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Blayney High School in Blayney, New South Wales | High School

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Blayney High School

Locality: Blayney, New South Wales

Phone: 6368 2100

Address: Water St 2799 Blayney, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Sydney Dance Company Students from Stage 5 and 6 are participating in a series of virtual dance classes taught by members of the Sydney Dance Company. Students spend an hour each session studying contemporary technique in a scheme offered as part of the company's Virtual School Season. A fabulous experience for all involved with a number of more sessions still to come. Jayne Evans | Dance Teacher

24.01.2022 I spy with my little eye There’s something for everyone in the collection from our Stage 2 students (Year 3 and 4). F is for fish, flowers and fire-breathing dragon. H is for horse, hearts and home. W is for weaving, watercolour and witches. What can you see beginning with O?

23.01.2022 Bright bursts of colour Our favourite event, the Heritage Country Schools Art Show, will be online this year! All 7 schools have showcased their best art for you to enjoy. Our budding artists in Early Stage 1 (Kinder) have been busy painting, drawing, weaving and colouring marvellous masterpieces to share with you.

23.01.2022 HSC Graduation Dinner As a final farewell to our outgoing HSC cohort, we held our traditional Graduation Dinner last Friday. Luckily the rain held off long enough not to spoil the evening and allow us the opportunity for a fitting farewell. After such a tough year we wish all our 2020 HSC students every success. Mary Rix | Year 12 Year Advisor... John Browett | Principal See more

23.01.2022 Ben Hall Cup Thursday saw a great day of action in the Ben Hall Cup against Forbes High with approximately 100 students participating in a range of sports. Blayney took out this year's competition with all matches played in a positive manner. Well done to all students on their contribution to school spirit. Tony Tilburg | Ben Hall Cup Coordinator

23.01.2022 Jobs Expo / Try a Trade Yr 9 and 10 students participated in this extremely informative careers day. This group of students demonstrated the most engagement I have seen, openly conversing with various stalls promoting apprenticeships, school based traineeships, tertiary education and trade skills. Representatives of these stalls had glowing feedback about Blayney High. Clint Giddings | Careers Adviser

22.01.2022 Yr 12 Construction Yr 12 Construction students have been developing their bricklaying skills, in attempting to gain the full Certificate II qualification. Clint Giddings | Construction Teacher

22.01.2022 Police Youth Liaison Officer Karen Courtney working with and delivering information to students in Years 7 to 10. Many topics covered including safety awareness and strategies for seeking assistance for a variety of issues. Tony Tilburg | HT Welfare

22.01.2022 Year 12 students, if you need to take a COVID-19 test, let the health workers know that you are an HSC student, and your results will be fast-tracked. Share this with friends and family members to spread the word.

21.01.2022 P&C Meeting Our Blayney High P&C is not what you may expect. We are not a fundraising body, nor are there huge events to organise. Our P&C is actively involved in Teaching and Learning and being part of the discussion in the future of our great school.... Our next meeting is this Thursday evening at 7pm in the school library. Social distancing measures will be in place. Please join us and be part of the journey. John Browett | Principal

21.01.2022 Australian art express Famous artists feature heavily in our Stage 3 student pieces (Year 5 and 6). Can you see a bird using the Pete Cromer style of colour blocking? What about the abstract face art from Sandra Silberzweig? Or a pop art design of our all Australian Twisties?

20.01.2022 Stem Design Challenge To finish off Science week a select number of Year 7 and 8 students participated in the STEM Design Challenge. Students were challenged to design a prototype and present a pitch on their design. They had 2 days to identify a problem, develop a solution idea, build a prototype and present a pitch. Students showed some great innovation with ideas including the no fence farm to reduce wire waste, the chimney filter for cleaner air in winter, the smart far...m so older farmers can remain on their farms, the reconnaissance vehicle for use in emergency situations, the hydroelectricity generator for mining and the drone drop for grocery delivery to the elderly. The students used teamwork combined with skills from Science Technolgy Engineering and Maths to complete the task. All students enjoyed the day and really enjoyed the experience. Michelle Dowsett | Head Teacher Science

19.01.2022 CHS Lawn Bowls The Lawn Bowls Team travelled to Orange to play at the CHS Gala Day earlier this term. There were a number of teams from schools across the Central West competing on the day. The boys finished second and the girls seventh in their respective pools. Some excellent play by both teams, a great day. Congratulations to both teams. Maureen Dickson | Lawn Bowls Coach

19.01.2022 Colours Day Spring has sprung at Blayney High with House Colours Day. Students enjoyed the opportunity to participate in a variety or activities promoting inter house competition, wellness and connection to school. Well done to everyone, particularly the Yr 11 and 12 House Captains. Tony Tilburg | Head Teacher Welfare

18.01.2022 Opens Boys Touch Football The Opens Boys Touch team participated in the recent WSSA gala day in Orange. The side was one of the youngest to turn out for the carnival and improved strongly throughout the day. It was great to see the sides commitment and enthusiasm as they turned up for each other in every game they played. Well done team! Anthony Salmon | Boys Touch Football Coach

17.01.2022 Tech Mandatory - Food Year 7 recently designed and created their own version of a smoothie. All meeting the design brief, students enjoyed working collaboratively to make to perfect healthy smoothie. Mrs Parker | TAS Teacher

16.01.2022 Stage 5 & 6 Presentation Assembly Yesterday we held our Presentation Assembly to recognise students for their Academic, Extra Curricular and School Service successes. While it was disappointing we were not able to invite guests, the ceremony was recorded and will be made available soon. Congratulations to all award recipients. Carol Mehmet | Year 9 Year Advisor... Spencer Calveley | Year 10 Year Advisor Anthony Salmon | Year 11 Year Advisor John Browett | Principal See more

15.01.2022 15s Boys Touch Gala Day The 15s Boys Touch side travelled to Orange to compete in a gala day against a number of schools from right around the Central West. Each game the boys played was a tight affair with only one or two scores the difference. The side gelled well throughout the day and showed great skill and spirit. Well done to all involved. Anthony Salmon | 15s Boys Touch Football Coach

14.01.2022 University Early Entry Universities are beginning to offer 2021 early entry places. Six Blayney High Students have been offered courses at the University of Canberra in courses as varied as Arts/Law, Nursing, Health Science, Accounting, Primary Teaching and Sports Journalism. Congratulations to all these students on a just reward for pushing through in a very stressful year. We look forward to many more offers coming through over the next few months as other Universities process their applications. John Browett | Principal

12.01.2022 Calling all parents and carers: Have you downloaded the School Updates app yet? Opt in to receive notifications about the operational status of our school (e.g. temporary closures). Find out more and download via *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

12.01.2022 Social Media Alert You may have heard that there is an extremely distressing video that began on TikTok but has now spread to other Social Media platforms. The video has been embedded as part of otherwise harmless videos and is in wide circulation. We are aware that there are a number of Blayney High School students who have seen this video already. We urge parents to be extra vigilant regarding the use of Social Media and strongly suggest that students stay off all Social Me...dia platforms for the next few days. If students do see the video and are in a life threatening situation call Triple Zero (000) immediately. Students, family and friends who may be experiencing distress can contact one of the following services: Kids Helpline. 1800 55 1800. Phone support is there all day, every day. Online support is open from 8am-midnight every day (AEST). Suicide Callback Service. 1300 659 467. Phone support all day, every day, and follow-up calls. eHeadspace. 1800 650 890. Open 9am-1am daily (AEST). Lifeline. 13 11 14. Phone support all day, every day. Online support 7pm-4am daily (AEST). Beyondblue. 1300 22 4636. Phone support all day, every day. Online support 3pm-midnight every day. Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 Mental Health support and assessment all day, every day. John Browett | Principal

11.01.2022 Yindyamarra Yindyamarra, the Wiradjuri word for Respect stands at the heart of our new and revised RESPECT charter that underpins the entire Blayney High School philosophy. The Blayney High School community recognise that our place of learning exists on the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri People and we pay our respects as part of our core beliefs. Over the past few days our Aboriginal students have been engaged with Universities to look at a variety of post school options and destinations. Further work was also undertaken on the Yarning Circle at the front of the school. Luke Gilmer & Hayley Davis | ATSI Coordinators

11.01.2022 Maths in Trades Following the exam week a group of Year 9 students has been working on a project to practically apply the skills they have learned this year in Mathematics. Using skills including measurement, perimeter, area, Pythagoras' theorem, budgeting and scale drawing, students have designed and built from scratch a chicken coop for our Support students. Congratulations to the students for their hard work in bringing this project to reality in 4 weeks. Daryl Dinger | Le...arning and Support Teacher Michelle Dowsett | Head Teacher Science See more

11.01.2022 Science Week This week marks the start of Science Week. During this week students will be completing a range of escape challenges, flying paper planes and participating in STEM design challenges. We hope that students think about the importance of Science in their lives and enjoy the activities. Happy Science Week... Michelle Dowsett | Head Teacher Science

10.01.2022 Year 12 Hire a Helper On Tuesday our Yr 12 students volunteered to be auctioned off as helpers for a day. Dressed as an interesting array of characters, they were able to raise more than $1400 for "Dolly's Dream". Dolly's Dream is an organisation focused on raising awareness of and about prevention of bullying. A fantastic effort from all the students involved. A phenomenal result. Mary Rix | Year 12 Year Advisor

09.01.2022 WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT The staff and students of Blayney High Support are proud to announce that, following our successful entry into last years Bathurst Bunnings Christmas competition with our recycled material Christmas tree, we are once again throwing our collective Santa hats into the ring with a new competition entry! This competition is being run by Bunnings in Orange and the requirement is a Christmas based mural. This is where YOU get involved! We need you to get into... Orange Bunnings and vote for our mural. The winner is judged on the number of votes received. So, if you are planning a trip to Orange over the next week, drop by Bunnings and vote for our amazing mural. Voting is now open, so remember, when you’re in Orange Bunnings, please send your vote our way! Kylie Bright | Head Teacher Support

07.01.2022 "Final push. We've got this, guys!" From staying connected with mates to enjoying life's little pleasures, listen to what the 2020 HSC experience has been like for these Year 12 students. Check out more #StayHealthyHSC tips and resources on *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

07.01.2022 There's Talent Among Us! Blayney High celebrated the end of the year with the annual Talent Quest. Students and teachers strutted their stuff - singing, dancing, playing instruments and performing a variety of skits. There were also plenty of games and chances for audience participation throughout the event. Well done to all performers and congratulations to the current Year 12 group on organising and running such a successful Talent Quest. Anthony Salmon | Year 12 Year Advisor

06.01.2022 Presentation Assembly Videos The recordings of our Presentation Day Assemblies are available here; Stage 4 Stage 5 & 6 Congratulations once again to all award recipients The Staff of Blayney High School

06.01.2022 Construction A busy week on the calendar for the senior Construction classes. Yr 12 made finishing touches to Cluckingham Palace and did an excellent job on their 1st rendering attempt, which you can see as you enter the school. Yr 11 completed their 1st concreting task and in the process repaired the basketball court to improve sport participation and safety. Stay tuned for exciting news on a major project we will begin in Term 4. Clint Giddings | Construction Teacher

06.01.2022 Primary Industries Work Placement Primary industries students have been working hard builidng up some practical skills for thier course this term. They have done some lamb marking and tree planting for national tree day last month. They are developing some good skills for working in Primary Industries and really enjoy the hands on learning experiences offered to them. Rachel Croft | Agriculture Teacher

06.01.2022 Boys Tennis The Boys Open Tennis team travelled to Bathurst for a Gala Day on Thursday. They came away with one win and two losses after playing Parkes, Dubbo and Dunedoo in the pool games. They then played Cowra in the playoff round, finishing 5th on the day. They are to be commended on their excellent skills and sportsmanship. Jacob Wakeman | Team Manager

04.01.2022 Sustainable Agriculture Last week two stage 5 Agriculture classes took part in an excursion in collaboration with REGIS resources to complete some environmental surveys. The purpose of the excursion was to learn about the link between the environment and sustainable Agricultural production. Students participated in hands on water sampling, soil sampling, biodiversity surveys and erosion assessments. Students were joined by experts in each field from REGIS Resources and Skillset Landworks, who provided thier expertise and knowledge to help students learn. Rachel Croft | Agriculture Teacher

04.01.2022 Flora, fauna and Frankenstein Stage 1 students (Year 1 and 2) present their lovely landscapes, mischievous magpie, cute kitten and a frightening Frankenstein. Colour, line and pattern make an impact and express the joy our students experience when creating art with varied techniques.

03.01.2022 LUNCH TIME FUN Monday lunchtime saw a big Touch Footy event at BHS with Year 12 taking on the staff. Under the guise of Captain Coach Mr Greg Honan, the Year 12's couldn't quite match it with the staff. A fun event with possibly more to come. Tony Tilburg HT Welfare

03.01.2022 Lambing Begins This years BHS Corriedale lambs have arrived! Lambs tend to pick the worst possible weather to arrive into and these were no exception being born in the middle of a cold, wet weather snap. Students will get to watch these little ones grow and learn from them for years to come. Rachel Croft | Agriculture Teacher

02.01.2022 Renaissance Reading Remind your child to borrow a book for the upcoming spring holidays. Let's keep prompting the pleasure of reading. Books are a portable form of magic! Tanya Fearnley | Head Teacher English

02.01.2022 Year 12 Grad The NSW government today released the following information regarding Year 12 Graduation Ceremonies. This is wonderful news and when the details are released regarding this we can begin planning a fitting celebration for our graduating cohort in a COVID safe manner. John Browett | Principal

01.01.2022 'It hasn’t been easy, but look what we’ve produced!' Thank you to all our students, teachers, school staff and parents and carers who have made this a year to remember. See you next year for #FirstDay2021! #LoveWhereYouLearn *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

01.01.2022 Construction Year 11 (More Power) Construction have been extremely busy in recent weeks. They have really impressed me with their maturity, enthusiasm and initiative while undertaking various projects. Projects to benefit the students and school include new path and gate ensuring a safer path into school from Osman St, refurbishment of canteen access and the demolition of room prior to a demountable removal. Keep up the good work team. Clint Giddings | Construction Teacher

01.01.2022 COVID-19 Safety Planning As part of our safety planning for COVID-19, we need to ensure that we have accurate records of email addresses of all parents and caregivers. In the event of a COVID-19 positive result in the Blayney High School community it will be vital for us to get accurate information to you as quickly as possible. The most efficient way to do this is by email. The following letter will be posted home to gather the most up to date contact details for you.... Please return the letter to the office with your email address as soon as possible. You may also email your details to the school as indicated on the letter. Naturally we hope we will never need to enact our COVID-19 safety plan but it is essential we are in a position to act swiftly if we need to, to ensure maximum safety for everyone. John Browett | Principal

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