Blue Butterfly Healing Centre in Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health
Blue Butterfly Healing Centre
Locality: Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 409 914 987
Address: Macquarie Chambers, 69-79 Macquarie Street, Upstairs Room 19 2830 Dubbo, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Soul's A L L T H I N G S S P I R I T U A L ***** F R I D A Y *****... Did you know that male & female energy centers spin in different directions, because of the different polarity's of the feminine and masculine that make up our human Psyche such as the yin and yang, that resides in all of us etc . Our energies spin polar opposite. Here is a link that explains this further The quickest way to activate your chakra's and get them moving ,spinning is to receive some energy healing like a Reiki practitioner or you can start by doing a short guided chakra meditation at home. Some other simple tips you could do right now, is to ground yourself and connect with nature, so standing barefoot in the grass or dirt, whilst visualising light filled energy coming through your crown chakra like a cone and cylinder running through your body filling up with light and see it expanding. By doing this it will connect you to the life force energy called prana. Try it for yourself and connect to your body, feel the different energies shifting giving you a sense of lightness and out of the dull stagnate energy. Wishing you all a Magical Day! MwahXx
24.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's What is serving you? What is nourishing your soul?... Sometimes it is so hard to walk away from people, places and things that you know are no longer serving you. But it is possibly, when we start aligning ourselves with our worth, our values and honouring our needs. When we decide that we matter that we are just as important. So often we make excuses for other other people in our lives, we even often justify their behaviour towards us. all the while diminishing our light, and our needs. When we show up for ourselves, stand in our own power and honour who we truly are as a beautiful divine spark of the universe and just as worthy as any one else on this planet. We create this beautiful sacred space around us and only those that are in alignment with us stay, the rest will just fade away or they will meet you where you stand. Wishing you all a Magical Day! MwahXx
24.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls Some words of inspiration if your feeling a little lost Keep pushing forward with love Keep showing up for yourself and do wants right for you to bring yourself back into alignment. ... Mental Health Monday MwahXx
24.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Soul's H A P P Y F R I D A Y Have you taken advantage of my September specials yet?... With only a week n a bit to go till September is gone. Book Now , to get these offers Promo Offer $20 OFF Psychic Medium Readings Receive a FREE Gift when you book in for a Chakra Tune up & Assessment All you need to do is go to my website, book & pay at the same time and your in. DON'T MISS OUT ENDING SOON
24.01.2022 T H R OW B A C K T H U R S D A Y No one said that change was easy, but the rewards are far greater than the small discomforts along they way. MwahXx
22.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's Happy Sunday!! Imagine the kindness we give to little children & puppies, the plants how we look at them, interact with such joy and wonder.... Now imagine if we could be like that with each other, to a complete stranger, do a simple act of kindness. Imagine further, how kind are we to ourselves?? While your enjoying your Sunday where ever you are and every day of course not just today. Lets spread loving kindness with every thought, action and behaviour. Watch the magic, as we all grow and blossom. It feels good, right! I am smiling already. MwahXx
21.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls Don’t let anyone steal your Sunshine Your Vibes Or your Truth ... Enjoy your weekend MwahXx
21.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's S E R V I C E S W E D N E S D A Y'S At Blue Butterfly Healing Centre we go by these code of ethics and honour the unique journey of each individual.... We support, guide, tailor you a package to suit your needs and your current circumstances. Together we help support you in becoming a better version of you. For more information and bookings go to or phone 0409914987
21.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Souls Today’s Mantra Whatever life throws at me I can handle it... Wishing you all a Magical Day MwahXx
20.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's S E L F L O V E Today's Mantra... You are Loved You are Enough Wishing you all a Magical Day! MwhaXx
20.01.2022 Full Moon Reading for the collective as a whole, Aries is the starsign the moon is in, auspicious time for better communication and connections with family, friends and intimate partners. Can create conflict and your shadow side coming to the surface, but not to worry, it is a chance for you to heal, forgive. Big plans you can set in motion, great full moon to manifest your greatest desires.
18.01.2022 How is this for a good vibes rockin table
17.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Soul's S E L F R E G U L A T I O N With self regulation, your on your way to self mastery, you are able to feel the feelings that come up, but at the same time you are able to detach to the emotions, such as witnessing it, allowing it to come to the surface, but you are also able to respond to it in any given situation, rather than react. ... This is a way of self expression in being your most authentic assertive self. When being in this state you are much more able to release it but understand why. If you would like to move towards self mastery, check out my website for the list of services I offer that may be able to help you. Wishing you a magical Day! MwahXx
17.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Souls All Things S P I R I T U A L T H U R S D A Y ... What does F R E E D O M look like to you Many people have a different perspective of what freedom is for them Whether that may be emotional or physical etc it could be something else What have you got in place or working towards to achieve that Open discussion
16.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Soul's A l l t h i n g s S p i r i t u a l F R I D A Y... Once you get to a place where Synchronicity & Serendipity are occurring with increasing frequency you are magnetizing yourself to your new future. Dr Jo Dispenza Wishing you all a Magical Day! MwhaXx
15.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's T R U S T Today's Mantra... Whatever comes my way, I know I can handle it. Wishing you all a Magical Day! MwahXx
14.01.2022 Today is International PEACE DAY, You cannot have peace within yourself, unless you have love & compassion within your heart.. Be Kind Love & Blessings ... MwahXx See more
13.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Soul's S E L F C A R E T U E S D A Y Learn to prioritize YOU... Signs of a Burnout: *Emotional & Physical exhaustion *Feeling cynical about work *Irritable towards others *Lack of focus & motivation *Insomnia or lack of sleep * Being preoccupied with work outside of work. *Alcohol & substance misuse *Physical symptoms, like headaches muscle tension, tummy issues * Anxiety & Depression setting in All these symptoms and more can be signs of a burnout. Often this is created by putting too much pressure on ourselves or pressure from outside sources and not having firm boundaries in place for our own well-being Forgetting about taking care of ourselves, setting standards of self care and prioritization of YOU time. Not being aware of our limits can all be contributing factors. Often people with high standards and perfectionism, wanting to please others to the detriment of themselves can be at risk and vulnerable to burnouts. Learning to prioritize you without feeling guilty because you matter and you are worthy of time out for yourself. Wishing you all a magical Day! MwahXx #selfcare #wellbeing #boundaries #priorities #selflove #selfworth #honorthyself
12.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's C O U N S E L L I N G S E R V I C E S I offer a holistic counselling service, ... person centered approach to examine your concerns in a safe, non-judgmental environment with compassion, empathy and unconditional positive regard. Creating a sacred space for you to rediscover the best version of you. Bringing you the freedom of self expression to feel heard and validated. Develop key strategies, practical tools to take home. BOOK A SESSION WITH ME TODAY Sharon Carroll
12.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Soul's When we are unapologetically presenting ourselves in the most authentic light, we are showing up, standing in our power, being present in our bodies. Not only are we honouring our truth and emotional needs. We are coming from a place of heartfelt honesty within ourselves. ... Wishing you all a Magical Day! MwahXx
11.01.2022 10 ways to show up for yourself and not feel like a failure
11.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Soul's S E L F C A R E T U E S D A Y Be the love you never received,... Make time TODAY to give yourself some loving nurturing kindness. You deserve it! MwahXx
11.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's Today's Mantra "I create my own Happiness & Joy."... Wishing you all a Magical Day! MwahXx
10.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's G R A T I T U D E Such the most simplest of pleasures can reach our hearts with gratitude.... Today give thanks to the many blessings you have in your life. You will definitely notice the change. Wishing you all a Magical Day! MwahXx
10.01.2022 Wow old memories With Kym Coon when it was the ATMA Holistic Centre I am back in this Beautiful space... Our little Healing Hub again after 11 years Currently now in a different room Macquarie Chambers Room 19, 69-79 Macquarie Street Dubbo NSW 2830 Carol Macrae, Christie Eves, Rebecca McDonald, Lucy Spora, De from Itty Bitty
08.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls M e N t A L. H e A l T h MONDAY ... Often we get so caught up in our own head about things that people did or didn’t do to us We get caught up in the anger or frustrations of other people’s actions & behaviours including ourselves we can internalise and have conflict We my feel deeply hurt or betrayed or even a sense of sadness or regret or aloneness This song comes from the origins of an old Hawaiian Prayer By playing this in the background or you can be consciously aware and sing to it. What this does on a sub conscious level helps you to shift your vibration coming back to your heart space filling you up with deep love compassion, acceptance and gratitude Takes you away from all the busyness of your head and away from the story that may not be serving your highest good The other benefits this beautiful song gives you is a sense of calm and safety and can bring your nervous system back to a harmonious state. Thank you Carol Macrae for finding the link for me xx Enjoy MwahXx
08.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Souls Today’s Mantra My Will & Divine Will are One.... I am connected to the abundant flow of the Universe & easily manifest my dreams. Wishing you all a Magical Day MwahXx
08.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Soul's Do you want to bring harmony and balance back into your life? Do you want relief from pain? Reiki ... clears toxins from the body. It creates a space to release emotional blockages & allows for self healing. Reiki induces deep relaxation, bringing calm and peace to your nervous system. Give yourself permission for some R & R. Your soul will thank you for it. BOOK A SESSION WITH ME TODAY
07.01.2022 Good Afternoon Beautiful Soul's S O U L W H I S P E R I N G S #listentoyoursoul... I just love this quote! YOUR SOUL is always going to whisper your truth back to you. Your soul wants, whats best for you. And if you try and silence its voice, eventually the whisper will become a ROAR....... Quote by ~ Lacey Johnson~ Think about it how many of us do this to ourselves from time to time. Much Love MwahXx
07.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls T H R O W B A C K. T H U R S D A Y
07.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Souls H A P P Y S A T U R D A Y Get your Happy’s on Today... Get moving & shifting your self into those good high vibe feels. Moving the body helps you shift those stagnant energies of lack, stuckness & sluggishness. As you begin to move your body, you will start to feel a sense of lightness & freedom. So get out there and start grooving. Let’s rock it today and shift ourselves in to happiness. Wishing you all a Magical Day MwahXx
05.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Soul's Do you want a NO bullshit, NO fluff, NO sugar coated fairy dusted reading.? Perfect! You have picked a winner with me.... I tell you how it is. If you want to know how to move forward with your life and how you can heal to get there. BOOK A SESSION WITH ME TODAY Psychic Medium- Channeled Guidance Sharon Carroll MwahXx
05.01.2022 International Peace Day May you find a little peace in your heart today The change you want to see in the world starts with you Love & Blessings ... Namaste See more
03.01.2022 "Perhaps, the butterfly s proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness yet become something..... B EA U T I F U L " MwahXx
01.01.2022 Good Morning Beautiful Souls F E A R Don’t let fear get in the way of becoming the person you always wanted to be.... You’re Got this Everything you need to succeed is inside of you. Wishing you all a Magical n Postive Day! MwahXx
01.01.2022 What if one day you come to the realization that you never again have to explain yourself away to anyone anymore, or that you no longer must carry ... the burden of another’s false perception of you or your own perceived inadequacies and you could relax, finally, in knowing you’re incredible in the light you are standing in at this moment. And what if you go on to not care about the judgments someone else might havethat your life is not full or amazing enoughor that you no longer feel the need to endlessly apologize for being human? That day has been graciously waiting for you to begin swimming in its warm waters of love and acceptance. ~ Susan Frybort Photography: Natasha Cattelain #inspiration #joy #positivity #joyinyourspaces #joinus #strongertogether
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