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25.01.2022 Imagine if you were an influencer for your own brand... Influencers are such great marketing tools as they have built a community. This community TRUSTS them and will invest in nearly anything they tell them to invest in! So if you were an influencer for your own brand, your audience would jump on everything you sold! Sounds great right?... So how do you become an influencer for your own brand? By creating a personal brand! By ensuring your audience knows, likes and trusts you - you will build a community of raving fans that love EVERYTHING you do. Some brands that do this *so* well are: - Confetti Rebels - Kasey Rainbow - Bon Maxie The next time that you say you don't want to show your face on your socials - just think of the possibilities and the power of creating a personal brand See more
25.01.2022 What is holding you back from showing your face on your socials? Is it fear? Do you think your photos aren’t ‘perfect’ so therefore people will judge you? Do you think people you know might judge you? Or is it something else? The truth is, people care a lot less than you think. People are so caught up in their own lives they don’t care if you haven’t washed your hair for 5 days and you put up an Instagram story or photo (I’ve done it many times) ... Although I’m all for professional photography, not every photo on your feed has to look amazing. People want to see authentic, relatable people - and if you’re looking glam in every single photo and insta story? You’re really not that relatable to the average person. And if you’re worried that people you know might find you and judge you... are they taking the leap to follow their dreams and start their own business? It’s likely the answer is no - so don’t worry about them! The results that come from showing your face should *far* outweigh the fear. What is holding you back?
23.01.2022 The Complete Guide to Social Media Success is back - and better (and bigger) than ever I've spent a lot of time refining this guide the last few months, as I wanted to make it something really special for everyone who purchased it. I surveyed some of the previous purchasers about what they thought could be improved - and I've added a LOT more information about:... How to use Facebook Ads for your business and my top tips What NOT to do on social media Using Facebook groups to build your business Building a personal brand + more! This guide is suited to any industry and it includes *all* of my learnings, tips and tricks from various coaching sessions and workshops with business owners that want to learn to excel on social media. Now available - See more
21.01.2022 Thank YOU for your support of my ‘Complete Guide to Social Media Success’ I am so glad that I worked as hard as I did on this, as I've been receiving your feedback on just how much value it includes! This guide will be available on my website ALL the time - so if you want to think about it and come back to it later? It will be there waiting! I'm not someone who will push people into a sale or use scare tactics - I just want to help as many people as I can (which is also... why I've priced this guide at an affordable price point) If you have any questions about the guide and if it's suitable for you, feel free to comment below or send me a DM - I'm always happy to chat Head here to purchase - See more
18.01.2022 Launch week feels... am I right? I think every business owner that launches something has experienced this - whether it's a new product, service or an online course So much work goes into new products or services, so it can be a rollercoaster of emotions once you finally release it into the world. Why did I do this? This is such a stupid idea. So much work has gone into this, what if people don't buy it?... Yay! People love it. I am getting such good feedback and so many purchases. Oh no, the purchases have slowed down. I'm a failure, now I won't reach my goal! We put so much pressure on ourselves as business owners, and this is exactly how I felt during the first launch of my course! I knew people needed it, but would they actually join and invest in themselves? I am so grateful for the wonderful business owners who did join, and answering all of their questions and hearing their feedback has been so rewarding already If you are launching something in your business, this is my advice to you. Don't be so hard on yourself! If you know that this is something your audience needs and/or wants, you will be successful - but it might take time, and you need to be willing to fall and get back up again.
18.01.2022 Do you know who your target market is? This is a question I ask *all* of my clients before I start to work with them. Why? Because it's hella important to know this before you start your social media strategy. Think about it this way, if you don't know who you want to target in your social media posts - how are you going to speak to them? How are you going to address their pain and pleasure points? Spoiler alert - you're not! ... A lot of the time when people are seeing low engagement or crap results on their socials, it's because they have no clue who they are talking to so their content speaks to no one. Get back to basics and figure out your target market - you will see the results! See more
16.01.2022 The last 2 months have been crazy - and not in a good way! I was so busy, I lost track of the amount of ad campaigns I set up. One week I set up close to 10 ad campaigns, and after that week I knew that I had to slow down if I wanted my business to be a long term thing (which I definitely do!) In the last 2 months I have learnt how to use my team more. Previously I was doing 95% of all of the tasks in my business, now I've probably taken that down to 75% and I'm learnin...g my own strengths and weaknesses - which has been *so* powerful. I’m taking a different approach to my business now and only booking in certain amounts of work each week. I’m such a people pleaser so I struggle saying no when someone wants to book something in, but this approach is vital if I want to keep doing good work AND save my sanity So this means that if you want to work with me I will be booking your work in on my next available date. If you don't provide me with everything I need by the deadline? Your work will be pushed back. It has been so helpful already and I'm so grateful that I implemented it! See more
16.01.2022 If you are a product based business - you need to have some sort of 'human' element (or in this case animal) on your feed I'm not speaking about showing your face (I speak enough about that) but actually having humans in your feed using your products! If you just have your products styled in pretty locations, that is great for a nice looking feed - but it doesn't show people how to use it, what it looks like to use it, and how it can help them.... This can be user generated content from your customers, or it can be a lifestyle shoot with models that shows a range of your products with a human touch involved People want to see other people using your product before they become ready to invest and purchase from you! Try it out and see just how many more sales you receive. Photo by me for @bellaoils_forbodymindspirit See more
14.01.2022 I'm going to be honest, I've never been one for setting goals in my business When I started this business I honestly had no idea where it was going to go, so I didn't set any goals... Now? I *know* where my business is now, and where I want it to be in the future - so I'm able to set realistic (and big) goals that will push me into building my dream business ... A lot of the goals I have set have been around my target audience. I am now working strictly in the e-commerce space as that is where I shine and can make the most impact! I also really want to move into the digital products space and I'm currently developing some exciting digital products so I can help more businesses. A lot of small businesses simply don't have the budget to work 1:1 with a social media marketer, so this is to ensure I can still provide valuable support and guidance at a lower price point. Excited? Hell yes I am! Illustration by the incredible @wildthangcreative See more
13.01.2022 I’m still trying to figure out how to answer the question ‘so what do you do’ I think when it comes to 'social media marketing', so many people really have *no* idea what it involves - or what I do on a day to day basis. When I try to explain my job, I have so many people thinking that it is 'easy', or that they could do it and run their own social media marketing business - but let me tell you, it's not as easy as it seems!... I think because each day is so different for me, it's hard to describe what I actually do to people who have no clue what social media marketing actually involves. They don't know the hours I spend writing copy, analysing numbers, communicating with clients, answering enquires, creating content, optimising and SO MUCH MORE Do you have the same problem describing what you do? Can you help me explain my job? See more
13.01.2022 FULLY BOOKED FOR 2020 It feels wild to say that, and I have been putting off this post for a while as I *hate* saying no to people #peoplepleaser - but I am now fully booked for the rest of 2020! That also includes my Ad Setup and Social Media Coaching services. It's been a wild year, and I want to thank every single person who has worked with me this year. I am so grateful that I get to speak to so many different business owners and help them along their social m...edia journey Dream. Come. True. I'm doing some work around my services with the wonderful @amiefinlayson, so coming into 2021 my packages and pricing will change. If you'd like to be on the waiting list for 2021 let me know! See more
12.01.2022 The thing I love most in my business is helping people I know that sounds cliche and is probably most people's first thought when they think about their business - but it truly lights me up to see people taking my advice onboard and really transforming their social media. Whether that is:... - Using their content pillars to post valuable content that speaks directly to their target market - Being more active on Instagram stories and showing their face - Understanding how Instagram works and how they can gain more traction and engagement on their posts I absolutely love it! This is part of the reason I want to coach more people and really help people see social media as something that is 'fun', rather than a chore What do you love most about your biz? See more
11.01.2022 Want more engagement on your socials? Post a photo of you and the cute new member of your family Meet River! This is not an actual social media tip... but it does work
11.01.2022 I thought it was about time I introduced some of my wonderful clients on my feed! First up is the incredible Claire from The New Devine. She is a Facebook Ads client of mine who is honestly a *dream* to work with - because she just gets it. She gets that marketing is more than just some social media posts, she has built a real community on her socials that sell out her art in minutes - which allows her Facebook Ads to really shine She's also on her Instagram stories every day which is #amazing. She is incredibly talented - go and check out her art and enjoy her wonderful storytelling skills!
10.01.2022 Time and time again I see people worrying about how many followers they have on their socials. It's time for a truth bomb - your follower number DOESN'T MATTER What does matter? Your relationship with your followers. If you have 4000 followers that you purchased (PLEASE never buy followers ), or that followed you from a giveaway, but they don't engage with you or really even 'care' about you - you might as well have 0 followers. On the other hand, if you have 100 followers... - and you get 20 comments on each post, are having conversations in the DMs daily, and your followers are in your target market? You've hit a gold mine! Followers are a vanity metric. It was popular to buy followers back in the day, because people would look at your follower number as soon as they hit your profile. But now? Instagram is all about engagement and relationships. If someone lands on your profile and sees you have 10k followers, but then on your recent post you have 3 comments and a handful of likes? I can guarantee you it will turn them off! Something I recommend people doing (especially if they have had Instagram for a few years) is going into their followers and clearing out people that aren't in their target market or don't engage with them. Yes, you will have fewer followers, but your followers will be the RIGHT people that will actually purchase from you in the future - and engage with your content. Focus on relationships first, metrics second
10.01.2022 Thank you so much to the lovely Jen from Simply Smarter Numbers for having me on her podcast! We chatted all about outsourcing your social media - when, why and how + my business journey so far Check it out on your favourite podcasting app!
08.01.2022 New service offering - Social Media Content Boost You might have seen on my stories recently that I am no longer offering social media management. Social media management was my first service I ever offered, and has been a big part of my business - but when I thought about the impact I wanted to make and how I could best help business owners, social media management was not the way forward! Strategic content creation is still one of my favourite things to do, therefore - ...the Social Media Content Boost was born! This package includes: 1 month of strategic Facebook and Instagram content, ready to plug into your social media scheduler and go 4 posts per week written for you including copy, links, images and Canva graphics created Strategic hashtags researched and supplied to you for each post Content prompts supplied to help you build your personal brand So if you're an e-commerce business owner who wants to retain control over their community building - but you want to take away the stress of creating the perfect social media post to promote your products and brand story? This is for you! Now taking bookings for 2021, send me a message for more info x
07.01.2022 I speak to a lot of people who are wanting to start investing into Facebook Ads, but they're scared. They are scared because they have no idea what they are doing (which is totally understandable), but also because they don't know if they are 'ready' for Facebook Ads! Today I am going to tell you 4 things you NEED before you start Facebook Ads A quick disclaimer, you can start Facebook Ads before you have a few of these things - but for best results (and for the results see my clients getting on my socials) these things are vital 1. Your Facebook Pixel Installed - now this is NON-negotiable. Your Facebook Pixel sits on your site and tracks everything that happens - website visitors, purchases, add to carts, leads etc. The sooner you get this on your site (even if you aren't ready to dive into Facebook ads) the better as this will start building up data! 2. Know Your Target Audience - when I take on clients I always ask them for their target market in their onboarding process. Some of the time they say they have no clue! To know what audiences to use on your Facebook Ads you *need* to know who you want to target. You also need to know their pain and pleasure points so you can speak directly to them through your copy. 3. A Warm Audience Ready To Buy - if you have no social media presence, 0 website traffic and no email list? You're not ready for Facebook Ads! I always recommend warming up your audiences through organic marketing techniques before investing in Facebook Ads. 4. High-Quality Creatives - you need a range of quality creatives to use on your Facebook Ads. Usually this means photos or videos from a professional photographer! It totally depends on what your audience resonates with, but through my experience I've found lifestyle shots work the best on ads! See more
06.01.2022 Want your Facebook Ads setup in a day? If you're an e-commerce business owner who has tried to do their own Facebook Ads, but feels completely overwhelmed and like you are wasting your time - I have the solution! My Complete Ads Setup in a Day is a service that will save you time, money and stress. You'll book a whole day in my calendar to set up full funnel campaigns that will set you up for Facebook ads success!... No monthly commitment Duplicate the campaigns, audiences and ads to use over and over again Also includes a 30 minute call with me after the ads are setup to answer any questions I have loved offering this service to so many business owners this year, and I am now taking bookings for 2021! Send me a DM for more info x
03.01.2022 eCommerce Brand Builders is OPEN!!! I feel like I've been waiting for this day forever, so I am so excited that it is finally here! Head here - to read the sales page which will tell you everything there is to know about the course. If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to send me a DM and we can chat about whether the course will be right for you. The doors will be open until 7pm this Friday the 5th, and if yo...u miss out on this round of the course - the next round won't be until July AND the price will be slightly more expensive, so I'd love for you to join me for the first round of the course. I've also added a BONUS for anyone who joins before midnight tonight - get my Facebook ads guide 'Paid Ads to Product Sales' for FREE (valued at $55!) This will be the perfect guide to dig into at the end of the course to elevate your results even further. I can't wait to meet all of you wonderful e-comm legends, and guide you on your transformational journey to social media success! Get ready to feel confident on social media, stop wasting time and start getting the results and revenue that you deserve.
02.01.2022 When people speak about 'competition' in the online business world, I honestly don't understand what they mean I will admit, when I started my business I had no idea just how supportive and inspiring other ladies would be, and I did think that there would be a lot of competition - but I have experienced the complete opposite! I know that I wouldn't be where I am in my business today without the support and inspiration from other women. Not only in the form of coaching and d...evelopment, but just someone that I can ask questions, celebrate wins, or just share the struggles of online business ownership Instagram group chats, Facebook groups, voice messages - I know it sounds silly, but without these I know that I would've given up on my business a long time ago! I'm so grateful for every single person who has given me a helping hand and showed me friendship. So many women inspire me everyday, and that is what I'm celebrating today on International Women's Day!
02.01.2022 When it comes to social media, there is *so* much information and advice available - how do you know who to trust and what advice to follow? I'm not going to come on here and say my advice is better than someone else's, but I will be giving you some tips to make sure that when you do follow social media advice OR invest in paid social media help - you can be sure that the source is trustworthy and you will get results. 1. Make sure that the advice is targeted to your specif...ic business. A lot of the advice out there is very general, and there's nothing wrong with that - but it means that that specific advice or course might not be completely suited to you, and you won't get the results you are after 2. Does the person you are taking this advice from have experience in your field, and results to back it up? No, I don't mean university degrees - I mean hands on experience with businesses like yours and achieving REAL results. 3. Do you actually like this person? This might seem strange, but especially if you are investing into a paid course or mastermind - you want to make sure that you actually enjoy the way this person teaches, and you like their energy. There is nothing worse than investing in a program of someone whose personality you don't gel with Now it's time for me to plug myself.. it is launch week after all! eCommerce Brand Builders has been created specifically for eCommerce business owners, so you know the advice is targeted to you and the stage you are at in your business! I'm also not coming into this with no experience or results - I've achieved amazing results for my clients like completely doubling their sales since I started working with them Don't take my word for it, have a look at some of the testimonials in this post and see for yourself! And if you like me.. well that is something you need to decide for yourself. Just know that the course will be filled with a lot of LOLs, banter and good times! Join eCommerce Brand Builders NOW -
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