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Blue Phoenix Spirit Fire and Dance Artist Collaborative in Mackay, Queensland | Alternative & holistic health service

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Blue Phoenix Spirit Fire and Dance Artist Collaborative

Locality: Mackay, Queensland

Phone: +61 457 748 961


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25.01.2022 As the sun sets upon each day, I feel gratitude for moments shared with others; with self; with nature; with Spirit. There is beauty within even the gr...eatest of storms, even when we are unable to see through the looming darkness. I remember the times in my life where I felt as though I were being swallowed by my suffering and the pain smothering the light within me. It seems both like a lifetime ago and only yesterday ... the journey to freedom is ongoing through this life experience. Healing is a journey of self-discovery that never stops, that only deepens in learning and expansion into spaciousness. As my own journey deepens, I am learning evermore about surrender; acceptance and non-attachment. I am meeting parts of myself that WILL be seen, heard and felt. It's not always the prettiest sight to behold, but it is always necessary. I notice insecure thoughts and feelings arise in me and Eckhart Tolle's question whispers into my awareness ... "Who is it that is thinking these thoughts?" The more I question myself, my thinking, my feeling, my emotions, my beliefs ... the more I shake up all the old stories and let loose the hidden parts locked away within me, the more I meet myself with the purity and grace of beginners mind. To hold a beginners mind means to be present with; to be aware of; to witness the other beyond preconceived notions; judgements; expectations or any other idea that may arise out of a previous knowing. It is to meet each moment with childlike wonder and open our Hearts to seeing with eyes that meet life beyond the illusion of what is reality. The inner eyes see with evermore clarity as I hold sunshine in my Soul and know that I Am Light. What is your learning right now? Please share your insights in the comments. Love and Blessings Tatz #medicinewoman #theinnerartofyouandi #soulhealing

25.01.2022 Each day that I gift myself moments by the ocean, I feel my inner light expand. Creating moments that feed my Soul brings excitement to my day and I no...tice how my attitude changes. Releasing old habits carries its own type of grief as the mind fears missing out, and yet, the Heart knows what awaits on the other side. And so it is that strength in my resolve to walk a new path undefined by the past and open to the limitless, rises stronger in each moment that goes by. As I allow myself to shift and change, so too must I allow myself to let go of the shores that I find myself upon, because the tide will go out and who knows where it shall take me when next it comes in again. In this, I let go of all that has been ... thought; feeling; experience; knowledge ... and I must meet each moment anew. This is how I am able to meet the endless beauty that exists within this Life, no matter what I am presented with. #medicinewoman #soulhealing #spiritjourney

24.01.2022 Butterfly invites us to move through whatever it is that must transform with grace in the knowing that change can oftentimes be uncomfortable, to say the ve...ry least. I have been in some uncomfortable spaces within myself over this past year and, at times, wondered to myself what in the hell is going on with me. As days have passed and I've allowed myself to be with whatever is moving in me, I recognise how remnants of past stories have needed to arise in order to be released. In this, there is a sense of clarity at a deeper level of myself; a sense of returning to the simplicities of life through stripping away all that is no longer required, whether physically; mentally; emotionally and spiritually. Yesterday we were sitting outside the driving range when I noticed the butterfly on the fence. I was able to capture a few photo's and marvelled at the synchronicity of butterflies message with regards to the conversation at the time. When we pay attention, Spirit speaks in multitudes of ways, offering insight; wisdom and guidance. Forward movement is beginning to unfold after the year holding me in a space of stillness and rest (much to my frustration at the best of times ). Feeling the shift in energy and moving into new chapters. Love and Blessings Tatz #medicinewoman #souljourney #spiritualguide

23.01.2022 Preparing Sacred space for a healing journey with a client today. I am stepping back in to where I am called and embracing fully my Soul purpose. ... I am facilitating group Ceremonies, Sound Journey's, Cacao Ceremonies, Chakra Dance and Movement Meditation, Workshops. Private consultations available for Readings, Sound and Energy Healings, Sacred Soul Sessions, Spiritual Mentoring, Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. For more information visit my website Love and Blessings Tatz #medicinewoman #holistichealing #soulhealing

23.01.2022 Such rich teachings ... ~ "Belief gives you confidence without clarity. Confidence without clarity is a disaster on this planet. There is no substitute for... clarity." And what struck me even more in the resonance of my Soul ... "Instead of authority being the truth, the truth is becoming the authority."

21.01.2022 Sound Journey Meditation at Wintermoon Festival ... such beautiful energy. Next Sound Journey and Ceremony this Saturday 10/10/2020 in Slade Point, exact area ...will be posted soon. By donation. Also for sale my book "The Inner Art Of You and I" $20.

20.01.2022 777 Love Transmission: There is something incredibly powerful occurring right now. In the Tzolkin, we are moving through an intense portal that moves for 52 da...ys, we have 5 more days to go and we find ourselves on the other side. It never ceases to amaze me how the Dreamspell astrology aligns so clearly with all that is being experienced during these times. Anyhow I can feel within me a deep stirring that is awakening and slowly emerging into the light of being. The past months have been tumultuous to say the very least, my outward world has been so comfortable, yet my inner world in turmoil as I felt the layers and layers peeling away. I feel as though I have been stripped bare, this time has been different. This time I have been offered into a deeper look into my Heart and Soul, I have been given opportunities to once more embody aspects of myself that I now truly no longer choose, and to drop away all that I can now see in truth with eyes so clear. Purity arises as we begin to feel ourselves move toward wholeness, there is a grace that opens like a Lotus in the Soul. I feel a sense of gentleness that carries fierce passionate Love alighting my Heart and offering me into a whole new world, change is coming, for now, just rest. I feel the turmoil fallen away, at least for the moment, and my Soul calls to dance in freedom and Love, to share joy and shine truth into the illusion that is this life. I am seeing the Dreaming space more and more, it is all becoming so clear and, all at once, mysterious. Great Spirit is all around us, all the time, dancing in the dreaming it is this realm that is calling to me, inviting me to journey into the magic that is life and unfold into wholeness. Great Spirit speaks loud and clear, offering me clear guidance along the way, bringing to me all the tools that I may need to walk my intended path. Follow the breadcrumbs, was what I was advised earlier this year when my world changed and this is precisely what I have been doing, even though, at times, the breadcrumbs were few and far between. Trusting in the journey of life, means to know that challenge will arise. No matter how much inner work and expansion we have done, life will always offer us an opportunity to test our strength and resilience; to choose whether we shall remain the same or expand evermore into the great Dream of Life with conscious awareness and the light of Love in our Hearts. I see a vision of life emerging forth from Creation itself, the Heart of all Hearts, that holds all of consciousness in all of its polarities. As we traverse these times of change and newness that bring all manner of experience with it, I am deepened in my awareness of the cyclical nature of all of existence and reminded to feel and express the freedom that this allows to rise in me, it takes me beyond fear and into the centre of my Be-ing into the spark of creation that lives within my Heart and is part of the web of the Universe. In this, I feel myself meeting wholeness in an entirely new and magical way. Inspiration has been reignited in my Soul as the last pieces of myself are being retrieved from all the places that I have placed my energy. I feel an acceleration in integrating the new codes of life that are landing, a rapid shifting of my consciousness into clarity yet still deep within the unknown path of the journey ahead. The clarity brings with it a renewed trust in the process, a remembrance that I am always held; supported and Loved expands with grace, and with that; the renewed Chrysalis of my Heart is being birthed into a new life. I am allowing myself to be open and present, so that I may receive all that is being offered into my field of awareness. Each moment holds the richness of possibility, the seed of life that we choose to bring into bloom, it is only through our Divine truth that we call Love to flower in our Hearts. Great Spirit calls to us all to come home to the Light of Love and Compassion. To meet the beauty of this Life and cultivate peace in our Hearts. To find the joy in being alive and seek the magic in this world. To remember that we are Love. Love and Blessings Tatz See more

20.01.2022 Good Morning Friendz I started this competition to raise funds to support me getting some books printed for the upcoming Mind, Body, Spirit Festival that I have been accepted into. My book ' The Inner Art of You and I'm shares some of the experiences in my life that journey towards healing that took me on. It is an inspirational empowerment book that not only shares parts of my story but will give you some fundamental teachings to enhance your own life experience. ... If you would like to support me in getting some books printed you can do so in a number of ways ... this competition is one way, where you can win a Soul Journey Session with me where we look at your family story and the belief that has cycled through your life, what the ultimate learning experience is for you and the gift that will set you free. You can also make a donation and go online to read my book at Your support is so appreciated! $1000 prints 100 books .. this is my aim! Thank You Friendz Love and Blessings Tatz

19.01.2022 Afternoon Sound Journey

17.01.2022 I am working on a set of Oracle cards to be released soon. Each day I will be offering the wisdom of a different Oracle from the deck. *Comments and feedbac...k welcome* Emerald Heart of Healing The healing journey means that one must always come back to the Heart. When we choose to live a Heart-centred life we offer ourselves into deeper connection with our higher selves that ripples out into our relationship with others and life itself. The Dreaming: This oracle invites you to bring a deeper awareness to all that is required along your healing journey. It is a call to drop from your head and into your Heart, letting go of the judgements; projections and limiting beliefs and behaviours that no longer serve or align with your higher purpose. You are a Divine expression of Life regardless of your past experiences. You are not defined by your journey or the ‘mistakes’ that you believe you have made along the way. This oracle brings guidance to release yourself of the judgements and beliefs that you hold and allow your Heart to open to a deeper level of Truth and Love. The more we align with the deeper Truth and Love that is the true essence of our Hearts, the more open we are to Unity Consciousness and our multidimensional connection with the whole. As we cultivate the practise of Heart-centredness, we are cultivating the grace of Creation and we meet life with childlike curiosity and wonder. We begin to see the world around us through a lens of innocence and purity, we begin to access what Zen calls beginners mind. When we choose to live life from the space of beginners mind, we choose to let go of all that we think we know and embrace the mystery of the unknowable. This allows us to meet each day anew, to flow with life and to hold our deeper awareness in our Hearts creating from Love. (Full card meaning on #medicinewoman #theinnerartofyouandi #enhanceinspireexpand

16.01.2022 Some days ... I feel inspired, on fire and ready to create magic in my world. Other days I sit feeling bored with my life and frustrated with feeling a litt...le like I'm living on repeat. 2020 has forced me to stop, stay put and be patient ... in reflection, I am aware of the sometimes petulant resistance I have carried towards it all and yet I am also aware that something 'new' has emerged in me through the unfolding of rapid changes throughout this year. The continual invitation into deeper spaces of surrender and acceptance calling out to me, reminding me of the dreamlike nature of life and to let loose the hold upon seriousness. I feel a shift in my focus that has been building over the past few weeks and intensified with this Full Moon past. The call to allow the inner fire to once again be stoked and dance the flames of passion into being. It is time to stir up the embers that have burned gently in the stillness and step into the changes that I choose for myself. When our choices are in alignment with a deeper sense of purpose, life begins to meet us in synchronous magic. A feeling of being in flow arises out of the old and into the new, giving opening to expansion and growth. Time to embody the changes I seek for this moment. Dedication. Determination. Tenacity. Love & Blessings Tatz #medicinewoman #enhanceinspireexpand #souljourney

16.01.2022 I was asked recently when I was going to run my workshop REFLECTIONS again and, to be honest, I haven't thought about it for quite sometime as life has dist...racted me along the way. It has gotten me to thinking though and I thought I would put out an expression of interest. What is Reflections? Reflections is a 2 day Soul Journey that will expand your mind, open your Heart and reconnect you with your body. You will discover: unconscious beliefs that are holding you back and learn how to move into a new way of thinking; your unlimited potential and how to harness your inner power; that you truly are all that you seek. You will experience: Sacred opening and closing ceremonies; guided inner journeying; scientifically researched practises to enhance mind, body and soul connection; introduction to energy work; Crystal bowl sound journey and healing; experiential inner-work processes; Heart opening cacao ceremony and much MORE! These 2 days are based upon the foundation of my learnings along my path of healing, learning, studying and meeting myself with Love. BRONZE TICKETS ($222): You will receive take home resources including my debut book, The Inner Art of You and I. PLUS guided meditations to build on and continue your practise. SILVER TICKETS ($333): (including bronze extras) Receive an extra one-on-one Soul Journey Session prior to the workshop worth $180. You SAVE $69! GOLD TICKETS ($444): (including bronze and silver extras) Receive a one-on-one 2hr sound and energy healing session worth $180. You SAVE $148! I am considering a date late November or early December, potentially in Airlie Beach. The workshop opening ceremony, sound journey and first session will be on Friday evening at 5.55pm and will finish roughly around 9.30pm. Saturday and Sunday morning will begin at 7am with yoga or movement and meditation. The day continues with breaks for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Sunday closing ceremony and sound journey will complete at 5.55pm. This workshop is for you if: You want to SHIFT all the old stuff that you've been dragging around. You want to LET GO of old ways so you can meet your TRUEST POTENTIAL. You choose to create CHANGE in your world . You wish to OPEN your HEART and live a life of connection to your DIVINE LIGHT. REFLECTIONS will ENHANCE your life, INSPIRE your mind and EXPAND your Heart. Feel free to reach out for more information. [email protected] 0457 748 961 Love & Blessings Tatz

14.01.2022 Are You Ready To Meet The Warrior Within? This 2 Day Soul Journey is your invitation to dive deep into the truth of who you are and stand strong in your power! Tatz shares the teachings and practises that have taken her along the journey from victim to survivor to Warrior in her life.... Over these two days you are held and supported in a sacred environment that allows you to open your Heart and discover all that you can be. It is time to go beyond being a victim, further than being a survivor and time to embody the Warrior that has always lived within. For more information please go to or feel free to get in touch for a chat. Time to enhance your way of being in the world, inspire your life and expand your consciousness.

14.01.2022 The Power of Heart Workshop Saturday 11 January 2020 43 Gordon Street, Mackay @ 1pm... Join me this weekend for a workshop that will explore mental and emotional stress from an alternative viewpoint. This workshop will cover: ~ Effects of our thoughts and feelings on our physical bodies; ~ Accessing the intelligence of your body; ~ Tools and strategies to begin immediately implementing into your life; ~ The difference between meditation and coherence; ~ Aligning your energy through accessing Heart intelligence. What you will gain: ~ Simple and effective tools that take as little as 5 minutes to practise; ~ Understanding of your mental and emotional physiology; ~ Understanding of vibration and frequency of the Heart; ~ Clarity on working with your own energy; ~ Starting point for understanding body intelligence. I am deeply passionate about these teachings and am so excited to share them with you. Tickets are $111 and include afternoon tea. SPACES ARE LIMITED Would love to have you there! To book your sacred seat go to If you have any questions about anything, please do not hesitate to ask. Love & Blessings Tatz Holmes PS. My debut book, ‘The Inner Art of You and I’ is available for absolutely free on my other website It is about personal growth and empowerment shared through my own personal journey of healing trauma and trauma-related issues and the practices that supported me along the way.

13.01.2022 So looking forward to this tomorrow night ... been feeling the energy shifting and changing within me. Yesterday consumed every range of e=motion which was hilarious to watch as it unfolded. This week has felt topsy turvy and slightly Mad Hatter-ish to say the least and I am so ready to enter into sacred space. The fire pit is ready, Greg has gathered the fuel for the fire .... yesterday afternoon I sat playing my drum in the space and the energy feels clear. So excited... to bring these ceremonies to the sanctity of our garden, where loving hands have worked the Earth on land that has been ravaged by monoculture. Our small space amidst the cane fields offers sanctuary to creatures that were not here before we started these gardens. Our small offering to the Spirits of this land. There are still spaces available if you would like to come along and journey the New Moon energy with Cacao in sacred ceremony. Only 15 minutes from Mackay and Sarina. BOOKING ESSENTIAL

13.01.2022 Journeying this life, in these times, I have had moments of collapsing into the fear and becoming overwhelmed by all that has been occurring. Yet, I am... always brought back to the teaching of Truth and Love that has been gifted to me over the past years, and KNOW at the deepest level that I am the Dream, that WE are the Dream and the Dreamers. Spirit guides my Heart as I traverse this illusory world in which we live as consciousness expressed. I feel both the light and the shadow, that exists within and without. As I go more inwards I see the spaciousness that is present and the more open I become, the more expansive I allow myself to be. This mandala speaks of being aligned and in flow with the Truth and Love that lights the crystalline core of each of us, waiting in the quiet spaces of our Souls to be activated and expressed more fully into our world. The ancient voice that sang Love into being sings to us now ... invites us to open our voices from the deep wellspring of Love that permeates Life itself ... sings to us that we might awaken from the illusion and enter the Dream. We are called home to Truth and Love ... to raise our consciousness above the old paradigms that have governed how we have interacted with ourselves and the world. We are invited to meet ourselves anew and remove the shackles of suffering that we have long believed shape who we are. We can choose only for ourselves to be all that we Dream to be. Seek the Higher Heart of Truth and Love and find freedom in your sovereignty. You are the Dream and you are the Dreamer ... and so it is that you shall Dream for yourself all that you place your awareness and attention on. What do you choose to Dream? #medicinewoman #theinnerartofyouandi #enhanceinspireexpand

13.01.2022 Yesterday I sent in an Exhibitor Application and today I received an acceptance email ... For years I have felt myself called to Ayers Rock, a dear friend s...ent me information about the Cosmic Consciousness Conference that has previously run, however I was not in the position to attend at those times. Yesterday I spoke with a friend who mentioned this gathering coming up once again at the end of the year. Immediately after our call I sent in my application and now ... I AM GOING TO ULURU!!! I am so incredibly excited ... this is absolutely a dream come true and I cannot wait to see what awaits me there. Onwards and Upwards!

11.01.2022 Aquarian Moon Sacred Ceremony will take you on a journey through Heart into a deeper Awakening to Spirit within. Cacao medicine assists in travelling deep into the Heart centre to open our Souls to Love and answer the call to return home. The Ancient One's are calling us to remember who we are beyond our individual selves and step up into response-ability for the collective Consciousness. 2020 is a powerful portal to shift the old paradigm and allow the new to flow through and into the world. Each one of us must open our Hearts to Love and Truth so that collective change is possible. Our healing journey is no longer about ourselves but it is about Humanity and we heal the collective one person at a time beginning with our own selves. Location of the Ceremony will be given upon booking your sacred space. What you will experience and receive ... your share of sacred Cacao medicine; guided inner journey into the sacredness at the centre of your Being; Heart opening and expansion; take home gift. All participants are asked ... to wear white; to bring a sacred fire offering (this can be anything to offer to the flames); to bring along sacred items to include in the Goddess altar. Aquarian Moon calls us to honouring the Divine Feminine and to invite healing within and without. Booking is ESSENTIAL and must be made by Friday 24th.

11.01.2022 Thank You to Loren Jon for these amazing pictures from Sunday nights fire performance ... was such an emotional and special show for me.

10.01.2022 Many people have been asking me about the Great Conjunct on 21st December 2020. It’s a big topic. There are so many things happening in a single moment. I want... to share a few key points about this date. -2020 has rewritten our DNA and recalibrated our soul to align us with our life mission, preparing us to enter the New Earth, the Aquarian age and the elemental shift from Earth to Air beginning on December 21st 2020. We now enter the final stage of transformation. -Saturn moves into Aquarius, beginning a 2 year cycle of Saturn in Aquarius. If you know where Aquarius falls in your birth chart you can see which areas of your life will be highlighted over the next 2 years. Building stronger foundations and boundaries in that area. -When Jupiter and Saturn cross paths and create a big star, this is known as the Great Conjunction and appears every 20 years. This one takes place at 0 degrees Aquarius setting an Aquarian vibe for the next 20 years. -For the past 200ish years The Great Conjunctions have been in Earth Signs. This will be the first of the Great Conjuncts in Air signs for the next 200 years. This will mark an elemental shift from Earth to Air. We will never see another elemental shift in our lifetime. -The last Air age began approximately 800 years ago. -It is believed that when an elemental shift occurs a new prophet will emerge, someone who will change the way the world thinks for better or worse. Many say Jesus was born under the Great Conjunction (The star of Bethlehem). The 3 wise men used Astrology to find him. Muhammad also arrived at the beginning of a Water era. There are many other significant figures that were said to emerge at the beginning of an elemental shift. -The 21st December falls on the Summer/Winter Solstice. This is a time of rebirth. A time to celebrate something new. The beginning of a new cycle. The Earth age has brought us stability, reliability and strong foundations but also, stagnation, depression and restriction. Moving into Air is a massive shift. Imagine a desert still and calm, is suddenly hit by a cyclone. We now have dust and debris up in the air, clouding our view and threatening to destroy our lives. Everything we once knew and could rely on is thrown into chaos and uncertainty. That is what 2020 represents. We are shifting from the Earth age of Capricorn to the Aquarian age of Air. When the dust clears and we adjust to the new pace of life in Airy Aquarius, we will realise we are free to move wherever we please, ideas and innovation will flow, change will happen quickly and easily, humanitarian movements and technology will advance exponentially. For some this new age will be uncomfortable causing fear and anxiety, life will feel frantic and out of control. But for others it will feel enlivening and liberating, providing opportunities and freedoms they have never experienced before. 2020 was the year we survived retrogrades of every planet. All planets are now direct except for Uranus which stations direct in January. This year offered a chance to edit, rewrite and reflect on our lives. Some of you may be feeling a little raw and vulnerable after all you have known and found comfort in has been stripped away. Please take solace in the fact that your slate is now clear to create a bigger, better, stronger, more fulfilling life. You are now faced with a blank canvas to paint your masterpiece. Be mindful of the intentions you set. Meditate and check in with your higher self and guides regularly. This is a much-needed breath of fresh air, a new start, a clean slate, karma reset and an equal playing field. Will you hide in fear of change, frozen with anxiety? Or will you seize every opportunity that comes your way with clarity and confidence? The choice is yours! #TheGreatConjunction

10.01.2022 IT"S COMPETITION TIME!!! How would you like to win yourself a Sacred Soul Session with me valued at $250 or a second prize Tarot reading including a 12 month forecast? (Both of which are available online!!!!) I have an opportunity to participate in Australia's BIGGEST Mind, Body, Spirit Festival to promote myself, my work and my book and I need to raise some money, and FAST!!!... So, I am running a competition with two AMAZING prizes which are both available online if you are distant or in person if you're close. 1st Prize wins a Sacred Soul Session with me which is a deep journey to explore your core Soul learning in your life and the path to your ultimate grace. This is a deeply powerful session that is valued at $255! 2nd Prize wins a full Tarot reading with a 12 month forecast of themes that will be present for you. Voice recordings will be available for sessions done in person and video recordings for those done online. Tickets are $5 each and you can buy as many as you like to increase your opportunity to win. All proceeds will go towards the $4500 that I will need to participate in the Brisbane Mind Body Spirit Festival where I may also have an opportunity to facilitate a workshop or do a talk. If I can get 225 people to buy $20 worth of tickets I will have enough money to make this happen! Friendz ... this is a MASSIVE opportunity for me to create awareness of who I am and what I am choosing to do in the world. Please support my cause, buy your tickets. Or remember you can donate and read my book for FREE online also. All your support is so deeply appreciated!

09.01.2022 Earth Spiral Connection A few days ago I started building a herb spiral in my garden outside my cabin ... today I completed it. ... A couple days before that I found a crystal in the bush around us and have placed it into the Earth at the very centre of where the spiral began. Each rock has been carefully selected, placed and supported, relying on each other to hold the structure in place. As I sit here beside my creation I have to honour the graceful wisdom that arises from the process to remind me that I must choose wisely the foundations upon which I base my life and what I choose to surround myself with. It is so simple to keep my energy clear and it comes down to holding myself, my environment and the space around me with absolute respect and Love. Am I ignoring all the happenings in the world around me ... no, I am aware of it ... but I see the futility in grasping to any fear based reality no matter how it plays out. I choose to be at peace. I choose to journey with Grace. I choose to be with Love. Have a blessed day Beautiful Beings Love & Blessings Tatz #souljourney #earthgoddess #enhanceinspireexpand

07.01.2022 Sunday 16th August ... I will be down at Seaforth for the Health and Harmony Day ... I will be offering readings and also have my book for sale. Come and say Hi... and find out a little bit more about what I do. Looking forward to a beautiful day by the beach.

05.01.2022 Some days, it all seems too much! Some days the overwhelm can be so real that panic rises in me as I sit contemplating my life, life in general, life in times, life far removed from so many that I Love and the not-knowing of when I can return to my home country to visit with them, life not turning out quite the way I thought it would and what the rest of my life holds. I have moments where I must refocus my attention in the moment, I must breathe, I must feel the sense of ease, I must stop thinking of the past and of the future and bring myself right back to where I actually am. So much has changed, in so many ways and here we are in the mystery of what life is going to look like for ALL of us in the world as a collective in the future, let alone our own personal journey's and what they hold. Sometimes I feel really lost and other times beaming with hope, and in all of it all I can do is be present with what I'm feeling and allow it to be felt. Some days I don't want to feel and so I push it aside and tuck it away to be dealt with another day. In moments that then take me by surprise, I find tears running down my cheeks and all that was tucked away released ... and I KNOW that I must let those tears fall when they do. Gently. Gently. Some days I question ... and others I just allow. Some days I beat myself up and others I just hold myself softly. Some days I don't want to do anything and others I feel inspired... Up and down and round and round ... If you're still reading this, perhaps you have been feeling the same ... and I want you to know that every time you've passed through your panic or anxiety or stress, you can grow stronger. Every moment that you can return to Love in your heart and not fear, is a moment to be celebrated, because when you do, the light in you expands a little further each time. We are stronger and more powerful and resilient than we have ever given ourselves credit for. We are here and we CAN make a difference in our world if we so choose. I have been worried for so long about inane things. Things that really don't matter when the sun goes down upon this Life. Today I saw the clouds in the sky ... they were white, then pink and orange as the sun set, and finally when all the sunlight was gone they were black ... I wondered what colour clouds actually are and the illusion of this world was so richly apparent. All I know is that no matter what the colour of the clouds in the moment, they will always change and so too will all of life change with them. And in each change all we have is right now, this moment no matter what it looks like and it too shall pass. Love and Blessings Tatz

04.01.2022 TIME FOR CHANGE The time has come to move on, even if it is only up the road a bit. ... I am going to be heading up to Airlie Beach for a while for a change of scenery while we raise the last bit of money needed to buy our new home. I am super excited to return to Airlie, my first real place that was home when I came to Australia. I will be available for one-on-one tarot readings, sound and energy healings, Soul Sessions, Dreamwork, counselling and Psychotherapy ... and FIRE SHOWS too, of course I will also be facilitating group sound journeys and meditation, my weekend Soul Journey ~ SACRED HEART, Moon Ceremonies and some FREE beach meditations also (if I'm allowed). I am super excited for this new chapter that is the beginning of new adventures! SEE YOU IN AIRLIE! Love & Blessings Tatz #medicinewoman #souljourney #enhanceinspireexpand

04.01.2022 Hello Friendz ... Yesterday was INTENSE ... I don't know if it was all that has happened in my world; the energetic portal that was happening; the astrol...ogy or whatever else ... but I can honestly say that I felt so delicate. I shared with some others that it felt like a Jenga tower and one wrong move the tower would come tumbling down. Thankfully, today feels different for me and I feel more focus than I have in the past few days and there is a bit more ease in my energy in motion (emotion). Last night I started the first of what I intend to be an ongoing journey .... Sacred Journey of Coming Home ~ Online Sexual Assault Support Group ... and had two beautiful beings join in the space and take a few more steps towards healing. In light of all that has arisen, I have never been more determined; aligned and in full purpose in my life. The work that I have to do in this world, never more clear. My fire of passion has just had so much fuel loaded onto it and it is both insanely intense and overwhelming, but I have never been more ready to walk in the world with this light of purpose shining within me. I Am Ready. For those that do not know, I have written a book detailing my experience upon the path to healing and releasing myself of the limitations of belief and behaviour that was learned through trauma. There are multiple ways that you can read it, including for absolutely FREE if you wish. I would also like to highlight that ALL money raised through any book sales or donations are going towards facilitating my youth program 'Ignite' to help support young people experiencing trauma and trauma-related issues. You can find all the information at My life is dedicated to the service of others and to offering a non-judgemental and supportive space for anyone that needs it. My voice will also be used to educate others around this topic and to speak up for all those that cannot. The road ahead is so clear to me and I see how everything in my life has led me to this place. Thank You to every single person in my life whether personally or out there in the world following my work ... your love and support helps to keep me grounded and strong. Love and Blessings Tatz

02.01.2022 Super excited to step back into facilitating Sacred space this coming Sunday!

01.01.2022 My latest blog post, gifted from Eagle.

01.01.2022 And so it begins ... I am happy to announce that I shall once more be offering Moon Circles for New and Full Moon ... these are sacred spaces including Moon astrology, intentions and wisdom sharing, sacred sound journeying and meditation. Full info in the description

01.01.2022 I have been asked many times why I believe the Moon is so important to us ... why is it so significant to us mentally and emotionally? To put it simply:... It is the Moon's pull that creates the tides in the ocean, which are predictable. The Human body is made of up to 60% water ... so it is my belief that we are going to feel the pull too. Dr Emoto did an experiment which is featured in the movie "What The Bleep Do We Know?", where he photographed the molecular structure of water affected by different thoughts. His photographs offer an incredible insight into how water is affected by our thoughts and therefore how our bodies are affected too. The Moon moves in her cycles and when we begin to know these we are able to move with her and harness her magic. We are able to better understand planting cycles when growing our food. She guides us with ancient wisdom and offers to us a deeper insight into ourselves. As does all of nature. If we truly wish to know ourselves it is only to nature that we need to look, because we too are a part of nature. Our ancestors knew these things, no matter what your skin colour or heritage, we all understood the ways of our Earth, Moon and Sun. Humanity connected with a deeper Love and respect for the land upon which we lived. The magical and mystical was honoured and celebrated as we moved with the Earth; the Moon; the Sun; the Cosmos ... and then we chose to forget for a while. You see, I believe that Heaven can only exist within. There is no outside attainment of happiness, it can only be from inside of ourselves shared outwards. It is a loving and accepting nature that allows the space for happiness to exist. As I journey this life I am constantly in awe of all that is offered and the depths of learning available to us if we so choose to see with the clarity of Truth and Love. Acceptance ... the grace that arises from the knowing that all is as it should be and I must simply be present with whatever is, beyond judgement, beyond expectation, beyond condemnation. #medicinewoman #theinnerartofyouandi #enhanceinspireexpand

01.01.2022 Life moves and flows within the energetic cycles of the spiral ... plants spiral as they sprout from seed to sapling just as the spiral can be found all thr...ough nature, especially in the energetic forces of tornadoes and cyclones. Noticing how the spiral works in my life allows me to recognise the deeper cycles of learning that are ever-present. I notice how my experiences shape the creative flow of the spiral as it manifests within my world. The Spiral is creation itself expanding ever outwards as consciousness expands with it. With each revolution of the spiral comes the continual evolution and growth of the Universal Mind. To evolve we must be willing to re-experience aspects of ourselves and release any and all stories that hold us in a way of seeing, believing and being that does not align with our journey ahead. I notice how with each turn of the Spiral, I seem to loosen the threads that hold me within the illusion of this reality and my inner eyes open and widen as seeing goes deeper and becomes clearer through the inner eyes of my Soul. The Spiral moves in fractals of light that reaches beyond the space-time paradigm with it's source at the very centre of the stillness that exists at the Heart of Life itself. #medicinewoman #theinnerartofyouandi #enhanceinspireexpand #souljourney See more

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