Blue Mountains Japanese & Oriental Therapies in Katoomba, New South Wales | Alternative & holistic health service
Blue Mountains Japanese & Oriental Therapies
Locality: Katoomba, New South Wales
Phone: +61 420 242 972
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24.01.2022 Using Gold and Silver needles in practise today. Due to the differing valency of the two metals, an ionic charge is established between the two points needles. This charge greatly enhances the flow and circulation of qi. Bringing out the gold and silver today to treat a stubborn liver condition. circulation of qi. #polaritytherapy #polaritymedicine #ion #gold #silver #needle #traditionaleastasianmedicine #bluemountains #meridiantherapy #japanesemedicine #qi
23.01.2022 PART 3 of 5: Paracelsian Causes of Dis-Ease 3: Wrong physical habits, resulting in the corruption of natural processes, will ultimately endanger life. Paracelsus said that we 'must relearn the art of normal living'. In this precept Paracelsus touches on the psychological approach that a patient needs to have towards his own healing. ... A practitioner can continually give a therapeutic medicine or treatment, though if a patient is not willing to conquer certain lifestyle habits, their healing will be compromised. And depending on what these habits are, they may be very injurious to health. This cause of disease is important to both practitioner and patient. The practitioner must gently guide the patient to a place of strength so that in the right moment the patient can overcome these weaknesses; and then, the patient must step forward. Examples include disregard for natural laws relating to food and digestion, excessive use of substances, mental and emotional indulgences and even the company that we keep. #paracelsus #causesofdisease #disease #diseaseprevention #holistichealth #holistichealing #artofliving #strengthsandweaknesses
22.01.2022 Turkey Tail Tincture My Wild Crafted Turkey Tail Tinctures are now available to purchase These are a dual extracted tinctures are made from mushrooms harvested amongst the pristine Blue Mountains wilderness. There is plenty of information available on the benefits of these mushrooms, though Turkey Tails are particularly well known for their immune boosting capabilties. They can aid in recovery from the cold or flu and fight infections/diseases. Turkey tails also contain ...prebiotics and assist in maintaining a healthy gut. This extract is best taken during the day, as all my trial patients have reported a large surge in energy after taking! 50ml - $20, 100ml - $35 #medicinalmushrooms #turkeytail #mushroomextract #foraging #forager #wildcrafting #wildcraftedmedicine #bluemountains #traditionaleastasianmedicine #traditionalmedicine
22.01.2022 COLLOIDAL SILVER ~ Now Available!! So excited to finally have Colloidal Silver available to you all. It has been in the makings for a few months, though now the product is ready to go! Silver has been used for thousands of years to treat bacteria and viruses in the body. When minute amounts of ionised silver are suspended in water, they bind with pathogens in the body and aid in their removal. Because of its antibiotic properties, colloidal silver can be used to prevent bacteria and viruses and help you recover more quickly from these types of illnesses. Colloidal Silver can also be applied topically to sanitise hands, clean wounds, heal many types of rashes and diffused to sanitise the air. Silver was a common remedy for many ailments until the creation of antibiotics. Funding and research was then directed into products which could be patented and sold commercially (unlike silver). 500ml - $25, 1L - $40. If you return your bottle to be refilled, you will get $5 off. DM to order
22.01.2022 Behind the Scenes: a late night picture of mid-week research. Always looking for the most effective ways to help my patients. #alwayslearning #medicine #traditionaleastasianmedicine
18.01.2022 DU20, One Hundred Convergences ~ an absolute classic point. Du-20 is an extremely powerful and moving point. Located at the very top of the scalp it is the most yang point on the body and is used to draw qi upwards, to strengthen yang and calm the mind. Here, this point is being used as part of a hernia treatment (where the ability of the body to draw up and hold in is compromised). Also used for concentration, loss of consciousness, dizziness, prolapse of any kind, haemor...rhoids and exhaustion to name a few. #japaneseneedletherapy #needling #traditionaleastasianmedicine #japanesemedicine #meridiantherapy #yang #hernia #qi
18.01.2022 3 NATURE- BASED LAWS TO REFLECT ON DURING LOCKDOWN. 1 - NATURE INHERENTLY RESTORES BALANCE TO DISHARMONY A dammed river will eventually overflow, 'weeds' will regenerate over-farmed lands, fungus will transmute poison to medicine. No matter how 'bad' things seem, balance is always returned.... 2 - ALL THINGS PASS Flowers and fruits wither, day turns to night, droughts are broken, flesh returns to earth. Good and bad are objective. Remembering this passing nature helps us to avoid living these 'good and bads' in extreme. 3 - NO MANDATE OR RULE CAN STOP THE CYCLES OF THE NATURAL WORLD The wind still blows, rains still falls and the sun still shines. Time in nature will give you solace through it's unwavering consistency and ability to connect you with natural laws well above any made by man. Finding our place in the natural world brings peace and power to a struggling heart. No rule can limit these natural laws inherent in us. #nature #naturemedicine #outside #lockdown #naturallaw
18.01.2022 After working with these bio-resonance units for the past six months I have been amazed by the results they have helped my patients achieve. I recently invested in a few more units, so I now have some spaces available for those who are interested in doing some detoxification. DM for more information. #bioresonance #spooky2 #rifemachine #rife #detox #spring
18.01.2022 Ling Shu 71: "The Dao of management of the needle is to be focused and centred. One must be tranquil and quiet." Needling is so much more than just point selection. Focus, technique, attention. #lingshu #spiritualpivot #eastasianmedicine #tcm
17.01.2022 Where there’s stagnation, there will be pain. Remove the stagnation, and you remove the pain. Cupping creates a light suction on areas of tension in the body which helps to break up stagnation and increase the flow of blood and qi. Cupping is probably best known for its ability to relieve muscle tension, though it has many other uses; it can used in the treatment of cold and flu, as it stimulates the immune system by activating white blood cell production, breaks up phlegm ...and eases congestion. Cupping is also used for musculoskeletal conditions, pain, digestive issues, fevers, and menstrual complaints. Many athletes use cupping as the increased blood flow allows their muscles to heal and recover more quickly. #cuppingtherapy #cupping #stagnation #blood #qi #bloodandqimovement #traditionaljapanesemedicine
17.01.2022 Wishing all my patients and their families a very happy holiday season. Thank you for your trust, willingness and dedication to your health. Your ongoing support has given me another wonderful year in practise. It really is a privilege to support you all on your journey. May 2021 bring you all peace, joy and much happiness. Practise will resume February 1st. This beautiful picture was gifted by the very talented @mildrednme
16.01.2022 Moving Blood, Moving Qi. #cuppingtherapy #cupping #blood #qi #bloodstagnation #soremuscles #immunesupport #healthybodyhealthymind
16.01.2022 EYE CONDITIONS - this treatment may look quite unusual, but it certainly gets some amazing results. These are glasses made with Walnut shell inserts. In front of the shells is a small cage designed to hold moxa. Once the Moxa is ignited, a gentle heat warms the shells and penetrates deeply into the eyes and brain (no coincidences here that the Walnut itself looks like a brain?). Patients find this extremely relaxing, and usually get a good giggle when they realise that I am serious too. Effective for Tired eyes, Fatigue, Bells Palsy, twitching and drooping eyes, cateracts, blocked ducts, conjunctivitis, styes, itchy eyes and allergies to name a few. #eyeconditions #eyes #moxa #moxibustion #walnutglasses #traditionaljapanesemedicine #traditionalmedicine #bluemountains #tiredeyes #fatigue
15.01.2022 You might be surprised by how few needles I generally use in a treatment (there are so many other strategies that can be used first)... Knee conditions however, are one of the rare occassions when the needles get a work out. The knee is a complex meeting point where many meridians, tendons, ligaments and muscles are all passing through. The joint deals with a lot of stress and pressure. This picture was of the treatment of a Baker's cyst. Needles are placed to activate qi and blood flow into the area and the Infrared head lamp provides a penetrating heat to speed healing and reduce inflammation.
15.01.2022 And out of the darkness of winter, Spring arrives. #spring #liver #tcm #japanesemedicine #eastasianmedicine
15.01.2022 There are some wonderful advantages to social media - the sharing of information, finding others with similar interests, hearing about events etc. The reality however, is that social media is built around profiting from your time. Everything about the platforms and the devices that we use them on, are designed to keep you more engaged, even to the point of being addictive. Wry neck, sleep disturbances and even arthritis from device use is a clinical reality. How can we cut on our screen and social media time? ~ Set designated screen free areas of the house ~ Set screen free times of the day (especially in the hours before bed, as blue light can dramatically affect the secretion of melatonin) ~ Turn off notification settings, and hide apps ~ Use apps that monitor the time you spend in front of a screen and that can close down programs when you have exceeded a particular time limit ~ Choose activities that don’t involve screens such as walking, time in nature and socialising. ~ Purposefully leave home without your device I love this picture by local artist @_lolasart - It captures so beautiful the disconnect that these devices can bring in our attempt to live in a ‘connected’ world. #screentime #screenfree #socialmediadistancing #bluelight #sleepdisorders #nervoussystemregulation #connection
15.01.2022 Bone Broth - The change of seasons can be quite difficult on the body. Last week snow was falling and this week high twenty’s are forecast It is more common for sickness to occur during this time of year than in the heart of winter, as the body is under strain to regulate to its changing surroundings. A well made bone broth is high in nutrients and minerals and considered in oriental medicine as a ‘qi energy tonic’. It helps digestion, immunity, relieves inflammation and s...trengthens the bones. I’ve added some fresh greens, coriander and lemon juice to support the Liver. When making broth it is best if you can source organic bones. #bonebroth #soulfood #organic #qi #tonic #immunebooster #foodtherapy #letthyfoodbethymedicine
15.01.2022 GERM THEORY VS TERRAIN THEORY - Germ theory and Terrain theory are two radically different approaches to not only the treatment of illness, but also the capacity we have as individuals to take control and autonomy of our health. Germ theory proposes that the cause of illness stems from external germs which invade and damage the body, hence causing disease. Following this directive one is left to disinfect all possible 'germs' in the surroundings and make an attempt to kill a...nything that enters. Terrain Theory proposes that when the body (or terrain) is in balance and resilient, germs cannot penetrate. The ability of the body to detoxify is optimal and immunity is strong. This theory places us in a position of power when it comes to dealing with our health - We are not waiting to get sick or waiting for some kind of 'cure', we are actively nourishing and maintaining our terrain so as to prevent illness. Terrain theory is has been understood in Oriental Medicine for thousands of years. When the roots and constitution are strong, disease cannot manifest. The point being Moxa'd here is REN 6 or The Sea of Qi. This is an important point to tonify and lift qi, warm and restore yang and fortify the Kidneys. Boosts energy and vital in the treatment of deficiency conditions such as chronic tiredness, weakness, debility, exhaustion, and weakened immunity. It can be used in chronic and serious health conditions to help general health and enliven the patient. #terrainmedicine #terraintheory #terraintheoryofdisease #germtheory #germvsterraintheory #roottreatment #medicalautonomy #traditionaljapanesemedicine #constitutionaltreatment #moxa #moxibustion #immunesupport #bechamp
15.01.2022 Treating babies and children is my favourite these are some of the tools I use. Perhaps they look a little intimidating, though they are used to gently tap, rub or glide along the skin to stimulate the qi and blood of the patient. Kids heal UNBELIEVABLY quickly! If you look closely you can see me in the head of the Enshin #shonishin #eastasianmedicine #japanesemedicine
14.01.2022 This is what treating babies and children really looks like ~ they play, roll, move, fiddle and squirm ~ we follow, giving treatment as they make their way around the table and sometimes even the room. Kids are little bundles of Yang, the energy of activity, growth and movement. I’m always amazed by the healing capacity of this vital yang force - such short simple treatments make dramatic changes in these remarkable little beings. #shonishin #paediatrics #traditionaljapanesemedicine #traditionaleastasainmedicine #yang #babiesandchildren
13.01.2022 SCAR TREATMENTS ~ Treating scars is something that I do regularly with patients. Even if a scar is many years old, it can often be a contributor or even the cause of a chronic health problem. When a wound is replaced by scar tissue it is filled by dense, fibrous connective tissue - this type of tissue is not as supple, and often does not regenerate with sufficient capillaries and blood vessels to allow the body to properly repair the site. Scar tissue also shows electrical r...esistance, I.e. the Blood and Qi do not flow properly through the area. The location of scars also plays an important role in treatment. What meridian/s is it on, what are the symptoms the patient is presenting with, what internal organs seem to be affected? Symptoms can be as diverse as local pain, distal numbness, digestive issues, respiratory trouble, limited range of motion, structural imbalances and more. Here I am using Triple bypass Cords to increase circulation, break up scar tissue, and remove toxins that may be lingering at the site. Direct Moxa along the scar will further reduce any local and systemic inflammation. #scars #scartreatment #polaritytherapy #polaritymedicine #ionpumpingcords #traditionaleastasianmedicine #needling #japanesemedicine
12.01.2022 PART 1 of 5: In the Paracelsian Doctrine, diseases are said to arise from one or more or five basic causes; 1 Sidereal and astral influences acting upon the vital body of man ~ The moon is a well-studied phenomena to illustrate what Paracelsus described as the Sidereal Causes of disease. The magnetic forces of the moon clearly affect the rise and fall of our tides, the growth of seeds and sprouts and the reproduction of many species including animals and even sea corals.... At a physiological level much of the same is noticeable; The moon phase will affect our hormones and our sleep cycles. Menstruation was generally described by its link to the moon phases, as was fertility. The moon affects our moods, the dilation of our blood vessels and the fluids in our body. (With over 60% of the human body being water it is no surprise that the moon has such a noticable affect on our health). The moon is only one body in our solar system, so it is fair to say that all of the other planets are affecting our health in ways that we may not be able to currently understand. It is normal and natural for us to notice changes on all levels as we move through these planetary cycles. It is a problem of dis-ease when the body is not able to adapt and overcome these forces. Photo Credit to @gioyhofer #paracelsus #paracelsianphysician #causesofdisease #sidereal #vitalbody #moonphases #moon #moonaffect #holistichealth #traditionalmedicine #treatingthecause #roottreatment
12.01.2022 PRACTISE OPENINGS ~ we are quickly approaching the holiday season. My practise will be closed after Christmas and for the month of January. I have some availability between now and Christmas if you’d like some maintenance before our annual break. Colloidal Silver and Mushroom Extracts are also available to purchase if needed - they also make great, locally made Christmas gifts
12.01.2022 PART 2 of 5: In the Paracelsian Doctrine, diseases are said to arise from one or more or five basic causes; 2 Sickness may result from the introduction into the body of various impurities, even including drugs and medication for the alleviation of disease. It is common to hear a patient coming for help with digestive issues say that they eat ‘really well’, or a patient with a mechanical injury to say that they ‘are physically strong’. Is your ‘healthy food’ and ‘exercise’ i...n moderation and specific to the needs of your particular body? Many illnesses are caused by a well-meaning patient adopting a protocol they have heard of, only to suffer consequences later. This applies to many things deemed healthy; the use or ingestion of essential oils, prolonged application of a diet, detoxing, use of spices and herbs in cooking, supplements, certain types of ‘exercise’ and of course pharmaceutical drugs. If what you have changed for your health produces new or adverse symptoms, the medicine you have chosen is not a holistic solution for you in this moment. Comprehensive assessment of lifestyle is a crucial part of resolving dis-ease. #paracelsus #paracelsianphysician #healthylifestyle #habits #holistichealth #holisticmedicine #traditionalmedicine #sickness #disease #adversereaction #sideeffects
10.01.2022 The first of my WILDCRAFTED MEDICINAL MUSHROOM EXTRACTS are now available These amazing brackets of Ganoderma Applantum (An Australian Native in the Reishi Family) were 'accidentally' stumbled upon on a forest hike during the lockdowns in June. Reishi is sometimes known as the 'mushroom of immortality' as it strengthens the immune system, helps reduce stress and boosts vitality. Chinese Medicine believes that Reishi nourishes The Heart and harmonises The Soul. This remed...y feels very appropriate to the collective situation we find ourselves in now. This extract has a deep, earthy, bitter flavour (best added to your tea or coffee). Feel free to contact with any questions. Dual Extracted. Limited quantity. 50ml - $20 100ml - $35 Beautiful Logo by @goldenthread_soundandmandalas
09.01.2022 Winter is the end to all the seasons. To unify with winter, one emphasises the yin principle to become more receptive, introspective and storage oriented; one cools the exterior of the body and warms the core. Cold and darkness drive one to seek inner warmth. It is a time to rest, meditate deeply, refine the spiritual essence and store physical energy - I the form of a little extra weight - for the colder months. Even though the cold yin processes predominate, one must stay active enough to keep the joints and spine flexible.’ - Paul Pitchford, Healing With Whole Foods.
06.01.2022 RIFE THERAPY ~ My sideline project this past few months has been experimenting with frequency generators. Whilst I am still in the early days of experimentation, the results have been remarkable. Based on the work of Dr Raymond Rife, these generators broadcast frequencies to the body either through direct contact (such as the placement of pads on the body) or via a sample of the patients DNA (enabling treatment of someone anywhere in the world). It sounds almost too fantastic... to be true, though even though we can not see it, everything is constantly vibrating. Vibration is frequency. When these frequencies are intelligently directed they can be used to detoxify the body, eliminate viruses, bacteria and fungus, heal tissues and cells. Stay tuned as this gets integrated this into practise! #rifemachine #rifetherapy #drraymondrife #spooky2 #frequency #frequencyhealing #naturalmedicine #holistichealth #traditionalmedicine
05.01.2022 My apologies, my phone has been down for the last four days, taking with it my internet as well. I know I have missed messages and calls, so if you see this, Please get in touch again. Most reliable for now are DM's. I will check morning and night. I am also behind on emails, so will hopefully be in touch with those of you waiting soon....
05.01.2022 Paying homage to these simple, yet EXTREMELY effective medicines that saved me a trip to hospital last week after a dog attack. I was very lucky, not needing stitches, minimal wounds, and mainly bruising. After Arnica for shock, I took 200ml of Colloidal silver internally to help prevent infection. Colloidal silver was alternated with Hypericum I had wildcrafted a few year ago for wound cleaning. I burned Moxa (right ball) in hot cones directly on the bites. Two days after t...he bite I showed some mild signs of infection (nausea and slightly elevated temperature) and decided it was time to try Usnea for the first time (left bundle) - Usnea is a tree lichen that is part algae, part fungi and very common here in The Mountains. Usnea is anti-microbial, antibacterial and exceptional at healing wounds. I simmered the Usnea for 30 minutes. The fluid was drunk as tea and the strained usnea became a poultice directly placed on the wounds to draw out infection and heal the area (I'll post some pictures in the stories). Within the hour the nausea and fever were gone. A treatment later in the week by my teacher for inflammation and blood poisoning cleared the fatigue and any lingering chance of trouble. Once all infection was cleared I used plantain to speed wound healing. Obviously, this course of action is not for everyone. Bites of any kind need to be treated seriously as the risk of infection and complication is high, even if they do not look to be bad. I felt confident in attempting to manage this with home remedies knowing that I had a good support network of practitioners for advice and that I could monitior the signs of infection myself. This post was intended to be anecdotal, always seek professional advice if you are unsure. In saying that, don't undervalue these amazing allies or the intuition of your body. #homeremedies #colloidalsilver #hypericum #stjohnswort #usnea #arnica #moxa #moxibustion #plantain #infection #naturalremedy #dogbite #bite #antibacterial #bushmedicine #poultice #wildcrafting
05.01.2022 So thankful when friends text me with the location of a mushroom tip-off! Highly medicinal Turkey Tails, being prepared here for tinctures. Immune stimulating, energy boosting, anti-cancer and gut tonic are but a few of its properties #turkeytail #trimetesversicolor #turkeytailmushroom #wildcrafting #mushroommedicine #foraging #forager #letthyfoodbethymedicine #naturalmedicine #bluemountains
03.01.2022 Symbolically cicadas represent renewal and regeneration ~ after many years in the darkness of the earth they emerge. Cicadas shed their skin and take flight with their newly grown wings. Did you know that Cicada shells are also used Medicinally? Offering many of the symbolic qualities the crushed shells can be brewed as a tea and drunk to ‘strengthen the exterior’. In oriental terms this can mean protecting us from seasonal colds and flus and helping with allergies. The shells can help rid the lungs of pathogens, moulds, dust, smoke and pollen, acting like a shield for our protection. On an energetic level they help us deal with change and transition. #cicada #renewal #regeneration #everydaymedicine #cicadashell #eastasianmedicine #allergies #protection
03.01.2022 PART 4 of 5: Intemperances of the mind and emotions lead not only to immediate discomfort of the body but can cause many ailments difficult to diagnose and treat. We take for granted that the role of our thoughts and emotions on our physical health is now mostly understood by people on some level. When Paracelsus first described this maxim in the 16th Century, he was highlighting a connection that was not previously understood and set the stage for psychosomatic medicine t...o come. Even if we are able to understand the connection between our emotions and physical body in some way, the depth of this affect is generally undervalued. People are often surprised by the things that surface when they are having their physical ailments treated. Oriental medicine adds its own ideas - overthinking and ruminating will damage the Spleen, causing difficulty digesting and assimilating nutrients; Grief will damage the Lungs and cause respiratory difficulty when we cannot 'let go' and receive; The Kidneys are be damaged and 'frozen' by fear; The ability to take decisive action by the Liver is harmed by anger; and the Heart is injured by overexcitement and 'shocked' by some of the harsher moments of life. These emotions are unavoidable if we are living life to the full, though successfully resolving and moving through them is key to healing and living a healthy life. #paracelsus #physician #emotionalhealth #psychologicalhealth #psychosomatic #psychosomaticillness #healing #traditionalmedicine #orientalmedicine #thoughtsbecomethings
02.01.2022 Finally got around to planting some of my @sthnharvest seeds this weekend. It feels little bit daunting, but for the first summer I’m attempting to grow most things in our garden from quality seed and trying (work in progress) to move away from GMO and pesticide covered seedlings. Southern harvest specialise is cold climate seeds. They are pesticide, fungicide and herbicide free and do not stock any products which are genetically modified. Why would you consider avoiding Gen...etically Modified? - GM foods are just that, ‘modified’, meaning they have been changed from their original or natural state. The body cannot always metabolise these changes. Some potential dangers include toxicity within the body, allergies, antibiotic resistance, immune suppression and decrease in nutritional value. #gmo #gmofree #geneticallymodified #heirloomseeds #pesticidefree #herbicidefree #seeds #organicgardening
02.01.2022 Thought I would offer a few suggestions for alternative Christmas gift ideas! My locally made medicines make beautiful presents Handmade Ceramic Neti-Pots - $40 Rowo Herbal Massage Gel 50ml - $15 Local Colloidal Silver 500ml - $25... High Strength Colloidal Silver Spray 100ml - $15 Locally Wildcrafted Mushroom Extracts - Turkey Tail & Reishi 50ml - $20 100ml - $35 Immune defence Essential Oil - $40 DM to order, limited stock available
02.01.2022 Hippocrates new a thing or two when it came to practising true Medicine #hippocrates #medicine #health
02.01.2022 Had a wonderful morning learning all about edible and medicinal coastal plants with @theweedyone and @fatofthelandandsea. Diego and Oliver covered many plants, seaweeds and even some snails and sea urchins that can be enjoyed as highly nutritious supplements to our diet. Foraging is such a rewarding way to connect with your food and your environment. #foraging #forager #wildfood #coastalforaging #eatlocal #seasonalfood #weeds #medicinalweeds
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