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25.01.2022 In this video Nathan and Jade of Blockchain Collective talk about changes during this period of pandemic and how blockchain is evolving.
25.01.2022 Blockchain is being used for Energy, with the increasing global warming trends, people are becoming more interested in sustainable energy sources. Powerledger has created a blockchain platform that allows for peer-to-peer energy trading from rooftop solar panels. In essence, you can buy or sell Energy generated from solar resources. The technology also enables you to trade environmental commodities. Currently the Australian based company has 26 projects in 9 different coun...tries including Australia, Thailand, India, Japan and the United States. The fast-growing technology has enabled the energy trading market to be more efficient while creating transparency, trust and reducing the cost of renewable energy sources. Fremantle Australia residents were the first participants in the world to trail the peer-to-peer energy network setting their own prices. The trial is a joint effort between Curtin University, Power Ledger, Synergy, Western Power, and energyOS. The energy trading trial was launched in Nov 2018 and was extended in 2019. To learn more about this project and how it works, check out this article.
25.01.2022 Prime Minister Scott Morrison talking about Blockchain and jobmaker.
24.01.2022 Vocational Education Reform is Needed to End Quiet Australian’s Uncertainty - Quiet Australian kids are encouraged to take up substandard university degrees with poor employment prospects. - But Australia’s vocational education is mismatched with the actual skills required for real jobs.... - Vocational education reform is needed so vocational workers can pursue realistic job objectives with realistic salaries. - Vocational workers make up 20 per cent of Australia’s workforce, numbering around 3 million. - Government and industries should work together to improve vocational training based on realistic skill needs, job requirements, and realistic training in many areas, notably, digital technology. - Fixing VET builds a stronger economy because ordinary Australians can invest in their own human capital. - One area that vocational education should focus on is Blockchain Technology and its application in all aspects of businesses and industries. Australians can invest in their future human capital by taking up an Advanced Diploma Course in Blockchain Application. In Australia, only Blockchain Collective offers diploma courses in Blockchain Technology and Applications. Read more on:
24.01.2022 Hear from Blockchain Collective’s graduate of the Advanced Diploma of Applied Blockchain Curtis Chappel. #bccollective #blockchain #blockchaineducation #internationalstudents #australianeducation #blockchainconsultant
23.01.2022 5 of the worlds biggest brands are using blockchain, the list of businesses implementing blockchain solutions is too long to post but, here are 5 use cases on how top companies are using blockchain. : Amazon offers blockchain as a service for companies that don’t want to build their own blockchain. Nestlé Australia is using Amazon’s managed blockchain solution to provide transparency in a project called, Chain of Origin, where consumers can look inside the coffee...’s supply chain from crop to cup. Consumers scan a smart Label (QR code) to see which farm the beans were harvested to where they were roasted. Amazon has a growing list of blockchain clients including Sony Music Japan and BMW. : The luxury automaker launched a pilot program with suppliers to track materials and parts across the global supply chain. BMW is a member of the MOBI which is the mobile open Blockchain Initiative. MOBI launched the auto industry's first vehicle identity standard, giving cars a digital identity. This exciting technology can track events of the car's life and track it on the blockchain. Other cool features it can be used for is to connect vehicles to share information, like direction of travel location and even driver intention. : After several recalls over the past decade Dole has adopted blockchain into their vegetable processing. Allowing customers to now check where their product comes from, the traceability starts on the farm and ends at the grocery aisle. : Rather than be disrupted the giant credit card company has applied for 116 blockchain- related patents and have several projects in process. Testing faster and more transparent cross-border payments with banks. : IBM is taking Blockchain to the next level and implementing across several industries. Food, Global trade, trade finance, cross border payments and identity protection. One that’s getting a lot of traction is their food trust blockchain which brings the ecosystem of producers, suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and others creating a smarter, safer, more sustainable food system for all and putting trust in food supply chains. As business continues to grow and explore Blockchain based solutions the demand for qualified blockchain professionals will sky rocket. Learn how to become a Blockchain Business Strategist today.
22.01.2022 Blockchain has been one of the most talked-about trends of the last few years. The development has been ongoing and the adoption of the technology throughout many industries and sectors. The biggest blockchain trends everyone should know about: 1. Blockchain for vaccine tracking.... 2. The ongoing rise of enterprise blockchain. 3. The rise of NFT's 4. Blockchain as a service (BaaS). 5. Blockchain expertise is a highly tradeable skill. Follow the link to know more about the trends #blockchaineducation #bccollective #blockchaincourses #blockchainaustralia #digitalassets #emergingtechnology
21.01.2022 IoT adoption has been accelerated THANKS TO BLOCKCHAIN. This distributed ledger technology has the potential to help address many IoT scalability and Security challenges. IoT uses blockchain to store data which would add another layer of security and provides a robust level of encryption that makes it virtually impossible to overwrite existing data records.... Check out this report to learn more about How blockchain solves IoT challenges. #blockchaineducation #bccollective #blockchaincourses #blockchainaustralia #digitalassets #emergingtechnology #deloitte #IoT
21.01.2022 Innovators in various fields are realizing the benefits of the technology behind bitcoin. From health to finance and machine learning to artificial intelligence sectors are looking to integrate blockchain into their infrastructures. Blockchain solutions are not only limited to the exchange of cryptocurrencies but can benefit businesses across many industries. Blockchain can lead to many new opportunities and benefits through greater transparency, enhanced security, and trace...ability. Learn more about the benefits of applying blockchain #blockchaineducation #bccollective #blockchaincourses #blockchainaustralia #digitalassets #emergingtechnology #forbes
21.01.2022 Blockchain Collective are proud to be announced as Winners of the Gold Coast Business Excellence Award! Big thanks to Study Gold Coast
20.01.2022 We have a passion for helping others understand the Internet of Value. Its essential that people take time to educate themselves about the different applications of the internet of value from smart contracts to the internet of money. We are at the beginning of the next generation of the internet. We came across a great interview to share with anyone interested in learning more about the Internet of Value. Andreas Antonopoulos background is in computer science and data commu...nication, and now is a tech entrepreneur and author. Andreas has a unique ability to explaining where we are today and where are heading using unbiased information that is easy for people to understand. In the interview he unpacks the barriers we have to overcome and highlights the flaws of our current system. It's fascinating and easy listen, so put in some headphones go for a walk, or listen while driving & educate yourself on the Internet of Value.
19.01.2022 Blockchain Collective Co-founder Nathan Burns spent some time with founder of Paul Seils talking everything blockchain and upcoming events!
18.01.2022 If you were still unsure if blockchain adoption is coming to the masses... #blockchain #education #bccollective #crypto #accreditedtraining #blockchaintechnology
18.01.2022 Blockchain Collective won the Gold Coast Business Awards August 2020 Student Employability monthly award. The Student Employability Award is sponsored by Study Gold Coast and recognises businesses engaged with the Gold Coast education and training sector. #blockchaintechnology #Blockchaineducation #blockchainadoption #bccollective #VET Study Gold Coast Blockchain Australia Gold Coast Business Excellence Awards
18.01.2022 Austrian gin makers to use blockchain to guarantee bottles' rarity
18.01.2022 Global Adoption is happening!! Many paths lead to blockchain adoption. Blockchain solutions are being implemented across all major industry sectorssuch as technology, media, telecommunications, agriculture, health care, real-estate and governments. The worlds biggest companies such as IBM, Microsoft and Alphabet are using blockchain technology. Blockchain is entering a new era of broader, more practical adoption as even many of the reluctant begin to grasp the technology’s ...long-term potential. The Honk Kong financial regulator approved Hong Kong's first crypto fund, which is expected to surpass 100M in its first year. Learn more check out this article.
17.01.2022 Have you ever wondered " What is a Smart Contract?" Automation has become a requirement in today's corporate world, as companies strive to maximize profits while keeping costs as low as possible. Another reason businesses want to automate is to eliminate human mistakes and streamline the process. There are many technologies that enable companies to do that. But blockchain-powered smart contracts offer automation as one of the core features.... Smart contracts today may be similar to an e-commerce in the 1990s in that they are set for widespread adoption and tremendous growth, even if it is still years away. To avoid surprises or missed opportunities, it may be worthwhile to start considering and exploring the potential applications of smart contracts in your industry and business right now. Learn more about smart contracts #blockchaineducation #bccollective #blockchaincourses #blockchainaustralia #digitalassets #emergingtechnology
16.01.2022 What is Blockchain and how does it work Simply put, Blockchain is a digital ledger that keeps a record of all transactions. It is based on a peer-to-peer network, consisting of individual devices known as nodes that collectively store and share data. What does Blockchain mean to you? ... Let us know your definition in the comments below! #Blockchaintechnology #bccollective #Blockchaineducation #education #studyblockchain #BlockchainAustralia #StudyGoldCoast #digitaltransformation #distributedledger #blockchainbusiness #whatisblockchain
16.01.2022 Danielle talks about her experience whilst studying the Advance Diploma Of Applied Blockchain and why she chose the course.
16.01.2022 Coronavirus Is a Wake-Up Call for Supply Chain Management All you have to do is google to find countless articles about issues the economy is facing around supply chain issues. Stories about how medical supplies are being rejected because of poor quality, incorrect items being delivered and the slow and cumbersome process of getting supplies. ... US Congressman Stephen Lynch Proposes $25m Blockchain Bill for Transparency and Efficiency For Healthcare Supply Chain of National Stockpile. Governments are starting to realise how Blockchain can improve global supplies chains. How will Blockchain help transform Supply Chain Sustainability Improved Visibility Elimination of Errors and Faster Response to Issues Validate provenance along the supply chain Early Detection of Unethical Suppliers Counterfeit Products Offer quality assurance and build trust in the transactions Reduce transaction cost Streamlined process and increase the speed of the supply chains. The registration of transfer of goods on a blockchain ledger will help promote visibility, identifying all parties involved in a transaction, the state, quality and price of the products as well as the date and location of the transaction. The availability of information about the product to all parties helps to ensure data integrity. Learn more about Lynch's proposal which will be the first of many
15.01.2022 Fantastic event put on by #studgoldcoast in Sydney at the Hilton for immigration agents and education agents. Promoting Australian education providers on the Gold Coast. #Bccollective #Blockchain #Blockchaineducation
15.01.2022 When most people hear the word Blockchain they think of Bitcoin, which is understandable because Bitcoin was the first real use case of blockchain technology and there wasn't much of a distinction between the terms and they were used interchangeably. As the technology matured a variety of blockchains have emerged and diverged from purely financial transactions, and smart contracts have changed the way we do business. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency while Blockchain is a distrib...uted database. Bitcoin is powered by blockchain technology, but Blockchain is now being adapted for other uses cases that can provide value to enterprises. This emerging technology has been modified quite a bit to meet the rigorous standards that businesses require, and more and more business are implementing blockchain-based solution into their organization. Everledger is a great example; they are using Blockchain to track the provenance of luxury goods to minimize fraud, document tampering and double financing. Now, over one million diamonds are secured on Blockchain. Check out this short video to learn how Everledger is using Blockchain to add value to the economy.
13.01.2022 Getting ahead of the game with education is key!
12.01.2022 A few of the Blockchain Collective team kicking off the night for the Gold Coast Business Excellence award - Student Employability finalists. More pics to come. Wish us luck!
11.01.2022 Hyperledger is an open-source project developed to support the blockchain-based distributed ledger. Hyperledger is a collaborative effort to develop the foundations, standards, and tools needed to create blockchain-related applications. Hyperledger is a hub, a number of blockchain-based projects and tools that follow its design philosophy run under its umbrella. check this to learn more about #hyperledger ... #blockchaineducation #bccollective #blockchaincourses #blockchainaustralia #digitalassets #emergingtechnology #hyperledger
11.01.2022 Who is the course mainly suited for? There are a few different areas we have really put a focus on to help out. 1. Professionals who are currently working in an organisation 2. Consultants 3.Start-ups...
10.01.2022 Deloitte’s latest installment of its Global Blockchain Survey indicated that blockchain technology has moved through an evolution from experimental technology to a true strategic priority for organizations.
09.01.2022 A National Blockchain-based KYC for the United Arab Emirates!
08.01.2022 Congratulations @Katrina Donaghy and every one the Civic Ledger team!
08.01.2022 Blockchain Technologies are fast gathering acceptance and deployment across almost every industry sector. According to Consensys ( Global leader in blockchain ecosystems) major industry sectors are already deploying blockchain technologies:
08.01.2022 Curtis is the second student to graduate from the Advanced Diploma of Applied Blockchain - 10747NAT. Hear what he has to say.
08.01.2022 How can #Blockchain technology help your business adapt to the post-pandemic era? Blockchain technology is decentralised and secure. Each distributed ledger is continually verifying the integrity of newly recorded information and the copies it stores. So even if a node is compromised, the ledger will retain the full information. Blockchain can be applied to many sectors including:... Supply chain Data storage Transportation and deliveries Medical and healthcare services Medium to small businesses Take the first step today and gain a qualification in applied blockchain to secure your future. #Blockchaintechnology #bccollective #Blockchaineducation #education #studyblockchain #BlockchainAustralia #StudyGoldCoast #digitaltransformation #distributedledger #blockchainbusiness #podcast
07.01.2022 Susie Dart is the World's first graduate of the Advanced Diploma of Applied Blockchain - 10747NAT. Susie shares her background and experience as a student. She provides insight to the depth and learning.
07.01.2022 "Fix training to end the quiet Australians 'fear of uncertainty" -Australian Financial Review Blockchain Collective's "Advanced Diploma of Applied Blockchain" 10747 NAT got a mention in the Australian Financial Review yesterday. The article states... "The current VET framework is caught up in the industrial relations system and the historical overhang of the ancient craft system, which allows the various unionised trades to use training and qualification requirements to cartelise their supply and maintain skills-based award premiums. This slows and complicates the development of more flexible training. The clunkiness is why some industries and businesses have moved to working directly with training providers to create their own skills-based qualifications, such as an advanced diploma of applied blockchain, or Rio Tinto’s autonomous vehicle qualification." #blockchain #blockchaineducation #education #blockchaincollective
07.01.2022 Blockchain can be used in the education industry to: Verify degrees and qualifications Validate the identity of potential students Complete skill assessments ... Doing so reduces fraud and offers opportunities to people whose skillsets are transferrable. Learn more #Blockchaintechnology #bccollective #Blockchaineducation #education #studyblockchain #BlockchainAustralia #StudyGoldCoast #digitaltransformation #distributedledger #blockchainbusiness #podcast
06.01.2022 The Australian government believes there are opportunities across the economy that can be seized and enabled by the use of blockchain technology and is why the government has created The National Blockchain Roadmap. The National roadmap is comprised of 12 steps the government hopes to execute before the end of 2025. The key areas of focus are: & :... Identity Privacy Security Data provenance Integrity and Governance , & : Foundational & specialist skills Improving blockchain literacy Fostering Research Development Innovation Scalability Governments use of Blockchain : Investment Collaboration : Agriculture Wine Credentialing University Please download The National Blockchain Roadmap and educate yourself on the future of Blockchain.
06.01.2022 Value creation is the foundation of a business, and the purpose is to create and deliver value efficiently and effectively that will generate profit. The start pointing for all business is how they can add value for their customers wants and needs. Over the past 100 years, the economy has changed the way value has been created and shifted from mechanical production to more creative and customised production through the information and technology age. Emerging technologies as Blockchain, Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly changing the way value are added to the economy. There are many value propositions of implementing Blockchain into business models. Here are 5 top ways that Blockchain can add value to businesses. 1 Reduce transactions cost 2 Creates trust and transparency 3 Increased security 4 Eliminates fraudulent transactions 5 Streamlined Processes through automation Businesses around the world recognises the value propositions of this emerging technology and how Blockchain will interoperate with other technologies such as artificial intelligence to create a new era of value creation. With Blockchain the possibilities are limitless
06.01.2022 BMW Launches a blockchain-based rewards program in South Korea! Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific and Air Asia are other examples of companies who have implemented blockchain for loyalty programs.
05.01.2022 We often talk about all the amazing benefits that come with blockchain technology. However, its important to understand it's limitations and challenges we need to overcome to fully maximise blockchain. This article is a great use-case of how blockchain can be used for election voting and the challenges that need to be overcome before it becomes a reality. At the end of the day Blockchain is a store of data that creates an immutable record, but how can we guarantee the integr...ity of the data being added to the blockchain? Learn more
04.01.2022 Did you know that #blockchain technology can be used in the #healthcare system? Smart contracts are being used to improve healthcare for many people around the globe. The use of this technology ensures that the user’s personal data remains private and secure. It also assists to distribute healthcare information and records amongst several providers simultaneously. Do you know any other real-world uses for blockchain? ... #Blockchaintechnology #bccollective #Blockchaineducation #education #studyblockchain #BlockchainAustralia #StudyGoldCoast #digitaltransformation #distributedledger #blockchainbusiness #smartcontracts #whatisblockchain
04.01.2022 Privacy is a hot topic these days, whether we are talking about downloading the coronavirus app, Facebook owning our data or enterprises using blockchain solutions. Privacy is a big concern when entering the world of the internet. Generally, when people hear the word Blockchain or Bitcoin, they think of an open-source network that everyone can participate in and view the information on the Blockchain, which is true for all public blockchains. However, many are unaware that are different kinds of Blockchain, such as private and hybrid Blockchain solutions. When looking at real-world adoption for blockchain technology the largest markets that would capture significant benefits from this technology are large enterprises, from financial institutions, to healthcare and even governments. Enterprises need the benefits of permissioned networks, but they also need to access the valuable tenents that a public blockchain offers, specifically immutability. Many Entreprises are embracing a Hybrid model allowing the best of both worlds. The game-changing Hybrid Blockchain Technology can be used to build enterprise-grade implementations of the open-source technology while ensures that every transaction is private but still verifiable by an immutable record on the public state of the blockchain. When it comes to Blockchain, the possibilities are endless. Our Advanced Diploma focuses on the strategic planning of implementing blockchain solution into enterprises. To learn more about our accredited courses, visit our website.
03.01.2022 In the blockchain, decentralization refers to the transfer of supervision and decision-making from a centralized organization to a distributed network. Decentralization is adding value through: 1. Trustless environment.... 2. Improved data reconciliation. 3. Reduced point of weakness. 4. Optimizing resource distribution. #blockchaineducation #bccollective #blockchaincourses #blockchainaustralia #digitalassets #emergingtechnology #decentralization
02.01.2022 Blockchain Collective is excited to announce that the Diploma of Applied Blockchain 10849NAT is now accepting enrolments. This course focuses on the planning, management and performance of blockchain business models deployed on the blockchain. Preparing organisations for transitioning operations to a blockchain network. We find ourselves in unprecedented times. What you do with your time right now will determine whether you merely survive or come out the other side thriving.... There is literally no better time to up-skill yourself by becoming qualified in blockchain, create opportunity or prepare for jobs of the future.
01.01.2022 It is great to be working with Study Gold Coast! Thank you for everything you do for both the students and educational organisations!
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