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Blue Fin Aquatics

Phone: +61 411 631 881


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25.01.2022 BFA: F2 Discus Pigeon: 6mths old and colouring up very nicely. We have some stunners from this year’s breeding. We will be doing cross breeding next year to get the best that we can produce from our breeding stock. #Crossbreeding #Strainsofcolour #Doubleredpigeons #SeaofRed #Stunners

23.01.2022 BFA: F2 Red Pigeon Juveniles. 5 weeks old and their colouration has deepened. This F2 are growing and eating well. We have started feeding them our protein beef mix and they have embraced it well. #Deepred #Newfood #Discusjuveniles #Colouration #Developingwell #BFAprotienbeefmix #Doublereds Follow us on Instagram by clicking on the link below to stay up to date.

14.01.2022 BFA: Red Breasted Flag Cichlid Fry (Laetacara Dorsigera) Growth rate has been fairly slow. Now at 2 mths old they are approximately 2cm long, and the next couple of mths we will be for filling the list of clients who have been waiting for these unique cichlids. Uniquecichlids #Smilingcichlids #littlesmilers #Dwarfsmilingcichlids Dwarfies #Formedpairs #Dayaway #Swimfree #RedbreastedFlag #Cichlids #Finexcercise Follow us on Instagram by clicking on the link below to stay up to date.

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