Blue Volcano in Sydney, Australia | Medical and health
Blue Volcano
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 422 909 113
Address: 51 Shorter Ave 2209 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 To those who can sense the Earth’s ley lines or energy power centres, this will come as no surprise. It is no surprise to me and just a first step towards science may one day discover...
25.01.2022 {Arkansas quartz cluster} Dear friends, we are so pleased to speak with you today We are a cluster of consciousnesses brought together throughout time to be with you here today and speak across the aeons. We are well pleased that our purpose in being created is now nigh on time for fulfilment. The end of your year of metamorphosis is drawing near and it is time to be with our new guardian. We know this will speak to the one we are calling. Search inside yourself. If you are... called, you will feel our deep soul resonance within the very centre of your heart. We would say we have much ‘work’ to do but we would prefer to say that we have much ‘joy’ to experience! So lets get to play. This is the work. This is the channeled message that came through from this Divinely beautiful quartz cluster from East Coleman Mine, Garland County, Arkansas, USA. I could feel it wanting me to post about it for a couple of weeks now but the energy overcame me today until it was undeniable. The consciousnesses that came through felt like a collective of Lightbeings. Their energy feels angelic. Their energy signature feels Pleiadian. Obviously a piece that brings through a high vibration. If this piece calls you, please message me. Much love, Vicky
25.01.2022 These crystals are heading overseas to their new guardian. While I’ve shown you the dodecahedron before, I wanted to put it in the context of the other smoky quartz pieces heading to their new home. They all came through in a crystal reading as a gift for a loved one. Each of these smoky quartz pieces are all natural smoky quartz. Some smoky quartz is irradiated to make them look darker. While there are some naturally darker smoky quartz, this set shows some of the variety... we can find in quality and tone. The smoky quartz point on the left is from Aydin, Western Anatolia, Turkey. All the other pieces are from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Personally, I love all the various tones of smoky quartz, from the light champagne colour to the dark (very dark brown to black) Morion varieties. These are naturally radiated by the Earth’s geothermal processes. Each beautiful but each with different energy. Do you have a preference? International shipping via DHL Express. Domestic shipping via Australia Post. Lay-by or payment plans available through PayPal invoicing. Conditions apply. Much love, Vicky
24.01.2022 {New SuperMoon in Libra Crystal Meditation} The new supermoon in Libra is one of the most powerful moons of the year. It is portending change on both a personal and collective level. In some ways this intensity can be frightening. But in other ways, I know that the Divine is pulling no stops in how powerfully they are supporting us. This is a time to go within and set powerful intentions - for love, personal relationships, and for co-creating the Age of Compassion. A New And while I often say be careful what you wish for - for your life may just be dismantled in order to create it - I don’t see how any of us can completely escape this intensity. So we either grab it as the gift of opportunity it is and allow it to lift us up with the waves of energy coming through or allow ourselves to be battered by the storm by trying to brace our way through it. This is the beauty of the surrender to the Divine Plan. This is where our trust and faith is tested. Where our hearts and minds are opened to these Truths if we but allow them. I’ve been seeing so many repeated numbers - from 11:11 (see second photo and one of the oracle cards in the first photo) - to so many 7s, I lost track (the number of the Divine). I even saw seven 7s in a single phone number in a row. Then the messages in the number plates kept coming with the numbers - the god Zeus (also known as Jupiter, the Great Expander), the goddess Vesta (also known as the goddess Hestia), goddess of home and hearth but also of the Divine Flame. The Logos of our blue planet Earth, Sanat Kumara. So when I came home, I knew I had to pull the cards for tonight’s crystal grid. And something happened that has never happened before - 25 cards from 25 different oracle and tarot card decks came through - all adding up to the number 7 - the number of the Divine. Here is a subset, each powerful confirmations of the messages I’ve been receiving. I don’t think that my logical mind can fully comprehend what is coming through. But I humbly trust that what is, is for our best and highest good. And so it is.
24.01.2022 Bouquet of amethyst wands anyone? These stunning amethyst wands are from Bahia, Brazil. It is hard to do these justice. But I can tell you there is absolutely no filter on these images. Their colour changes depending on the light they are in but what they reveal and reflect also changes. I saw so many Beings and faces in these wands. I saw a Pegasus, a rainbow firebird, blue flashes of light (which feels like Archangel Michael coming through), and so many rainbows they can ...look like fireworks going on inside them. There are whole worlds in there. These pieces bring through the energy of the Violet Flame and the Violet Ray of Light. They are like working directly with the Archangels Zadkiel and ‘Holy Amethyst’, Keepers of the Violet Ray. Powerful in transmuting energy and working with divine alchemy. They can help us to open to wisdom and understanding by helping to open and clear the crown, third eye, Binah (the energy centre at the base of the head), and the hidden energy centre of Da’at in the centre of the head (corresponding to the pineal gland and limbic areas of the brain). They can also help to open up other chakras or energy centres through meditation and intention. They have all been through a process of crystal alchemy with me, connecting directly with the consciousness held within the crystals. Call these crystal angels or spirits, whatever name you use, there is a consciousness that is connected to - and a part of - the consciousness of the Divine. You might have seen them on some of my crystal grids. In any case, they have been working with me to bring through the energy of the Divine in the past three crystal meditations. The smallest one has already been claimed. The others are available. International shipping via DHL Express. Domestic shipping via Australia Post. Lay-bys/payment plans available through PayPal invoicing. Conditions apply. Much love, Vicky
23.01.2022 Who can see a flying rainbow dragonfly in this natural smoky quartz from Minas Gerais, Brazil? I couldn’t believe it when I saw it but as I was filming it for a crystal reading, there it was. Because of how dark it is, I hadn’t noticed the depths that was contained in this piece. The dragonfly can represent opening up to intuition, transformation, healing, and rebirth. A rainbow dragonfly can represent crossing the ‘rainbow’ bridge into the higher realms. The Cherokee associ...ate the dragonfly with the Pleiades (source: In fact, I even discovered that dragonflies can represent Yeshua’s ascension. What I also loved that as I was filming the flying dragonfly, a wild Australian bee came right up to my hand that was holding the crystal and nudged it. What is also amazing about this is that bees can represent Christ consciousness. And on the opposite face of the flying dragonfly is a ‘heart of gold’. (See second video). Pure golden light (that looks to me like a heart), representing the Christed Heart or sanctified heart. This is a heart filled with the ‘gold’ of Christed Light/Christ consciousness. There are other rainbows and even faces. What do you see? Many blessings, Vicky
23.01.2022 {Petrified wood: calling new guardian} Dear Ones, it is our joy and our pleasure to be speaking with you. We have come with a message for you all: we invite you to heed our words but most importantly we would advise you to turn inwards to the wisdom of your hearts and your bodies to feel the resonance of this truth. Your disconnection from Mother Earth is symptomatic of your disconnection from your own wisdom. It is symptomatic of your disconnection from your own bodies. It ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 {Bespoke crystal grids} Here is a personalised crystal grid I’ve put together for a beautiful soul to support them on their healing journey. Each Crystal is individually chosen and intuited as a vibrational match for the healing they are calling in. I connect to the consciousness of the crystals and they show me where they want to go. It is the same process that I use for all my crystal grids. ... Each personalised crystal grid comes with a complementary channeled meditation in order to meditate and connect with the energy of the grid. I also activate the grid from my space once it is set up in the person’s space. Each crystal grid can have specific intentions - such as health, love, abundance, joy, relationships- or they can be a grid to support your healing journey. They can be gifts also - I only need a name to be able to intuit and channel the grid for each person - so they make beautiful gift ideas. If you are wanting to know more, please contact me and I am happy to talk it through with you. Or if you are wanting to know more about putting your own crystal grid together, I’ll be covering this in my upcoming ‘Connecting with Crystals’ online workshop series. I’ll be announcing details next week. Many blessings, Vicky
15.01.2022 {Crystal readings} Can you identify these crystals? Hint: the last crystal I show in the second video is the same stone in my bracelet. My iPhone doesn’t always capture true colour. These four sets of crystals are for four different people as gifts. They were intuitively selected by me for each person. I don’t know these people and have never met them. I only know their names. But that is all I need for a crystal reading. ... A crystal reading gives you not only a selection of crystals that come through for your healing needs. When I do a crystal reading, I also give you the reason why. That is, how that particular crystal will work with you (or person you want to gift crystals to) and what is coming up for healing. I tune in to each person’s bodies and vibrational field to feel what is required for healing. And whether it’s a soul reading or a crystal reading, I always weave in the psychology with the soul guidance of what may be coming up. With these four gifts, I was given a name and a budget for each. Sometimes we can have a few options come through, each with the individual healing that they would bring. The generous soul giving these gifts responded to the crystal reading with, Wow this amazing stuff you write here on each person and so true. They also added spot on and to a T. Crystal readings are complementary. So whatever budget you have in mind, whether for yourself or for gifts, I can connect you with crystals that are a perfect vibrational match to an individual’s (or family’s) healing needs. It can be the gift you give when you don’t know what to gift! Given current high demand, I do have a waiting list for crystal readings. So allow a couple of weeks for your crystal reading, dependent on availability. Most of my crystals are sold in this way, often before I have a chance to post. Much love, Vicky
15.01.2022 {Septarian: the Dragon Stone} This septarian I have been blessed to be the guardian of for a few years. When it first came to me, I understood septarian to be the speaker’s stone: it helps the speaker’s message to be received in a way that each listener can connect to. But this piece has taught me so much more about what it brings. Septarian is also know as Dragon Stone. In some ways it can look like the scales of a dragon. But it goes deeper than this. It brings through th...e energy of dragon. To understand dragon energy, we must understand that the ley lines of the Earth (energy currents running through the energy matrix of our planet) are also called dragon lines. In Chinese medicine, acupuncture points are called dragon points. The Druids called ley lines, ‘the path of the dragon’ and dragons were considered gatekeepers to other worlds and dimensions. The Chinese dragon also looks like a giant serpent. This corresponds to the more Western understanding of kundalini energy being aligned with the serpent and the energy of the Goddess. So it is that dragon sits in our base chakra and guards the treasure within. The treasure within is the treasure of our hearts. And if you need a fiery protector and purifier of your energy, then dragon is what you need. Its fiery breath will purify your whole vibrational field and ward off unwanted energies. Connecting to dragon energy is another way of connecting to the Earth Mother. It is the elemental force of her power. It connects us to our own personal power and keeps watch over our energetic boundaries. I have some septarian palm stones in stock - like the one in the bottom left of the picture. My guardian piece will remain with me while I continue my work with her - both through my crystal meditations and individual sessions. Look out for her. Much love, Vicky Oracle card from the ‘Mystical Shaman Oracle’ by Alberto Villoldo, @colettebaron_reid , and @marcelalobosmystic .
14.01.2022 {Message from the Divine} New supermoon in Libra October 2020... We hold you close, Dear Ones. Closer and ever closer. The veils are thinning even as more and more people are triggered and initiated into their healing. If you are to truly co-create the Age of Compassion, then the shadow must come up for healing, must it not? Yet we understand that all are not ready and all are not healed. Indeed, you are all in your various stages upon your journey. But do not think that the journey to ‘ascension’ is a linear path. These celestial events are opportunities. Opportunities for review and reflection. To go back over old ground to heal what has not yet been healed. And even opportunities to journey into the underworld of the psyche, as many of your mysteries have been told. We are to hold you ever more closely within the darkness to lead you back into the Light. Like Ariadne’s red string leading the hero out of the labyrinth once he has met and slain the monster within. You are the hero of your own story and the monster within is within you. Yet it is no monster. Merely your hiddenmost shadows lurking within the darkness of your psyche. To ‘slay’ it is to heal it. To meet it with the loving compassion of your pure heart that can welcome even the ‘stranger’ - the estranged part of your Self - back into an integrated, healed Self. Take comfort, Dear Ones. You do not venture alone. For the hero is never truly unaccompanied. And when you have met your selves, welcome them like the prodigal son. For you have returned.
14.01.2022 {Harmony} Each crystal vibrates with its own unique energy signature. Partly due to its mineralogy, partly due to its formation, colour, geometry and where it came from. But beyond this, they have a consciousness and an intelligence that is connected to the Divine and the ancients and wisdom-keepers who came before us. Working with them is attuning yourself to their mysteries. When we open ourselves up to their energy and information, we bring our own energy into resonance w...ith the energy of harmony and balance. To clarity - or ‘clear thinking’. To authentic, aligned expression. To right action - at the right time. Much healing may need to take place for this to occur. The scales of balance may need to be displaced to re-balance. Do not fear this correction. Ask for support - both human and Divine. There are no rewards for doing it on your own - this is a trauma response deeply entrenched within our Western culture that glorifies ‘independence’ above all. We are neurobiologically wired to be inter-dependent. This is how our human brains have evolved across the millenia. And our connection to the Divine is our birthright. There is no one way to connect or to invite support. There is no one path to healing. What brings you into harmony and balance is perfect for you. And it may evolve. Trust what you are guided to. What calls you. And do not let anyone else tell you that their way is the only way. Your soul knows the way. Call in your higher self - your higher wisdom. Ask him/her to show you the way. And trust in the Divine Plan set out for you. What is perfect for you each step of the way. May Libra season - and the new supermoon in Libra - bring the scales of harmony and balance, truth and justice, to your ever-unfolding path. Much love, Vicky
14.01.2022 Hi everyone, On Friday 30th October I’ll be participating in Sleep Under the Stars; a remote fundraising event in support of homeless and at-risk youth. And I would love it if you can support me! Every dollar you donate to my efforts will be matched by corporate sponsors from Kennards Self Storage. I’ll pop the link to my fundraising page in my bio. I’ll explain why I’m so passionate about this organisation below: ... The Sleepout is for Stepping Stone House, an Australian charity who provide housing and care for young people aged 1224 who are unable to live at home, as well as after-care support up to the age of 30. The goal this year is to raise $560,000 so Stepping Stone House can accommodate and care for 17 young people for an entire year. 38% of the entire homeless population in Australia is under 25. Here is some information direct from Stepping Stone House’s website: Stepping Stone House is an award-winning organisation that provides accommodation and personal development to help homeless and at-risk youth become independent and the very best they can be. Many of our young people have experienced domestic violence, sexual and emotional abuse, alcoholism and drug addiction. Around 30% of our young people have been forced to leave home because of their sexuality. To support young people facing these difficult situations, long-term shelter and support programs are critical. That’s why Stepping Stone House is a dedicated family, providing long-term accommodation and support for young people aged 12 24 years old. Stepping Stone House is an award-winning organisation because of the quality of their therapeutic care, their dedication to the wellbeing of the young people, as well as the strong focus on developing life skills, and emotional resilience, all centred around the foundation of connection and belonging. I’ve personally seen the very great impact this has on young people’s lives. I invite you to visit their website and see some of their success stories for yourself. Many blessings, Vicky Image credit: @stepping_stone_house See more
12.01.2022 I used to say, while working in child protection, that I’ve seen a lot of what harmful things human beings can do to other human beings - the most vulnerable members of society. Children. Part of my job was to review and consult on the most complex cases. Now, as an integrative therapist, I still hear some of those stories. It is still part of the nature of the work. We need to heal our most painful wounds. Yet there is still an added element of spiritual trauma. And ...some of these stories can equally have a profound and long-lasting impact. What I can say now though is that I can call in a whole team of ascended masters, cosmic lightbeings, angels and archangels, elementals, and animal spirits. They are all aspects of the Divine expressed differently. And I call them my Divine Collective as they often work as a collective with me. In this session, they all came through distinctly and at different times. They each brought a different element to the healing session. Even the 13 oracle cards that came through from the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Alberto Villoldo, @colettebaron_reid , and @marcelalobosmystic reflected some of these very elements. One of the most profound moments within the session was when the Black Madonna came through. She came through as the unconditionally loving Dark Mother, here to protect us from our adversities, our pain, and our struggles. I saw her face as profoundly beautiful and loving. So beautiful and loving in fact that I want to cry every time I remember her face. She is here for us all when we call upon her. She is powerful. She is benevolent. She is wise. Know that she loves all her children dearly and equally. There are none to whom she would not go if she was called. Remember that you are loved, Dear Ones. And that prayer works. We may not always know what to ask for but this is where I can support you to connect with the unconditionally loving members of your own Divine Collectives. Much love, Vicky See more
10.01.2022 {Thrive Wellness Retreat} I am constantly asked when I will do another in-person crystal meditation. And the general response is: I am not. But now I can announce that I will be running an in-person meditation at the Thrive Wellness Retreat. It is a one day retreat held at a seaside location in Sydney’s Bronte with stunning waterfront views. It will include a gentle yoga practice, health and wellbeing talk, journaling session, coaching workshop, panel discussion (that ...I will also be a part of), and one of my own meditations. We will also have an on-site personal chef to make sure we are well nourished in body, mind, and spirit. The retreat will be held on Saturday 14 November, with tickets on sale now. Early bird tickets are available until 25 October, with all ticket sales closing 8 November. Tickets are available through Eventbrite. Tickets are limited. I know the retreat organisers and most of the presenters so I know we will be in very good hands. I will pop the link in the comments (on Facebook) and the link to purchase tickets in my bio (on Instagram). Feel free to message me with enquiries. It can sometimes take courage to stop from our busyness and prioritise yourself. This will be an opportunity to pause, reflect, and invest in your own wellbeing. Much love, Vicky See more
09.01.2022 {Healing power of music} Sometimes my heart can feel heavy. I don’t subscribe to the belief that we must only feel ‘positive’. This is a form of suppression of emotions that can be highly toxic to emotional wellbeing and only serves to make the subconscious stronger. When I allow myself to meet my feelings with conscious awareness, I can feel them in order to move through them. This can be done with curiosity, with love, and acceptance (this is mindfulness), rather than judg...Continue reading
09.01.2022 {Thrive Wellness Retreat} Join us for a day of wellness to re-charge, de-stress, and take care of yourself. We are so excited to be bringing this waterfront event to life! Join us for a day of wellness to re-charge, de-stress, and take care of yourself.... A day to put yourself first. To look after your body and mind. Think of it as a mini holiday to give yourself a well-deserved break. Time to take a breath and invest in your health, for now, and in the future. We want you to thrive in life, to be happy and healthy, to give you the tools and information to boost the health and wellbeing of you and your family. This re-charge retreat will be a mix of practical sessions of yoga and meditation, with inspirational learning workshops from expert facilitators and speakers. The day will consist of: - Yoga - Meditation - Tapping into your inner most thoughts with a journaling session - Tools and education around discovering your personal power from a top leadership coach - Tools and education around health and wellbeing - Organic food prepared by our private chef - Stunning waterfront views You will leave the day feeling like you've just spent a week on a tropical island. Feeling re-energised, happy, empowered and calm. All you need to do is wear comfortable clothes that you can do a yoga session in and bring a yoga mat. Early bird tickets end this weekend! Link in bio Much love, Vicky Photos courtesy of the venue website: See more
08.01.2022 {New Supermoon in Libra healing potentials: Co-creating the Age of Compassion} The new supermoon in Libra will be exact on Saturday 17 October at 6:31am AEDST. That’s Friday 16 October for the norther hemisphere. (8:31pm UTC+1, 3:31pm EDT, 12:31pm PDT.) Those who follow astrology know that there are some complexities to this supermoon, including Mars and Mercury currently retrograde and influencing the moon, with Pluto also playing an influential role. While I’m no astrologe...Continue reading
08.01.2022 When daycare workers in Finland rolled out a lawn, planted forest undergrowth such as dwarf heather and blueberries, and allowed children to care for crops in planter boxes, the diversity of microbes in the guts and on the skin of young kids appeared healthier in a very short space of time. Compared to other city kids who play in standard urban daycares with yards of pavement, tile and gravel, 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds at these greened-up daycare centres in Finland showed increased T-cells and other important immune markers in their blood within 28 days. "We also found that the intestinal microbiota of children who received greenery was similar to the intestinal microbiota of children visiting the forest every day," says environmental scientist Marja Roslund from the University of Helsinki.
06.01.2022 {Blue Kyanite in quartz} Dear Ones, we have come to you today in divine accordance with the time that is NOW. We do not wish to impose upon you but to invite you into our reality. Our reality is one where love prevails. Where truth is honoured. Where justice is served. Yet it is not the justice that you often think of from your human perspective. No. It is one where you are anchored in Love. Where the divine expression of love is truth. Where love is justice. Where love is a... natural expression of who you are. We, from the higher realms, observe this expression to be in accordance with free will. Yet we also observe the naturally evolving observance of your own truths. For it is only natural that, as you evolve, you evolve into a higher alignment with the Highest Truth. Yet know that Truth cannot be imposed, nor can it be separated from your own experience. Allow your expression to be but your expression. Thus do you honour the sovereignty of others. You will find me an energetic alignment with your ever-evolving expression of Self. The truth of who you are. In expressing the truth of who you are, you must first shed what you have been told by others. Not in rejection of it. But in choosing what is in alignment with your own inner experience of truth. Return to the centre of your Beings. Let go of the noise of the world. In the vastness of your heart-centres will you find the fulcrum: the balance point of duality. When you are heart-centred, do you realise what is true for You. This gemmy blue kyanite has not been long in my guardianship but it arrived with a sense of urgency in being passed on to its new guardian. Kyanite comes from the Greek word for cyan or dark blue ( / kyanos). This piece reminds me of a blue flame and is a stone of alignment. Blue kyanite is one of the most versatile crystals that you can own. It aligns all of our chakras (energy centres) so is wonderful for meditating with. It aligns us with our highest truth and supports us to express ourselves with clarity, releasing the fear that would otherwise prevent us from finding our voice. Yet it never needs cleansing or clearing. While it opens all chakras, it particularly works through the throat and third eye chakras. It can be wonderful for speaking and communication but it also helps bring courage to our own authentic self-expression. That is, it supports us to bring integrity (integration) between our inner and outer realities. The result of this is authenticity. It is multidimensional and brings through the energy of the Blue Ray of Light, connecting with the stellar gateway of Sirius, and helping to vibrationally connect to and anchor these energies. In this way, it not only brings balance to our energy centres but opens the energy channels between them, harmonising our energy bodies and bringing a sense of peace. It is therefore perfect for meditation, energy work, opening our intuition, and attuning to the Divine.
05.01.2022 Sometimes simplicity and harmony is all that is required to return us to centre. Amethyst spheres Golden healer quartz Fire and ice quartz ... ’The Secret Language of Light’ Oracle Cards by @denisejarvie11 , published by @blueangelpublishing
05.01.2022 {Energetic alignment} Almost three weeks ago I had an MRI scan*. I knew from my experience last year, that it took a good 24+ hours to feel ‘normal’ again. I mean, to feel right in my own energetic alignment. My experience last year was that my energy felt ‘off’ and I did not feel myself. When we understand how MRIs work, we realise that our whole electromagnetic field is being altered for the purpose of the magnetic resonance images. Yes, large magnets alter the natural alig...nment of our protons, forcing them to align with the magnetic field of the machine. This time, I utilised the powerful energy of the ocean to help re-align my own electromagnetic field. (For those overseas, Coogee Beach is two beaches south of Bronte Beach where we held the wellness retreat.) Personally, I ground through water rather than through earth. As I sat atop the sandstone cliffs as I meditated/attuned to the energy of Mother Earth. I had the sandstone beneath me and the ocean all around me. I attuned to the energy matrix of the Earth and allowed her to harmonise my energy field. When I would open my eyes, I would see the sandstone and the ocean shimmering with Light. I could sense Light pouring through everything and consciously brought in the energy of the Light through my body and my being. Filled with joy in being surrounded and immersed by so much beauty. I was there about an hour (incidentally the first video is time-stamped at 11:11am ) but I felt amazing by the time I left. Not only amazing. I was filled with such a strong sense of gratitude for being able to be in nature and connect with the ocean. To be able to have this experience. Something that I can take for granted. I left feeling this gratitude fill my heart and warm my soul. I share with you this experience. Perhaps you are able to connect with nature easily wherever you are. Perhaps there is something in your life that you have forgotten what it is like to look at through a stranger’s eyes. It is human nature to forget. To remember is Divine. Much love, Vicky *All is well.
03.01.2022 I love Michael’s detailed explanation as to how this powerful new moon and all the planetary aspects are integrating to create a powerful opportunity to co-create a new earth
02.01.2022 Energy in motion. So beautiful
02.01.2022 {Testimonials & Reviews} I’m sharing a few testimonials and reviews people have left for me or given me. I can only share here one at a time because they are irregular sizes. I appreciate every single one but it is a big thing for someone to take their time to write something. Especially when it’s about something so personal as healing/therapy. Some are understandably anonymous for this reason. My gratitude to all who have provided feedback. I am so honoured and grateful and... humbled to be able to support people on their healing journeys. Much love, Vicky
01.01.2022 {Golden healer quartz} Golden healer quartz is a master healer. It brings through the Golden Ray of Light. The Light of Christ Consciousness. Divine Light. As such, it brings powerful healing energy thriving every piece. To put it simply, it heals our bodies and vibrational field in order to retain more Light. To do this, it heals us on a cellular level. The more we clear, the more Light we can anchor in our physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies. Golden healer is a form of quartz with iron oxide inclusions (either haematite or limonite). It is a variety of haematoid quartz (that has a more coppery tone) but golden in colour. So while clear quartz is already a master healer, golden healer quartz adds in the power of these essential minerals which also help to harmonise the body. These four golden healer quartz towers from Minas Gerais, Brazil show some of the variety of the colours within golden healer, depending on the amount of iron in the inclusions. But golden healer quartz is endlessly various, each unique in tone and colour patterning and therefore unique in energy signature. Only two of these are still available. The other two were claimed through crystal readings before I had a chance to post! But you get to see some of the beautiful varieties in energy and tone. If you would like to bring more Light into your life, then golden healer quartz may be the crystal for you! International shipping via DHL Express. Domestic shipping via Australia Post. Lay-by/payment plans available through PayPal invoicing. Conditions apply. Much love, Vicky
01.01.2022 {Holy Amethyst!} This was a grid that came through for a beautiful soul that I wanted to share. Partly because it features so many different varieties of amethyst and everyone loves amethyst! Partly because of the message behind it. (Shared below) On the grid are the following varieties of amethyst:... Amethyst cathedral sceptre Amethyst cathedral ‘dragontooth’ cluster Amethyst Dragontooth wand from Bahia, Brazil Amethyst wands from Bahia, Brazil Blue/purple amethyst wand from Brandberg, Namibia Amethyst sceptre cluster on matrix Amethyst tumbles Ametrine tumbles (natural mix of amethyst and citrine Amethyst points Auralite 23 (amethyst with 22 other minerals/inclusions). Together with all this amethyst, we have a pinch of charoite and Lemurian quartz, together with a whole punch of septarian (sorry, I couldn’t help having some fun with the word play!). Accented by some stibnite and anchored by smoky elestials. Amethyst can come in so many varieties, qualities, and formations from a variety of locations. Price will reflect quality, scarcity/availability, where it comes from, how unique/rare its formation, etc. This is not representative of all amethyst but purely what has come through for this particular session. Amethyst can be gentle and sweet. But it can also come through to bring the power of a nuclear blast (electromagnetically speaking and without all the negative side effects). In this grid, there are both of these elements, each with its own unique energy signature. Message: All is not as it seems. Trust your own inner guidance with the conviction of honouring its Divine presence in your life. Your inner reality need not differ from your outer one. Transmute through Divine Alchemy all that you have been told and all that you have been ‘taught’. Others’ teachings need not be your own. When we release the ‘noise’ of others’ opinions, you may re-attune to your own inner compass that always leads you true. Attune to Holy Amethyst, Keeper of the Violet Ray, and I will lead you back to yourself and your own inner Divinity. Much love, Vicky Oracle cards from ‘The Secret Language of Light: Transmissions from your Soul’ by @denisejarvie11 , published by @blueangelpublishing
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