Black Tulip in Kalamunda, Western Australia, Australia | Shopping & retail
Black Tulip
Locality: Kalamunda, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 422 462 830
Address: Po Box 1002 6076 Kalamunda, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 The Ice Cream Bean tree is a gorgeous tree with spreading branches with green leaves and red new growth. It is a relatively fast growing tree and will grow to around 10m high with moderate watering in a part sun location. They are drought tolerant, adds nitrogen to the soil and is easy care. It will develop white and yellow pompom-type flowers and pods which will contain inedible black seeds surrounded by a white juicy pulp with a taste similar to that of vanilla ice-cream. ...Fruiting season is around February to April, they will not keep though so cannot be harvested in bulk. In Columbia it is believed to be a medicinal tree with concoctions being made from the bark and leaves to help relieve diarrhoea, lotions being made to sooth arthritic joints and roots being mixed with pomegranate rind to assist in treating dysentery. Available now - $18.50 each
24.01.2022 Who's up for a bit of naked gardening this weekend? Make sure you wear sunscreen though!
23.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Native Gardenia AKA Yellow Mangosteen (Atractocarpus fitzalanii) This hardy, dry rainforest tree is native to coastal forests and beach regions of Queensland. It is a tree that likes full sun to part shade locations and will grow happily in pots or in the ground. At maturity it will reach a size of around 6m high by 3m wide and will begin producing fruit from around 3 4 years of age. ... Springtime will see the white, fragrant, star shaped flowers which will turn into brown fruit which will slowly turn yellow over Winter as it ripens. The fruit is covered in a hard shell and will grow to around 6 7 cm in diameter. Inside the hard shell is a pale, soft, sweet segmented fruit that is filled with small white seeds which are delicious whether eaten raw on their own or can be added to salads or desserts. 17cm pots - $18.50
23.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Native Plum Pine (Podocarps elatus) AKA Illawarra Plum This is a slow growing tree and will take many years to get to its expected height of 8m and width of 4m. ... This tree produces rich, plum-like fruit which is perfect for cooking, jams, jellies or simply to be eaten raw. The fruit is amazing as it has 2 segments, a hard dark seed and a large edible, fleshy purple/black seedless grape like fruit. Sauces from the fruits are great for topping for meat and vegetables, dipping sauce for satays or a visually different pizza sauce. The fruit also makes a compliment for chilli and garlic, preserves, muffins, cheesecakes and fruit compotes. To be able to get the most fruit possible from your trees, this is one which would benefit from being planted with a friend. They are self-pollinating but will produce more if a buddy is close by. Available in 17cm pots - $18.50
23.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Sea Celery AKA Sea Parsley (Apium prostratum var prostratum) The Sea Celery can be found natively growing along the southern coastline of Australia and can be used as a herb or a vegetable and once was an important addition to the early Australian settlers. Captain Cook and his crew have been believed to have eaten the Sea Celery to help prevent scurvy and it is regarded amongst Sydney coloni...sts as a survival food. Similar to the European parsley, it adds a peppery flavouring to any dish that parsley or celery would be used. It can be used as a garnish or to add flavour to soups, salads, chicken dishes or seafood dished. The stems can be eaten fresh or can be blanches and the seeds can be used as a condiment or cooking spice It is a plant that will love full sun positions, is drought and frost tolerant. It will grow between 30 50cm high and will spread to up to 1m wide. 14cm pots - $9
21.01.2022 Arbutus unedo - Irish Strawberry Tree If you are looking for a decorative tree that will also give you pleasing fruit then look no further. The Irish Strawberry Tree is native to the Mediterranean region and has white/pink flowers that resemble small bells in Autumn and Winter. It is an evergreen tree that will grow to heights of around 7m tall by 5m wide with dark green leaves with serrated edges and red stringy bark that peels to expose an underlay of cream coloured bark. ... It is a bee attracting plant and the birds will do their best to beat you to the fruit, but when you do beat the birds the fruit are wonderful for using in making jams, beverages and liqueurs. 5 Available - $17
20.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Native Dandelion (Murnong AKA Yam-daisy) This is a small perennial herb which traditionally was a favourite food of the Indigenous People throughout central and western Victoria as well as South Australia and New South Wales. In Spring the plant will grow a yellow flower head similar to a dandelion followed by the leaves dying off and the tuber becoming dormant in Summer. Traditionally the tu...bers were cooked in baskets in the earth oven where they produced a popular, delicious, dark sweet juice which is described as being similar to the flavour of a coconut. 14cm pots - $9
20.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Small Leaf Tamarind (Diploglottis campbelli) This is an evergreen tree which dates back to as far as 1891 but is now classed as rare and endangered in its native habitat of New South Wales and Queensland. In an open garden with ideal settings it can grow to heights of around 7 10 metres by around 6 8 metres wide with a dense covering of foliage high up which will provide excellent shade ...for the garden, with regular pruning it can be kept smaller. It is a tree that will happily grow in a pot or can be planted on mass for hedging/screening. From November until January the tree will produce small, cream/brown flowers which will help attract birds, bees and insects into the garden. The fruit is produced between February until March and are roughly 6cm across and are 3 capsules that will split open when ripe to reveal seeds that are covered by bright red flesh. Trees will begin producing fruit from around 4-5 years of age and each mature tree is capable of producing many kilograms of fruit. The flesh around the seeds is the edible part of the fruit and can be eaten raw or can be added to dishes with a tart, acidic taste. This makes it a wonderful addition to sweet and savoury dishes and can be made into jams, drinks and sauces or as an accompaniment for cheeses and cold meats. Likes part shade positions. 17cm pots - $18.50
20.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Native Tamarind (Diploglottis australis) This evergreen small/medium tree will be the love of your garden! It has a spreading crown of long, dark green foliage above rusty velvet beneath. Large clusters of yellow/brown flowers will arrive in Spring followed by round, orange/yellow fruit with a sour, but pleasant, fruit great for jams or drinks.... Likes well draining soil in a full sun/part shade location. Grows to around 7m high x 4m wide. Available in 17cm pots - $18.50
20.01.2022 Magnolia Teddy Bears are currently in stock!!! This is a magnificant looking magnolia with large, dark green, round leaves. They can get to heights of up to 3 - 4 metres (in around 10 years) but will only branch out around 1.5metres. During their flowering season (Spring/Summer) they will produce large white fragrant flowers.... One of the prettiest and cutest magnolias around! Available now in 12Ltr pots - $65 each. Pick up in Kalamunda.
20.01.2022 Leucadendron Golden Mitre Available in 14cm pots - $11 LOTS of Leucadendrons in stock now
19.01.2022 Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy Family: Fabaceae. Landscape value: A superb small tree that is an excellent choice for a landscape where a colourful, elegant, purple-leafed tree is required. This tree is easily adapted as a multi-stemmed or central leader tree depending on requirements. A consistent performer, ideal for small areas.... Height: 5 metre(s) Width: 5 metre(s) Habit: Open and low branching, forming a flat-topped canopy. The young branches have a distinct zig-zag habit. Foliage: Large heart-shaped leaves open up in spring to a brilliant eye-catching shade of reddish-purple with a velvety-satin appearance, deepening to purplish-black then fading to purplish-green in summer. Generally exhibits brilliant yellow to orange autumn colours. Flowers: Masses of small, pink, pea-like flowers borne in groups along the branches before the leaves appear in spring. Fruit: Overseas literature refers to pods 50-80 mm long. Not observed in Australia to date. Bark: Dark reddish-brown, becoming rougher and greyer with age. Tolerances: Wide range including acid or alkaline soils but is easily stressed and resents prolonged dry or very wet sites. Comments: Prefers a moist, deep, well drained fertile soil. Best foliage colour in full sun, but avoid hot, exposed and windy sites. Overseas reports indicate a susceptibility to canker. Has become highly sought-after in recent years. Available in 45Ltr bags - $114 each
18.01.2022 I began Black Tulip as a small side hobby business while I was studying. It has always been a passion of Andrews but due to other commitments he was unable to focus on the plant business. He has spent the past years growing plants and building his own plant company. Kalamunda Plant Company is now ready to be shared and will be officially opening at the Kalamunda Garden Festival and Black Tulip will be no longer. Andrew is a horticulturalist and really loves what he does. He passionate and incredibly dedicated to his plants and giving his customers the best value for money with the best quality plants he can. Please head over to to be involved in this exciting time! Thank you to all who have supported me and Black Tulip and we hope to help you further as Kalamunda Plant Company and see you at the Festival on October 7th, 2018 (8am - 1pm). Big things ahead! Mandy xxx
18.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Queensland Davidsons Plum - AKA Ooray (Davidsonia pruriens) This is a multi-trunked tree which loves moist soils and part sun locations while young. It produces attractive, pink tinged, foliage which turns green as it ages.... Along its branches and trunk, pendulous sprays of reddish flowers with yellow stamens will appear. These are the followed by large purple fruits which resemble plums, which will ripen between November and February. The red fleshed plums are high in antioxidants and vitamins and are perfect for sweet and savoury jams and sauces. The juice also makes a delicious salad dressing, cordial and wine(!!!!!!) Grows to around 4m high x 2m wide. Available in 17cm pots - $18.50
17.01.2022 Seedling Chestnut Description: A seedling grown from the nuts of trees specially selected for their fruiting habits and large sized nuts. Tree Size: Tree grows to approximately 4 x 4 metres.... Soil: Prefers well drained, acid soils. Available in 45Ltr bags - $51
16.01.2022 A garden festival in the heart of Kalamunda to celebrate all aspects of gardening, sustainable practices and horticulture. A selection of stalls and displays offering local businesses an opportunity to share their gardening, horticultural and sustainable innovations. Guest speakers to be scheduled in the Village Square Hall.... Dont forget to wander through the adjoining Kalamunda Farmers Market and buy great produce and value added products. For more information on becoming an event sponsor, stallholder or guest speaker - contact [email protected] or [email protected]
16.01.2022 Echeveria in stock now. 3Ltr pots. $14 each. Monroe Benimisume Secunda... Baron Bold Capri Blue Bird Paul Bunyan Giant Blue See more
15.01.2022 Smyrna Quince Description: Features large, pale yellow fruit with a smooth skin. Sweet flavour. The quince is excellent when preserved. The flesh becomes a beautiful dark red when cooked and the conserve, quince jelly, is one of the best. Tree Size: Tree grows to approximately 4 x 4 metres.... Available now in limited stock - 45ltr bags - $53 each
15.01.2022 Trixzie Pear - cv.Pyvert This is a small pear tree with branches that are filled with bright green leaves through summer and will bear large, green skinned, full sized fruit despite it being a smaller tree. Due to its compact growth it makes it ideal for pots. Tree Size: Tree grows to approximately 1.5 x 1.5 metres.... Pollination: Self-pollinating. Climate: Cool temperate. Available in 25ltr bags - $58 each
14.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Come see more about the plants at
14.01.2022 Gardening with children can be great fun. Find more free fact sheets like this one on the Kalamunda Plant Company website:
14.01.2022 Protea Pink Ice A gorgeous evergreen shrub which will produce stunning rich silver/pink flowers through Autumn and Winter. Likes well draining, slightly acidic soil in sunny positions.... This shrub will get to around 2m in height and will not disappoint with its long lasting blooms. Available in 3Ltr pots - $15
14.01.2022 Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry Family: Aceraceae. Landscape value: An attractive purple-foliaged small tree with dense, upright branching. Provides excellent foliage contrast when used as a focal point in the landscape. Very useful in smaller, restricted areas.... Height: 7 metre(s) Width: 4 metre(s) Growth rate: Slow to moderate. Habit: Compact, dense, broadly columnar. Foliage: Dark purple leaves with five sharp lobes. Purple to golden-brown autumn foliage. Flowers: Insignificant small maroon-yellow flowers appear before the leaves in spring. Fruit: Samaras, horizontally spreading in pairs. Bark: Greyish-black, lightly textured. Tolerances: Some heat, low levels of drought and air pollution. Comments: Generally a pest and disease free tree that requires little maintenance once established in the landscape. Maintains its rich purple foliage well through the season and is proving to be a remarkably tough tree for difficult sites. Available in 45Ltr bags - $64 each
13.01.2022 Sugar N Spice Inter. Nect-Plm Description: Sugar N Spice A is one of the Flemings new F2 range of traditionally bred stonefruit. This interspecific nectarine (cross between a nectarine and a plum) is a delightful, crisp yet sweet fruit with a white flesh and rustic red-yellow skin. Maturity: Matures mid- to late season.... Pollination: Self-fertile Available in 45ltr bags - $51 each
12.01.2022 Poo Time! Come along and support a local community group and get some poo for your garden. The scouts will love you and so will your plants.
10.01.2022 Whos up for a bit of naked gardening this weekend? Make sure you wear sunscreen though!
09.01.2022 Midyim Berries (Austromyrtus dulcis) This is best tasting of all the bush tucker plants and a must for any edible garden! The fruit is the native equivalent to a blueberry. In late Summer and early Autumn, the plant will burst with a profusion of small, sweet tasting berries. Yum. Considered to be the new age version of the box hedge, this is a versatile small shrub that is perfect for filling gaps and is ideal to grow in full sun or part shade. The shrub will grow to about 5...0-100cm in height and about 100cm in width. The new growth is a lovely burgundy colour. Small white star-shaped flowers appear in Summer and if the shrub is well-fed, then you can almost guarantee a strong yummy harvest of berries. If you trim the shrub lightly after harvesting, then you should be rewarded with another crop the following season. 17cm pots - $18.50 Recipe. Midyim Berry and Apple Pie. 50 grams of midyim berries. 2 sheets of frozen puff pastry. 20 grams of butter. 2 large green apples (peeled, cored and finely sliced.) 50 grams of brown sugar. 1 tablespoon of milk. Lay out the pastry sheets and place the apple slices down the centre. Sprinkle the apples with the midyim berries. Cut small pieces of butter and sprinkle on the fruit, then sprinkle with sugar. Keep a teaspoon of sugar aside. Cut pastry on slant strips about 1cm wide up to the apple. Starting at one end, overlap the strips in a plait pattern, wrapping over the top of the fruit. Place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 200*C until it starts to brown. Remove from the oven, and enjoy!
07.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Midyim Berries (Austromyrtus dulcis) This is best tasting of all the bush tucker plants and a must for any edible garden! The fruit is the native equivalent to a blueberry. In late Summer and early Autumn, the plant will burst with a profusion of small, sweet tasting berries. Yum. ... Considered to be the new age version of the box hedge, this is a versatile small shrub that is perfect for filling gaps and is ideal to grow in full sun or part shade. The shrub will grow to about 50-100cm in height and about 100cm in width. The new growth is a lovely burgundy colour. Small white star-shaped flowers appear in Summer and if the shrub is well-fed, then you can almost guarantee a strong yummy harvest of berries. If you trim the shrub lightly after harvesting, then you should be rewarded with another crop the following season. 17cm pots - $18.50 Recipe. Midyim Berry and Apple Pie. 50 grams of midyim berries. 2 sheets of frozen puff pastry. 20 grams of butter. 2 large green apples (peeled, cored and finely sliced.) 50 grams of brown sugar. 1 tablespoon of milk. Lay out the pastry sheets and place the apple slices down the centre. Sprinkle the apples with the midyim berries. Cut small pieces of butter and sprinkle on the fruit, then sprinkle with sugar. Keep a teaspoon of sugar aside. Cut pastry on slant strips about 1cm wide up to the apple. Starting at one end, overlap the strips in a plait pattern, wrapping over the top of the fruit. Place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 200*C until it starts to brown. Remove from the oven, and enjoy!
06.01.2022 Arent the colours on these Leucadendrons just amazing. In stock now we have Safari Sunset - 200mm pots - $16... Silvan Red - 14cm pots - $11 Golden Mitre - 14cm pots - $11 Red Countess - 14cm pots - $11 Cheeky - 17cm pots - $16 Superstar - 17cm pots - $16 Sundance - 14cm pots - $11 Misty Sunrise - 14cm pots - $11 Ruby Royal - 14cm pots - $11 Red Gem - 14cm pots - $11 Brighten up your garden today!
06.01.2022 Old Man Saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) This is a fast growing shrub which grows naturally in WA, SA, NT, Vic, NSW and QLD. It is a woody shrub that grows to round 2 3 metres high by 1 2 metres wide. It is drought tolerant, tolerant of sandy soils and salt. It makes a fantastic hedge/screen and is suitable for filling gaps in the garden. It likes full sun to part shade positions but will require protecting from frost. Traditionally the seeds were used by Indigenous Peopl...e as a food source but the leaves are also edible. The leaves can be used as a leafy vegetable and can be eaten fresh, blanched or sauted. They also work well with meat, fish or as stuffing in poultry but can also be dried and used as a herb. They have a salty flavour and are rich in protein, antioxidants and minerals. They can be used by plucking the leaves as required and can be used year round. 14cm pots - $9
06.01.2022 NAIDOC Week is upon us and in celebration we are going crazy for Bush Tucker plants. Native Black Plum (Diospyros australis) How exciting is it to have this small/medium tree in stock! ... The Black Plum is a rainforest tree and will love moist soils but can tolerate heavy shade, in fact, it performs best when protected from afternoon sun. In around October the tree will produce an abundance of small cream/yellow flowers which will last through until December and then are followed by black shiny fruits which will ripen and be ready to eat or use in jams in Autumn. This tree also has the added bonus of having fire retardant properties and can make a great screening tree. Grows to around 5m high by 6m wide. Available in 17cm pots - $18.50
05.01.2022 Leucadendron Safari Sunset Available in 200mm pots - $16 each (Lots of Leucadendrons in stock now!)
04.01.2022 Kalamunda Scouts Sheep Poo sale is coming up. Get in before they sell out!
02.01.2022 Acacia acuminata - Raspberry Jam Tree (AKA Fine Leaf Jam Tree) The Raspberry Jam Tree is a slow growing, small tree/ tall shrub, growing commonly to a maximum height of around 3 - 5m tall (but rarely, in the more ideal locations has been found up to 10m). Native to the South West of Western Australia During late winter to spring the tree can be found flowering and mature pods will present in summer. The wood of the tree has an aroma similar to raspberry jam, hence its name.... 5 Available in 3Ltr pots - $10
02.01.2022 Luisa Plum Description: This newly released self-fertile, yellow fleshed plum is exceptionally sweet and juicy. Distinctive elongated-heart shape. Having some disease resistance makes this cultivar easier to grow organically. Maturity: Estimated +35 days Santa Rosa.... Pollination: Reported to be self-fertile. Mid-season bloom. Generally crops well. Culture: Reported from overseas to show some resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni (bacterial spot). Available in 45Ltr bags - $51 each
01.01.2022 Do you know anyone who may be interested in sponsoring or having a stall at the festival?
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