Blue Sky Career Consulting in Sydney, Australia | Career counsellor
Blue Sky Career Consulting
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 844 054
Address: Plaza Building, Australia Square, 95 Pitt Street 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Today I had a great time being interviewed by Body + Soul Magazine. Heres the article with my top 5 tips to ace your online job interview! #jobsearchtips #interviewtips #careergoals... See more
24.01.2022 How to keep a positive mindset during a job search With most job adverts currently receiving between 100-200 applications , we all know its a tough market out there. Job searching at the best of times can get us down. Here are my top 10 tips for staying positive during the job search ... Celebrate the small wins Only job search for half the day Enjoy the other half - do something fun Share the load - meet up with ex colleagues Create a routine and set daily / weekly goals Get inspired - learn something new, watch TED talks Practice self care & kindness - relax, meditate or exercise Get practical - update the resume or LinkedIn profile Consider volunteering Finally, remember what your value is - skills, experience and attributes. A slow job search isnt a reflection of you, its often just a reflection of the job market. Bonus Tip - Try visualisation - not for everyone but Im a big believer in what you put out you get back. #jobsearchtips #jobseeking #careeradvice #positivity #mentalhealth #lawofattraction
24.01.2022 Job Searching? 5 things you can do right now (which you probably haven't done before) to improve your job search effectiveness... 1. Open your resume in Word and use the 'Read Aloud' function under the 'Review' tab to double check there are no errors in there. Do the same for your cover letter.... 2. Turn your LinkedIn profile into a PDF and print it out. Review in detail. The PDF function is on your profile page under the 'More' button near the top. 3. Write down 5 people you have been putting off reaching out to. Call or email them today. (Eat the frog!) 4. Google a local photographer and book in a professional head shot. You can get this for about $100. It will present such a positive image of you and it also makes you feel great. You can keep it forever too. 5. Switch on Zoom and video record yourself talking through your answer to the 'Tell me about yourself' question. Get comfortable seeing and hearing yourself as well as selling yourself online. Repeat x 5! If you are in need of professional job seeking support, please get in touch. We offer Career Coaching, Professional Resume Writing, Interview Training and Job Search Coaching. And we'd love to help you. #career #jobsearchtips #jobseeking #careercoach #professionalresumewriter
24.01.2022 - : We all know how important the resume is within any job search, but it can be easy to get the basics wrong. To help ensure your resume is ticking all the boxes, here are our top 10 tips to get you started. 1. Include your details - Name, phone number, and email. Seems obvious but these details can be forgotten! Don't include your date of birth, home address, marital status or photo.... 2. Always add a short professional profile section that outlines your experience and offering. Think of this as a sales pitch and make it count! 3. List all relevant work experience in chronological order, most recent first, and briefly outline your responsibilities plus add achievements for each role. 4. Highlight your strengths by adding a Key skills section in your resume. 5. Remember to add additional relevant information including education, short courses, and any volunteering, professional memberships etc. 6. As resumes are often read by "Application Tracking Software", don't use graphics, text boxes or other design elements that can make it harder to read. 7. To allow the user to find relevant information quickly, remember to use easy to find headlines such as "Education and Training" or "Work Experience". 8. Make your resume visually appealing by using an easy to read font, a bit of colour to make your resume stand out, bullet points, and white spacing in desired places. 9. Make sure the resume is error free, and keep it to 2 to 3 pages, no more than 4. 10. And most importantly, your resume should be a true representation of you, your skills and the value you add, but always tailored to the role you are applying for. If you're looking for help with your resume or job search, drop us a message. #careercoaching #resume #jobsearch #blueskycareerconsulting
24.01.2022 Was awesome to have my gorgeous team, Sheridan Hawkins, Alicia Baden and Sue Rice, round for lunch and drinks last weekend. I'm so lucky to have such a talented, diligent and all round lovely bunch of humans as part of the Blue Sky Career Consulting team. We were all sorry that Jenni Simmons couldn't make it up from Melbourne with the restrictions but next time, Jenni! #teamworking #careeradvice #dreamteam
23.01.2022 Feeling Stuck In The Wrong Job? Some questions to ask yourself if you are struggling to work out what career would be a great fit for you.... What role have I enjoyed the most in my career so far and why?... What did I want to be as a child? What do people say I'm good at? What do I like to do for fun? What have I been most proud of in my career to date? What practical aspects make up my perfect role - salary, location, hours, T&Cs, etc? What sort of person am I? - You can use a personality test for this. What skills come naturally to me? What gives me a sense of job satisfaction? What energises me in the workplace? What would I like to be remembered for? What problem would I like to fix in the world? If money was no object, how would I spend my time? What do I really not like doing? What do I get immersed in and lose track of time? These aren't an exhaustive list but can be a great starting point. Ideally, you want to talk these through with a Career Coach who can support and guide you within any transition. We have both Sydney Career Coaches and Melbourne Career Coaches ready to help. Dont be stuck in the wrong job.
22.01.2022 Friday fun. #dolly
22.01.2022 A Message From Management.
21.01.2022 Yesterday I had an interview Not an interview for a job, but an interview as part of a new TV show for a major Aussie network! And needless to say, I was pretty damn terrified (Details of the TV show to follow in the coming weeks). ... So, what did I do? I treated myself like I was my own client and got prepared. I researched the interviewers I prepd potential questions I rehearsed answers I worked out what I was going to wear that would make the best impression I planned how I was getting there and where Id park I left myself an extra hour to get there incase of traffic I took a snack to eat in the car before I went in so my energy was up I took makeup, a hair brush and deodorant to touch up before I went in I arrived 5 minutes early and knew who I was meeting and where I came out thinking Id done the best version of me. I still had the "Oo I wish Id said that instead" but I recognise thats just part the process. And at the end of the day, if the editor, viewers or cohosts dont like me, thats ok, I did my best, and thats all I can ask for If I can help you, please get in touch. #inteviewprep #interviewtips #jobseeking
21.01.2022 20 Quick Job Search Tips 1. Get clear on what you want 2. Research the role to understand what employers want 3. Identify gaps in your skillset based on No. 2 4. Look for opportunities to address these gaps... 5. Tailor your resume 6. Tailor your LinkedIn profile 7. Tailor your cover letter 8. Google yourself to check for any bad stuff 9. Start looking for jobs (Dont just use Seek!) 10. Chat with the contact person from the job advert BEFORE applying 11. Apply well - do what they ask 12. Keep track of what youve applied for 13. Dont apply on the first or last day of a job advert 14. Avoid Mondays and Fridays when applying 15. Make a list of companies youd like to work for 16. Follow them on social media 17. Connect with people who work there 18. Chat with appropriate recruiters 19. Review your existing network - who can help? 20. Build your network on LinkedIn BONUS TIP: Only job search for a max of 4 hours per day There are soooo many more tips I could provide, but hoping this gives any job seekers out there a decent starting point. Get in touch if I can help further. [email protected] #careercoach #career #blueskycareerconsulting #careeradvice #jobseeking #jobsearch #jobsearchtips
21.01.2022 Our prediction is that the job market will see a decent increase in the next 4-6 weeks. Why? Because of the following... More staff back in the physical office Easier to hold interviews and get a real sense of candidates... Simpler on-boarding / induction process A greater feeling of back to normal People/businesses keen to kick start the economy 4 weeks until EOFY meaning new budgets in July Increased economic spending through ease of restrictions (You may disagree with this one but...) We all want it to happen! Lets get Australia back on track. #jobsearch #interview #economyupturn #career #jobseeking #jobs #linked
21.01.2022 For those consider joining Fire & Rescue NSW, check out the Facebook Q&A on the 24th June.
21.01.2022 Your network is your best friend when it comes to your job search. Don't believe me? Think back on your own career so far, has every job been through Seek or other traditional job websites? It's highly likely that some of your roles will have come through: a friend of a friend, word of mouth, a recruiter, internal opportunities, an old colleague or manager, a referral, a cold call, etc.... Consider this as a friendly reminder to use your network - message someone today, share your story, be heard and hear them. You never know what door your next conversation may open for you. Traditional job sites are great but they shouldn't be your only job searching tactic. After all, that's what most people are doing. Be different. [email protected] #jobsearching #careercoaching #career #networking #blueskycareerconsulting #jobtips
21.01.2022 We love receiving such great feedback from our clients. Check out some of our latest... If we can help you, please get in touch. #careers #interview #motivation
19.01.2022 Zeke would like to remind you to wash your hands
18.01.2022 Super excited to announce that the wonderful Jenni Simmons has come on board the Blue Sky Career Consulting team and will be working as a Career Coach in #Melbourne. Yay! Jenni has a combined 25 years’ experience in L&D, HR and career coaching across a broad range of industry sectors, and is highly skilled in supporting all levels of the workforce through their career journey. If you are looking for Career Coaching support, please get in touch - [email protected]. And to more about Jenni, check out the link to her bio in the comments. #career #careercoach #teamwork
18.01.2022 Pro Resume Tip - Please dont put attention to detail on your resume. I guarantee I will find a mistake on there, even if its absolutely tiny. And hiring managers have culled for less! Tiny mistakes to look out for on your resume: full stops at the end of some bullet points and not others inconsistent use of bold, underline or italic formatting ... wrong use of numbers - written versus numerical inconsistent use of to or - used in employment dates email or LinkedIn url that doesnt link to anywhere KPIs or SLAs with an apostrophe (my pet hate) - in 99% of cases it doesnt need one Were all human, we all make mistakes. But remember, most hiring managers are currently receiving over 100 applications per role and they need a way to cull. Dont let attention to detail let you down! #jobsearchtips #career #careeradvice
18.01.2022 Job Searching During the Coronavirus Its an unsettling time for most of us and no-one knows the longer-term economic impacts that we may be facing. It can be particularly tough if you are currently out of work and on the search for a new role. Here are a few recommendations if you are currently job searching:... 1. Dont stop looking! Its important that you keep searching for roles and keep applying. Companies are still advertising and hiring. Maybe not as many as usual but there are still jobs out there. 2. Keep building your network Start with LinkedIn connect with old colleagues, update your profile, become active on the news feed by liking and sharing posts all of this will help build your professional brand and get you noticed. LinkedIn is likely to become even more of an essential tool over the coming months, so get active now. 3. Use the time to update your skills If you have a little more time on your hands, use it wisely. Thats doesnt mean downloading the new Netflix drama to binge, as temping as it can be! Instead consider taking the free month of LinkedIn Learning and adding some new short courses to your skillset. 4. Review your professional branding Take stock and ensure your applications are as strong as they can be. Does your resume need some TLC or can you try a new cover letter template? Additionally, its a good opportunity to review your online reputation what do you see if you google yourself? 5. Connect with recruiters Most recruiters are still working and working hard. Reach out to them use LinkedIn, email through their website, or give them a call. Recruiters can be an essential part of an effective job search strategy and they are waiting to hear from you. 6. Look after yourself! With so much worrying information in the news and online, nevermind knowing where your next toilet roll will come from, it can be easy to get stressed and feel overwhelmed. Add to that your job search worries and it can be a slippery slope to anxiety and potentially worse. Take some time each day to work on your mental health. Have a walk, do some exercise, download the free Insight Timer meditation app and use it, call a friend or relative and have a laugh about a funny memory, turn on Spotify and listen to some old tunes from your teenage years, dance around your house, stretch, sit in the sun for 10 minutes without any electronics and just listen to the sounds around you, make some homemade veggie soup, you get the idea! Take a break. If Blue Sky Career Consulting can help with your job search, dont hesitate to get in touch. #jobsearch #coronavirus #LinkedIn #careercoach #career #blueskycareerconsulting #spotify #insighttimer
18.01.2022 A little poem for you... There once was a job-seeker named Bess Whose job search was hell of a mess Only Seek she had tried, but LinkedIn was denied... So she job searched with little success. She then called Blue Sky for advice Who were patient and knowing and nice She broadened her plan, and strengthened her brand And was invited for interviews thrice. Nervous of meetings, she felt fraught But great interview training we taught With her big days looming, she was ready for Zooming, And was offered the job on the spot! The end! #career #jobseekers #blueskycareerconsulting
17.01.2022 Great feedback from an awesome interview coaching client today ... "Hi Julie. I just got the great news, that I got the job! And the feedback on my performance with the interview was that I absolutely nailed it. I was clear, direct, on message, had taken on their feedback and answered their questions professionally and calmly. And I have your guidance and coaching to thank for that. Managed to win out over some really tough candidates too, so thank you thank you thank you!!"
16.01.2022 Job Seekers - This post is for you Its a tough market out there, with lots of highly skilled and experienced candidates looking for work. As tricky (and often frustrating) as that can be, its so important that you only focus on the things you can control, and not the things you cant. Things you CANT control...... The number of other applicants Who is hiring The calibre of the other candidates The mindset of the hiring manager (or their biases) The job market or number of jobs available Things you CAN control... How well you present yourself (resume, cover letter) Your professional reputation (including LinkedIn) Your mindset (negativity wont help find a job faster) Your relationships (build and use that network) Your proactive V reactive job search (dont just wait for advertised jobs, reach out to recruiters too) Keep up the good work, stay positive, and feel free to InMail me if you are struggling. #jobsearch #careercoach #career #jobseeking #jobsearchtips#blueskycareerconsulting
16.01.2022 We love receiving these emails.... "Im just emailing to say thank you once again for the job interview training. I am very happy to report that I got the job! Your advice was fantastic. I especially appreciated the way you helped me through my anxiety in a very kind and practical way. I will be back in touch if I need any more advice and I will certainly pass on your details to anyone else who may benefit!" ... Blue Sky Career Consulting offers a range of career support and development services including: Career Coaching Interview Training Resume Writing LinkedIn Profiles Job Search Coaching and more If we can help you, please email us at [email protected] for a confidential chat.
14.01.2022 Friday Fun! Can you relate?
14.01.2022 How would you like to WIN one of three available Career Coaching sessions with a dedicated Career Coach? Blue Sky Career Consulting are currently giving away 3 x 1 hour career consultations to three lucky winners. To enter: tag a friend and click the link below to fill in your details! ... GOOD LUCK!
12.01.2022 People Hire People - The Reality of Interviews (Honestly, its all just a bit of a popularity contest) Did you know there are only 3 things that interviewers are trying to find out when they interview you ... 1. Can you do the job? Which they kind of already know that you can from your resume but want to hear it from you. 2. Do you want the job? Are you passionate and enthusiastic about the role? Are you prepared for the interview and researched about the company? Can they feel that you want it? 3. ABSOLUTELY MOST IMPORTANTLY: Do they like you? Will you fit in? Will you get on with the team and their clients? People Hire People! Remember, skills can be taught, experience can be gained, but (consciously or not) who you are as an individual is mostly what an interviewer is trying to get a feel for. Keep this in mind at your next interview. If you need help being liked get in touch ;) [email protected]
11.01.2022 Someone asked me recently - what makes me, as a Career Coach, unique? After some time this is what Ive decided: From a young age growing up in Scotland, I was surrounded by strong female role models within my family. Women who were empathetic and kind-hearted but who rolled their sleeves up, got their hands dirty, and got stuff done! ... My mum had 4 sisters and 3 brothers, and her mum (my Nana), was a single parent, working multiple jobs and bringing up 8 kids on her own in a small 3 bedroom council funded house. My dad had 4 sisters and 1 brother, and his mum, my Granny, was a beautiful, caring and nurturing home-maker always with a smile, never a bad word, and compassionate to the end. I like to think my personality and my career coaching style is the absolute best combination of both family traits. I consider myself empathetic, relatable and compassionate combined with a strong sense of practicality, pragmatism and knowing how to get stuff done! Something I think both my Granny and my Nana would be proud of. (sheds a small tear)
10.01.2022 Working from home is the new normal, and don't we all love it! Here are 6 #remoteworking websites that you might not be aware of. Find your next job here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. As shown by #thegreatresignation, employees are looking to stick with a more flexible lifestyle, managing work from the comfort of their homes. Send us a message to chat through possible options in your field! #jobsearch #jobhunting #blueskycareerconsulting #careercoach
09.01.2022 supports women who have been out of the workforce for some time, and who are looking to make the move back in. They currently have a number of internship opportunities available. If this is of interest to you, please join the group for more info.
08.01.2022 Check out our latest blog post on refining your career. For more articles, tips and advice, sign up to our newsletter! #career #careergoals #careeradvice
08.01.2022 If you dont try you will definitely fail. Believe in yourself. VALID reasons to NOT apply for a job... You dont meet at least 70-80% of what they are asking for The salary is too low... Youve heard bad things about the company You dont believe in what they do The commute is nearly unmanageable INVALID reasons to NOT apply for a job... Lack of self-belief or self-confidence You dont meet every single criteria on their job ad You think youre too old or too young (or too anything)! Your friend/partner etc says you wont get the job The closing date is tomorrow and your resume isnt perfect (not ideal but seriously, apply anyway) #jobsearch #career #jobserachtips #positivity
08.01.2022 Do you dislike interviews? Do they make you nervous? Do you feel overwhelmed or anxious? If so, you are not alone. Interviewing is such a critical life skill - yet were never taught how to do it! So many people feel the pressure of the interview and unfortunately (and frustratingly) this can reflect badly on the day - regardless of your ability to do the actual job role. ... I am running an exclusive and intimate Sydney based interview training workshop for those who would like to feel more confident and prepared for interviews. Its a 3 hour face to face (COVID SAFE) training workshop (link in the comments) that will teach you the practical skills, tools and techniques to help you become successful at interviews. Book in now!
07.01.2022 With the world of work changing so much over the past 6 months, and continuing to change as we move forward, I encourage each and everyone of you to take control and make an appointment to chat with your boss. Questions to ask: What do they see the working arrangements being over the next 12 months? Do they think your role will change and if so, how?... Is there opportunity for you to support the business by adapting (i.e. progressing) the role? Where can you add value to the business above and beyond your current role? What can you do to support your boss in their role? Remember, this is, yes - looking out for yourself, but equally as important, showing your boss you genuinely want to support them and the business through the turbulent times. This proactive approach will be appreciated and remembered at a later date, and you will start, or continue, to build your reputation as a valued, engaging employee. Remember - there are 2 ways to handle these changes and 2 ways you will be viewed: 1. A complainer, a worrier, expecting others to fix problems OR 2. A problem solver, a proactive creator, someone looking for opportunities, a collaborative supporter, a business advocate Book that appointment today. #career #careeradvice #proactivity
07.01.2022 Applying for a Government role - lets face it, it sucks. Between the hours tailoring the resume, creating a new cover letter, AND then addressing all 8 of their selection criteria (half a page each), or answering their targeted questions (1 page each), or writing a 2 page submission addressing every single context of the role - they really are the pits. And when done well, it can take about 8-10 hours to pull together - YIKES. Currently, public sector roles are, on average..., receiving over double the usual number of applicants compared to last year - the competition is fierce. The only good news, is that consistently over half of the applicants apply very badly and are culled instantly. My tips for applying for a government role: Identify roles you actually want and are prepared to put the work in for. Be choosy as you need to apply well. Be sure you genuinely meet almost all criteria requirements. Call the contact person before applying, ask if they have a contractor already in the role! Have strong STAR examples to include in your application. Do what they ask, in full, no exceptions. Spend the time, however long it takes. Have you applied for a Government role recently? Id love to know your experiences
07.01.2022 Looking for a new role?
07.01.2022 #workingfromhomechallenges When you need to invite your friends dog round for a play date so your own dog stops expecting constant attention from you! Whats your working from home challenge? #workingfromhomechallenge #coronavirus #rosieandbeau
06.01.2022 Just a reminder that you often have to push yourself out the comfort zone to make the magic happen. The comfort zone is nice though, right? It's on the sofa, watching Netflix, having a cuppa, zoning out.... Great....for the short term. But do we want to do that forever? We'd get bored, we'd get demotivated, we'd feel sluggish. It's exactly the same in your career. Often our career is familiar, it's easy, it's comfortable, it's fine. Or, it may even be hard, uncomfortable and totally not fine...but it's still familiar. Perhaps it's time to push yourself outside your comfort zone, just to see what else is out there. You never know what magic might come your way.
06.01.2022 Blue Sky Career Consulting are excited to announce.... WE ARE BACK IN THE OFFICE From today, we have returned to the office and have face to face appointments available as well as online appointments. ... We cant wait to see you! Book in now. #careercoach #career #jobsearch #blueskycareerconsulting#returntotheoffice
06.01.2022 Considering university? Here are all the key dates you need to know.
05.01.2022 Public Service Announcement. Be careful out there
05.01.2022 Amid all this craziness, whats something youll never take for granted again?
05.01.2022 Wheres Wally 2020 edition.
05.01.2022 My 9 year old daughter brought this home from Guides. Its a review of the last 3 months, asking the Guides to tick off the items they have completed, and encouraging them to complete more over the coming weeks. I feel like, if we had all been working towards our Guides@Home Badge, the world would be a slightly better place.... #guides #helpothers #doyourbest #kindness #lifepriorities
04.01.2022 The Top 5 Resume Mistakes I See Every Day. Now, more than ever, it is essential that your resume / CV stands out from the crowd. Here are the most common mistakes that people make. If you need help with your resume, please get in touch at [email protected].
04.01.2022 We all know its a tough job market out there which is why it is important that you stand out from the crowd. Here are some ways to differentiate yourself from other candidates (most people wont do these).. Go out of your way to find out the hiring managers name and personalise your application... Call the hiring manager (if number is given) before you apply Send a thank you note after the interview Tailor your cover letter to the companys needs and talk specifically about why youd love to work for them Really know your own super-powers and promote these throughout the job search process Thoroughly research the company, sound like an employee before you are even there Prepare and rehearse interview answers - to the point that you know your content inside out Tell them you want the job! Finish any interview by reiterating that youd love to work for them. Good luck. #career # #jobsearchtips #jobseeking
03.01.2022 Has your role been made redundant? Here are our top 10 tips to help you move forward.... 1. Take time to process - it can come as a shock.... 2. Leave well - secure relationships, let key clients know you are leaving etc. 3. Work out your finances - become fully aware of your financial situation and have a plan. 4. Treat it as an opportunity to think about where your career is headed. 5. Create a job search strategy - more than just looking on Seek! 6. Update your professional branding - resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, social media. 7. Build and utilise your network - tell people you are looking for a new role. 8. Maintain a positive daily routine - in part, treat job searching as your job. 9. Chat with recruiters about roles and the job market. 10. Dont take it personally - its about the role and company, not you. If we can help you or your organisation with #outplacement support, please get in touch. #jobsearchtips #career
02.01.2022 Competition Time Would you, or someone you know, benefit from a free 1 hour career consultation with a dedicated Career Coach? Be in with a chance to win 1 of 3 awesome Career Coaching sessions from Blue Sky Career Consulting. ... Chat with your Coach about anything career related: Gaining career clarity Preparing for an interview Receiving detailed feedback on your resume LinkedIn feedback and training Job search coaching To enter, just click the link below and fill in your details on the form. Well announce the winners on the 25th of September. GOOD LUCK!
02.01.2022 There is NO STIGMA in Redundancy We are currently working with many clients whose roles have unfortunately been made redundant due to the current pandemic situation. Along with the usual range of emotions that can come with such a big change (uncertainty, fear, anger, grief etc.), we are also finding that some clients are worried about the perceived "stigma" that comes with the redundancy. ... We are here to remind you that there is NO STIGMA around redundancy - almost all of us will face this situation at one time or another in our career. ITS NOT PERSONAL and future potential employers know this. So hang on in there, keep up the job search, continue to grow your network, and stay well. This too shall pass. #jobsearch #careercoach #career #redundancy #blueskycareerconsulting
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