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25.01.2022 Vulnerable: This one is something I struggled with everyday, I was so worried what others may think or even say, as we live in a very judgemental world. Am I fit enough? Am I worthy enough? Am I pretty enough? Am I enough as a mum, wife, friend, sister ect??? This feeling really started when I was younger but I honestly believe it became worse with age. Working in the health industry had definitely brought it up 100 percent, I always compared myself to others & their expecta...tions, yes people will say your crazy, you have nothing to worry about but come on people I am human and I am yet to meet someone that isn’t insecure with themselves at some point in time.What happened to the time when people would uplift one another, instead it now feels like everything is a competition. I must admit I have really enjoyed isolation because if I want to post I can, if I don’t I won’t. I am train the way I to train, I am actually really excited to wake up in the morning to train with Chelsea, it’s awesome having a training partner that enjoys the same style of training. So back to the point I had been working with an amazing friend/ coach who has really helped me except who I am, that’s right excepting Me for the not so perfect Me. I now put myself out there and I promise you, no matter what you might say or think about me, I really don’t care as I am happy & content with the person I am. I am a proud mum of two gorgeous girls, I am a wife to my amazing husband, I am a big sister to three annoying brothers just kidding, I am an Aunty to two handsome nephews, I am a friend that is loyal to those who are loyal, I am a personal trainer that is so over comparing herself to others, I am business owner who’s focus is to grow and most of all I am truly happy. Stop comparing yourself to others & really focus on what makes you happy . You are amazing just the way you are, never let anyone tell you anything different. To my beauties You are beautiful, You are amazing, You are unique, You are You & we Love you just the way you are #truetoyourself #beautufulpeople #vulnerability #happiness #isolation #beyourself #bekind #loveyourself See more

24.01.2022 Part 2 Why does food matter??? Plan your meals: Planning your meals in advance will make it a lot easier & cost effective. As a working mum I have to plan our meals out otherwise we would just grab the easy option & for my husband that would be spaghetti or take away plan wholesome, nutrient dense foods will not only keep everyone full & satisfied, but will allow their bodies to function to the best they can. ... Freeze : Freezing food before they go to waste. Freezing brown bananas peel them first then put them into a container, they can be used for smoothies, banana bread or even banana muffins. Same goes for veggie scraps they can be saved & used for stocks or broths. Make sure you label the foods with dates on when must they be used & when they were frozen. Grow your own: Now you don’t have to have a full veggie garden but you may just have herbs. Herbs can be so expensive to buy in small amounts, so why not run down to Bunnings grab a few pots & plant some herbs. You may love Parsley, Rosemary or even Thyme, these herbs are hardy & so versatile. You have nothing to lose if I can grow them I’m certain you can too. Lastly your priorities: This is one I have really been working on this year. When it comes to what you spend your money on, consider your priorities. Do you decide not to purchase that broccoli because it’s a little more than you wanted to pay, yet you buy 2 coffees a day @ $4.50 each?? Or I can’t afford that large packet of nuts for $20, yet I’m happy to purchase my 12th pair of tights for $100??? Sometimes finances for food are genuinely limited while for others better health would be achieved if finances were allocated. I allocate more to our health & a little less to the leisures. My families health is my priority. #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #eatwell #blissfit #womenswellness

22.01.2022 Magnesium Magnesium is found mostly in green leafy vegetables , nuts & seeds. Magnesium is needed for muscle & nerve function, bone health, blood glucose management, heartbeat & blood pressure regulation. Foods that are rich in magnesium are Spinach Pumpkin seeds ... Almonds Bananas Avocado Walnuts & plenty more. Increase your daily intake of magnesium to ensure optimal health. #magnesium #healthylifestyle #blissfit #optimalhealth See more

18.01.2022 Check out this Pre Australia Day Sale, you don’t want to miss it.

17.01.2022 This one is for you my beautiful humans, you know who you are

16.01.2022 Why does food matter??? Have you ever thought what you eat actually becomes apart of you?? I bet maybe 50% would of said yes & the other 50% said no & that’s ok we eat because we need to fuel our bodies. Well here is a fun fact where you aware our bodies is made up of about 50 trillion cells! Crazy hey it’s mind blowing. Simple terms think of your body as tiny little circles that just want to talk to each other yet the only way they can is when there are nutrients prese...nts, yet if you have no good nutrients present than they are unable to talk to one another . So we need to eat a well balanced diet ( sorry I hate the word diet) scrap that so we need to eat abundance of well nutritional, organic produce, that’s better. When I mention fresh organic produce to clients most say it’s too expensive or I have no idea where to find it? I’m going to help make it easier for you, here are some tips & I promise it’s not too expensive, if anything your long term health will be thankful. Organic produce Organic produce will always be labeled certified organic this means it has been grown, raised, harvested & packaged without the use of potentially harmful chemicals. Such as Fertiliser, pesticides, insecticide, growth hormones & antibiotics. Ideally the best way is to grow it yourself but unfortunately not everyone has that option so the next best thing is your local farms market. You can source local farmers that have organic farms & do not use any harmful chemicals on there produce @talucaparkfreerange is one I am familiar with, the eggs & bacon are amazing. Cost$$$ My advice eat seasonal fruit & vegetables this will keep your cost down. You know the produce has grown outside in natural conditions & this is where the plants are able to soak up & transform more nutrients. Buy Local. Support local farmers, your findings will be much greater when it comes to fresh & organic then the supermarkets. Portion Size: Our portion size has got out of control, we eat meals that are simply too big. Try reducing your portion size down by 1/4 & see how you feel, even use a smaller plate. Part 1 why food matters

12.01.2022 A Berry Banana Smoothie Ingredients 200 ml water Protein Powder... Half a Banana 3 scoops of frozen Berries Sprinkle of Cinnamon Teaspoon of Peanut Butter It’s thick & it’s delicious Easy for a quick breakfast or even post workout. #blissfit #smoothierecipes #goodness #postworkout #fitness #nutrition #summer

10.01.2022 Workout in the comfort of your own home: Today’s workout Banded activation Hip thrust Leg press with the lounge... Single leg press with lounge Leg press with a child on at the top of the lounge ( just for some extra weight) Get creative people you don’t need gym equipment to keep active, you just need to think outside the square. #workouts #isolation #homeworkouts #fitness #mumoftwo See more

10.01.2022 Women need to Empower one another instead of trying to complete. Strong women support & celebrate each other success. A real friend enjoys & stands alongside their friend as she blooms into the beautiful flower she is. #blissfit #females #empoweringwomen #support#2020

09.01.2022 Brain Boost: Afternoon recharge Ingredients: 250ml coconut milk... 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 small beetroot washed & grated 2tbs cocoa powder High in Vitamin C High in Antioxidants Low carb Afternoon fix#smoothierecipes #fitness#sophieguidolin #eatwhatyoulove #blissfit

09.01.2022 And off they go to start their new beginnings. Chelsea was pumped all ready to set off at 7am wow now that is a first. She is so excited and can’t wait to embark on her own journey this girl has plans and only she knows them . Sophia was also super keen and ready at 7am then it all started to sink in new school, only knows 2 girls, miss my friends and tears had begun my heart was broken shit have I made the right decision?? you can’t cry otherwise she will be more upset... hold it together. I sat down with Soph and we discussed why we decided to move school, it wasn’t because of the school we were at, the school was amazing, It was sophia wants friends closer to home, she wants to be able to walk to school with bailey and she loved they have a dress up corner in the playground . Sometimes we make changes and yes changes can be scary but we have to step outside our comfort zones and encourage ourselves to make the right changes. Change is good, I know precious girl it’s a little scary but by this afternoon it’s going to feel amazing, you will have new friends & you have an awesome teacher. I’m so proud of you and I truly believe you light up a room, your heart has so much love and kindness. Beautiful girl just go and be you, because you are amazing. After Sophia went into school well then mum’s tears came rolling out, as a mum all you want is the best for your babies and you will do anything to keep that big smile on their face, I hope I have made the right decision time will only tell. #mumlife #girls #school #scared #love #happiness #newbeginnings #primaryschool #highschool See more

07.01.2022 WHAT DO YOU LOVE ?? This is a simple question, yet can be so hard to answer at times especially with the emphasis being on you. It can be so easy to get caught up in things that others love & because we love that person, we want to love what they love. Yet eventually this can be unfulfilling. Today I want you to try & focus on what it is you love, and if this feels uncertain then try looking at where you spend your money, what you have around you, where you are most organised, what you like to learn & where you focus your attention when you have moments to yourself. #whatdoyoulove #blissfit #mumoftwo #emotional#wellbeing #womenswellbeing

06.01.2022 Stuck for a workout?? Here is an upper body work that you can try. Don’t forget the finisher at the end 300m sprint ski Erg #dailyworkouts #fitnessmotivation #workouts #upperbodyworkout #blissfit

05.01.2022 Tomato Salad with Labne & seeds: High in Calcium High in Antioxidants High in Vitamin E... Food is nourishment, Noun the food necessary for growth, health & good condition. Keep your optimal health in check #nourishyourbody #food #nutrients #blissfit #eatwellforless #nourishing salad . Who would like the recipe??

05.01.2022 Yummo lunch done right Chicken Thai prawn noodle salad homemade. #delicious #healthyeating #lunchtime #foodie #blissfit

02.01.2022 We live in the most beautiful place on earth, we are so lucky to live our best lives in this remarkable place we call home Australia . Australians come together & support each other in hard times & good times. ( it’s what we do down under) Recently the fires have kept everyone on their toes especially the RFS, SES, AAF, ADF, U.S Firefighters, NZ Firefighters Police, Ambos and I’m sure there are plenty more that I haven’t mentioned but Thank You . Everyone’s support has a ripple effect & we need to all take a moment to realise how amazing you all are. Now go on and celebrate in style what it means to be an Australian. Spend this glorious day down at the beach, put some snags on the barbie and crack open a beer or two with your good old mates and loving family. Happy Australia Day Everyone Dannii

01.01.2022 Get involved in this amazing challenge Move it 4 Mater Dei, together we can all make a difference.

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