BNI Melbourne South | Local business
BNI Melbourne South
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25.01.2022 BNI Carrum Downs Number 1 in Australia for September- Congratulations Team, great job! #giversgain @BNICarrumDowns @BNIAustralia
25.01.2022 If you could double your chapter size in 2021, how would that change your business? Years ago, I learned that there is a dramatic correlation between the size ...of a group and the number of referrals that are generated by that group. Groups that are under 20 members tend to generate far fewer referrals proportionately as groups that are over 20. Math proves it. In the first graph, there are 16 people and you see that 16 people have 256 connections. In the second graph, there are 32 people with 1024 connections. So if you double the size from 16 to 32, you quadruple the number of connections. Chapters with 16 people have 256 connections while chapters with 32 people have 1024 connections. Chapters that were twice the size were passing more than twice the referrals. It was substantially more, like three times the referrals. I could never figure out why that worked until a mathematician showed this to me. He said this is why it works. There are just a whole lot more connections- four times the number of total connections. #connections #BNIsuccess
25.01.2022 We Present to You our Member of The Year Nominees 2020. Can Lisa Bedin go back to back? Or will it be Sangeeta, Terence, Jasmine or Alistair? Join us tonight to find out.
24.01.2022 If you snooze, you lose. I've heard of some people who consider joining a networking group that allows only one person per profession, but they just take too to decide. They end up losing the opportunity when someone else in their profession joins first. It reminds me of the story of two hikers who were friendly competitors. As they were walking through the woods, they rounded a corner and came face to face with a huge grizzly bear. The first hiker gently lowered his pack, so as not to startle the bear. He began to change into his running shoes. The second hiker reminded the first hiker that grizzly bears can run much faster than humans, and asked why on earth he was putting on his sneakers. "Because," the first hiker replied, "I don't have to worry about outrunning the grizzly. I only have to worry about outrunning you!" #JoinBNI #whyBNI The lesson: If you find a strong contact referral group that you like and it has an opening for your profession, you'd better not blink... or your competition will outrun you. Find a local BNI chapter:
24.01.2022 Save Time With BNI If referrals are an important part of your business, learn how to increase your business through a structured, positive, and professional wo...rd-of-mouth program that enables you to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals who will quickly grow your business with referrals. #whyjoinBNI Visitors like you attend BNI Chapter meetings all the time. Members are excited to meet you and make every effort to make the experience fun and productive for you. There is a proven agenda used worldwide to make the most of your time. Learn more about BNI and how to find a local BNI chapter:
23.01.2022 Still Number 1 BNI Carrum Downs! Special mention to BNI Flyers in P12. Great work everyone! #giversgain BNI Carrum Downs (Private Members Only) BNI Flyers - Frankston
23.01.2022 Great, fun meeting stimulant for @BNIBairnsdale today
22.01.2022 Happy 20th Birthday BNI Frankston. 46 online, Great to see some old faces from over the years.
22.01.2022 Some more great insights from The Queen Hazel Walker
22.01.2022 Chapter of The Year Nominees, find out the winner tonight! BNI Carrum Downs (Private Members Only) BNI Pakenham Achievers BNI Flyers - Frankston
22.01.2022 A special congratulations to the team from BNI Carrum Downs (VIC - Melbourne South) for coming in at #1 in BNI Australia Chapter Traffic Lights for September 20...20 - amazing! Well done to the following chapters who made it to the Top 10: #2 BNI - Evergreen Chapter - Mt Lawley Perth WA (WA - Perth North) #3 BNI Neptune - Burleigh Business Networking (QLD - Gold Coast and Tweed Shire) #4 BNI Aurora (QLD - Brisbane North) #5 BNI HUB Gold Coast, Australia (QLD - Gold Coast and Tweed Shire) #6 BNI Elite Adelaide (SA - Adelaide North) #7 BNI Business By the Beach (VIC - Melbourne Central) #8 BNI Elite Business (NSW - Sydney North West & Penrith) #9 BNI Summit - Business Networking Clear Island Waters (QLD - Gold Coast and Tweed Shire) #10 BNI Unity (NSW - Hunter Valley Central Coast) BNI Hunter Valley & Newcastle - Australia
21.01.2022 Free Workshop for Members next week. Bookings in BNI Connect under Events on your home page
21.01.2022 Ten Members with 100 Member Traffic Light Points in July. Mega Effort! #GiversGain
20.01.2022 A big shout out to the team from BNI Carrum Downs (VIC - Melbourne South) for coming in at #1 again in BNI Australia Chapter Traffic Lights for October 2020!!! ...Great job Congratulations to the following Chapters who made it to the Top 10: #2 BNI - Evergreen Chapter - Mt Lawley Perth WA (WA - Perth North) #3 BNI Neptune - Burleigh Business Networking - Burleigh Business Networking (QLD - Gold Coast and Tweed Shire) #4 BNI Business By the Beach (VIC - Melbourne Central) #5 BNI Integrity (QLD - North Queensland) #6 BNI Eltham (VIC - Melbourne East) #7 BNI Growth Partners Wyndham (Wyndham) (VIC - Melbourne West and Geelong) #8 BNI Momentum (VIC - Melbourne Central) #9 BNI Elite Business (NSW - Sydney North West & Penrith) #10 BNI Unity (NSW - Hunter Valley Central Coast) BNI Hunter Valley & Newcastle - Australia
18.01.2022 Congratulations to the Chapters and Directors Recognised in last week's BNI Australia Awards. 1st BNI Carrum Downs 2nd BNI Flyers - Frankston 3rd BNI Pakenham Achievers and our Director and Ambassador Team Members: Terence Toh, Barry Hodge & Veronica Lees-Amato
17.01.2022 Congratulations to our Member Of The Year 2020 Sangeeta Bajaj from BNI Pakenham Achievers
17.01.2022 Log a CEU and tune into this weeks podcast of BNI The Australian Story. #BNIaussiestyle #readstoriesofBNIsuccess #bringvisitorstoyourmeeting #BNIchaptermeetingsaustralia
17.01.2022 Log a CEU point for listening to this weeks BNI The Australian Story Podcast with Brent Edwards and Veronica Lees-Amato
16.01.2022 BNI Carrum Downs Mini Visitor Day last Wednesday 64 businesses on line - awesome
16.01.2022 25th Anniversary of #happygilmore is the perfect reason to join our BNI region in this years CATS Cup! Ask you chapter president for an entry form and bring your team and see you on the green. #nongolferswelcome #teamevent #bninetworkingfun #CATScup2021 #bnimelbournesouth #morningtongolfcourse
15.01.2022 Over 10,000 BNI Chapters Worldwide In mid-1986, I estimated that BNI could have 10,000 chapters someday. I predicted that it would take at least 75 years to hit... that 10 K milestone, but I knew it was possible. Well, I am proud to announce that at the end of 2020, BNI officially crossed over 10,000 chapters worldwide. We did it in half the time I thought possible. #BNI36 #BNI10K See more
14.01.2022 Are you a registered charity and need more support? As part of our commitment to give back to the community, BNI is sponsoring one person from a registered charity to join each of our 13 chapters in BNI Melbourne South Region. That’s 13 individuals from 13 registered charities who will have 100% of their membership fees sponsored for their first year of membership! This is a fantastic opportunity for a registered charity to become involved in a global professional business network. PM me for all the exciting details of this wonderful new opportunity.
13.01.2022 To our Members, Thanks for supporting this great Event. If you know of a school that is disadvantaged and can use some help, please let me know as the Foundation has set aside some funds to put back into our community- Brent
12.01.2022 Way to end the year BNI Carrum Downs back to No 1 in BNI Australia! BNI Flyers - Frankston in Position 6. BNI Pakenham Achievers (P55) & BNI Ascend Mount Eliza (P59) in Green! #YouGuysRock #giversgain
12.01.2022 Congratulations BNI Carrum Downs Chapter Of The Year 2020 BNI Carrum Downs (Private Members Only)
12.01.2022 BNI Melbourne South Members passed $1,570,748 of this in July!
11.01.2022 Melbourne South Members welcome to these great Contact Sphere Forums with members fro around the Country, you may find your next Referral Partner Here!
11.01.2022 Great to catch up with Sangeeta Bajaj at BNI Pakenham Achievers to present her Member Of The Year Award today. #SuperStar #giversgain
10.01.2022 We wake up to the extremely sad news that the beautiful lady and wife of our Founder, Beth Misner has passed away from a recent illness. Our thoughts are with Ivan Misner and family, terrible news.
10.01.2022 Who was our best BNI advocate during the year and brought the most guests? We will be recoginsing them tomorrow night!
09.01.2022 2 in the top 10! BNI Carrum Downs knocked off the top by a 57 member chapter, BNI Flyers - Frankston at no. 6. Great work everyone!
08.01.2022 Something to Celebrate, in it's 7 years of operation BNI Latrobe City has passed $20 Million in referral business amongst members. That's business kept local! #giversgain BNI Latrobe City BNI Australia
07.01.2022 Happening Tomorrow at 1pm
07.01.2022 Early Bird Tickets End Today for the BNI Global Convention - On line and in our time zone, only $49 USD for Members, great opportunity to see some world class presenters.
06.01.2022 In November, our BNI Australia family reported over $35 million in thank you for closed business Amazing job we look forward to ending 2020 strong!!
05.01.2022 To All our BNI Melbourne South Members, I hope you are having a great Christmas Break. As we close out the year I would like to take the opportunity to thank and congratulate all of our amazing members in which has been our most trying year in BNI. Things have been tough for many people this year, and our members have held strong through this adversity which goes to show the quality of business people we have in BNI. A huge thanks to our Leaders, including Leadership Teams, D...irectors & Ambassadors for managing the transition to BNI Online and the vision of our CEO Graham Weihmiller to recognise the threat to our businesses and set up BNI Online so the transition was smooth when required. This has also provided a new opportunity for members to be part of fully online or hybrid chapters moving forward, which we could not have imagined at the start of the year. Despite a world wide pandemic and lock downs, our members still passed 19,358 referrals in 2020 amounting to $17,844,932 in Business reported by members, which when you consider everything, is amazing and only slightly less that what we would do in a regular year. Before the Christmas Break we had quite a few of our chapters return to face-to-face, and other chapters are planned to return in the new year. This situation is still fluid and we hope the government can control the current situation so this can still happen as planned. To quote Henry Ford: "Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success." Stay safe, and we I look forward to seeing you all in 2021! Brent
03.01.2022 EPISODE NO #35 IS HERE! BNI Your Questions Answered with Veronica Lees-Amato & Brent Edwards. We hope you enjoy this podcast that answers many of the most commo...nly asked questions about BNI, and why people join. BNI Australia BNI Melbourne South #BNImembers #whyBNI #joiningaBNIChapter #networkingforbusiness #letschataboutBNI See more
03.01.2022 A big thank you to our amazing Directors and Members across Australia who have volunteered their time and expertise to help train up our incoming Leadership BNI Australia would like to recognise them for their time, their Givers Gain mentality, and their contribution to our core value of Lifelong Learning. Well done to everyone involved! Brent Edwards, Executive Director of BNI Melbourne South - President (Trainer) Mel Thornton, Chapter President of BNI Hunter Valley & Newcastle - Australia - President (Support Trainer) Bob Greenup, Executive Director of BNI Sydney Central - Australia - Mentor Coordinator (Trainer) David McLean, Executive Director of BNI Brisbane South East, Australia - Mentor Coordinator (Support Trainer) Kirrily Graham, Area Director of BNI Melbourne North - Chapter Webmaster (Trainer) Mark Hahne, Chapter Ambassador of BNI Sydney Central - Australia - Chapter Webmaster (Support Trainer) Liz Murray, Director Consultant of BNI Central Coast - Community Builder & Member Engagement (Support Trainer) Jayme Smith - Director Consultant of BNI NSW South - Australia - Vice President & Member Relation (Support Trainer) Helen Searle, Executive Director of BNI Melbourne West / Geelong - Visitor Host Training (Trainer) Kiani Mills Chapter Director Consultant of BNI Melbourne Central - Visitor Host Training (Support Trainer) Robert Hartup, Executive Director of BNI Hunter Valley & Newcastle - Australia - Go for Green Coordinator (Trainer) Paul English, Executive Director of BNI NSW South - Australia - Secretary Treasurer (Trainer) Alison Attard, Executive Director at BNI Sydney South West - Education Coordinator (Support Trainer) Liza Garrido, Area Director of BNI Sydney Central - Australia - Vice President & Member Relation (Trainer) Kristan Hartup, Executive Director at BNI NSW North Coast - Australia - Australia - Quality Assurance & Due Diligence (Trainer) David Harris, Executive Director of BNI Melbourne East - Quality Assurance & Due Diligence (Support Trainer) Braith Bamkin, Executive Director of BNI Melbourne Central - Education Coordinator (Trainer) Bernie Hock, Executive Director of BNI NQ - Education Coordinator (Support Trainer) Martin Moate, Chapter Ambassador of BNI NSW North Coast - Australia - Go for Green Coordinator (Support Trainer) Frederick Marcoux, National Director of BNI Australia - Events & Growth (Trainer) Ursula Malgas, Chapter Director Consultant of BNI Melbourne Central - Events & Growth (Support Trainer)
03.01.2022 Great surprise from Sangeeta Bajaj from That’s Right Bookkeeping at Pakenham Business Networking Group - BNI Pakenham Achievers a delivery of a delicious breakfast for the attendees stuck in lockdown. No wonder we all love Sangeeta!
02.01.2022 BNI Australia National Traffic Light Report is in BNI Carrum Downs at No.6!
02.01.2022 Last December, our Members thanked one another for over $30 million in business, across the whole of Australia. Impressive stuff!
01.01.2022 94 incoming Leaders on or Leadership Success Seminar today! Great teams achieving success for their chapters. Thank you for your work in the background Avinash Sequeira
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