BL Natural Health in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Naturopath
BL Natural Health
Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 403 211 812
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25.01.2022 The importance of smaller steps... Very important, especially when improving your diet & lifestyle, as otherwise it can be overwhelming. This is one reason why I love the 'Eat and Live for Wellness' program, as it guides you in easy, small steps towards....yes you guessed it...a diet & lifestyle that helps you to feel & look well.... Find out more: #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #wellness #wellbeing #weightloss
25.01.2022 I haven't posted a 'food of the week' for gut health for a while, but when I came across this study about avocados altering Gastrointestinal Bacteria Abundance and Microbial Metabolite Concentrations, I thought I just have to share this. #guthealth #nutrition #microbiome #guthealth #IBS #ibd #bloating #Constipation #weightloss
24.01.2022 Who loves pineapples? When I lived in Switzerland years ago, I could only eat a pineapple occasionally, but now that I live in pineapple heaven, I enjoy them frequently. Did you know that bromelain - an enzyme found in pineapple juice and in the pineapple stem has got medicinal properties? For my gut health clients I often use it to help with inflammation and other symptoms found in IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) or for those who struggle with fat absorption. ... Bromelains anti-inflammatory action is also used for reducing swelling, especially of the nose and sinuses, after surgery or injury. Consider it if you have an injury with bruises a study showed that Bromelain cleared all bruisers in boxers within 4 days! But Bromelain has got so many more healing properties. It has been identified to have anti-cancer activity, antimicrobial action, help with pain and stiffness in patients with knee osteoarthritis, benefit in sinusitis and lung health issues, and even increase the action of some antibiotics. I bet next time you eat pineapple you will appreciate this amazing fruit even more. #bromelain #pineapple #enzymes #ibd #IBS #bloating #guthealth #guthealing
24.01.2022 WHO is giving you advice? When it comes to your body & health, it is important to know who is giving you advice and why they are doing this. Where does their information come from? Are they really an expert? I see quite a few people that are doing this diet or taking this supplement because this person said that it is great.. and not knowing that it is actually doing the opposite for them. What works for one person, does not work for everybody. ... Every body is different and even natural things can be damaging if not taking appropriately. #healthadvice
23.01.2022 We have been given a great opportunity to change our lives, our appreciation, our values, our environment and of course, OUR HEALTH - which we all know IS GREATER THAN WEALTH. I have really needed a time out to reflect and work on things that I have been neglecting. Of course, I would not have chosen this situation, but am trying to make the best of it. I have always enjoyed living where I am, but now I am appreciating it even more...the nature, freedom & possibilities. ... I also feel grateful for my health as well as being able to help others to be & stay healthy. I also appreciate the health system Australia offers - I feel safe. There is much more, but I dont want to bore you What opportunity have you been given? #changeyourlife #health #wellbeing #proactive #opportunities
23.01.2022 Do you feel bloated? Did you know that there are lots of things that cause bloating, and seeing a Naturopath can help you identify what they may be for you. Things like how long after eating the bloating occurs can give a lot of clues. ... If you need an appointment, book here: #bloating #guthealth #microbiome #constipation #diarrhoea #ibs
22.01.2022 A caterpillar must endure a season of isolation before it turns into a butterfly. Embrace the time you have alone, it will only make you stronger. -Steven Aitchison-
22.01.2022 Eat vegetables which are in season - they are generally fresher as they have been picked for consumption and naturally ripened on the vine or the tree and harvested at the right time. When transporting crops, they must be harvested early and refrigerated to stop it spoiling during transportation. Time and the chilling process reduces the flavour. photo by Endeavour Wellness Clinic... #healthyeating #healthyfood #vegetables
21.01.2022 I think we all agree...
21.01.2022 Have youve been wanting to address your health issues for a while? Or do you want to make sure that your immune health is working at its best? Do you need help with managing your stress or sleep? Or do you want to improve your diet? Here is your chance!... Lets get you on YOUR WAY to OPTIMAL HEALTH This package includes: => 1 hour initial naturopathic consultation => 2 follow-up consultations => PLUS you SAVE money with a prepayment! No more reasons to postpone the most important thing in your life!
21.01.2022 Brain Fog => memory problems, poor concentration, inability to focus This is a common symptom for women and can indicate a number of hormonal imbalances, from thyroid issues, cortisol, blood sugar and perimenopause. Brain fog can also be due to gut health issues, stress or food reactions. ... A comprehensive consultation and lab testing help to determine what could be causing brain fog. What can you do? - Make sure you have a good, quality sleep for approx. 8 hours per night - Avoid processed foods and high sugar intake - increase your intake of protein, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats - Exercise #hormonalimbalance #thyroid #menopause #guthealth #foodsensitivities #stress
21.01.2022 A lot of worry & fear about our current world situation...why managing your stress is important - especially now - and what you can do about it. #stressmanagement #anxiety
21.01.2022 Now that many of us are working from home, getting into the habit of doing some kind of exercise before we start is a great way to kick-start our day and provide us with energy & a positive frame of mind. These easy stretches are also great to do on a break or after youve been sitting for a while, to help loosen tight muscles and relive tension. #energy #exercise #tension #yoga
21.01.2022 Happy Easter! Its a different Easter this year, but I hope you still get to enjoy it.
21.01.2022 Anybody at home with children going crazy already? These current times are challenging on many fronts - concentrating on the good sides will make it easier. Here are some suggestions from the World Health Organization on how to do that:... #parenting #positivebehaviour
20.01.2022 I would like to share a post by Goulds Natural Medicine with great suggestions on simple things you can do to support your immune system. There is a lot of concern around the Coronavirus, so looking after each other is important. If you need support and cannot come to see me, I can also offer you phone or online consultations....Continue reading
20.01.2022 For those who are struggling with sleep, this might be a good opportunity to try using some glasses which filter out all the light frequencies that disrupt our body’s natural rhythms, causing sleep disruption as well as digital eye strain. Block Blue Light currently offers 25% off their glasses. Check them out with this link below: #sleep #insomnia #melatonin #eyehealth
20.01.2022 Taking some time to relax and soak up some sun at Somerset Dam. How are you relaxing this weekend?
19.01.2022 I find counting calories, calculating grams etc. stressful & time-consuming and have never done it in my life. Still, we all need to have balanced meals to get our protein, vitamin, minerals, how to do this without having to put in too much effort? Here is the link to my guide that helps you with creating balanced meals in an easy way: #healthyeating #balancedmeals #mealplan #mealplanning
19.01.2022 Did you run out of your disinfectant and cant find any in the shops? While I do not encourage people to use too much disinfectants, this is a time where cleaning your door handles, steering wheel of your car and everything you touch when you enter the house might be a good idea. Here are some alternative disinfectants that you can make yourself. While I dont have any research showing how effective they could be agains the Coronavirus, I think they might still be better tha...n other cleaning agents. Add in spray bottle, either: * Basic undiluted rubbing alcohol * 10 - 30 drops of 100% essential Thyme oil in approx. 200 ml of water * 1 part water, 1 part vinegar and 5-15 drops of 100% essential Eucalyptus or Rosemary or Cinnamon oil.
19.01.2022 Talking to clients about your poo and wee is normal for me as this can tell me a lot about their health. Use this chart to see if you have drank enough water. I recommend to drink 2L (8 glasses) each day consistently.... Even 1-3% dehydration can significantly impact your energy, memory and brain function. PS: Bright yellow urine is common when taking a vitamin B supplement. This is mainly due to the B2 vitamin, also known as riboflavin. Flavin comes from the Latin flavus which means yellow. #dehydration #water #pee
19.01.2022 Immunsystem Support
19.01.2022 Who makes kefir? I can feel a (gut) differences when I drink my kefir daily and research shows that it has an anti-virulence effect of one of its key yeasts, Kluyveromyces marxianus. Milk kefir is superior to water kefir. Many of my lactose intolerant clients can handle it well, as the lactose is fermented to lactic acid. Also the milk protein structure is significantly modified by the fermentation process. Kefir produces a bioactive molecule, kefiran which has beneficial... immune-modulating properties and is also largely responsible for the thickening of the milk. !!! Talk to me next time you come to see me; I might have some kefir 'babies' in the fridge for you. #immunity #guthealthforlife #ibs #ibdawareness #microbiome Picture from BBC good food
17.01.2022 When I first did my first detox many years ago, it consisted of only drinking vegetables juice (including a horrible potato juice) for one week. I felt horrible, sick and weak and never did it again. Today I know that the correct way to support your body to detox is very different. Avoiding certain foods and increasing others, using supportive supplements and gentle exercise not only helps to get rid of toxins, but also to feel and look more energised, correct bad eating habi...ts and loose some unnecessary kilos. Detox is like a vacation for your body you allow your body to slow down and correct some functions that it might be struggling with. Its much better to lead a healthy life with minimal toxin exposure than to do a detox once a year. Here are some easy suggestions to support your bodys detox: => A fantastic way to kick start your digestion and cleanse the system: Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a cup of room temperature or warm water. Drink first thing in the morning before breakfast. ! use a straw to protect your teeth => A super simple way to increase your veggie intake is to add a salad to every meal! It provides you with important nutrients and fibre which is critical for effective detoxification. => Fibre works best with water so make sure you drink plenty. => Drinking approx. 2L of water (part of this could be herbal tea) also hydrates your body and supports the detoxification process of your cells. => Exercise moves our lymph fluid, aiding the clearing of wastes. Want to do more? Check out my detox program: #detox #bodycleanse #guthealth
17.01.2022 Have you been wanting to see someone about your health issues, but can only do evenings or weekends? I am offering after hour appointments 5pm to 7pm weekdays or Saturday mornings upon request. Message or email me if you would like to arrange a consultation.
17.01.2022 We dont laugh because were happy, were happy because we laugh. Dr. Madan Kataria Yesterday was World Laughter Day! I hope you had a good laugh!... Laughing increases our wellbeing, reduces stress and makes our body release substances that lower our pain & inflammation. On top of that, it boosts our immune system! #laugher #immunesystem #painrelease
16.01.2022 Being happy does not just feel good, it also helps with the immune system. The wonders of nature make me happy. This is the first flower from my passionfruit tree - isnt it gorgeous and amazing?... What makes you happy? I hope you find lots of happiness moments this weekend! #happiness #Immunesystem #wondersofnature
16.01.2022 If you are not sure how fresh your eggs are, try putting them in water to see if they sink or float. If they sink to the bottom, they are fresh. If they float, they are old. When an egg ages, the small air pocket inside it grows larger as water is released and replaced by air. If the air pocket becomes large enough, the egg may float.... ! This test will not tell you whether an egg is good or bad, just that it is fresh or old.
15.01.2022 Are you busy with work, children or other commitments? I offer after hours appointments as well as Saturday morning appointments. (Saturday upon request only). No more excuses! ... Book here: #consultations #consultationsavailable
15.01.2022 Challenging times for many people....if you need help, I am also available online or over the phone for consultations. #consultations #healthplans #wellbeing
15.01.2022 Can you feel it in the air...winter is coming... Exposure to cold temperatures suppresses the immune system, so the opportunities for infection increase. Also, flu viruses thrive in colder temperature. On top of that, the coronavirus is causing havoc around the world. Plenty of reasons for us to think about how we can make sure that our immune system stays strong. If you are interested in 5 easy, effective ways to support your immune system, head over to my website and subscr...ibe to my mailing list => Have a good weekend and stay strong! #immunesystem #immunesupport #immunehealth #coldsandflus
14.01.2022 So...I made this Swiss Zopf bread this morning for breakfast. Not very nutritious but I dont always have to eat perfectly and I dont feel guilty at all. Because I know that the whole family enjoys this treat, that I will make sure to eat good nutritious food during the rest of the day and because this is life! Eating a good diet is not about being perfect, its about knowing what is good for your body, how much not so great food you can enjoy while making sure that you g...ive your body the nutrients it deserves. Seeking perfection can cause you to avoid and miss out on a satisfying food experience. What I have learnt from living in Switzerland is that while Swiss people enjoy their bread, cheese and chocolates (who wouldnt!), they dont eat much junk food such as McDonalds and enjoy eating lengthly meals in good company. So, if you want to enjoy something which is not so nutritious, make sure its of good quality, free of colours, additives and preservatives & enjoy! Have a great weekend everybody! #healthyeating
14.01.2022 Some tips of how to prolong the shelf life of your vegetables
14.01.2022 Please note - BL Natural Health WILL BE CLOSED BETWEEN 14TH DECEMBER AND 4TH JANUARY. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your trust in me to provide you with health information and especially a big THANK YOU to all my clients. Have an excellent Christmas time, enjoy the special people in your life & life itself and let’s hope that 2021 will be fabulous for us all!
13.01.2022 Today is R U OK Day? - which is a suicide prevention charity in Australia, reminding people that ... You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. R U OK DAY is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? and support those struggling with life's ups and downs. Have the conversations, teach our kids to reach out, to ask questions, to know where to turn to if they need, to who to go to if they see friends in trouble.. SUICIDE will NEVER go away, MENTAL HEALTH will NEVER go away.. but if we can have the conversations and the education we CAN SAVE LIVES.. Did you know. EIGHT Australians die every day by suicide. That’s more than double the road toll. 75% of those who take their own life are MALE.. Over 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt each year.... #RUOK #ruokeveryday
13.01.2022 As the first spring days start warming up the outside temperature, I start replacing my soups with salads. Today I used one of my favourite vegetables to make a yummy salad. Fennel is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Animal studies show that it is anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. But what I like best about fennel is that it helps with bloating (that’s why you will often find it in my herbal gut tonic) and.....(click link for recipe)
12.01.2022 Who is looking forward to Christmas! I AM! After this bizarre, confronting and confusing year I just want to enjoy family, friends, good food and HAVE FUN!!! What about you?... Currently I am (trying ) to eat extra well & exercise so that I can indulge over Christmas and have no regrets. Here are more tips of what you can do, so you don't feel yucky and 10kg heaver in 2021.
12.01.2022 Sleep problems is a complaint that I hear regularly. Here are some useful tips that promote a restful sleep (provided by Orthoplex). #sleep
12.01.2022 Home Office - Tip #1 Courtesy to my sister who is an ergonomics consultant, I will share tips on how to set up your home office so that you not only enjoy working, but also ensure that you are comfortable and avoid injuries. SET UP YOUR OWN WORK OASIS... Choose a location for your home workstation where you feel at ease and can work well. If you look at a blank wall, decorating it with pictures, photos or postcards will spice it up. If you cannot work in a separate room, you could use a shelving unit or room divider to partition off your work area. Plants can also help you to set up a work oasis for yourself where you feel comfortable. Light Your workplace should receive as much natural light as possible. To prevent reflections and glare, the ideal solution is to position your workplace at right-angles to a window. #homeoffice #ergonomics #healthandsafety
12.01.2022 Is a healthy microbiome responsible for lower mortality in COVID-19? This paper would suggest so. Yay to my special friends!!! I am talking about the amazing bugs that live in my gut and help me stay healthy. ... There are many reasons why we should look after our special friends as there are connected to different parts of our body and contribute to health (or disease). Do you need ideas on how you can do this? => I've got GOOD NEWS for you! In February I will be launching a GUT ONLINE PROGRAM where I will be sharing information with you about achieving a healthy gut and much more. PM me if you want me to email you the details in the next week or subscribe to my mailing list here: => check out my site for instant ideas: => book a consult where I can design a plan specifically for you #guthealth #gutmicrobiome #microbiome #IBS #bloating #infection #immunehealth
11.01.2022 Well my Christmas trip was different than planned. After visiting friends on the Northern Beaches we had to turn around, go home and self-isolate for 14 days. Not being able to join the hustle and bustle around Christmas time was actually quite amazing (and probably needed) for my nervous system as I feel rested, relaxed and energised. I hope that you as well will find some time to look after yourself and enjoy some quiet time.... My first walk today after being stuck at home was wonderful; I missed exercising & nature. I wish you all a wonderful new year full of joy, peace and all good things!
11.01.2022 An apple a day keeps the doctor away...and now we know why. This study shows that eating 2 apples daily for 2 weeks only improved your gut microbiome, and we all know how important gut health is for general wellbeing. #Foodasmedicine #guthealing #guthealth #IBS #ibsdiet #apple
11.01.2022 Make your own non-alcoholic drink! And party on... Cutting back your alcohol consumption will have a wonderful benefit for your health. Ingredients:... 75ml elderflower cordial 1L cloudy apple juice small handful mint leaves, roughly chopped 1 bottle sparkling water Method: 1. Mix elderflower cordial with cloudy apple juice. Add a small handful mint leaves, stir well. Option: if you are going to a party or picnic, then pour into a chilled flask. 2. Pour half glasses of the juice and top up with sparkling water. Have a great weekend! PS: What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink?
11.01.2022 Intermittent Fasting...and how it can help you with viruses...something everybody must know about at this time of fear about the coronavirus. Correction from mistake in video: IF helps increase the good HDL cholesterol :) #immunesystem #virus #infection #flu
10.01.2022 Dont let the fear control you!
09.01.2022 Tough times, but there is always a bright side...
08.01.2022 Who is looking forward to Christmas! I AM! After this bizarre, confronting and confusing year I just want to enjoy family, friends, good food and HAVE FUN!!! What about you?... Currently I am (trying ) to eat extra well & exercise so that I can indulge over Christmas and have no regrets. Here are more tips of what you can do, so you don't feel yucky and 10kg heaver in 2021.
08.01.2022 What has the gut got to do with the lungs? If you have been reading my posts you will probably know that I love gut health, especially the guts microbiome which plays a big role in many aspects of our own wellbeing. I was not surprised to read that there is a possible cross-talk taking place between the lung and the gut microbiota which might influence the outcome of the clinical manifestation of Covid-19. ... Here is the link, if you want to read more about it: #guthealth #microbiome #covid19 #dysbiosis
08.01.2022 Winter is usually the season where cold & flus are more like to be around - even in warm Queensland...and they often start with a sore throat. Gargling with salt water is an easy & safe method to ease a sore throat and even prevent a flu. It also aid with allergies, dental health and canker sores. Salt has been scientifically proven to help draw water out of oral tissues, while creating a salt barrier that locks out water and harmful pathogens from getting back inside.... Simply mix about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt to every 30ml of warm water (can also be cold). Gargle the water in the back of your throat for as long as you can, then swish the water around your mouth & teeth and spit it out. And hopefully you will feel much better than the slug in the picture.
07.01.2022 Sleep problems is a complaint that I hear regularly. Here are some useful tips that promote a restful sleep (provided by Orthoplex). #sleep
06.01.2022 School is starting back for the rest of the kids on Monday. What are your children getting into their lunch boxes? If you buy processed foods, be aware of these nasties shown in the image. They can not only affect your childrens health, but also their performance at school, sleep, memory and moods. Have you tried these Blueberry muffins? Your kids might just like them. ... Here is the link #healthyeating Image by Orthoplex
06.01.2022 All viruses can play havoc with your body if not addressed properly. Some viruses have the ability to modulate the development of autoimmune diseases or other issues such as chronic fatigue. #immunesystem #immunesupport #virusinfection
06.01.2022 Dont forget to wash your hands! Here is a good demonstration
05.01.2022 Are you on metformin? Something to be aware of...
03.01.2022 Are you struggling with mental health issues and would like to talk to a professional? The organisation '' offers 60+ Medicare bulk billing Psychologists to choose from offering online appointments only on video or telephone. You will still need a referral from your GP, but there are no out of pocket expenses. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #depressionawareness #depressionandanxiety
03.01.2022 All the things you can do with vegetables! Have a great Sunday!
03.01.2022 There is hardly a disease where gut health does not play an important role and Covid is not an exception. A study has found that the composition of the gut microbiome in COVID patients differs considerably from uninfected individuals, and this may influence long covid. The study suggests that management should look at restoring a healthy, balanced gut microbiome and clearing the virus.... Head to my website if you need more ideas about how you can improve your gut health - or come and see me for a gut health consultation. #gutmicrobiota #microbiome #covid #immunesupport
02.01.2022 My clients often bring in the supplements that they are taking and ask me for my opinion. It is not always easy to determine if the supplement is of a good quality and what excipients were used (which are not always listed), especially those purchased overseas. This is why I rely on my Practitioners Only Products.
02.01.2022 Receive $20 off Restore your Gut Health program - valid until 20th May Are you sick of being constantly bloated, constipated or in abdominal discomfort? Do you feel that you could do more for your health or struggle with a disease?... Do you suffer from moodiness, depression or anxiety without reason? Your gut is involved in so many functions and formation of many diseases - taking care of gut health should be everybodys priority. My Restore your Gut Health program is an easy way to do this and tailored to your needs. #guthealth #constipation #diarrhoea #bloating #IBS #IBD #microbiome
01.01.2022 Hello followers, I would really love & appreciate it if everyone could please help me out in an easy way. It literally only takes a few seconds and would help my small local business grow in such dim times!! Facebook has a new feature that only takes a few seconds to do!... Here is how easy it is to do, go to the top of my business page, across the top scroll across to: COMMUNITY Click INVITE FRIENDS Click ALL Wait 10-15 seconds for the invitations to send. Its as simple as that! Supporting small businesses doesnt always require spending money. It can be as simple as sharing, liking and promoting us! Thank you all for your support! I appreciate it so much. Billie Copied and pasted from another small business, but supporting each other is what we are here for!
01.01.2022 Womens bodies - just amazing! #hormonehealth #periodpain #pms #menopause #endometriosis #pcos #menstruation
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