Blood Orange Foodstore in Hawthorn, Victoria | Speciality food shop
Blood Orange Foodstore
Locality: Hawthorn, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9813 0060
Address: 659-661 Burwood Rd 3123 Hawthorn, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1450
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25.01.2022 FRESH FRUIT & VEG DELIVERY Juicy mangoes Sweet strawberries Crunchy cucumbers Ripe tomatoes and more... #bloodorangefoodstore #freshfruitandveg #sweetstrawberry #juicymango #crunchycucumbers #greengrocer #localdeli #australiangrownproduce #hawthorneast
25.01.2022 Crispy, crunchy, cheesy goodness!!! Herb & Parmesan Frittata for Tuesday lunch or dinner... #bloodorangefoodstore #herbparmesancrusted #potatofrittata #crispycrunchy #cheesygoodness #lunchordinner #melbournecafe #melbournefood #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast
24.01.2022 TASTING TOMORROW @ 9:30AM with our friends from @ataste_of_paris ... A beautiful run through on their best selling French mustards and artisan truffle and flavoured oils Perfect Christmas gifts for the foodie of the family or to impress someone special maybe? #bloodorangefoodstore #atasteofparis #frenchoils #truffleoil #trufflemustard #goldmustard #goldsalt #foodtasting #melbournefoodie #melbournefood #supportlocal #artisanfoods
24.01.2022 Smooth, delicious coffee and a breakfast bun to go please!!! The weather might be ‘meh’ but that doesn’t mean you food has to be too!!! Run in and out and grab some breakfast, lunch or dinner set yourself up for the ultimate cosy Grand Final Day... #bloodorangefoodstore #coffeeandbreakfast #adorecoffeeestate #breakfastbun #eggsandbacon #thesimplethings #grandfinalweekend #melbournerain #breakfastlunchanddinner #yourlocalgrocerystore #yourlocaldeli #melbournewinestore #melbournecafe #melbournecoffee #hawthorneast
24.01.2022 CHRISTMAS HAM Glazed & Original available this year to order... Our Christmas Catering list is available now!!! Call or come in store to organise!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #christmasham #organicham #glazedham #christmascatering #christmaslunch #melbournecatering #melbournefood #hawthorneast #christmas2020
24.01.2022 To our local community & customers... From recent Victorian announcements regarding the ease of hospitality restrictions, as a business and as a whole we have made the decision to remain TAKE AWAY ONLY for the foreseeable future... We remain to offer all of our breakfast, lunch and dinner deli options, CATERING, greengrocer and Foodstore items but we will not have our dine in for the time being.. We still and always strive to offer our locals the best and we’ve especially tr...ied our hardest over these past 7 months.. we ask for the understanding and patience as we will reassess our dine in over the next few months and look forward to the day we have you sit down with us again... Until then, we take everyday as it comes and our main goal is to make it through to the other side... In addition we are currently in the process of our Christmas display and hampers, so watch this space for exciting things to come... and last but not least, our deepest heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone that has supported us during this time.. Day in and day out, those who braved the wet and cold and the unsure and crazy times we thank you Without you all, we honestly would not be here. All our love, Rebecca, Caroline, Simon, Christine, Aldo, Georgia, Tye, Alle and Boston xxx See more
23.01.2022 Honey Soy Chicken Blinis Pure bliss to enjoy in the park... #bloodorangefoodstore #lunchinthepark #springdays #melbournecafe #melbournefood #takeawaylunch #hawthorneast #honeysoychicken #chickenblini
23.01.2022 One week until Christmas!!! last minute yummy gifts, a simple gesture to take to a gathering or something sweet to throw into the Christmas stockings... Wrapped and ready to go gifts are the way! #bloodorangefoodstore #christmasshopping #oneweekuntilchristmas #lastminutechristmasshopping #melbourne #madeinmelbourne #supportlocal
22.01.2022 Finger lickin’ good!!! Our @ataste_of_paris tasting is on!! Come down and try the most beautiful truffle oils and flavoured mustards Also the perfect gift, we’ve got products wrapped and ready to go... #bloodorangefoodstore #atasteofparis #tastinginsession #frenchoils #frenchmustard #truffleoil #trufflemustard #hawthorneast
21.01.2022 FRESH BATCH OF HOUSE MADE TOMATO SAUCE Becky’s been busy cooking up a storm to fill our Christmas shelves!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #tomatosauce #housemaderelish #melbournemade #christmasshelves #yourlocal
21.01.2022 Grab your cheeseboard essentials for the big game today!!! and don’t forget you can grab a bottle of too!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #cheeseboardsofinstagram #cheeseboardgamestrong #grandfinalsnacks #aflgrandfinal2020 #melbournelongweekend #treatyoself #cheeseandwine #melbournefood #melbournewinestore #yourlocaldeli #melbournecafe #hawthorneast
20.01.2022 Christmas shopping during lunchtime!!! Multitask and grab some gifts after a bite to eat It’s only 10 days until Christmas now!!! Get a move on!! #bloodorangefoodstore #christmasshopping #lunchthenshopping #christmasgifts #australianproducts #supportlocal #gifthampers #kriskringlegifts #artisanfoods #melbournecafe
20.01.2022 Aldo re-stocking the Friday goods... sot down for a drink with us or grab some to enjoy at home!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #winestore #melbournewine #licensedvenue #wineanddine #melbournefood #melbournecafe #hawthorneast #australianwine
20.01.2022 The most prettiest BISCUIT TINS you’ll ever see!!!Wrapped and ready to gift away for Christmas!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #christmasgifts #biscuittin #shortbreadcookies #kkgifts #wrappedpresents #itschristmastime #melbournefoodstore #beurrebiscuits
17.01.2022 Pack your picnic basket with one of these delicious kombucha from @libertykombucha ... #bloodorangefoodstore #libertykombucha #kombucha #picnic #packyourpicnicbasket #melbournepicnic #drinks #sunnyspringday #melbourneiso #parkdates #melbournecafe #hawthorneast
16.01.2022 Here’s looking at you... Sit down and have a coffee with us before the afternoon rains... #bloodorangefoodstore #coffeetime #sundaymornings #weekendbrunch #melbournecoffee #coffeeart #latteart #baristadaily #cappucino #melbournecafe #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast
16.01.2022 This is Melbourne for ya!!! A bit of sunshine, a bit of heat, then a bucket load of rain!! we’ve got some small seating inside today for a pit stop coffee and something to eat... #bloodorangefoodstore #melbourneweather #rainydays #melbournecoffee #melbournecafe #hospo2020 #socialdistancingseating #watchingtherain #mondaymornings #yourlocalcafe #coffeerun #adorecoffeeestate #hawthorneast
16.01.2022 We can cater to you!!! Pop in store and grab a copy of our updated Christmas Catering Listing #bloodorangefoodstore #melbournecatering #fingerfood #canapes #ricepaperrolls #prawnricepaperrolls #vegetarianricepaperrolls #birthdaycatering #officecatering #eventcatering #christmascatering #hawthorneast
16.01.2022 Afternoon cheeseboard anyone??!! Grab all your goodies to set yourself up for the perfect picnic or garden treats.. and don’t forget we’ve got some chilled and ready to match!!!
16.01.2022 Peak inside the fridges today.... Chickpea Falafel Salad Gluten & Dairy Free, perfect for lunch! #bloodorangefoodstore #chickpeafalafel #glutenanddairyfree #veganlunch #lunchtoday #melbournecafe #takeawaycoffee #healthylunch #hawthorneast
16.01.2022 MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RUN Throw in some cold iced lattes to cool you down today #bloodorangefoodstore #mondaymorningcoffeerun #sunmerdays #melbournecoffee #melbournecafe #adoreestatecoffee #icedlatte #colddrip #summerinmelbourne #coffeeinthesun #courtyarddining #takeawaycoffeemelbourne #yourlocal #hawthorneast
15.01.2022 GLUTEN FREE CHRISTMAS HAMPER($180) Perfect prezzie for our GF mates out there!! Packed full of delicious sweet & savoury goodies for them to enjoy!! Pop in store or online to see our full hamper range... #bloodorangefoodstore #glutenfree #christmashampers #christmasshopping #christmasgifts #gffoods #gfgifts #morkhotchocolate #wollundryolivegrove #tasteofparis #bloodorangehousemade #puddingsontheritz #glutenfreechristmaspudding #justsweets #ogilvie #melbournechristmas
15.01.2022 Chill out it’s hump day!!! Chilled & ready wines to pour at home!! #bloodorangefoodstore #chilledwines #prosecco #pinotgrigio #aussiewines #frenchwines #melbournewinestore #reverierose #hawthorneast
14.01.2022 Beautiful coffee for a beautiful day Sunday’s are meant for long strolls in the park, coffee in hand and good company... Grab your coffee to go and meet your mates for high elbows to celebrate ALL US VICTORIANS and OUR excellent achievements!! #bloodorangefoodstore #sundaymornings #longstrollinthepark #coffeetogo #takeawaycoffeemelbourne #melbournecoffee #latteart #coffeeart #tulipstack #cappucinolove #melbourne2020 #victorianstrong #covidsafe #wearyourmask #springdays #weekendcoffee #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast
14.01.2022 Good morning MONDAY Hot out of the oven ~ Ricotta, Olive & Parmesan Herb Pastie ~ .... #bloodorangefoodstore #goodmorningmonday #pastrylove #hotoutoftheoven #ricottapastries #oliveherb #mondaybreakfast #melbournecafe #melbournecoffee #hawthorneast
14.01.2022 It’s the 1st of DECEMBER!!! Christmas is officially upon us!!! Organise your Christmas Catering now and order your ham with us!!! Original or glazed We’ll be taking orders with collection right up until Christmas Eve... #bloodorangefoodstore #christmasham #christmascatering #melbournecatering #christmasevepickup #openuntilchristmaseve #originalorglazed #christmasdaylunch #christmasevelunch #1stofdecember #christmastime #getorganised #hawthorneast #melbournefood #melbournecafe
14.01.2022 Be quick before they’re all gone!!! Crowd fave Tuna & Potato Patties Perfect for lunch or an easy dinner #bloodorangefoodstore #tunapotatopatties #lunchordinner #bequickbeforetheygo #melbournecafe #takeawaylunch #hawthorneast #melbournefood
13.01.2022 Perfect spot for lunch... Take a break from the office or home and enjoy lunch with us #bloodorangefoodstore #lunchspot #lunchbreak #melbournecafe #melbournefood #yourlocalcafe #freshsalads #glutenfreelunch #veganoptions #sitdownandrelax #takeabreakfromwork #hawthorneast #melbournedining
13.01.2022 We are officially now within 4 WEEKS TILL CHRISTMAS!!! Come in and explore our whole wide range of Christmas gifts and hampers!!! Each day we will be posting and presenting our range of pre-made hampers to your delight Each one so different and perfect for the receiver! Wine bundles, sweet treat hampers, hot sauce dreams, gluten free friendly and more... Todays is our GOLD AWARD WINNING BLOOD ORANGE HOUSE MADE SWEET + SAVOURY PACK($37.50) Apricot & Passionfruit Ja...m Mango, Chilli & Coconut Chutney... (Plus a big THANK YU to our regs Mark & Kyla from @love.and.other for photographing all of our products!! May have been different to photographing beautiful weddings but we greatly appreciate you guys lending your skills to us) #bloodorangefoodstore #christmastime #4weekstillchristmas #christmasshopping #giftideas #christmashampers #glutenfreehampers #goldawardwinning #housemadejams #housemadechutney #apricotpassionfruitjam #mangochillicoconutchutney #bloodorangehousemade #kkgifts #teacherchristmasgifts #hawthorneast #melbournemade #aussiemade
12.01.2022 Melbourne is surely putting on a show today!!! Grab some goodies from our deli for your picnic date in this glorious sun.... #bloodorangefoodstore #picnicinthepark #melbournesunnydays #springdays #cheeseboardgame #delistore #delifoods #melbournemarkets #melbournecafe #melbournewinestore #chilledchampagne #chilledpinot #chilledwinestogo #hawthorneast
12.01.2022 FRESH BREAD FOR THE LONG WEEKEND from @bromleysbread Sourdough heaven, baguettes that you cant stop eating and specialty flavoured loaves that will be gone in a second!!! The basics and essentials are always here at your local #bloodorangefoodstore #bromleysbread #sourdoughbread #sourdoughbaguettes #fourcheesebread #breadrun #breakfastessentials #breadeggsmilkbutter #yourlocalgrocerystore #yourlocaldeli #eggsandbacon #melbournecafe #melbournefood #hawthorneast
12.01.2022 ALL BOOKED OUT FOR CHRISTMAS CATERING... Available slots for afternoon pick ups on select salads for Christmas Eve until 4:30pm!!! We will have a select amount of extra salads and finger food while it lasts!! #bloodorangefoodstore #christmascatering #allbookedout #freshsalads #openchristmaseve #christmaslunch #closedchristmasandboxingday #melbournecafe #melbournefood #hawthorneast #supportlocal
12.01.2022 Good morning Melbourne!!! We are open right up until Christmas Eve 4:30pm for all your last minute Christmas, coffee and food needs!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #melbournecoffee #melbournecafe #baristadaily #adorecoffeeestate #melbournefoodstore #artisanfoods #openuntilchristmaseve #2020 #hawthorneast #supportlocal #aussiemadeproducts
12.01.2022 LAST CALL FOR CHRISTMAS HAM ORDERS We will have a few extras displayed and up for grabs but to guarantee yours for Christmas lunch call in store to order your original or glazed now!!! Sizes range from small 4-6kg to large 8-10kg... #bloodorangefoodstore #christmasham #ordernow #originalorglazed
10.01.2022 Bring the kids down for some cool drinks and holiday fun in the sun!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #holidayfun #summerdrinks #milkshakes #smoothies #babycinos #funinthesun #melbournelife #melbournecafe #membournecoffee #melbournefood #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast #aussiesummer
09.01.2022 BEETROOT DAILY RITUALS ... Whether they’re in our salads, sandwiches or juice, you’ll always find some here!! Packed full of fibre, folate, iron and more, it tastes bloody amazing too!! Note that our BEETROOT & CARROT SLAW + BEETROOT, SWEET POTATO & FETA SALADS are available for our Christmas Catering Check out our listings online or in store... #bloodorangefoodstore #beetroot #benefitsofbeetroot #beetrootsalad #beetrootslaw #beetrootjuice #christmasdaylunch #christmascatering #christmasfood #melbournecatering #yourlocalcafe #breakfastlunchdinner #melbournedelis #melbournefood #melbournecafe #hawthorneast
09.01.2022 LONG WEEKEND CATERING call in to order delicious bites, salads, sandwiches and more for the long weekend festivities #bloodorangefoodstore #melbournecup2020 #melbournecatering #outdoorgatherings #bbqwithfriends #fingerfoodcatering #freshsalads #fingersandwiches #canapes #cheeseboards #cakeboards #fruitplatters #callintoorder #yourlocalcafe #melbournefood #picnicinthepark #hawthorneast
09.01.2022 The FAILSAFE HAMPER...($47.50) A bit of everything sweet & savoury, perfect in a box with a gift tag to go!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #gifthampers #christmasshopping #housemadejams #housemadechutney #aussiemade #kkgifts #bloodorangemarmalade
08.01.2022 Time to get started on your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!! It’s one month until Christmas!!!You’ll find something for everyone here - for example our HOT SAUCE HAMPER($115) - for those that can take the heat!! Packed full of Melbournes finest from our house made sauces to the best from @melbournehotsauce !!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #christmashampers #hotsauce #melbournehotsauce #chilli #elpatojalapeño #rufusteaguebbq #somethingforeveryone #hotsaucelovers #spicyfood #onemonthuntilchristmas #christmasshopping #christmaspresents #melbournemade #melbournefoodstore #hawthorneast
08.01.2022 Brekkie Cups ~ Coconut Chia Porridge ~ Mango, Raspberry & Chia Bircher ~ Granola Cups #bloodorangefoodstore #brekkiecups #housemadegranola #coconutchia #mangoraspberry #chiabircher #sitdownortakeaway #melbournebreakfast #melbournecoffee #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast
08.01.2022 LUNCHTIME Head on down for some fresh lasagne or pumpkin, broccoli & feta frittata!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #glutenfreelunch #lunchtime #beeflasagne #melbournecafe #melbournelunch #lunchinthesun #hawthorneast
06.01.2022 It’s a sunny cheeseboard kinda day... Grab your hump day cheese platter & wine needs from our deli today ... #bloodorangefoodstore #cheeseboardsofinstagram #sunnydays #melbournedeli #cheeseboard #wineandcheese #melbournewinestore #melbournecafe #melbournefood #hawthorneast #supportlocal
06.01.2022 Have a cheers in our courtyard today!!! whether it’s a juice, smoothie, latte, wine, beer or spritz, we Victorians have to celebrate our case numbers going down!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #cheerstime #courtyarddrinks #mlebournecafe #melbournefood #drinksinthesunshine #summerdrinks #yourlocalcafe #licensedcafe #spritzoclock #beerwinespirits #coffeedate #coffeeinthemorning #melbournecoffee #hawthorneast
05.01.2022 KEEP COOL Hot, sunny days ahead call for a ice cold smoothie to cool you down!!! Strut in the sun with one of these babies!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #hotspringday #smoothietime #keepcool #colddrinks #pineapplemangosmoothie #freshmint #refreshingdrinks #takeawaycoffee #takeawaylunch #melbournefood #melbournecafe #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast #dairyfreesmoothies
05.01.2022 Open everyday throughout January until 3pm.... #bloodorangefoodstore #openuntil3pm #melbournecafe #melbournecoffee #latteart #coffeeart #cappucinoart #aldoscoffee #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast #melbournefood
05.01.2022 Jump online and find a copy of our new and updated catering menus.. Finger food to our full Christmas Catering selection #bloodorangefoodstore #housemadesausagerolls #fingerfood #melbournecatering #christmascatering #christmasham #christmasturkey
05.01.2022 Fresh Beef Baguettes for the park Order or select from our daily lunch options for your picnic dates #bloodorangefoodstore #beefbaguettes #picnictime #melbourneiso #takeawaylunch #melbournecafe #melbournecatering #hawthorneast
04.01.2022 Brekkie to goGrab a coffee and a bite to eat... #bloodorangefoodstore #brekkietogo #melbournecafe #melbournecoffee #hamcheesetomatocroissant #toastieheaven #smokedsalmon #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast #weekendbrunch
03.01.2022 Fresh from Chef Chrissy ... Duck, Asparagus & Mushroom Tart it’ll be up for lunch!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #duckmushroom #mushroomasparagus #chefchrissy #melbournecafe #takeawaylunch #melbournefood #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast
02.01.2022 Fresh delivery of the most beautiful dried edible flowers from @petiteingredient Bring your creative side out and wow your guests with your next edible creation... #bloodorangefoodstore #petiteingredient #driededibleflowers #calendula #rosepetals #driedconfetti #decorativedesserts #cakedecoration #australianflowers #cakegame #melbournedeli #yourlocalgrocer #melbournecafe #hawthorneast
02.01.2022 Melbourne rainy bluescalls for dessert on the couch... Grab some delicious cheesecakes or chocolate mousse #melbournerainydays #chocolatemousse #cheesecakelife #dessertonthecouch #treatyoself #melbournefoodstore #delifoods #pistachiocheesecake #raspberrychocolatemousse #hawthorneast
01.01.2022 Catering Finger Sandwiches to make your picnic or ISO birthdays special Call or pop in store to see what we can make for you... #bloodorangefoodstore #melbournecatering #picnicsandwiches #fingersandwiches #fingerfoodcatering #canapes #isobirthday2020 #melbournepicnics #picnicbasketcatering #melbournecafe #hawthorneast
01.01.2022 Yoghurt & Harissa Marinated Chicken lunchtime cravings will surely be satisfied with this!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #lunchtimecravings #harissachicken #glutenfreelunch #melbournecafe #lunchbreak #diningout #melbournecoffee #lunchdates #yourlocalcafe #hawthorneast
01.01.2022 Presents under $30KRIS KRINGLE? Colleague? Friend? It’s less than a month before Christmas!!! #bloodorangefoodstore #giftsunder30 #kriskringle #christmasshopping #giftideas
01.01.2022 GLUTEN FREE HAMPERS From our Christmas Hamper Range... ~ $180 and packed full of goodies!! You’ll also find in store loads of our smaller gift wrapped products, KK Gifts and more... #bloodorangefoodstore #christmasshopping #christmashampers #onemonthuntilchristmas #giftideas #glutenfreegifts #morkhotchocolate #bloodorangehousemade #glutenfreepuddings #tasteofparis #justsweets #wollundryolivegrove #melbournemade #hawthorneast
01.01.2022 SPICED MEXICAN CHICKEN W/ CHARGRILLED PINEAPPLE SALSA Packed and ready for Friday Night Dinner!!!(note it’s not too spicy, suitable for the kids to enjoy too) #bloodorangefoodstore #spicedmexicanchicken #chargrilledpineapplesalsa #fridaynightdinner #kidswillloveit #melbournefoodstore #melbournefood #melbournedeli #localcafe #hawthorneast
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