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Ben Lambert Illustration


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Here’s something I never got around to promoting. My writing buddy Lyndon Riggall asked me to make something for a new story of his about an old wombat going on an adventure across Tasmania’s Overland Track. It gave me a good opportunity to experiment with some new painting tricks that I’ve since refined for the big slog of work ahead of me with Tangled Pines. I’m pretty pleased with the hatching and fur details, but in retrospect the light and shadow work could do with some adjustment. Maybe I’ll revisit it if and when the story takes new steps to publication. #illustration #procreate

25.01.2022 Nephew Harper is twelve today, and it is my uncle-y duty to indulge and encourage his dorkiest tendencies. He’s been enjoying My Hero Academia a lot lately, and asked for an illustration of slightly younger Midoriya for this year’s card. Not sure how well I did ageing him down, but he’s already a young-looking fifteen.

25.01.2022 My dude Silas just turned seven and asked for a Pokémon-themed birthday card. Inteleon and Scorbunny are his favourites - they sure are fun designs to work with!

24.01.2022 Elvina just turned eight and asked to go rock climbing with a unicorn. Can’t ask for a better prompt than that! #birthdaycard #illustration #unicorn #rockclimbing #birthdaygirl #8yearsold #niecesrock

21.01.2022 What. Is. Wrong. With. You. These words would be cruel aimed at any child, but for Ziggy, they wound his very soul. Mary has seen enough and demands a stop. As a parting shot, Pete knocks Ziggy’s lunch to the floor, ruining it. It’s too much. Ziggy grabs his bag and tears away in blind panic. #tangledpines #comics #wip

19.01.2022 Pete shoves his way through the lunch queue, but the serving lady isn’t having any of that and shoos him off with a wave of her ladle. Thwarted, he casts his eye around for another target... #tangledpines #comics #wip

18.01.2022 Ziggy races past Mr. Frith and straight out of school grounds. He doesn’t know where he’s going, just that he has to get away. Out of breath, he looks up and sees the same natural shelter where Taliah found refuge all those years ago. #tangledpines #comics #wip

16.01.2022 Itsa Uncle Ben’s latest birthday card! This one is for Silas, who’s just turned five and is all about his Mario. #birthdaycard #ink #nintendo #yoshi #mario

15.01.2022 Another kid’s birthday is coming up, so time for a new card from Uncle Ben! This one is for Rachel, who’s turning 11. She asked to be cuddling with wolves. #illustration #wolf #birthdaycard #awesomeuncle

15.01.2022 Another crop of birthday cards out the door! My whole family went on a fantastic holiday to Fiji recently, and Sophie asked for it to be the theme for her card. Ezra, meanwhile, stuck his tongue out in every single photo we took while we were over, so that carried over into his little space adventure with Chase the Rescue Bot here.

14.01.2022 All caught up on kiddo’s birthday cards! Rachel is 12 and has just started making and selling slime to save up for a school trip to China. Silas is 6, and all about Lego Batman. His thoughts on lobster thermidor are yet to be determined. #birthdaycard #illustration #slime #lego #batman

12.01.2022 The statue...Frost Tooth has come to life! What’s going on? What does this mean?? We’ll find out in Chapter Two: The Secret of Tangled Pines! With that, I have a full chapter’s worth of pencil art! It’s not a finished book yet, but it’s a major milestone and I’m taking it as a big win. Just a few things to sort out before I can get started on the final artwork. Watch this space! #tangledpines #comics #wip

11.01.2022 New birthday cards! Sophie is ten and Ezra is five. I’ve been looking forward to doing one with a Harry Potter theme. And is it me, or do sloths seem especially popular lately?

10.01.2022 My eldest nephew Harper turned eleven last week. I introduced him to Undertale around this time last year, and he loved it just as much as I did. So naturally skele-bro Papyrus had to be on this card.

08.01.2022 I did my sketches for the newest round of kids’ cards in Procreate, so I’ve also got video of them coming together. It’s a bit jumpy in places where I’ve resized or adjusted things, but this is how the sausage is made!

06.01.2022 The world may fall apart, but this little wooded shelter will always be a safe haven for the scared and lonely. #tangledpines #comics #wip

05.01.2022 Elvina is a super seven years old today! She reckons macaws are pretty neat now, so I’ve sent her on an imaginary rainforest trip.

03.01.2022 Ziggy stirs awake - somehow he’s slept until nightfall. He’s cold, hungry, and no less miserable. Will people always be so confusing, so cruel? Will he always feel an outsider? Alone beneath the park statue, he’s startled by a touch on his shoulder... #tangledpines #comics #wip

03.01.2022 I don’t have any of my things for making paper cards at home, so I only managed a digital one for Rachel’s 13th. I’m told she’s been enjoying Stranger Things lately, so how about taking a Demogorgon for a walk?

02.01.2022 Toddler! From the outside! Ooooooh! 3yo nephew Lachie is suitably impressed with his card this year. #birthday #toystory #alien #illustration

01.01.2022 Pete closes in with his crony sniggering close behind. Zig has locked up - he knows this means trouble. His worst fears - of being singled out, of being different, of being unwanted - are playthings for the bully, and he is powerless to defend himself. #tangledpines #comics #wip #bullyingsucks

01.01.2022 Here’s my contribution to World Autism Awareness Day 2018. Be a friend to someone who’s different. Let’s embrace neurodiversity. #tangledpines #comics #neurodiversity #waad2018 #autism #autismawareness #autismappreciation #actuallyautistic

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