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to load big map

25.01.2022 26th lap around the sun I used to dread growing older, but now, within this body, within the skin I am in, this heart couldn’t be more bloomin-happy to be having another solar return. It feels damn good to be where I am. I am so happy to be here, treading this unknown path.... This year has held a lot of pain, a lot of tough lessons & a lot of curve balls & plot twists, but woahhhhh have I learnt the power off a little sass, a little fun & in being willing to do the work of uncovering & showing up for all the different little callings inside, no matter how seemingly ‘small’ or ‘silly’ truly valuing what my soul wants to say & create! Anddddd am I relaxing into the skin I am in or whaaaaaat. (Yas) & the best part about it all is that this is just the very beginning for me, & this creative journey / exploration here with you allthis is the cherry on top. The biggest thing I am taking into the next year is, easy, joyful, lit-up work. Dropping the story that if it’s not hard, if I didn’t sweat with my blood & tears, then it’s not valuable enough and I need to try harder! I’m done with that story, and I am truly ready for more joy, ease, flow, whilst moving in the direction of my dreams with the same fierceness, big-hearted-ness & grit. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for the love. Jessi

23.01.2022 HAPPY PISCES FULL MOON What do you need to let go of, so that you may FEEL free? Pisces wants to dissolve, to be spiritually free, to experience itself within the entire universeand when I asked myself today what it would take to completely feel one with everything that is unfolding within my life on this earth the first word that came to me was TRUST. The second was WORTH. & the third thought I had was deeeeeep embodiment, feeling full of health & vibrancy in body... & mindwhich is Virgo in a nutshell. When the moon comes into her fullness she is fully illuminated, reflecting back the Suns (in Virgo) light. The intentions planted at the Leo New Moon two weeks ago are coming to their fullness. And gawwwwddd that deep relational work that surfaced is running true for me right now & I feel myself completing a huge creative cycle both with myself & with my lover - with Leo being highly creative & collaborative (you can refer to my Leo new moon IGTV for more on this). With this full moon we are being shown; The VERYYYYY delicate dance & balance between deep discipline / structure & flow / letting go. Where we are over-analysing, over-expecting, & over-imposing upon ourselves & others. Where we are striving toward with an expectation of perfecting something, having a particular outcome or seeking wholeness in something external. Where we are rushing to fix or help others or to make discomfort disappear in our own life where are we not allowing others to be free to do their own deep Piscean (watery, feeling, intuitive) work in the world. Ultimately, we can only truly help if it’s first been asked for. Ultimately we must remember this delicate balance and dance between engaging our intuition and deep flow / watery-ness & engaging our awareness of discipline, grounding & structure. This is a delicate dance of creation where form longs for formlessness & visa versa. One can’t exist without the other. Look after your body & heart, take the time you need. Fogginess / numbness / overly harsh thoughts about ourselves & others may be a side effect. Let the tears flow & be close to / drink lots of water. Continued on my blog

22.01.2022 It’s beautiful herein the space between beautiful belly bump sessions, brightening my days. #bloompress

21.01.2022 love for you is sun-drenched afternoons, watering flowers to bloom. happy Taurus moon a full embodiment in the here and now. #astromusings #presence #moonintaurus

20.01.2022 BABY THEA How wild it is that one moment can truly feel so HUUUUUGE. #newbornphotography #bloompress #truelove @ Sawtell, New South Wales

19.01.2022 Thinking of these two constantly this week as they prepare for their right of passage into parenthood. eeeeeek. #bloompress #lovephotography

16.01.2022 You are one of the most powerful dreams a dreamer can dream. Your love emanates out as a direct transmission of soul, a songtraveling through the confines of linear space & reality to always, always get to the essence. You don’t feel love, but are love. Sharing love with another is a direct surrender speaking of wholeness in a language that has to be truly felt to be understood. & feelingsyou have felt, tasted, been consumed whole by them all. No spiritual stone left unturned, you are the background longing in the hearts of many. Whoever you love will dance in their dreams for eternity. Pisces Moon Woman Print Available on my website. #bloompress #fullmooninpisces #piscesmoonwoman

15.01.2022 The journey with you, dear first edition, has been so magic. I can’t believe that I only have two of you left (at @firstavenueboutiquesawtell) You are my constant reminder of evolution, change and growth. Nudging me all the time to tend to you, but ive been processing. It’s to say goodbye to you in this form, wouldn’t have thought this would be the way it has to be, but it is! You are already transforming and I love you so. ... #loveandcigarettesbook #prose #selfexpression

13.01.2022 (1/3) FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS: 1:58am AEST this morning. Gooood morning stargazers. The moon went full in the earliest hours of the morning, calling forward the inner odd ball / revolutionary / humanitarian / collective consciousness mentality in all of us. When the moon is full, it is in the direct spotlight of the sunwhich is in Leo. Together, Leo + Aquarius make up the bridge of individuation through an axis opposition of personal creative expression (Leo) & the co...Continue reading

11.01.2022 I didn’t force it, but something in my heart has reawakened for teaching this invigorating, soulful practice I have created over the past 2 years. This practice keeps me not only in my integrity, trust & power (scorpio intensity, hello!) but it also helps me to soften into being imperfect, and showing up in the world in a way that doesn’t have to be anything in particular. It keeps me in a slip-stream of trusting, of leaning in & in living from a place of ruthless alignmen...t, trusting in my feelingsespecially when it doesn’t make sense. My journey through the last couple of years with yoga teaching has dramatically shifted, placing more emphasis on enjoyment of the practice, and enjoyment of the life force it brings in all its wonderful fluctuations & intricacies from just another thing to be disciplined and focused and serious about. Don’t get me wrong, this served me for so long, when I lacked the tools I needed the discipline. But what a wonderful thing it is to be able to teach the dance of shiva & shakti, the everything & the nothing, the hard & the soft, the pleasurable & the uncomfortable. It’s not one without the other: what a beautiful shift. Every Monday night at 5.15 I share a practice that embodies an intimate journey through the entire 8 limbs of yoga. My teachings integrate mantra, pranayama (breath work), & asana (posture) practice a practice that encompasses classical hatha & tantric lineage & evolutionary astrology. A poetic, soulful fusion, an experience of soul. See you on the mat @solcollective_ & eventually, online in many forms (astrology + yoga) #bloompress #offering #spirituality #creative

11.01.2022 This week has had me on my knees, pushed me to my full capacity, and reminded me of the strength and stretchiness of the heart. Just when I think I can’t possibly feel any more grief / pain / heartache, my heart whispers back I was born to stretch, to feel, to accept, to love, to remain open. More than anything, this week has reminded me of the incredible strength in simply showing up as our vulnerable, squishy-hearted selves & the wonder of leaning further in & not nee...ding to rush the feelings / circumstances away. Also in honouring the grief, discomfort, hurt, shame we feel as a PART of us that is speaking, and not the whole. Although when things come crashing in, it can be hard to see it that way sometimes. All those big vulnerable questions keep running over & over in my mind, why am I in this body? Why do we have to leave this plane? Why is hardly anything up to us in the bigger picture? What is the meaning of all of it? Why do we have to hurt so bad in this life? Each day I feel closer and closer to the answers and further away all in the one. Perhaps none of it is really mine to know for sure. I feel the rise & fall of my breath. The tide, how it breathes me. Take care of your tender hearts, the cosmos are throwing a lot at us in this time

09.01.2022 MOON CONJUNCT CHIRON IN ARIES THE IDENTITY WOUND RE-INTEGRATION OF ALL OF OUR PARTS TO COME INTO A PLACE OF EMOTIONAL SAFETY. Aries is Ego Identity in action, the newborn - learning everything for the first time, the trail blazer & initiator of passion & fire of the zodiac. With this transit I am called to call in messages around the way our own particular identity wounds hold us back from honouring what it is that we TRULY want; feel; need etc. Balanced Aries is a fu...cken FIRE BALL who doesn’t let anyone or anything stop them from their deep mission in the world, to fight for themselves & their creations. Aries is the awareness of I. Aries is the part of us that puts ourselves first, that makes our way in the world having our own hands to our backs whispering I got you always back to ourselves. Somewhere along the way, we all forget to trust our own path, to trust in the trail we are blazing. Or perhaps we think we need to keep blazing on for fear of what that makes us Aries doesn’t hesitate to just begin something else that is new when an old path feels sour, and maybe we look at this as lack of commitment or persistence but; Aries isn’t here to just stick with things for the sake of it, or for the sake of others. How are you avoiding blazing your own trail in the world? How are you not fighting / standing up for yourself when it’s time tochiron (wounded healer as the key to our deepest collective gifts) is presenting this opportunity left right and centre right now in the archetype that represents personal identity, trail blazing, passion, assertion, aggression even. I can’t help but feel like it’s important to touch on anger / impatience / comparison & agitation here. Do you allow yourself to be angry? How do you honour these parts of yourself? On the collective level it would be worrying to see us not experiencing levels of anger / aggression. Maybe your anger, when expressed healthily and allowed to be felt, is a key to a new pathway? Aries unapologetically changes direction / changes things up / asserts identity. You deserve to be seen, to blaze your trail. To even change direction & change your mind. Whilst the moon (our instinctive, reflective, emotional, mothering part of us all) is conjunct Chiron in Aries, things may feel like they are truly coming to a (FIERY HEAD). And I actually can’t help but feel it’s actually a war / battle / dance of anger coming up with our own relationship to our own IDENTITY SELF. Perhaps old parts are begging you to let go so that you may experience emotional freedom. Let the anger bubble, let your tears of frustration set your sees anew. Go get it feel the feels. All the love x Let me know if you need any support or integration, and if any of this resonates in the comments.

08.01.2022 FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS: 1:58am AEST this morning. Gooood morning stargazers. The moon went full in the earliest hours of the morning, calling forward the inner odd ball / revolutionary / humanitarian / collective consciousness mentality in all of us. When the moon is full, it is in the direct spotlight of the sunwhich is in Leo. Together, Leo + Aquarius make up the bridge of individuation through an axis opposition of personal creative expression (Leo) & the coll...ective mind (Aquarius). Oppositions create the necessary friction & challenge for deep change to become possible, & within this oppositionthings may unfold / come into greet us in our reality that shake us up & show us all the ways we are caring too much about what others think of our creations / choices. We must overcome this in order to be able to rise & feel / think on a collective level (when it is not just about us anymore.) There are a few things I wanted to touch on to expand & deepen this, so this may continue into the comments : Aquarius is the Awareness or FREEDOM, in the most everyday, every moment sense of the word & also on the level of equality for ALL. In order for RADICAL evolution to occur, the Aquarian archetype understands & is naturally attuned to be a little more detached in order to be able to do the WORK collectively. You see, I feel this is a very mis - understood & alienated archetype, in that their higher/wider/more expansive & collective level of mind is mistaken for NOT CARING. It’s actually the opposite; as there is a deep awareness of collective dysfunction, not to mention the rapid direct channel of messages from the future that Aquarian energy opens up! In order to do this work of change in the world, Aquarian’s cannot be getting bogged down in the very minuscule dramas of everyday comings and going’s and must be able to stay a level of detached. Make sense to anyone? I am definitely guilty of mis-understanding this in the past, but I am getting it now. SQUARE URANUS IN TAURUS Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, brings in challenges to do with our relationship to enjoyment, to presence, to pleasure, to stability (ctd in comments)

07.01.2022 magic hour baby-moons, exited with @inbloompresets #bloompress #inbloompresets

06.01.2022 I FULLY ACCEPT MY POWER, POTENTIAL & GIFTSSAGITTARIUS MANTRA Did you know that each of my moon-print sets come with a poem AND a mantra print to feed that inner emotional & sensitive part of you? get your blooms + prints from @wildcosmoflowers #collab

03.01.2022 following an invisible trail of heart-booming hunches the inevitable letting go, the depths of it all, my bodythis season... an avalanche of tenderness hello Virgo season. hello perfectionism. hello deeeeep self-discipline. hello purification & cleansing & deeeep embodiment. helloooo getting to all the things we have been meaning to get to. I love to think of the highest expression of Virgo as the natural purity we all have when we are born, we are in essence already all we seek, we are already an embodiment of purity; just all with a few extra layers. More on this embodied energy to come. But for nowexplore those parts of you that you have always longed to. soften in the high-ideals you hold for yourself a little choose enjoyment along the way (the hardest lesson for Virgo!) #bloompress #prose #newwork #newwords #creativity #photographer

01.01.2022 Just quietly having a moment to myself over here in deeeeeeep ‘wow’ vibes, after reading through journals over the last 5 years of my life over the last few weeks. Let me tell you, I have been teleported through my own universe & back. Plunged into the depths of griefre-awakened. Re-learning love for my own heart through holding my old self through all of her struggles, wins, feelings, and deep love and trust for the world. Gawd it’s a tender, beautiful lil existence we One thing I know for sure from it all is that we are created to create. To be here fully. To unravel ourselves through all of the struggles to get to bliss, despite it all. And to choose love, with a capital L, despite it all. Sweet dreams all. Hold your big, tender hearts. Venus in Leo season is BIG. #reflections #byronbay #selflove #creativejourney

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