Blind Bight Community Centre | Community organisation
Blind Bight Community Centre
Phone: 5998 7014
Address: Anchorage Drive 3980 Blind Bight
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25.01.2022 Hey Dee Ho running a free week of online, interactive Hey Dee Ho music sessions. Book your ticket and tune in for a FREE music session every day September 14 - 18.... Interactive, online music sessions for the whole family. Join in the fun and see all your friends each class where a new theme is presented each day. Fun songs, dances and activities at 9.15 and 10 am each weekday to help to get you up and moving. Tune in as often as you like. We come to you wherever you may be. Book your FREE FAMILY ticket now
25.01.2022 A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO WILLIAM AND KADE Now for some light hearted news. The winners of Tooradin & Coastal Villages Bendigo Bank Branchs Easter colouring competition is: 1st place, William and 2nd place - Kade who both attend our 3 year old Ready, Set, Go to Kinder program. Please collect your prizes at the bank. Well done to both of you.
23.01.2022 Get Active Victoria, is a new initiative from the Victorian Government to inspire all Victorians to move more, every day. From Afro Dance to Pilates and traditional Indigenous games, the new Get Active Victoria website provides free workouts, challenges, and tools to motivate and support Victorian families to get active and stay healthy. The website is a great resource for people to be active around home at a time that works for them, and there is something for everyone. Workouts are for all levels, range from 10 to 30 minutes, and minimal or no equipment is needed. Participants can choose from strength building, cardio, yoga, dance and more. There are also activities to do with the whole family, and tips and advice to be active safely and stay motivated.
23.01.2022 Ever wondered what it would be like to make your own candle? Bath Soak? Wonder no more! Weve made it so simple to make your own B&G crystal candle and/or bath ...soak all from the comfort of your home. For the absolute beginner You cannot get this wrong. School Holidays activity? We got you! FREE WORKSHOP AND KIT? We are SUPER excited to announce that Blind Bight Community Centre are going to drawing 6 names out of the 20 attendees to receive their full workshop fee back and get their workshop and kits FOR FREE! When: 2-3pm Thursday September 24th Where: at your house and log in Via Zoom Video App link will be provided upon payment Preparation: Must allow time to receive kit in the mail and download the Zoom App or click the available zoom link and watch straight from your internet browser. Kits to be purchased no later than Saturday 12th Sept to guarantee delivery for the class. Pick up options are available within 5KM radius to Blind Bight Community Centre. KITS & INCLUSIONS: Each kit includes everything you need to ensure you end up with a gorgeous crystal + aromatherapy infused candle and/or bath soak! KIT OPTION ONE ($35 not inc. postage): 100% natural soy wax to exact measure 2 x Large Tea light clear refillable cups B&G Essential Oils/Natural Fragrances scent/intention of your choice to exact measurement 2 x Crystal tumble stones & botanicals to decorate your candles Candle Information card for your chosen candle scent/intention Step-by-step process outline to get you burning your newly created candle in no time! 2. KIT OPTION TWO: OPTIONAL EXTRA (+$15): Dead Sea Salts, Himalayan Salts, Epson Salts to exact measure 1 x Bath Salts Storage Tube B&G Essential Oils/Natural Fragrances to exact measurement Botanicals/Herbs to decorate your candles Get your kit and workshop ticket here:
23.01.2022 Hello families, We hope that youre all well and looking after each other in these trying times. We understand that it can be difficult to entertain and occupy your children 24 hours a day especially when we cant go anywhere that we are normally used to going. Rebecca, from Nippers has discovered a wonderful thing called The Story Box Library... Some of you may have heard of it. You can subscribe to a 30 day free trial. Enjoy!
22.01.2022 NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSES VICTORIA (SENT OUT THIS MESSAGE TO US THIS MORNING) This morning Premier Daniel Andrews declared a State Of Emergency in Victoria from 12pm today for four weeks. A State of Emergency grants the government the ability to carry out actions and enact policies that it otherwise would be unable to do. This means that authorised officers can detain people, restrict movement, prevent entry to premises, and provide any other direction necessary to reasonably pr...otect public health. It remains important for neighbourhood house staff, board and volunteers to demonstrate leadership and to provide assistance to those most in need, but at the same time, also remember to look after yourselves and each other. Late last week, Nicole sent out a factsheet (which as been updated as of this morning) about the impact of coronavirus on neighbourhood houses. We strongly advise that all neighbourhood houses take the following preventative measures: Enforce the restrictions outlined in the factsheet in regards to who should not be visiting a neighbourhood house during this time Ensure a high standard of personal hygiene is practised by all who visit and ensure products such as tissues, hand sanitizer, hand wash and paper towels are readily available Practice a high standard of cleanliness of all facilities (using hospital grade disinfectant), especially for high risk areas such as bathrooms, toilets and food preparation areas, as well as equipment and materials which come into regular physical contact with visitors (e.g. computer mouses, exercise equipment). Apply common sense and discretion regarding the holding of events and activities. The State of Emergency has put a ban on all non-essential events and gatherings of 500 plus people, but any type of gathering which would confine a significant amount of people and force them into close physical contact with one another should be strongly reconsidered. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that older adults and people who suffer from existing medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease, amongst others, are at risk and should take additional precautions including avoiding crowds altogether. Due to the uncertainty of this pandemic, the risk of increased anxiety for you, people within your organisation, and community members, is high. We suggest looking at these recommendations Beyond Blue has put together for looking after your mental health during this period. We will aim to keep our members updated as this situation unfolds, especially should we receive any information that directly impacts our houses. Please stay safe everyone. Thanks, Team NHVic See more
20.01.2022 ONLY ONE MORE SLEEP!! We have some beautiful Halloween Cookies baked by the lovely Stacey Mantel of Coastal Bakehouse to help celebrate Halloween Saturday 31 October 2020 (the craziest year ever). The cookies will be hung up on the Blind Bight Community Centre playground fence for trick and treat. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic we were unable to hold our Halloween disco this year, hopefully next year. Please practice all Covid-19 protocols and hand hygiene while your child/ren’s treat, which have all been packaged. They will be available between 4.00-5.00pm as we have a limited amount available. First in first served basis applies. We look forward to seeing you then. See more
19.01.2022 Hi everyone, here are a couple of videos from the community centre just to let you know that we are thinking of you, miss you and also to share what is happening in the community garden. This is our new reality for now. Something, I am most definitely not use to is videoing myself, closeup and putting myself out there but at the end of the day its about connecting with each other in anyway we can as we navigate these crazy times and to let you know we are here for you if you need us. Keep safe, take care and keep well. I promise better ones to come
19.01.2022 The City of Casey is excited to announce Natasha Stott Despoja AO as the key note speaker to launch our 16 Days of Activism campaign against gender based violence. Natasha was recently elected to the United Nations Committee on the elimination of discrimination against women. She is the founding Chair of Our Watch, the Foundation to Prevent Violence Against Women and their Children and is well known as the former leader of the Australian Democrats and the youngest women eve...r to enter federal parliament in Australia. Natasha’s presentation will accompany South East Community Links family violence prevention work within our multicultural communities in Casey. We also have the privilege of a powerful performance by our young local singer, Kye. DATE: Wednesday 25 November TIME: 1.00 pm 2.00 pm WHERE: Online PRICE: FREE BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22page_admin_bar%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22%7B%5C%22page_id%5C%22%3A62484072470%7D%22%7D%2C%7B%22surface%22%3A%22events_admin_tool%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22recommended_actions%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22[]%22%7D]%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D
18.01.2022 The Healthy at Home SE campaign Hi All, Please click on link below to find out more on the Healthy at Home SE campaign. ... The Healthy at Home SE campaign aims to promote physical activity to communities within the City of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey, and Cardinia Shire, and to motivate individuals and families to consider new and creative ways to move more and integrate activity into their routines at home. This campaign is a localised and adapted version of the World Health Organisation’s ‘Healthy at Home’ campaign, which successfully leveraged social media to promote health and connection during COVID-19.
17.01.2022 Here is a fabulous link to click on if you dont know about it already, then time to get on board. All things are free to do while staying at home. There are recipes, parenting tips, activities, exercise videos and other fun stuff, whether you are a mum, dad or neither take a look, theres just so many interesting things to do and learn about on this website. Enjoy!!
16.01.2022 The City of Casey Youth Counselling team have resumed limited face to face services in Narre Warren as well as continuing with telephone and video supported counselling. They are still a free and confidential service that provides ongoing support by appointment. The City of Casey Youth Counselling team do not require a mental health care plan, so service can commence without delay. Youth Counselling Individual counselling for young people aged between 13 25. Parent ...Support Sessions Adolescent parenting skills, strategies, and mental health information. Parent Assisted Therapy Support for young people aged 10 12 with the participation of their parent or guardian. For more information or to request a service: Call 9792 7279 to speak to an intake worker Text 0417 347 909 with your name and number For further updates, feel free to check out: City of Casey Youth Services Youth Month 2020 takes place between Nov15-Dec15. It is an opportunity for young people to express their ideas and views, share positive stories and showcase their talents. As part of this, YCaSS would like share some feedback young people have given about their experiences with counselling. To find out more, check out the links here: (click on the positive message highlight below profile pic) City of Casey Youth Services
16.01.2022 Want to Live a Little Greener? Why not join one of these amazing online workshops being hosted by City of Casey's Waste Education Team: ONLINE Recycling Right 17 Sept 6.30 8pm ONLINE Reduce your impact and save money on bills. 22 Oct 6.308.30 pm... ONLINE Beeswax Wraps Workshop 24 Oct 2 3.30 pm ONLINE Follow your Waste Tour 10 Nov 10am 1.00 pm ONLINE Green Living in Casey Festival Saturday 14th November 9.00 am 3.00 pm Book your ticket to join any of these online events here... For more amazing tips and events for making greener choices checkout the Green Living in Casey, Facebook Page.
16.01.2022 Blind Bight Street Competition JUST A REMINDER COMPETITION CLOSES TOMORROW. How well do you know the streets of Blind Bight? Frances, a local community member (Wheres Wally) has kindly put this together to test your knowledge and get you thinking with this cryptic quiz. So clever! Those of you who answer the streets correctly will go into the draw to win a $50 Tides Take-Away voucher courtesy of the Blind Bight Community Centre. You do not want to miss out so get your caps on and entry in no later than by 5.30pm, Thursday 20 August 2020. Please email your answers to: [email protected] and include your name and mobile number so we can contact you to claim your prize. Only emails entries will be accepted. The winner will be notified on Monday 24 August 2020. Good luck everyone.
15.01.2022 Hey Dee Ho - Halloween Music event Calling all mini ghouls and witches! Hey Dee Ho are running an interactive, online Halloween music event for toddlers and pre-schoolers. There will be prizes for best dress up and a whole lot of Halloween fun so get ready to have a howl-ing good time with Smiley the cat. ... Book your FREE tickets through the trybooking link:
13.01.2022 I would like to thank all of the generous Blind Bight residents who contributed to the Love thy Neighbour Blind Bight rally and got behind such a great cause and initiative lead by Kylie McMillan, an awesome, kindhearted, caring Blind Bight resident along with the Blind Bight Community Centre. We now have a supply of grocery items available for you and your family to use, should you require them over the next coming week/s. Please contact Kylie McMillan on 0418 382 919 f...or more information on how you can drop/collect or swap grocery items or contact her at #Kylie McMillan. Carol Boud 0411 041 603 the Chairperson of the Blind Bight Community Centre has kindly offered to open up the community centre on Saturdays, or if someone is really in need then she will meet up with them after 5pm on a weekday for anyone to come drop off or collect food/consumables, so please do not hesitate to contact Kylie or Carole if needed. Also, please dont hesitate to use your community garden Coastal Villagers for some fresh vegetables and herbs. Unfortunately, the Blind Bight Community Centre will officially be closed for term 1 and over school holidays from tomorrow afternoon Tuesday 24 March. We are sorry to be closing earlier than we would have like to but we need to keep everyone in the community safe. Please take good care of yourselves, your families and community and stay up to date with the latest health advice around COVID-19. We hope to see you all again in term 2, starting on Wednesday 15 April or otherwise advised.
13.01.2022 VIRTUAL CHILDREN'S WEEK - OCTOBER 26 - 29 City of Casey has some great events coming up. Bollywood Dance Mantra... Charlie Silly Pants Kids Bootcamp Cloudy Creations, Click it photography workshop, Creative Connections, Foraging for Nature Treasures, Aussie Backyard bird count, Birds in my backyard, Nature scavenger hunt, Create a wall hanging, Backyard Stargazing, Let’s play story telling and activities, fun, Storytime with Aunty Emma, Big Sisterhood Hip Hop Dance, Australian Ballet dance workshop, Handstands and Other Myths, Zine workshop, Draw a fuzzy friend, Drawing with Kenny Pittok, Wildlife exposure videos, Puppet making and more..
12.01.2022 ****CONGRATULATIONS to our Blind Bight Street Competition Winner CHRIS SCHUSTER. Well done to you! Also a big thank you to everyone who entered and couldnt been a winner this time, better luck next time. :)
12.01.2022 World Mental Health Day takes place on Thursday October 10th. This year, the focus is on making goals/promises to look after your mental/physical health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Youth Counselling have uploaded awesome tips/resources on how to look after your wellbeing on our social media platforms. To find out more, check out the links here: See more
11.01.2022 Hi to all our Nature Kids, It is science week this week, please click on this link as it has some really interesting activities that families can do in their backyard. ... Also, some great resources for our Nature Kids to do while in lockdown: Three Biodiversity colouring in sheets: Kay the wildlife carer from Wild Days Wildlife Shelter has made a series of videos to share about our natural habitat in Casey. Really great videos to watch with your kids. I cant wait to see you all again at Nature Kids. Cheers, Jen
09.01.2022 Hi everyone, Here is our term 3 brochure. We look forward to seeing you back at the centre now government restrictions for classes and activities have been lifted for term 3. On your return BBCC staff, will be vigilant with hand and sterilising processes and will take all necessary precautions to maintain a clean, hygienic and safe environment for you. ... We will also adhere to maintaining the recommended number of participants allowed at the centre in individual areas at anyone time. However, we also acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic is an ever changing situation and we will adjust accordingly and adhere to all government regulations set-out for us at any given time. As of Thursday June 25, 2020 the office will be closed for the school holidays and re-open again on Monday 13 July, 2020 at 9.00am. Happy holidays, keep safe, healthy and see you soon.
08.01.2022 National Recycling Week events and information Hi everyone, As Casey cannot hold their usual Green Living Festival for National Recycling Week this year, the Waste and Sustainability team has put together a range of exciting FREE online events, for our community. ... Please help share the good news out and the following events with everyone in the community. All events are free, but bookings are essential to get the online link. All events will be done via Teams online. Craig Reucassel comes to Casey: Thursday 5 November, 7.00 pm 8.00 pm. Be inspired and informed by Australian comedian and TV presenter Craig Reucassel in this FREE one-hour live webinar where Craig will share his insights on waste and recycling in the lead up to National Recycling Week. hyperlink - register now. Eventbrite link- or Facebook event to share - (attached is a flyer for this event also) Follow your Waste Tour: Tuesday 10 November, 10.00 am 1.00 pm Join us for a virtual tour of a closed landfill to learn about power generation from landfill gas, find out where your food and garden waste goes, what happens to it and more. Suitable for adults and children 13 years and over with an interest in recycling and waste management. Hyperlink - Find our more. Eventbrite link or Facebook event to share - ) Waste and Recycling Trivia Night: Friday 13 November, 7.30 pm 9.30 pm Join us for a fun online trivia night and test your waste and recycling knowledge to win prizes. You don't need to be a waste and recycling expert to participate! Hyperlink - Find out more. Eventbrite link or Facebook event to share - All 3 events can also be found on the City of Casey Website National Recycling Week 2020. There is also an updated Enviro News to Green Living in Casey online newsletter. This new version is a lot more user friendly and will keep you up to date with all the sustainability information and events running in Casey. All of the community can sign up to receive a monthly copy directly by signing up on the website Green Living In Casey.
08.01.2022 Love Thy Neighbour Blind Bight As a small community Blind Bight is filled with beautiful locals who are always looking out for one another. How lucky we are to live in this special little town. Given recent events there is no greater time for our Blind Bight Villagers to really look after one another.... While some within our community have full cupboards - there are those that dont. They may not have had the immediate financial ability, the transport to be able shop or those who may have just been flat out of luck trying to purchase basic staples. Which I think has happened to us all in last few weeks. With all of this in mind, together with the Blind Bight community centre I am endeavoring to start a Love Thy Neighbour rally. If you have any non perishable item that you think you could share - Eg- 1 single roll of toilet paper , a tin of spaghetti, a packet of noodles or anything of the like lets pitch in together & share any essentials we can. The aim of this gesture is to make simple basics available to all Blind Bight residents who may be out of items & unable to find in stores. BB community centre will be open for drop offs this Saturday 21st March from 9am - 11am for anyone who has something to share. Any donation of non perishable item you can spare will be pooled for BB community to share. You can even bring an item and swap an item if you want. Community Centre will be open next week for any of our residents to come and pick up any essentials we may have that they may have missed out on. ( times that) I understand that not all will have anything to spare but may want to assist in other ways . Check in on your neighbours. Share your phone number with your neighbour. Put a note in their letter box! Let them know that they do have someone looking out for them. Spread some kindness - a little bit goes a long way. Now is not a time for anyone to be too proud to ask for help either we are all facing the same issues at the moment. This will not be any kind of gathering, more a drop & go. Items will only be available to those residing in Blind Bight. I encourage our neighboring coastal villages & suburbs to follow suit & create your own Love Thy Neighbour It takes a village.. Kylie McMillan 0418 382 919 #lovethyneighbourblindbight
07.01.2022 How to wear a non-medical fabric face mask - World Health Organisation. Please stay safe. Also check out more information at:
07.01.2022 Hi everyone, An update on the Blind Bight Community Centre Firstly, I hope everyone had a happy and safe Easter and school holiday break (which seems so long ago now), despite these unprecedented times. Thank you for your patience in hearing from us since returning from holidays around the COVID19 pandemic which is continuing to cause major impacts upon our centre, across Australia and around the world.... Currently, our centre is still closed to the public for face to face contact until government restrictions are lifted and group gatherings are allowed in relation to classes, playgroup, hirers, user groups, events and volunteering in the community garden (restrictions are in place). No members of the public are allowed access to our facility during this time other than maintenance work which is currently being undertaken by Council or for those utilising Love thy Neighbour Blind Bight rally for drop off/pick up/swapping of grocery items. Child care is still allowed to operate whether it is in a child care setting or in a community centre as it is considered an essential service. We understand that some members of our community still require care for their child/ren and we also appreciate that some members are able to work from home, are home schooling their children and want to keep their children who would normally attend our services with them during these times. However, at this stage we do not have sufficient numbers to deliver our regular child care programs but will advise those who have shown interest as soon as we do. We acknowledge that due to COVID-19 we are in an ever changing situation and will adjust our practices to follow and adhere to all guidelines which are set out for us at any given time. Should you require any further information or need clarification on any matters, or want to chat please do not hesitate to contact me by phone on 5998 7014 or by email at [email protected] or message me on Facebook. The staff, tutors, volunteers and myself are really looking forward to seeing you all again in the coming weeks/months when government restrictions are lifted to allow us to get back to some sense of normalcy. Please continue to keep your families and selves safe and keep well as we try to navigate this ever evolving situation, we find ourselves in, as best as we can.
06.01.2022 The Blind Bight Community Centre will NOW RE-OPEN again on Monday 20 July, 2020 at 9.00am for our essential childrens services programs such as Nippers and Ready, Set, Go to Kinder program due to the extension of the school holidays as advised by the State government. However, we also acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic is an ever changing situation and we will adjust accordingly and adhere to all government regulations set-out for us at any given time. All adult classe...s, tiny tots dance, playgroup and other activities we were planning to deliver in term 3 (see term 3 brochure) will NOT RESUME until further advised by our centre and government restrictions are lifted after lockdown. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Keep safe, healthy and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.
05.01.2022 NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSES VICTORIA (EXCERPT FROM UPDATE) Who should be restricted from attending neighbourhood houses? Anyone who meets the following criteria should not visit a neighbourhood house during this time: Arrived from anywhere overseas in the last 14 days (they must self-isolate themselves for 14 days from date of arriving) Been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus in the last 14 days (they must self-isolate themselves for 14 days after the date of ...last contact with the confirmed case). Are showing any cold or flu-like symptoms. If you have any symptoms, call the dedicated hotline on 1800 675 398. Even if your symptoms are not related to coronavirus, please refrain from visiting the neighbourhood house until you are fully recovered of your symptoms. See more
05.01.2022 FREE SEEDLINGS - READY TO GO AT THE COMMUNITY GARDEN Need seedlings for your vege garden? Please feel free to collect and plant while the weather is so nice. Thanks so much to Trish, Bec, Keith and Jenny who helped pot them up. You guys are the best.
04.01.2022 Part 4 of the Biodervisity Videos, to watch with the family and share. Kay takes us to Caseys beautiful coast and wetlands
04.01.2022 CASEY CARDINIA JOBS PORTAL Find local jobs quickly and easily!! (see link below) Become a member of the Casey Cardinia Jobs Portal. Membership only requires an email and password. This allows you to:... a. Find local jobs quickly and easily b. Receive local job alerts c. Learn about jobs before they go on other job boards and open market d. Create and/or upload existing resume on the AirCV. This allows you to apply for jobs from any mobile device, anywhere, anytime. e. Keep up to date with further education and training opportunities, job expos, available job search support, local employment trends f. Share jobs and opportunities you find with your friends and family via social media.
02.01.2022 Unfortunately, the Blind Bight Community Centre will officially be closed for term 1 and over school holidays from tomorrow afternoon on Tuesday 24 March. We are sorry to be closing earlier than we would have like to but we need to keep everyone in the community safe. Please take good care of yourselves, your families and community and stay up to date with the latest health advice around COVID-19. We hope to see you all again in term 2, starting on Wednesday 15 April or otherwise advised.
01.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day everyone for Sunday. Have a wonderful day celebrating your special day. Hope you are all doing well and you get to spend it with your family. Thanks for all the fantastic work that you do, day in day out supporting your families.
01.01.2022 We wish to advise that Blind Bight Community Centre is still open. At this stage there are no reported or suspected cases of COVID-19 amongst our staff, participants or user groups. If anyone needs any further information or has concerns, anxiety or needs help with anything please contact us on 5998 7014 or message us on Facebook and we will do our best to assist you. For more information on COVID-19 and how best to manage your risks, please visit: Remember that kindness = community and we need to remain calm, considerate and help each other out during this very challenging time.
01.01.2022 Support for Victorian Communities to stay connected from State Government with best online experiences click on the link below:
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