gone into arranging and bringing the e-synod meeting.... I am fortunate, that as a member of the facilitation team, I get to see the detailed feedback of the small groups, so in a way I am able to get a sense of a broader mood across the synod, and not simply the narrow view of a computer screen! The normal worship services will be on tomorrow: 8:15 Montville 9:45 Maleny 3.00pm Palmwoods I do however also share the link to the new moderator, Andrew Gunton’s s induction service that took place on Thursday evening, and encourage you to watch it. Please also be reminded that you can tune into the Synod meeting- so feel free to join us!!!! The link to both is: Looking forward to seeing many of you at the launch of our November outreach month next Sunday at Maleny at 9:45. I encourage you to invite friends along to this celebration, commemoration and exploration of our outreach on local, regional, national and international level. Shalom Liena
24.01.2022 Good evening everyone, I have a surprise guest for you for todays cuppa conversation. She is not unknown, she is lovely and I am sure will be a lovely surprise! Enjoy! Here is the link! ... Shalom Liena
24.01.2022 Good evening everyone, I would like to thank everyone who helped in the Holy Communion sessions we had on Sunday 7th June 2020. I realise however, that there are a number of our members, who for various reasons, who were not able to come. So I invite anyone who would like Holy Communion to be served to them at home, to please contact me directly. Meanwhile, enjoy this weeks cuppa with Graham Dempster... Shalom Liena
24.01.2022 Good evening everyone and blessed Spring - always an exciting season full of expectancy and promise of new life, new growth. As always, I am sure you will enjoy today's cuppa conversation. Our guest is Natalie Roy, a chaplain from Uniting Care, involved at Erowal. During the cuppa conversation you will hear a call for volunteers to spend some time with residents at Erowal - so if you feel moved to help out - even just for an hour every fortnight, please contact me or Natalie.... Also I am holding the Holy Communion service at Erowal the third Tuesday of every month if you would like to come and help from about 11 am for about 40 mins. Hope you enjoy getting to know how wider family. Here is the link Shalom liena See more
23.01.2022 Good evening everyone, Trust you are keeping well. We continue to uphold the COVID-situation in our prayers and particularly pray for the elders having to make significant decisions. Also, especially for persons in age facilities and their families. We remain grateful that we can remain connected through on-line services. The recording today is from the morning worship service in Maleny thanks again to Stuart who spent his Sunday afternoon editing and uploading the service.... I have added two songs from Graham Kendrick. Enjoy be blessed. Here is the link:
23.01.2022 Hi everyone, Wow we seem to be heading downhill with 2020 2nd week into Spring and with the recent rains the gardens have an irresistible call. And another, popular, irresistible event is our weekly Cuppa Conversation! As always, enjoy!!... Take care, Shalom Liena
22.01.2022 Good day everyone Your cuppa conversation for today is uploaded and ready to enjoy. It is hot off the press and recorded this morning in the Palmwoods Community Garden. I am enjoying a cuppa with Alison Smith and, as always, I enjoy chatting to my cuppa conversation companion and I am sure you will too. Shalom Liena
22.01.2022 Good evening everyone Below is the link to Sundays E-Service. Thank you for the feedback received this week the external microphone was used again and we are confident the sound is improved. We notice there is still some room for improvement in the lighting and focus and this is receiving our attention. Please continue giving any feedback.... Enjoy and blessings and please also read the note below. Shalom Liena
21.01.2022 Good morning everyone Peace be with you! Again, a number of services for you to follow this Sunday the 24th May 2020. Our own local service on the RCL reading John 17, Jesus Prayer at: BIG thank you to Peter and Helen Uhlmann who participated in the service, Peter did the Welcome and Helen the reading and prayers of intercession.... I remind you of the chaplaincy Service from Buderim Private Hospital at: We noticed a drop in the number of persons that watched last Sundays service, presumably due to the distribution e-mail being stuck. So I have been asked to remind you that the E-Services are always available on the website and not only through the direct link above. I will try and explain below how to get to them, but if all else fails phone someone, until you get someone to help you! To get to BRUC website type in or Blackall Range Uniting Church into your search bar. The page below should come up. (Note different photos of three worship centres change). I would suggest you bookmark it as a favourite, or fix to your taskbar. The second step then is to click on E Broadcasts for the sermons or Cuppa Conversations for the Wednesday Cuppa Conversations. And then simply click on the relevant date you wish to watch in blue. So if you have missed any or want to relook please do. Next Sunday, 31 May is a special day. It is Pentecost day, also commonly known as the birthday of the church. So make sure you join in the celebrations. From Sunday 31 May there will also be a 7 week study on the Holy Spirit based on the confessions about the Holy Spirit in the Nicene Creed. These studies can be used in small groups or individually. There will also be an opportunity to join a weekly on-line discussion about the weeks subject matter on an electronic platform. Detailed Information to follow. A draft programme was sent out with the weekly notices. ShalomLiena
20.01.2022 Hi everyone, Attached please find the material for Study 5 on the Holy Spirit. The link to a short introduction and the message of the 28 June which was on Romans 6 is on the link below:... Blessings Shalom Liena
20.01.2022 Just a reminder that the BRUC annual members meeting is being held this Sunday after our combined service in Maleny. There will be the usual election of our Church Council members, Presbytery and Synod Reps, and the presentation of the annual financial report. However, we will also be looking at the results of your input via the questionnaire as to how the UC on the Blackall Range could look post-Covid! After having time in self isolation to think, ponder and re-prioritise, we now have the chance to begin again and shape our future in accordance with Gods purposes for us. How could that look? Come along and add your ideas, thoughts and suggestions.
19.01.2022 Good evening everyone, This coming Sunday we are celebrating Holy Communion. There is a full online worship service on the website. The link is: There will also be face-to-face gatherings, celebrating only the Holy Communion, in each of the worship centres, at the following times on Sunday 5 July 2020. Maleny UC 10am Palmwoods UC 2pm Montville UC 3:30pm Please also be sure to read the latest new New Vine and Our Common Life May our fellowship together be blessed, Shalom Liena
18.01.2022 Greetings everyone shalom!!! Peace be with you! Enjoy this weeks cuppa conversation! Our guests are well known, but relatively new residents of Maleny. They are also, as you will hear, hewn from the founding architects of the Uniting Church,... So enjoy, embrace and own, personal stories of the birth of the Uniting Church. So have you guessed yet who our guests are? The song, Beauty for Brokenness (words & music by Graham Kendrick) chosen by Bruce, who labels it as the national anthem of the Uniting Church, pretty well sums it up succinctly in word and tune Enjoy! Be blessed by it.
18.01.2022 Good day everyone. Below is the link for this weeks Cuppa Conversation with Brian and Barbara Richards. Enjoy and share! Give them a call. We also continue to hold the family and friends of late Joan Cummings from Montville. The funeral will be streamed live from Gregson and Weight Funeral Directors, Nambour at 13:00 om Friday the 15 May. Details will be released soonest. Blessings Shalom Liena
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, Warm greetings this wet, cold and windy day!!! It is winter! The 4th study on the Holy Spirit is attached and the link to the short introductory video is: I am aware that some persons are only meeting every 2nd week. That is the benefit of technology one can always look at it when one is ready. May it be a blessing for all of us. Have a blessed weekend ShalomLiena
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, This coming Sunday we are celebrating Forest Sunday as part of our season of creation and Harvest Festival month. I am sure you have heard of the amazing story of the Forest Man. Here is a short documentary video to inspire us.... Have a great week ShalomLiena
17.01.2022 Good evening everyone, Trust you are all keeping well, in this odd period between Christmas and New Year. I would like to thank all volunteers who contributed to the services in this Christmas time welcomers, cleaners, leaders, preachers, musicians, readers, narrators, sound and data technicians, editors and others, and of course those attending the services.... Below is the link to today’s e-service: I hope to pop in with New Year reflections. Take care, Shalom Liena
16.01.2022 Hi everyone, Welcome to this week’s cuppa conversation. It is literally at the centre of our town and community: The Maleny Community Centre. The accompanying YOUTUBE video of the song Hot Gates, written by Christ Torr was originally sung by his wife Laurika Rauch (seen at the beginning of the video). The Libertas Choir have however made it distinct. This particular version was recorded during the COVID-pandemic during lockdown in South Africa. In light of the terror and othe...r wars presently experienced across the world I thought it apt. Social capital and cohesion starts in the local community!! Something which the world, including us is desperately in need of it! So let us give thanks for the centres like the Maleny Community Centre and take ownership of the Hinterland Hub of Hope. Sure you will enjoy the cuppa conversation with Peter and Ann, and the song! Here is the link! Take care, Shalom Liena
14.01.2022 Greetings everyone, I am enjoying the glorious Hinterland autumn days mostly warm and sunny, and also the last couple of cooler wetter days. The nights of-course are another matter .. no they too are good! Most often back in Zimbabwe or Cape Town the nights would now be dropping to single digits! I am confident you will enjoy the Cuppa Conversation with George and Bernadette Woodward. I am discovering, that these conversations should actually be renamed to Billy Convers...ations one does not get far into life stories over a cuppa! I also advise you to brush up on your Northern Territory geography and make sure you know where Yirrkala, Jabiru, Katherine and many other places are. I am still trying to catch up! The direct link is: Please also remember to join us for the Ascension Day Service on Thursday 21 May 2020. The direct link is: We remind you that all services and Cuppa Conversations are on our website The services under E-Broadcasts and the Cuppa Conversations under Cuppa Conversations. Sit back and enjoy over a cuppa or two. Shalom Liena
14.01.2022 Good evening everyone, Trust you are all keeping well. We held our AGM this morning and my appreciation to the newly elected council members for being prepared to serve. They are:... Chair Rev Bruce Johnson Secretary Peter Callaghan Treasurer Roger Smith Palmwoods Sisa Rokovaka I am looking forward, with excitement and expectancy, to the period ahead. May the Lord surprise us! And may we hold the church council up in prayer. My deep thanks to the persons who served on council the past year indeed a number of years with particular mention to Merilyn Milton who has served the church on council for more than quarter century. Also a special thank you to Peter Uhlmann who was central to settling me in and to getting me up and running here in Maleny. And Peter Callaghan for his unique skill and experience in governance and steering us through the COVID-waters and regulations, and ensuring we have a COVID-safe plan and that we are able to operate and gather in worship. Here is the link to todays service quite a full progam. Enjoy. As always thank you to Stuart for dishing it up in palatable sessions! And there is a second E-Service the moderators service can be followed at: May you each have a blessed week Shalom Liena
14.01.2022 Greetings everyone, Well the past few days have been glorious a warm welcome form the weekend chill. Our cuppa conversation this week was down at Mary Downs, Collondale with Joe and Kay Herron. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. We tried a bit of experimentation with the video, using different recording equipment. So pardon the clear jump between scenes. Also, there is an inexplicable lip sync problem after about 7 min. It only lasts a few seconds apologies not sure caused it. But it does come right again. And oops I heard I had a slip of tongue in the beginning - calling Joe, Kay see if you pick it up Here is the direct link: Pour that cuppa and enjoy! Shalom Liena
13.01.2022 Blessed and happy Christmas May each of you, whether you may be happy or sad, lonely or embraced by loved ones,... frail or strong, healthy or ill, hopeful or despairing strong in faith or doubting, may each of you meet Immanuel this Christmas Below is an unedited version of our Christmas Eve service held at Maleny I thought to uphold it as a unity as it was an evening of story and song and I the singing I thought recorded well. Enjoy the journey! Happy Christmas Shalom Liena
12.01.2022 Good morning everyone, This week we join the UCA in commemorating the 43rd anniversary of the UCA. May we also use this special blessed time to reflect on what we share with other denominations, but also upon what makes us distinct why are we the Uniting Church of Australia? There lies a story, stories behind each word. Share your thoughts and stories. Join the narrative and let us enrich our denominational heritage and story. ... Here is the youtube link: The website pages is: Blessings Shalom Liena
12.01.2022 Good day all, Week 2 of the Study on the Holy Spirit is uploaded onto the website. The quick link is: Remember that it is also accessible via the webpage: under E Studies.... All welcome at the ZOOM meeting at 6pm on 14/6/2020. Shalom Liena
12.01.2022 Good day all, May we all be encouraged and enthused by sharing Holy Communion and the Word today. The Holy Communion E-service shortcut is: Remember that it is also accessible via the webpage: under E Broadcasts.... It also promises to be wonderful to meet to share Holy Communion in person as arranged. If you have not been booked into a time, please contact me on 04 90421874. Shalom Liena
11.01.2022 Hi everyone, And I think it is now official: the summer rains and storms have arrived! Wnderful! Special blessings for all the gardeners, experts and novices and to all of us who enjoy the beauty of the gardens along the Blackall Range. ... Our guest today, I am sure many of you will know, but I am confident you will find the cuppa conversation inspirational. And o yes, the YOUTUBE song was chosen by Phil himself the words are challenging. So make that billy and sit back and enjoy. Here is your link: . ShalomLiena
11.01.2022 Good evening everyone, These glorious autumn days have been amazing - I hope you have been able to enjoy them. I am aware of a number of persons who have been unwell the past number of days. There are also those who have suffered loss and are grieving.... To those we know of, but also to those we are unaware of may the Holy Spirit, the Holy Comforter, embrace you with grace and peace. Sundays service is uploaded onto the website, and as always is available under E Broadcasts on our website: But here is the shortcut: May the Holy Spirit speak to us through the prophets, through the Word of God. Shalom Liena
10.01.2022 Beginnings of a promising Christmas 2020. Thanks to Malcolm for completing it before heart surgery and for the guys fixing it!! Watch this space.
10.01.2022 Good evening everyone, Trust you are keeping well. Today, the 16th June is Youth day, a public holiday in South Africa. The day commemorates the tragic death of an estimated 176 youths who died during the youth uprising in Soweto to protest against educational reforms. It was a tragedy which changed the political landscape of South Africa. Now, 44 years later, and watching the news I wonder if we ever learn from history,..... More reason to hold onto God, whose faithfulness is from generation to generation. More astounding morning by morning new mercies we see, and experience, thank God! In listening to this weeks guests (or hosts) I am reminded of Gods faithfulness. You know the couple well, but I am sure you will know them better after the cuppa. Enjoy: Shalom Liena
08.01.2022 Good day everyone, Blessed fathers day to all our dads and all men who fulfill father role models to persons. Below is the link to todays E- Service, during which time we celebrated Holy Communion. So if you are at home have the wine and bread ready!! ... And please note that we are having our Harvest Festival om Sunday the 4th October 2020 so please bring your products and produce knitting crochet pieces, wood carvings, objects, preservatives, fresh produce, photograph whatever.. Take care, ShalomLiena
08.01.2022 Good day everyone, Trust you are all keeping well. I discovered the peculiarity that today, Friday 29 May, is a local public holiday Maleny Show day!! I am sure many of you are truly missing the annual institution, and the absence of the annual show will of-course mean an absence of much economic investment. We continue to uphold all persons and institutions affected by the COVID-19 in prayer, giving thanks that relatively speaking the consequences in Queensland have been... minimal. Ecclesiastically, this weekend is a significant weekend in that Sunday it is Pentecost (meaning 50), being 50 days or 7 weeks since Passover. It is the celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit. It has also long been celebrated as the birthday of the church, in light of the church being birthed on the so-called first Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). In terms of the RCL (Revised Common Lectionary) we now enter the season after Pentecost, or what I prefer to call the season of the Kingdom of God or Kingdomtide, which continues until Advent. Sometimes also known as Ordinary Time a time when we focus on the realisation of the Kingdom of God through the church under the enablement of the Holy Spirit. The Pentecost service comes from Montville. Enjoy the Welcome and overview of the history of Montville by Marcia Jensen, assisted by her husband Peter. Thanks to them. The direct link is: Also keep a lookout for the studies on the Holy Spirit which will be made available on the website under the heading E Studies. Take care, Shalom Liena
08.01.2022 The community groups that previously contributed trees to the Christmas Tree festival were asked to provide a short video on the theme of Hope. One video we received was provided by the Maleny Garden Club and it can be found at!ArXwPWbR8IWFxHOzzuLeePohOKUP?e=gBm1MT Links to other videos will be posted in the coming days and weeks.
07.01.2022 Hello everyone, Trust you are all keeping well and enjoying the additional freedom of movement we now have. Although, some restrictions have been lifted it is unlikely that we will be able to gather physically together for worship on a Sunday. Consequently, the e-broadcasts will be continuing.... This Sunday the 17th there are 3 broadcasts we draw your attention to. Our BRUC broadcast available at There is also a service (and other messages) by the moderator available at: And a special chaplaincy service which will become available on the Mary Burnett presbytery YOUtube channel: We also remind you to lookout for the Cuppa Conversation this coming Wednesday the 20th May and also for a short Ascension Day service on Thursday 21 May. Blessings Shalom Liena
07.01.2022 Ties for Stan! Stan and Gloria Collard have been long standing members of the Uniting Church, and over the years, have served in Maleny and Rockhampton, along with other congregations. Stan was always a stickler for wearing a tie to church, maintaining that a certain standard had to be set!! Due to declining health, they have unfortunately had to move recently to Brisbane closer to family. On the Sunday of that week, these lovely gentlemen wore their ties to church to honour Stan, and in an effort to keep up the standard!!
06.01.2022 Good day everyone, Peace be with you! Below is the link to Sundays on-line service:... May the Word of the Lord change us! Shalom Liena
06.01.2022 Hello everyone, Trust you are enjoying the winter sun! Our Cuppa Conversation this week is with Barry Smith, from the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, about their house of temporary accommodation for women. Trust you enjoy this story about a House of Hope and that you are encouraged to respond to the invitation to become involved in any one or more of the ways mentioned.... I also draw you attention to the pdf sent earlier this year about the story of the first year of the Womens House : The Womens House - stories of homelessness and hope in a small town. A copy of it is also available on-line. As always, the Cuppa Conversation is on our website: under Cuppa Conversations (where you can also catch up on any you may have missed or wish to view again). Meanwhile, here is the direct link: Enjoy! Shalom Liena
04.01.2022 Greetings! I am sure you have been enjoying these glorious sunny winter days. Below is the link for this Sundays E-Service. We have used a new recording device so any feedback is welcome.... I specially want to call to mind those amongst us who are grieving at the moment. In recent weeks we have had two thanksgiving services, that of Betty Watson and Olive Harding and we continue to hold these families up in prayer. However, I am aware of members in the congregation and community who have lost loved ones recently and we also keep them in our prayers. And once again, please diarise Sunday the 2 August 10am it will be a celebratory combined Holy Communion Service at Maleny. Here is your link for Sundays service: May it be a blessing an encouragement to each of us. Shalom Liena
04.01.2022 Good evening everyone, Below is the link to this weeks Cuppa Conversation which I am confident you will enjoy. I have been a bit parochial and included a song Rainmaker by the Stellenbosch University Choir, which I hope you will also enjoy.... And remember Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it (Hebrews 13 vs 2) Shalom Liena
03.01.2022 Hi everyone Once again happy happy blessed Christmas. May you truly hear, see and touch our King, the Lord Jesus Christ today.... Below is the link to this morning’s Christmas day service at Maleny. The singing is a bit loud a times, but why not it is Christmas! (note the first few seconds are black but the recording starts after a few seconds) I have also included the two links to the C& K Children’s Academy messages of hope and if you want to see all the messages of hope from community groups. Here is the link: Enjoy Shalom Liena
02.01.2022 Hi everyone Thanks to Phil for his message form Nehemiah 1 this morning! GO! Shalom Liena
02.01.2022 Good evening everyone, Wow November already! What an extraordinary year, yet no slower than others. Today’s service was the first in our Outreach month of November. Our guest speaker was Mardi Lumsden from Uniting World. We also celebrated Holy Communion together, so if you wish to join in with the Holy Communion, get your bread and wine ready!... Next week we will be hearing from Phil Smith and Becky Francis, the chaplain form Maleny Primary School. May you be blessed as you join us in worship Take care, Shalom Liena
02.01.2022 Hi everyone, Well the rain has kept us indoors compelling us to reflect on the year gone and the year ahead! Here is a link to a short New Year’s message from me: Coram Deo living in the presence of God... Please remember the following services this coming Sunday 3 January 2020: Maleny 9:45am Holy Communion Palmwoods 10:00am Family Service Montville 4:30pm Faith Conversation ( Art and Christian Worship) And to look ahead to 10 January: Montville 8:15am Covenant Service (Holy Communion to celebrate Montville’s birthday) Maleny 9:45am Worship Service Palmwoods 3:30pm Garden Fellowship And importantly please remember that our Week of Prayer will run from the 10-17th January. We are asked to gather as a congregation in corporate prayer to dedicate the year, the ministry of BRUC, the wider church, the community and the world to God. More information and details will be sent to you electronically and hard-copies of the resource material will be available next week. The Week of Prayer meetings will take place at: Maleny in the church from 6:00-6:30 pm every evening from Sunday the 10th -17th (Saturday 16th excluded) Montville and Palmwoods details of meetings to be advised. Happy and blessed 2021!! Shalom Liena
01.01.2022 Good evening everyone, Trust you are enjoying the winter sun after Sundays real taste of winter. WOW 1 July already! New tax year, new month, new possibilities of gathering for fellowship.... As we process and plan the ways we are going to be gathering for worship together I invite you to sit back and enjoy a pot of tea with a well-known couple, Malcom and Nancy Baker. Although they are old friends, I am sure we will learn something new, and it is always good to catch up with old friends! At the moment we plan the following abbreviated Holy Communion Services for this coming Sunday: 10am at Maleny 2pm at Palmwoods 3:30pm at Montville Due to the short notice, there will also still be a full Holy Communion worship service on-line. But for now, enjoy the cuppa conversation: Shalom Liena
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