Black Cockatoo Studio in Sydney, Australia | Medical and health
Black Cockatoo Studio
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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25.01.2022 Tomorrow night, we are dancing again <3
25.01.2022 A little insight into the creative process for my most recent creative work - setting the space for Adam Barley's Evolution workshop in Sydney last weekend - an evolving altar over 3 days. The work spoke to me about cycles of energy - birth, death, chaos and the void and the endless cycle and flow of life evolving through creative forms, and the beauty of those forms in harmonious relationship with each other and as part of a whole. On day one, we had energy and life flowin...g in and out of the void, spiralling in, spiralling out. On day two, living creatures began to emerge from the void and the cycle continued to evolve and change. When I was building the final evolution for day three I saw the way that the natural forms and the man made forms began to blend together and I felt that we as humans are just another perfectly imperfect part of that evolution. As I was laying out beautiful big pieces of crumpled packing paper, there on the floor was a crumpled tissue that someone had discarded during the workshop that day. I saw how these forms matched perfectly and suddenly the tissue box was included as a part of the cycle, as the branches of the tree became the paper, and the paper became the tissue and the tissue became our tears. I saw then that the creativity that we bring forward into the world including all of our feelings and struggles with being human is just another way of life expressing and learning about itself through the creative process - through our bodies, through our tears, through our laughter, through our dance, through our art and through our relationships and the connections and spaces between each other and between all forms of life on earth and beyond. I felt such gratitude and tenderness for the exquisite beauty of all the myriad forms of life and the joy and wonder of being witness and participant in this unfolding process. What an honour to be able to bring this creation into the world and share it. Thankyou. With love, Caitlin <3
25.01.2022 If anyone is looking for an easy way to establish a daily meditation practice - Oprah & Deepak have just started another free 21 day meditation series today. day has a centering thought, an introductory talk and then a mantra based meditation. I did one a few years ago and found it helpful, and I love mantra as a pathway into meditation <3 <3 <3 See more
24.01.2022 water is our first medicine.water is life.water is everythingI am 65% water - Benjamin Conrad of the Northern Arapaho Tribe Check out this first hand account of what is happening on the ground at Standing Rock. Very inspiring. Thankyou Avis.
24.01.2022 Wow, so happy to read this. Hope for humanity and for clean water for the next 7 generations. Big love and gratitude for those who continue to stand at Standing Rock.
24.01.2022 What a wonderful weekend of co-creation this was - Dance, Music, Art, Nature & Community, yum! Here are some image moments from the creative process of altar building and our time together at the Return to Wholeness retreat <3
23.01.2022 We give thanks for all those who are moved, in their lives, to heal and protect the earth, in small ways and in large. Blessings on the composter, the gardeners, the breeders of worms and mushrooms, the soil-builders, those who cleanse the waters and purify the air, all those who clean up the messes others have made. Blessings on those who defend trees and who plant trees, who guard the forests and who renew the forests. Blessings on those who prevent erosion, who restore the... salmon and the fisheries, who guard the healing herbs and who know the lore of the wild plants. Blessings on those who heal the cities and bring them alive again with excitement and creativity and love. Gratitude and blessings to all who stand against greed, who risk themselves, to those who have bled and been wounded, and to those who have given their lives in service of the earth. May all the healers of the earth find their healing. May they be fuelled by passionate love for the earth. May they know their fear but not be stopped by fear. May they feel their anger and yet not be ruled by rage. May they honour their grief but not be paralysed by sorrow. May they transform fear, rage, and grief into compassion and the inspiration to act in service of what they love. May they find the help, the resources, the courage, the luck, the strength, the love, the health, the joy that they need to do the work. May they be in the right place, at the right time, in the right way. May they bring alive a great awakening, open a listening ear to hear the earth's voice, transform imbalance to balance, hate and greed to love. Blessed be the healers of the earth. -Starhawk
23.01.2022 We need to stand up to protect our water. Close to home - Gas company Santos plans to drill 850 CSG wells through the Great Artesian Basin in the heart of the Pilliga, eastern Australia's largest temperate woodland. There is an info night tonight in the city hosted by the Wilderness Society....
23.01.2022 Come and be part of creating a song for the protection of water tonight @ Onespace in Bondi: Please bring your dinner to eat in the break, or eat beforehand so we get maximum song creation time! <3...
22.01.2022 "The world is crying out for Vision, is in desperate need of both it and people of Vision..." Malcolm Ringwalt We are really lucky to have Malcolm Ringwalt visiting Australia this November to hold the Seven Levels of Quest course over 9 days in Uki. These Seven Levels of Quest encompass the total knowledge and experience of the Vision Quest. More than that, they have the power to lift ordinary, daily life experience from the mundane and physical to the height of spiritual cl...arity and enlightenment. These quest practices are based on teachings passed down from Stalking Wolf, a Lipan Apache elder and Shaman, through Tom Brown Jr. The early bird discount ends on June 30. More info here:
22.01.2022 "Honouring Mother Earth and the Divine Feminine through the Wise Women Traditions" What a beautiful gathering of so many amazing women sharing their wisdom, it was an honour to be a part of this event - offering a sacred altar and a sacred dance - the first of many Wise Women Gatherings in Australia I hope! Much love and thanks to Steph and Bec for epic organising and bringing us all together.
21.01.2022 Yes, the answer's in: LOVE it is - tomorrow night on a dancefloor near you <3
20.01.2022 "Through the sacred art of pausing, we develop the capacity to stop hiding, to stop running away from our experience. We begin to trust in our natural intelligence, in our naturally wise heart, in our capacity to open to whatever arises. Like awakening from a dream, in the moment of pausing our trance recedes and radical acceptance becomes possible. " ~ Tara Brach Life feels so hectic sometimes, so as I prepare to head off on retreat tomorrow I'm really grateful for an opport...unity to pause - to drop the to-do list and disengage from doing and striving. Taking a moment just to stop and breathe. I remember the power of the pause to re-awaken all of my senses to the expansiveness of the moment and the next and the next - to really feel and experience the whole spectrum of what it is to be human, and to love it all - what a gift. To take an evening just to dance in community - to pause a busy life and just feel and express the whole spectrum of what it is to be human, and to love it all - what a gift. See you on the dancefloor next Saturday. With love, Caitlin
20.01.2022 I'm really honoured to be hosting Lila Lieberman to offer a workshop with Sacred Tobacco at Black Cockatoo Studio this Sunday afternoon. I met Lila at Rainbow Serpent Festival at the beginning of the year and was super impressed by her sense of stillness, sensitivity and connection with the plants. A beautiful group is gathering for this workshop, so I encourage you to book your place now. Here are the booking details: $140 contribution, includes all that is needed for the da...y. $110 concession To confirm your place please make a deposit and send Lila a notification: Lila Lieberman BSB: 732573 Account: 666671 [email protected] | 0498203722 Lots of love, Caitlin More info here:
20.01.2022 One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. - Carl Jung You're warmly invited to a community dance ceremony to celebrate the Sweet Darkness of Winter Solstice this Saturday night in Glebe:
19.01.2022 Home again, and with lots of juicy dancing freedom love to share on the dancefloor this Friday night! See you there <3 <3 <3
19.01.2022 I'm loving the ABUNDANCE of rain falling from the sky today. The earth here has been so dry and in need of this. As I consider how I can support a reality of abundance - I'm sending the intention out at a global level today - CLEAN WATER FOR ALL. So I'm offering half of tonight's takings as a donation to the 663 million people in the world without access to clean water, via this charity:... See you on the dancefloor tonight 7.30pm @ 181A Glebe Point Rd, Glebe <3 <3 <3
19.01.2022 Thankyou everyone for a deep - soulful - cracking open our shells - shedding husks - celebrating this wondrous life - dance last night. It's so beautiful to fee...l this community growing and strengthening as we nurture the seeds we plant together. See you on the dancefloor for our next dance on April 29:
19.01.2022 Such a beautiful evening! Big thanks and love to Lulu & Mischka as they fly to Germany today <3 <3 <3
18.01.2022 I LOVE yes yes yes DANCING TO REMEMBER this dance we have always danced LIONS ROARING... to claim our power IGNITING THE SPARK WITHIN burning clear and bright THANKYOU See more
18.01.2022 What if you find yourself lost in unfamiliar territory without GROUND? It may help to start from exactly where you are, explore, notice the terrain, make a map... Today we begin the exploration, will you join our adventure? 1pm @ Be Still & Chill Brookvale. All welcome.... Details here:
17.01.2022 On AbunDANCE... I had a beautiful reminder about abundance yesterday - joining my local library! I haven't been a member of a library for many years, and I'd forgotten what a resource they are. Free books! Amazing!... One of the books I borrowed asked me this beautiful question: What does a nourishing and balanced day look like? I know my most nourishing and balanced days often include dancing. If you feel that might work for you too, I'll see you on the dancefloor tomorrow night <3 <3 <3 7.30pm @ Life & Balance Glebe, $20/$15
16.01.2022 DANCING FREEDOM HAS MOVED AGAIN! Oh yes, life has given us another opportunity to dance with change :) Sadly our time at House of Yoga was short lived as management changed hands, but we now have a beautiful new space at DUTI Studios: Suite 6, 82-84 Enmore Rd, Enmore.... See you on the dancefloor this Friday! <3 <3 <3
15.01.2022 Staying present, flying true... See you at the tip of the arrow this evening <3 7.30pm @ St Luke's Church Hall: 11 Stanmore Rd, Enmore
15.01.2022 Ah yes that makes sense so many exciting new projects seem to be in the process of birthing right now, and I’ve just realised that today is the new moon and apparently not just any old new moon but a new SUPER moon in Aries waking us up to our destiny by rolling the golden apple of divine love at us and asking us to choose - Freedom or Fear (Thanks Mystic Mamma & Cathy Pagano This moon reminds us that this is... the moment to bring our spiritual awareness back into the world and help birth a truly free, healthy, just, balanced, co-created world with our Mother Earth. So stay tuned for more offerings being birthed in this space soon, and in the meantime I’m looking forward to sharing some songs co-created with Mother Earth as part a Seed Sound event this Saturday in Manly - would love to see you there <3 <3 <3
15.01.2022 Our last Elemental Alchemy workshop was so much fun I've decided to do another one in August! An opportunity to awaken your whole unique self and forge new pathways to freedom through dance, voice and creative process. See you there <3 ...
14.01.2022 And here it is finally, my new website! Big thanks to Stephanie Zetah from New Story Designs for the beautiful redesign - she randomly landed on my doorstep 2 weeks ago and was such a marvellous guest appearance offering so many gifts in my life at just the right time! Thanks Steph, thanks universe! <3 <3 <3
14.01.2022 Wow - powerful ceremony of healing, integration & awakening. Thankyou courageous lion hearts all for your presence, strength and beauty. What a great honour to co-create with you <3 <3 <3
13.01.2022 Beautiful to be landing home again after a sacred pause of 9 days retreat time on Wiradjuri country. I'm deeply grateful for the time and space to be with the l...and, sit with self, shed old darknesses and shine more light into my vision and prayer for life. Looking forward to sharing these medicines with you on the dancefloor this Saturday. Much love <3
13.01.2022 Hosted by The Sydney Threshold Choir
13.01.2022 We are living in Eden, the time of stars and sun...
12.01.2022 Excited to begin this today: Dancing our freedom everyday for 21 days with other dancers all over the world! And it's free! Who's in? Registration closes tomorrow so jump on board if you're keen! <3... See more
12.01.2022 I'm loving having a house full of bark, sticks and other collections as I prepare to create altars for Michelle Mahrer's Return to Wholeness retreat this weekend. Two spaces have just opened up if anyone feels to join, would love to see you there <3
12.01.2022 After an amazing Dancing Freedom practice last night I'm so fully appreciative of the power of simple kindness, a good dance and a loving community to lift my spirit, warm my heart and remind me that this human body and life is really a miraculous place to be. If you could use a dose of that, join us on the dance floor today for 3 beautiful movement practices - Kiryuho, Open Floor & Movement Monastery. Come to 1, 2 or all sessions from 12.30pm at the Drill Hall in Rushcutter...s Bay. More info here:
12.01.2022 Such deep gratitude for the quality of presence last night on the dancefloor and the depths of our explorations - an honour to witness and be part of. In the harvest, my body said - "I know nothing" my heart said "I'm here - both open and contained" and my higher self said "stop trying, rest back and allow the wisdom to come" Thankyou everyone <3 We dance again on May 27 in Enmore. Please like the Dancing Freedom Sydney page to stay updated:
12.01.2022 Excited and nervous as I prepare to leave for Mexico tomorrow morning to pray and dance and sing in a women's ceremony known as Las Danza De Luna - Moon Dance. I'm feeling the medicines of this coming through in my life, into the creation of the altar for Kate Shela's workshop last weekend and into our dance this evening. Intense times, beautiful times.... Grateful to be opening the door to meet this way of praying - with the dance, with the drum, with the earth, in community. I'm dancing to bring myself into greater alignment with the heartbeat of the earth, and as a prayer for the heartbeat of humanity to beat in rhythm with the heartbeat of all life. Thankyou to all who support me on this path, I carry you with me. Blessings, Caitlin
12.01.2022 How do you respond when everything is shifting and changing? We are dancing our way back to centre, and moving from that place tomorrow night in Newtown @ 5 Eliza St, 7.30pm, $20/$15. Every Body welcome. See you on the dancefloor <3...
11.01.2022 Happy New Year! I was really lucky to have some beautiful river, forest and dancing time for the transition - where I revisited some old wounds around isolation, connection and self-worth and was met and held by a beautifully supportive community of love and acceptance, and FUN and CELEBRATION! I'm feeling so grateful for all that life brings and have emerged full of love and possibility - I know this year is going to be a good one - better than we can imagine - beyond our w...ildest dreams - as we expand into the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible and have the courage to embrace all aspects of being human in ourselves and each other - divine & ridiculous. Sending blessings of love, joy, peace, acceptance, abundance, nourishment, fun, community, adventure and yumminess for your year dear ones <3 May you dance with whatever life brings in each moment <3 Still time to sign up for Anchoring Your Intentions for 2018 - online retreat with myself & Lydia: and if you're in Sydney, come dance with me on January 10 :) Much love, Caitlin
10.01.2022 What an honour to create this sacred portal for the R-Evolution workshop with Kate Shela in Sydney last weekend. Thankyou to Tara Williams for birthing the first R-Evolution drum in the UK and to the awesomely inspiring Kate Shela for the invitation to carry that vision into another expression. Deep thanks to Velan, Devani & Adya for weaving this prayer with me, and to Michelle for making it all possible. Huge gratitude to Jane Elworthy for creating this drum many years ago... and connecting me with it to bring it forward to be played by and in community as a reactivation of it's original purpose. Big big love to everyone who came to dance & share <3 <3 <3 In Tara's words: I consider myself fortunate to be an intimate holder of the R-evolution drum’s memory. What is arising, and what is in store, is an emerging story for those participating in it. May the future journeys of this Heartbeat work feed the creative impulse of all that is Becoming.... With love, Caitlin
09.01.2022 I'm guest teaching Naomi's class in Mona Vale tonight, with a super yummy playlist in the making :) Come and dance to welcome our final new moon for the year <3
09.01.2022 Some of you may know that as well as offering Dancing Freedom, I'm also a teacher-in-training for another movement modality called Open Floor. Open Floor is a healing practice of movement, dance and the arts. We learn to track thoughts, stories and patterns that hold us back and turn them into creative fuel. Using universal movement principles, such as breath, grounding and centering, our aim is to become more embodied or at home, for this beautiful ride of life, present for ...anything and everything. Check out Open Floor here: I'm really excited to be offering an Open Floor session as part of the Open Space workshop this Saturday with Julie Geeti Dayashakti Rogers, who will be offering sessions of Kiryuho and Movement Monastery. 3 sessions, 3 different and complementary practices to expand your movement repertoire, deepen your practice and connect with other movement lovers. Come to the whole program or just one or two sessions as you wish. More info here:
08.01.2022 These are tricky times for many of us, calling us to see and move through some deeply held patterns so that we may be truly whole, integrated, in integrity. Challenging yes, but also a beautiful opportunity for greater freedom... See you on the dancefloor in Redfern next Friday night <3
08.01.2022 My beautiful friends River & Sali are crowdfunding to build a community temple space "A Sacred Place of belonging and an Open Heart Space for us all to come and heal, open, dream, pray, sing, and celebrate together the wonderment of life" I would love to see this prayer come to life, so if you feel to be part of it, please send them some love in the next 17 days :)
08.01.2022 Calling all Central Coast dancers, movers & shakers!!! Dancing Freedom comes to the Rhythm Hut next week! Please share with anyone you know who may be interested <3...
08.01.2022 We are simply dancing this Friday night in Enmore:
08.01.2022 Why is generosity important? The more we give and receive freely, the more we generate trust in a dynamic of abundance, with space to move away from scarcity and competitive culture and co-create a new (and ancient) culture of sharing, interconnection and community. Will you dance with generosity?... An invitation to explore this, Saturday night in Glebe:
07.01.2022 I'm really looking forward to offering an altar for Lulu & Mischka's Rise & Shine concert in Mosman this evening - these beautiful beings share with hearts wide open - gathering divine music from around the world and combining it with their own unique flavour - tonight will be an uplifting evening of song, sound and community. Hope to see you there!
07.01.2022 Winter Solstice blessings and love to all <3 Tonight I'm going offline and offgrid - no lights til dawn - savouring this last morsel of deep darkness before we turn back towards the light... <3 <3 <3
06.01.2022 Thankyou life! As I head homewards I'm buoyed by the joy and radiance from delicious adventures on the Sunshine Coast - chanting and dancing with the transformative power of Shiva at the Shivaratri celebration at Radiant Light Yoga in Yandina on Saturday night and a delightfully intensive 4 day immersion in the beautiful practice of Zen Thai Shiatsu with Gwyn Williams.Yum. Tomorrow we move into a total solar eclipse at 12.54pm - when the moon, the earth and the sun align - a ...cosmic dance and shift in these huge magnetic bodies that is reflected in our bodies and lives. Here's an insight on the power of this eclipse from Cathy Pagano, The Wisdom of Astrology that I found useful: ( A new door opens, a new story begins. Just as a regular New Moon is a time to plant new seeds, a solar eclipse is a time to let go of old, stagnant energy shells, so the new life energy that’s been gestating within can begin to grow. We can be made whole again when we embrace our past,who we have been and what we have made of ourselves. Our true Self has been over-shadowed with a false story concerning guilt, unworthiness, money, power and hubris. This solar eclipse New Moon in Pisces takes us down to the dark depths of primal oceanic consciousness to rebirth us in our new stories. The primal womb is pierced with the divine fire of life. Now Neptune shows us possibilities of healing and creativity for all the wounded and neglected parts of our society and selves. We are being called to live in conscious relationship with the Earth and each other I'm very lucky to be co-creating 3 beautiful offerings of this conscious relationship this week, and I'd love to shed old ways and plant some new seeds with you: Michelle Mahrer's 5 Rhythms class on Wednesday night: Carmen Rosa Morales' Women's Drumming Circle on Thursday night: And Dancing Freedom in our new venue in Enmore on Friday night, yay! Solar eclipse blessings to all! Lots of love, Caitlin <3 <3 <3
06.01.2022 Love is so simple. When you give some, you get more back. Give some love at Dancing Freedom tonight: BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE... 7.30pm @ 11 Stanmore Rd, Enmore. All welcome.
05.01.2022 From the beautiful and inspiring Trevor Hall: "This song is inspired by the land of Standing Rock and all of the warriors out there on the front lines laying do...wn their lives for WATER. They are mountains in and of themselves touching the sky with their peaks of strength, love, and selfless service. But these mountains need their own water in the form of food, tents, blankets, and other materials in order to keep standing tall against the black snake. We are offering this song to help provide them with these things. If you download this song, 100% of the funds raised will go directly to the front lines of Standing Rock to support our brothers and sisters standing up for what we believe in. You can donate as much as you’d like, be it $1 or $100 every dollar counts. Our love and prayers are with all people across the earth who are victims of corporate greed and power. " Trevor Hall is playing in Sydney in April, I'll be there:
05.01.2022 Super fun to share Dancing Freedom at Psyfari festival over the weekend! See you on the dancefloor this Saturday night in Glebe <3
04.01.2022 I'm thrilled that one of my favourite poets, David Whyte is coming back to Sydney this May!! Hope see you there <3
04.01.2022 Our dear brother Prabhu's death celebration is being held this Friday. All welcome <3
03.01.2022 What a wonderful weekend of co-creation! Dance, Music, Art, Nature & Community - aaaahhh....
03.01.2022 FYI next Thursday:
03.01.2022 Join this big beautiful prayer for the protection of all the waters of the world harnessing the power of the super moon tonight at Bondi Beach - in solidarity with the action at Standing Rock. I will be sending my prayers from Newcastle. Lots of love,... Caitlin See more
03.01.2022 Some very inspiring looking films coming up: "The Transitions Film Festival is a visionary program dedicated to spotlighting the complex challenges, cutting-edge ideas, creative innovations and mega-trends that are redefining what it means to be human. We present positive, solutions-focused films and showcase cutting-edge ideas from around the world, along with the creative, academic, governmental, community and business leaders who are creating change locally."
03.01.2022 Oh yes, Dancing Freedom has a new venue in Sydney!
02.01.2022 Coming to Sydney October 19!
02.01.2022 Altar from last night's Dancing Freedom - Moon Cycle - INITIATION
01.01.2022 Well, this feels far from comfortable, so I'm doing it. Truth be told, despite being a Dancing Freedom facilitator and well practiced lover and explorer of movement, I still get very nervous when anyone is watching me dance. I just got home and danced to the first day's playlist of the 21 Day Dancing Freedom Challenge. I thought there was no way I was going to post a video of me dancing, and then I saw all the other brave ones putting themselves out there, and damn it, what a...m I worried about? I am not perfect, I never will be, I don't need to be, and that is perfect. I'm just a human who loves to dance, so here I am, dancing in my living room. And just to push the comfort zone a little more, I'm not even posting this on the private group page, I'm going public - eek! If anyone feels inspired to join, it's not too late, day one isn't over yet! Here's the link to join 323 (and counting) others worldwide dancing for 10 minutes a day for 21 days. Love it. Love you <3
01.01.2022 Good morning Sun & Summer Solstice! Sweet solace of long gentle rain, thankyou. With what gentleness this longest day begins... Please teach me to be gentle, to... be kind, to let my inner fire nourish life with radiant warmth as a luminous shining sun. Today I hold a prayer for balance - for right relationship and harmony with fire and water on the earth. Thankyou. May you shine brightly always. With love, Caitlin
01.01.2022 Northern Beaches Tribe: Come and warm up from the inside with Dance Triibe in Mona Vale today at 11.30am :)
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