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Bliss You

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24.01.2022 Start your Journal today! Writing a journal might never have appealed to you. But now is a great time to start one. Grab a book of lined paper (or blank paper if you’d rather draw than write)... It’s helpful to dump into your thoughts, emotions, challenges, worries. By doing so helps to formalise your thoughts. It helps to bring some clarity when it’s written down rather than swimming endlessly in your head like a snow dome. Record your successes to celebrate and reflect on. Detail how life is as it unfolds. It’s will be a great read later. It will help you see how far you’ve come as we wade through a unique stage of our lives. It will be a great record for young ones to read later. Encourage all ages to get involved. Even start a family, couple, group, friends one. Each day add to it and eventually create a book to share, look back on, remember how and what you changed to adapt, see your resilience build over the time, what you did to help you get through when times got a bit tough Little ones that can’t or don’t want to write can be asked to draw something from the day or you could write down their words exactly as they answered their response to your questions. Here are some prompts, some considerations to invite answers to each day: How did you feel when you woke up today? Did this change or stay the same through the day? What did you do to make a change or manage your feelings? What happened today that made you smile? What happened today to make you feel sad/angry/frustrated/nervous/worried? What did you do when you felt this way? How are you feeling now? What is your favourite song at the moment? What are three things I like about me? What are three things someone else likes about me? Who did I spend today with? When I close my eyes I can remember a great day and it was______________. What did you do today to show kindness to someone else? What did someone do to show you kindness? What was the most delicious thing you ate today? Who made this for you? I want to remember this _____ about today. Today I am very thankful for ____________. Tomorrow I’d like to _________________. Have fun with it. It will be a great resource to prompt discussion and hear what’s going on for you and those around you. An opportunity to be heard and supported. Bliss You! Carmel

24.01.2022 Give away a Smile there’s nothing so simply wonderful! Can you imagine anything else that is free to give away many times over without leaving you depleted or any worse off? Something that is accepted from you and copied by someone else without any sense of guilt, tension or loss to either of you.... Something that quite simply and instantly improves the mental and emotional health for yourself and others without costing anyone a cent, is effortless and long-lasting. Something that is Universal regardless of where you are in the world, what language you speak, the colour of skin, culture, position in society Simply a smile - costs nothing but gives much. All of us can give this gift to those we pass and meet daily. Genuinely and authentically given, received and returned. Lift your spirits and those of others notice change

24.01.2022 Detection of Breast Cancer using your tears? Did you ever consider how much information is in your tears? The chemical composition differs when it's an emotional tear like joy or sadness to when tears flow with an irritation or trauma to your eyes. ... So that's why it is we might feel better after a good cry... Check out the information in the links to learn of current research regarding detection of breast cancer through tears and also the short video of research participants. Which movies make you cry? An older one called 'The Champ' is still a tear-jerker for me!

22.01.2022 just be positive! Do we just have to think positive and therefore ‘be’? Does this imply that our happiness, illness, situations in life are our responsibility to have occurred because we weren’t positive? That what has happened should be pushed aside and just be positive’ will make things better?...Continue reading

21.01.2022 When life looks different, respond not react As the new ‘C’ word impacts on our lives we can choose how we personally manage what we can. Maybe no longer we can use such phrases as ‘not enough hours in the day’, ‘no time to spare’, ‘I never get time to myself’, ‘my life is a whirlwind’ While things are slowing down, make use of the extra time, feel boredom and become creative ...Continue reading

20.01.2022 MasterClass Two Hour Muscle & Fascia Release Fri 23 Aug 6-8pm Sat 24 Aug 2-4pm QEII Community Centre, Geraldton... $75 incl twin set of body rolling balls for you to keep (Value $35) For two hours you'll be instructed and directed on how to use the balls supplied being of correct density, size and pliability for use on all areas of the body (not lacrosse, golf, tennis balls...!) We'll make our way through a full global body self massage to release muscle and fascia knots, tension, tightness, increase range of motion (ROM), improve circulation, hydration and nutrient mobility throughout the body, break down scar tissue, relax and free the body to move better. From top to toe! This Masterclass is available to and for every body - everyone with current or past injuries, scar tissue, sports injuries and Range of Motion and postural restrictions...Great for those playing or have played all sports - cycling, golf, running, dance, team sports... Allow your body to heal itself by carefully, gently and respectfully working each area. Chairs are available for those unable to lie at floor level. Exercises are adaptable for all body shapes, needs, abilities so, available for all. You'll receive a set of the correct, appropriate, safe balls to use and you can purchase other sizes depending on your needs at below RRP. Purchase your ticket and then you'll be advised as to what to bring to help enhance your comfort and also show how functional and adaptable the exercises are. Learn the exercises to safely make use of daily at home, work, travel... to assist your body to be pain free, move freer, healthier and happier. Book through Eventbrite ($75 includes fees and taxes) 23 Aug 6-8pm 24 Aug 2-4pm or book directly: Text (Carmel): 0418 953 668, [email protected]

20.01.2022 Are you concerned about someone you’ve noticed looking down, depressed, mood changes, glum, unmotivated, changes in lifestyle habits causing concern? It’s ok to ask them if they’re OK. It may even be that they say they are ok initially but eventually may turn to you for advice or voice their self concerns with you at a later date. Listen. Maybe that's all they need. Then, from there, establish together what course of action/s can be taken to make changes. It could be lifes...tyle change that you can plan together or maybe it requires the help and support of professionals. Either way, simply asking is the first step and shows you’ve noticed and care. Whatever action is decided upon, follow up with the person at appropriate intervals to check they’re on track. It takes courage to broach the question and it takes courage to be honest fearing judgement or labels for some. These can be temporary, very important and not to be discounted. But the long-help benefits outweigh the initial stickiness of breaking the ice. We have certain days of the year devoted to caring but it’s necessary to not only wait for these days to present the opportunity to act. How are you? Really, how are you?

20.01.2022 Plastic in our Oceans. We are responsible for the situation therefore responsible for turning things around - and quickly! Just some facts......Continue reading

20.01.2022 Lay back, eyes closed and be guided through to a deep relaxation. All ages, all abilities, all welcome. Test the sound and adjust your volume to suit before you get comfy. If you find there are disturbances, just let them pass and go back to listening and relaxing.

19.01.2022 Need a hug yourself? Simply say "I need a hug" or "Anyone up for a hug?" Offer a hug to someone today. You'll know, if you take a moment to tune in, listen, be aware of others, when someone might be in need. So simply offer. ... The worst that can happen is a 'no'. If you don't get any takers then accept they just aren't available for whatever reason. No judgement. No offence or insult intended. Their feelings are also to be respected. Don't give up though, ask someone else. You might find that the most random request could inspire others and cause a wonderful hug snowball. If there really are no takers then cross your hands over your chest to each opposite shoulder and give yourself the warmest huggiest hug you've ever had. Relish it! Just for fun, note how many requests and how many takers you get in a day. Start a campaign - Free Hugs on Hump Day!

16.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day! The original Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis on 10th May 1908 in memory of her mother who had died three years earlier. So, as a tribute to all mothers, the second Sunday of every May became the Mother’s Day we know and celebrate today.... It was her mother who had expressed wishes for such a holiday and this led to the movement by Anne in commemoration and as a day to celebrate all mothers. As the years went on Anne became disenchanted with the commercialism of the Day and in 1943 attempted to have Mother’s Day rescinded. However, she was unsuccessful and her efforts to hold on to the original sentiment of the Day caused her economic hardship whilst others profited. Anne spent her latter years living with her sister Lillie until she was placed in a Sanitarium in Pennsylvania. Though Anne thought little of the growing commercialism and giving of a pre-made card and ‘candy’, the fees and charges for her life in the Sanitarium were paid by the floral and greeting card industry. Anne died on 24th November 1948. So Happy Mother's Day to Anne and to her mother, Anne, and to all the mothers past, present and future. And may we reflect on and celebrate the original, non-commercial sentiment of a Day of Thanks to all Mothers.

16.01.2022 Rest your body and mind for a few minutes. Be guided with simple instructions for everyone regardless of race, religion, age...Relax, enjoy and revisit anytime you can or need to. Feedback welcome. Other 'themes' will follow in coming weeks to bring variety to your relaxation.

16.01.2022 Meditation, Relaxation, Mindfulness- no religious or spiritual teachings, just mainstream guidance to allow you to relax fully for an hour, take away tips and advice on helping with life's challenges and support your mental health. Maybe you need just a little while weekly to remove yourself from demands and duties, to reset, recharge. Maybe you need some help through particularly difficult times, making choices, living with anxiety/depression/PTSD/Burn-out, overwhelm and str...ess, sleep quality/duration, high blood pressure... Formaly held weekly at Riverton Leisureplex - we've moved to a natural bush setting on the banks of the Canning River. Classes will be held at Canning Sea Scouts Hall. 19 Centenary Ave, Wilson. Every Tues 9.15-10.15am Every Wed 6.30-7.30pm $15 Adults U18 $10 (sorry, no further discounts as prices have been kept to as low as possible and given 50% goes to taxes in addition to hall hire and business running costs. Thank you for understanding :)) Please bring yoga/camp mat, bolster/cushion, water bottle and if you like, an eye pillow (its gentle weight feels nice and it also keeps light out if lying down) Chairs are available for part or all of the class for those that prefer to sit rather than lie down. You might like to bring your own cushion to make the chair more comfortable. You are welcome to join in anytime you like, no need to book. At your first class you'll receive a card to earn a free class and an extra bonus class. Make changes to improve managing your life - easy! See you soon... Fascia Release classes - release knots, tension and tightness, pain and reduced mobility. See Website for dates and times of Master Classes. Chair Yoga coming later in the year - YAY! [email protected]

15.01.2022 Helping Hands Bottle Tops Here's something that has a double-barrelled bonus... Envision Hands will repurpose plastic bottle tops and make into prosthetic hands. Combine that with reducing landfill and we have a win win situation!... Please collect plastic bottle tops from water, soft drink, milk bottles/cartons etc, rinse and drain/dry. Then email [email protected] to arrange collection/drop-off. Please also pass this on to family, friends, schools in your area, footy clubs, hospitals, restaurants, bars, take-away outlets, playgroups, parties... Congratulations and Thanks so much!

15.01.2022 Relax, Chill, Unwind with weekly guided non-religious/spiritual Meditation. No experience required; No prior knowledge necessary. No pressure to perform. No self-criticism or expectations. Just come and enjoy the peace of mind and body. Riverton Leisureplex every Wednesday 6.30-7.30pm... All welcome. Just bring your yoga/camp mat, pillow/cushion/bolster for your comfort, an eye pillow if you have one and your water bottle. If you're unable to lie down at all or part of the class, chairs are available. Bring whatever you need to feel seated comfortably - eg cushion. U18s - $10 O18s - $15 Prices are kept to as low as possible to allow the classes to be accessible for everyone. With taxes, room rent and business expenses the prices can't be discounted further, sorry. Join in to enjoy the relaxation and reap the benefits of tools and strategies you can make use of daily to help cope with stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, bullying/bullied, losing your sense of 'self' with busy-ness of life, improve your sleep quality, your focus and attention... No need to book, just turn up. Receive an attendance card and be rewarded not only with a healthier heart, mind and body but also a free class for yourself and an extra bonus of a class at half price for both you and a friend. ...looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday. [email protected]

14.01.2022 Is life feeling a little 'Groundhog Day'? When you think you’re not getting enough out of life and it’s all a bit ‘groundhog day’, take a few minute with a pen and paper to prepare for change Be still somewhere, anywhere. Deliberately soften your shoulders and back with a few measured breaths in and out. Then just be there in silence (silence within your body but may be not so around you, that’s all fine)... Now, without any other thought interruptions (they'll try to invade your mind space but just shoo them off for now) think through how life looks right now. All the negatives might come flooding in first. Allow them, then deliberately focus on the good things in life, what and who matters, what you’d miss if some things were taken away? Then ask yourself what is my ideal lifestyle? how would I design my days and nights to look = who would be there/not there? where would I be? What activities or structure make up the days? and then nights? What is the thing that matters most in the change? And why? What am I afraid of? What might be the real consequences (and yet maybe they just don’t actually occur feel free to take a risk!) Jot things down as messy as you like, as thoughts come (that’s why pen and paper is best). You can tidy up your plan later. Review what you’ve written and make a plan to change something, anything, but make a change straight away. Then filter in the other changes as soon as practical or just make them happen. It well might not be easy but it sure will give you reason to feel like you’re living YOUR life. It’s a precious thing and can be gone in an instant. Enjoy today, tomorrow and beyond [email protected]

10.01.2022 Hold that thought, and Smile! Most commonly we focus on the negative though they are usually the minority of what we are experiencing. For instance, we might be given 10 compliments and one negative feedback but the negative feedback is what we might then focus on and be affected by. So, to change this take a few moments to hold the positives in your mind and feel them. Hold them there for at least 20 seconds. Delight in them. See them enlarging like a balloon. Sit tall a...nd proud, smile. Return to them if you feel like you’re falling into the negative again. On the flip side of this is how you ‘take’ the ‘negative’. Consider if it is indeed something you can grow through, adjust if reasonable and you feel might apply to you, you just didn’t want to hear it. Maybe it’s a chance to see something from another perspective. Maybe not negative at all. Maybe a positive dressed up initially as a negative. Each day make a note in a diary, journal or simply on a piece of paper of three feelings or emotions you had through the day. Add when they occurred, how they came about if it is apparent, how you managed the feeling or emotion. In a week or two check back and see if there is a pattern. As an example, maybe you wake everyday grumpy and dreading the day ahead. Can you reflect on yourself as to why this might be the case? Is there something you want to change about this? How might you go about making the change or accepting and feeling more comfortable about it? It’s not vain or self-absorbed to feel good about yourself but can be very detrimental to all aspects of your life to be in constant ‘put-down’ mode. Minimise any negative talk in your mind. Personal put-downs. When does this occur for you? What is a trigger? It’s worth trying to change this by being your own best friend. Also look at the pattern of up-beat feelings and positivity When are they occurring? What are triggers can you see? Can you bring more of those into the times you’re feeling down? In your mind, place yourself next to yourself as if your physical body is your friend. Be a friend to yourself. What would you say to a friend who was degrading themselves? What words would you use to support them? What positive feedback would you give them to help them see the best in themselves and how they are valued? Go ahead and try being your own best friend to yourself. It takes very little effort, no cost, little time and you can return to this as often as any demeaning, degrading, shaming or wretched thoughts appear. You can soften and minimise them and focus on the wonderful characteristics you possess, because you definitely have them! Then return to the second paragraph above and repeat. Be the best version of you that you can be on the inside that’s where it matters most. Bliss You! Carmel

09.01.2022 Zen, Chill, Relax, Recharge, Time-out, Tranquility... Call it what you like but like but take some time for yourself. Two hours of guided Bliss. ... Nothing to do, just be in a space and time with Peace. Nothing kooky, religious, strange, difficult, scary... This is a class for Every Body, all walks of life, all cultures, all religions... If you're a breathing human being that has life's challenges thrown at you then this workshop will make great changes to how you manage the challenges as they arise. Learn new techniques, practice with guided voice, experience a softer being so that you can reduce stress, HBP/cardiovascular disease, burnout, mental and physical fatigue, anxiety, depression, PTSD, overwhelm etc. Increase coping skills, focus, concentration, relaxation, better sleep duration and quality, find that you become a kinder, more caring, considerate and compassionate being whilst remaining present so that life is not whizzing by you. Men and women, teens and tweens, grandparents, every person can learn and benefit, everyone is welcome. Please bring your yoga/camp mat, water bottle, bolster/cushion and, if you have one, an eye pillow (they will be on sale for $5 if you'd like one on the day for your to keep) Chairs are available if you'd prefer to sit for all or part of the workshop. Please still bring a cushion for your seat/back. Dress in comfortable clothing - preferably layers so you can adjust to suit yourself. This is a very relaxed environment so there is no need to feel judged, pressured, self-conscious or nervous. The cost is $40 (includes all fees and taxes) which includes a light afternoon tea. Bookings here: Please email or text Carmel if you have any further questions - [email protected] 0418 953 668 Enjoy your Day!

09.01.2022 Here's Video 3 in the series to pause for almost one minute and, like the birds as they sail in to a near-miss, you'll slow down your heart rate and soften your breathing. So, before you watch the birds in slow motion, close your eyes, take a slow, smooth breath in gently filling your lungs and belly, open your eyes - then just watch... easy! Come back to it any time you need to press PAUSE.... Video 1 - Bee-antics Video 2 - Head Banger Frog

09.01.2022 Be quick! - 3 Places Left! If you have knots, tight muscles, reduced range of motion within your muscles and joints .. If you're available this Sat 2 - 4pm you'll have the opportunity to learn how to release these pesky tight spots from top to toe - learning how you can do this yourself at home with the correct, safe and appropriate balls used to care for your body.... You'll receive a set of balls to use and to take home, experiment with other sizes and be guided through sequences that are easy, adaptable and very effective! Three places are still available for Saturday's class - get in quick to secure your spot - $75 - (includes Eventbrite fees) or with your name and confirmation of fee paid ($69.00 no booking fees) Includes set of balls (value $35.00) use and take home with you. Hoping to see you soon. Like, Share and Keep an eye out for future MasterClasses throughout Perth and Regional areas.

09.01.2022 Contentment and Complacency are two very different things Here’s some tips on finding Contentment -a place of authentic relaxation, non-judgement, kindness, with a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment that has longevity and many health benefits. It’s your choice The lower your expectations the less you’ll be disappointed... Dream but Don’t yearn - be careful what you wish for Don’t envy other people’s situation or stuff it will only cause angst and what appears one way may be a whole different story behind the scenes The poorest people are often the happiest without ‘stuff’ Let go of wanting things to stay the same or to change Be grateful for what you have, not what more you want Having just what you need, less ‘stuff’ products, emotional baggage like resentment, jealousy, greed, bitterness etc - means less maintenance, headaches, issues, complaints Reduce choice to ‘two’ too many choices risk resentment of making the wrong choice, another choice might have been better in hindsight Live with your choices if they didn’t turn out as expected, learn and move on Advertising and Sales benefit the seller, much less so the purchaser Extinguish the thoughts and words I’ll be happy when’ I’ll be happy if’ If it fits and if it’s functional don’t replace it Grow, explore, develop, experience, improve authentically what you choose, not someone else to impress, copy, control Delay gratification - don’t be driven by wants, let the desire sit for awhile before taking action Live on less than you make consider what’s important and what seems urgent Look around often at what you have and consider how life would look if you didn’t have it so much can be shed allowing focus to be on what really matters Say ‘thanks’ a whole lot more -even that you woke, have a warm bed, a safe house, a family, a job, a car, shoes, choices, fresh water, friends, a flushing toilet, utilities and supply of gas and power, a phone, freedom Write a list of what you have, fill a page. Don’t skip anything Keep going

07.01.2022 Be quick to Register - Only 4 places left for Geraldton 2 Hour MasterClasses - Roll to Release your Muscle & Fascia Release your body of tightness and pain - neck, chest, hamstrings, upper back, lower back, glutes, calves, shoulders, feet, IT band... Release plantar fasciitis, TMJ (jaw), scar tissue...... Enjoy the freedom of reduced pain, increase your Range of Motion for a more mobile and comfortable body. This is a Self-Care practice that mimics the actions of a qualified masseur but with the accessibility and convenience of an 'at home' routine you can easily incorporate into your busy day. Rolling with the correct tools (so as not to damage your joints, bones, soft tissue, nerves etc) is critical - hence Lacrosse, Golf, Tennis balls etc are not used in these classes. The Balls are preferable to a long roller as they can get safely in amongst bony landmarks, joints and tissue without causing bruising, irritation, increased pain and potential injury. Roll to Release has a long list of benefits for overall health, pain management, athletic performance, and immune function. You'll be guided and instructed through proper techniques and advice to assist you to care for your body and health. Learn what to do and what not to do. Rolling your body when and where you need it also supports your other health modalities such as physio, chiro, yoga, Pilates, exercise physiology... These classes are for Every Body - your body kneads you! Bookings can be made through Eventbrite: 23 Aug - 24 Aug - QEII Centre Friday 23 Aug 6-8pm Saturday 24 Aug 2-4pm $75 includes your own set of therapy balls to use and take home. (value $35) [email protected] Carmel - 0418953668 (text only please)

06.01.2022 Spare a few moments as you watch the short video - first take a moment to focus on your breath - just the feel of it coming in and out of your body, nothing more, just aware that it is occurring. Then, watch without distraction and with awareness of your breath to see what happens to the poor wee frog! We can all relate to the experience and learn, with grace, to just move on...... [email protected]

06.01.2022 Why meditate? Here’s 13 good reasons Group meetings increase social interaction Increase length of telomeres (tails of chromosomes) -meditation can preserve telomere length and reduce cellular stress.... Lower inflammation - Inflammation plays a part in so many of the health problems we see today. It’s a natural way to lower pain levels. Improves genetic pathways that control our immune system. MRIs show us that meditation actually activates and strengthens anterior cingulate cortex part of the brain. Can increase brain grey matter volume in parts of our brain that control our mood thereby reducing depression and anxiety. Regular meditation is associated with more activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the angular cingulate cortex, the areas of the brain responsible for memory and focus. Can increase the thickness of the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which helps slow down cognitive decline and preserve neuroplasticity. Decreases the fear of showing compassion and increased self-compassion. Lowers blood pressure. Improves self-control, introspection and decreases impulsivity. Positively regulate the area of the brain that controls stress, known as the subiculum area of the hippocampus. So, choose any reason or number of reasons above that would enhance your life and take a long smooth breath, eyes closed and consider life with the reason/s you've chosen -what do you see? [email protected]

06.01.2022 Slowdown Sunday at Sunset An Hour Of Bliss in Mundaring Sunday 9 June 6.00 7.00 pm... Take the time for yourself -just relax & learn to relax Reduce Blood Pressure, Headaches, Tension, Anxiety, Fears, Crazy Monkey Mind Chatter No Religious or Spiritual Teachings just simple techniques to experience and take-away. This is a perfect class for those with experience and very much so for those who've had some resistance to the concept of meditation or have wanted to try but haven't yet gotten around to it... Chairs are available for those who’d like to take all, or part of the class seated in a chair. Please bring yoga mat, drink bottle, cushion/bolster and an eye pillow if you have one. Dress in comfy clothes. Mundaring Wellness Centre, 16 Craig St, Mundaring $15 Adults, $10 U18 (cash only please) [email protected]

03.01.2022 TAKE JUST ONE MINDFUL MINUTE... just a minute - soften your jaw, your neck and shoulders, your hands in your lap. Observe your breath slowly and smoothly entering your nostrils, filling your belly and leaving your nostrils. Watch the short video as you keep your breath and body soft. ... Such a small amount of time can refresh you and provide you with a little pause in your day. A series of these will pop up over the next few weeks... Relax and Enjoy [email protected]

01.01.2022 Taking time out doesn't need to be hours or days that you need to find or schedule time. Simply take just a minute - literally a minute. Stop what you're doing. Eyes don't need to close but can or you can stare at an object. Breathe in slowly noticing the feeling of your breath entering your nostrils. Watch it move through your body to your chest or better still, to your belly. Keep watching as you release your breath from your body slower than your inhale and feel as it lea...ves your nostrils. That should take about 10 seconds. 3 seconds inhale, softly pause/hold breath for 1 second, 5 second exhale, 1 second pause... Repeat twice more. That's a 'time-out' that you can do and worth incorporating into your day say, 5 times. Have a go. Once you've done your three mindful breaths you might find it feels so nice you can take 'just one more breath' then -'just one more breath'... You might like to aim to have 5 mins three times a day by end of one week of practicing this. Maybe 10 mins three times a day by end of the next week. You'll feel your shoulders naturally soften and relax. Your heart rate slow, stress reduce, focus on yourself to then refocus on task or person after your personal time-out (PTO). You don't need to wait until you feel you deserve a time-out. Take it. Schedule it or randomly exercise your time-out muscle. The more often you do, the less likely you'll feel burnt-out, you'll reduce the monkey mind chatter going on, you'll be able to focus on particular thoughts that need your attention rather than a hailstorm of thoughts competing for your attention. Day One - (NOW) how many PTOs (Personal Time-Outs) can you make happen today? End of Week one (daily practice of PTOs) Still aiming for 3 x 5 mins daily? Or have you mastered it? End of Week two - Keep it up from here on as a way of life. You're breathing anyway so take some time to notice it now and again and reap the benefits. Smooth breath in...

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