Bloom with Sarah | Businesses
Bloom with Sarah
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23.01.2022 If you are living in lockdown like I am you will know how important it is to create some anchors in your day. I prefer to use the word anchor as opposed to routine or even ritual because putting a timeframe around things for me at the moment is even too much to comprehend at times. One of my anchors the past couple of weeks is to light a candle, set an intention for the day, write it down in my journal, pull an oracle card and then do some free writing in my journal.... It has bought me so much peace and much-needed clarity at times. This morning the card I pulled was Earth Goddess. "To live the dream, we have to surrender the fantasy." This really struck a chord with me. Having so much time on my hands and finding it hard to be motivated there's a lot of fantasy creating happening in my mind. "The soul requires real-life experience to become fully alive, to have experiences and grow" So given we cannot really live life as we know it at the moment what can I do to bring more of real-life into reality versus fantasy. This means taking action. "Even if you are not sure how your biggest, boldest dreams can come together, you can still ask yourself ... What is it that I can do now?" "You have the power to manifest your visions, to bring your beautiful ideas to life in the world. This is what you are here to do. Remember to love yourself enough to recognise your creative power and use it joyfully everyday." Thank you for the reminder!!! Sarah xxx (Oracle Deck: Love your Inner Goddess - Alana Fairchild)
23.01.2022 Music is my go to most days now. I grew up listening to all types of music and some of my favourite childhood moments have been captured in a song or an album. Sitting on the back deck of a beach house in the Central Coast listening to the Traveling Wilburys, dancing in my school friends bedroom to George Michael and Christmas Eve at family friends listening to Lighthouse Family and so many more.... Music inspires me, empowers me, lifts me up or calms me down. I love that I can change my state in an instant if I choose. When we were in iso last time, I did a lot of dancing to my favourite music and I can see that its going to be a lifeline for me again. I try and be as transparent as I can be about my life and some stories are mine to share and others aren't, but the impact is often more significant in these cases. Unfortunately this story is asking me to be really brave, to dig really deep and capture ever bit of courage I can grab on to. A song that touched my heart this morning is Brave by Sara Bareilles. I love her music and only rediscovered this song on the weekend. You can be amazing You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug You can be the outcast Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love Or you can start speaking up Nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do And they settle 'neath your skin Kept on the inside and no sunlight Sometimes a shadow wins But I wonder what would happen if you Say what you wanna say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave With what you want to say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I wanna see you be brave I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I just wanna see you I wanna see you be brave Everybody's been there, everybody's been stared down By the enemy Fallen for the fear and Take these words and apply them to your life... Where can you be brave and say the words you want to say. Can you share your truth through your marketing? Can you show up so we can see you... the real you? I want to see you... Sarah xxx
22.01.2022 It's ok to feel disconnected from your marketing. But what do you do to get that connection back? When life takes over and you need to take a step back from marketing your business or even if you just need a break it can sometimes feel quite difficult to find your way back.... I have personally experienced this in my own business and also with my clients. I'm happy to be transparent about this, because I know I'm not the only one who feels this. Here are three simple things you can do to help you find that connection or that spark that has been missing. Read your favourite blog post you have written or taken some time to scroll through your social media posts to reconnect and also see evidence of what you have created in the past. If you haven't already created a Purpose, Vision and Mission for your Marketing. You make have this for your business, but I recommend creating it specifically for your marketing. (If you would like me to go deeper on this, please let me know in the comments) Set some clear intentions for your marketing. You can do this for your overall marketing strategy or you can do them for shorter periods of time, they could be weekly, monthly or quarterly depending on how you set intentions. Let me know if you have felt like this or could even be feeling this way at the moment, especially my Melbourne friends who are currently in iso. Sarah xxx
21.01.2022 This is not how I thought I would wake up this morning, but then again you just never know. Part of me is drawn back to jumping into my bed and hiding for the day, but a stronger pull is keeping my upright ready to face the day. Life is so unpredictable at the moment and I have no doubt that many Melbournians have woken up feeling a tad wobbly this morning.... But we are stronger for this experience and we will get through it just as we have all year and come out the other side better for it in the end. Sarah xxx
19.01.2022 Even though this is a reference to my life at the moment it’s also so relevant when it comes to our business and marketing. It takes time and we often have to be patient. How many times when you are launching something new or have something exciting to share you want to share it with the world now!... We go crazy and share it in every place possible and then nothing much happens, which can leave us feeling disappointed and deflated. But when we have patience and keep sharing over time people will start to take notice and momentum will start to build. So have patience, trust & surrender. Keep showing up and it will happen. Sarah xxx #marketingyourway #havepatience #trustyourself
19.01.2022 Over the past six weeks or so, my life has certainly had some ups and downs. I have shared some of it in this space, but most of it is not my story to tell. The outcome is that my life has significantly changed for the foreseeable future. What this has taught me is that life is so precious and we have to grab it with both hands, give it as much love as possible and trust in the process.... It's also given me a new lease in my life, a drive and determination to get more from my life and business which is why I have made the decision to add in another brand to my business and an additional income stream. Bloom with Sarah is still my core business and you will see some changes happening in this space over the coming months as I streamline some of my services and bring them online. Tonight I'm so thrilled to launch my new brand Wellbeing your Way. If you would like to follow my journey with this brand then I would love your support in liking my new page. I love my Bloom with Sarah community and I am so grateful for all your love and support you continue to show me and my business. Much love, Sarah xxx
17.01.2022 Like so many of us here in Melbourne we are still coming to terms with the announcement of a 6 week lockdown. My heart goes out to all the local businesses who have to close their doors again having only just reopened them in the past few weeks. Like always I try and be grateful for all the good in my life which is what I am holding onto right now.... Last time I went inwards and this time I will be more present for my children, showing up more, focusing on my business and helping others be more visible in theirs. Much love, Sarah xxx
15.01.2022 For the past few weeks I have been taking a photo of the sunrise from outside my front door. It began as marker for me as the days went past while we are in lockdown. Some days it’s a small fleeting moment, other days it’s there in its full glory.... What I have learnt is to trust the words that first come to me in the moment, write them and release them into the world with no expectation. Yesterday I began saving them to my highlights, the rest have gone just as they were meant to have .... I will now share them here each morning so I can look back at my growth over time. Your online space is for you first and foremost. Create and write what brings you joy and makes you happy and the rest will happen. Sarah xxx
14.01.2022 On the weekend I went on a date. A lockdown date is a whole different ball game to what I was hoping to experience this year, but I have learned to adapt and go with the flow. We met at a coffee shop that had closed an hour early to what it said on their website. So we went on a hunt for another place, to find everywhere was shut at 2pm on a Saturday. Not fussed we made our way to a local park that also holds lots of sporting facilities. Typically it would be buzzing with peo...ple all playing sport, but this Saturday afternoon it was full of people walking, sitting and playing. There were a few groups breaking the rules, but causing no harm to anyone. They were smiling (yes they had no masks on, but it's so good to see peoples faces) and you could hear them laughing. After a wander around we found a park bench in front of the footy oval and sat down for a little people watching. We had our masks on (such a weird feeling) as we chatted and got to know each other a little better sharing stories about life and observations on the people around us. On the oval was a couple with two huge parrots. They had the most vibrantly coloured feathers with stunning yellow bellies. They were training them to fly over to the stand using a dog lead, placing a bird on the oval fence and then running as the bird flew to the other person on command. Such majestic birds that commanded attention, yet full of grace and calmness. This morning they are a wonderful reminder to me that sometimes we can take a look at life and business from a higher vantage point. We often get stuck in a certain way of doing things. If you specifically think about marketing there are certain formulas we think we need to follow in order to be successful at it. But what if there was another way. What if you decided to do it 'Your Way'. I have finally come to the conclusion that this is how I want to do life and that includes my business and my marketing. So today as I work on my 'Marketing your Way' launch I'm going to imagine myself on the back of a bird flying high in the sky observing what comes to me. I'm not going to overthink things but simply lean in and let whatever lands .... land. Much love, Sarah xxx
14.01.2022 Last night I had the most vivid dreams. This has been happening a lot to me lately, waking up each morning feeling like I have watched an epic movie. This one had three very distinctive scenes. A word of warning; this first scene was pretty gruesome. ...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Yesterday I had a big revaluation about a big event that happened many years ago. If I had listened to the whispers or even seen a glimpse of light, the trajectory of my life would have been completely different. Each and every day we are given the opportunity to make choices, even when it comes to our marketing.... Pause and listen. Pause and look around you. You have a choice to do it your way. Sarah xxx #marketingyourway
13.01.2022 This is me soaking up the rays of sunshine peaking through the blinds after another day in lockdown. It always amazes me what a day can bring but whatever comes my way, no one can take away my smile. My Dad used to always say to me growing up...... Smile and the whole world will smile with you Even though we can’t share our smiles behind the masks that we now have to wear remember to always smile for yourself. Smile from your heart and allow yourself to feel it because at the end of the day that’s all you really need. Sarah
12.01.2022 "Back then... Uncertain. Tentative. Fearful. Today... Bold, Confident. Unstoppable!" I love these words sent to me yesterday by my very dear friend and mentor Angela.... Six years ago I was attending one of my many Retreats with Angela and other amazing businesswomen. I look at this photo today and remember exactly how I was feeling. The key difference is my self-worth. I couldn't find it within myself. I was looking outside of myself for the clues, the validation and the recognition. The key difference was too little self-love. Then I look at the photo I took yesterday morning and I see such a solid foundation of self-love and self-worth. I'm so very grateful that I kept working on myself, kept borrowing the belief in me until I could believe it in myself and most importantly that I have taken the risks to put myself out there in many different ways. By being vulnerable. By being completely raw and authentic. By being me. Please know that if you are feeling a little wobbly today that's completely ok because I am too. What I know differently today through self-awareness is to feel these emotions, let them flow through you and in the process, you will heal and be stronger for it tomorrow. Much love to you all, Sarah xxx
09.01.2022 I just bought the Domain Name "Life your Way". Yesterday was one of those days, you know the ones that start off brilliantly full of hope and possibility. There was watching an inspirational video first thing while drinking my cup of tea, dancing in my bedroom while getting ready and a real sense of excitement for the day ahead.... Then as the day progressed, a heavy feeling began to take over. Triggers were flying at me from every angle and I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper towards my dear friend of late despair. Thankfully I have such astute self-awareness I can literally see myself crumbling and I can catch myself before I fall too deep. I also have around me some incredible people who were able to gently remind me of how far I have come and that I can move through this feeling quite quickly now. A walk and a homemade Passionfruit Syrup Cake from my dearest friend definitely helped a lot. Thank you, my friend. So I got through the night, went to bed early and have woken up feeling great again. But I don't dismiss the feelings of yesterday and always dig a little to work out why I was feeling like I was. This morning I set my intention, pulled an Oracle Card and did some writing in my journal. The card I pulled from Mother Mary Oracle by Alana Fairchild was "Our Lady of Starting Over". And the message that came through loud and clear is that I can start over, but more importantly, I can start over without the limiting beliefs and stories that are on so tight like shackles bringing me back to the same place in my mind and life over and over. I can simply unlock those shackles and dissolve them in an instant. We often think we have to do so much to remove limiting beliefs but self-awareness is often all you need. What I realised while I was writing is that there was a key piece of my puzzle missing in my life. This is I can choose to do 'Life my Way'. It isn't defined by how I used to do my life, it's certainly not defined by the highlight reels of all the lives I see on social media and it doesn't have to be perfect. If you have been around here for a while you know I have a core philosophy when it comes to my business - "Marketing your Way". This simply means showing up through your marketing in a way that feels true to you. I have also just launched Wellbeing your Way. So it makes perfect sense to me now to do life according to Sarah and not anyone else. I will let you know how it goes. Sarah xxx PS I also have the domain name 'Sexy your Way" but I will tell you about that another day
07.01.2022 Last year I was introduced to this life changing question from my dear friend Inna Neal. We were in a Mastermind together with my incredible mentor and friend Angela Raspass. I remember walking through a local park with Inna in Auckland NZ when I was privileged to spend some quality time with her last year and she shared this question with me again & again. I did the same for her. What would be your next best steps in your business if you went in this direction?... What would be your next best steps if you decided to launch this program? What would be your next best steps if you reached out to this person? What would be your next best steps if you wanted to earn this amount of money each month? It’s such a powerful question and the power is in the pause. Gift yourself a moment of silence and drop out of your head and into your heart first. You will be amazed at what is revealed. This is your inner knowing your inner guidance working at its best. Sarah xxx
04.01.2022 Tonight I finished my Vision Board for the next 18months. I haven’t created one in three years. I had such a strong urge the past few days to create a new vision for myself and my kids. It’s feels like a fresh start.... A chance to create a life full of abundance, adventure & growth. It feels healing and uplifting at the same time. Now is time to get into action, let go of the how and have faith that all will be revealed just as it’s meant to.
03.01.2022 It's been a long time since I last posted in this part of my world having made the conscious choice to take time away from social media when we went into iso. The time has come when I feel ready to reemerge and gently ease myself back into this space. I have always felt that we should only create content when we have something of value to share with the world, this is at the core of my 'Marketing your Way' philosophy.... Like so many, time iso was a perfect opportunity to go inwards, to reflect on ones life and to think about how you want your life to look and feel. For me it was the perfect time to work on myself and gift myself the time and space to dig deep and rediscover who Sarah really is. I coined it the 'Love Affair with Myself'. It was a time when I was able to really embody my self-love and self-worth. It was a time when I connected with desires and repressed feelings and allowed them to float to the surface. It was a time when I allowed the true essence of who I am truly shine. It was a time when I became me.... Layers have been stripped back and replaced with joy, peace and true happiness. My business has been pulled apart and put back together with a greater vision full of hope and possibility. The passion that was lost in my life and my business is now back and surging through every cell in my body. And I am so excited!!! Time walking along the beach, capturing my joy in a selfie last week, a photo of a rose when walking the dog and planning for my week ahead which I haven't done in so long are all snippets into my world which is ready for the taking. Sarah xxx
02.01.2022 I am sure I'm not alone is feeling a little out of sorts at moment living in Melbourne. I'm experiencing the roller coaster of emotions and trying to ride through them and not hold onto any of them too tightly. I just heard this in something I was watching and wanted to share it with you today as I these words really penetrated my heart and I hope they will yours too.... "We end up where we are meant to be. And the best thing we can do is give ourselves a chance. The formula is simple. All we have to do is spread our wings & soar. We may not land where we thought we would or when we thought we would, but we will land. And we all find our greatest selves on the journey and when we look back we will remember today as one of anticipation for all that lies ahead and appreciation for all that it took to get here. We are now on our way to BECOMING who we are truly meant to be."
02.01.2022 It's incredible how your life can completely change in an instant. A thought. A realisation.... A choice. A decision. Each of these will have a lasting impact on your life when you really allow them to sink in and when you really integrate and embody them into every sense of your being. This is what has happened to me in the last four weeks and even though I have cried more tears in the past two weeks than I have in 5 years I'm grateful for every tear, for every hard conversation and for being able to take one more step forward with dignity and grace. So what do I do when I feel ready to reemerge and step into life stronger and more determined than ever before... I do what brings me joy!!! I play with flowers and Oracle Cards. And I dig deep to find even more courage to share with the world..... my heart and my soul. Yesterday I created one of my Bloom Activations. I did one earlier this year but didn't share it for fear of judgement. Today I no longer have that fear and in fact, I know that it's important for me to share this with you. Because for every person who may judge there will be many more that will receive exactly what they need from this today and that is way more important to me now. What is a Bloom Activation you may be thinking to yourself? It's simply a sacred grid made out of flowers that I intuitively create. This one was split into four quadrants each representing an aspect of my life. I set my intentions in my journal first and after I created it I drew an oracle card for each of the four quadrants and then journaled on what I received. I found peace, joy and a sense of purpose each time I placed a flower into the grid. The core message I received was; "Now is the time to plant many seeds in my life so when the time is right they will bloom and flourish." This message was simply perfect for me. Today after a pulled a card for a friend, I also pulled one for myself and this is what I got: S T A R S E E D What lights you up? "Once awake, most Starseed souls find it hard to have meaningless conversations, jobs, and relationships. They innately know that there is much more to life and feel that there is 'something more' and get to work. They remain restless until they step into their calling, which is to light up the world with their unique presence. If you are dimming your light to fit in, it is time that you stop and start embracing this unique light that you came here to share." I gratefully accept this calling and will continue to show up in this world, do me and shine my light in the hope that it will inspire and empower anyone who wants to receive it. Much love, Sarah xxx (Oracle Cards: Work your Light - Rebecca Campbell)
01.01.2022 Inspired by a journey I’m embarking on in my life..... What if we began to think of our marketing like our own little adventure a journey we want to take our most aligned clients on. How would it look & feel to you then?... Sarah xxx
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