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Bob Katter | Politician

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Bob Katter

Phone: +61 7 4061 6066


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25.01.2022 The closure of Western Australia’s Kwinana Oil Refinery is a devastating blow to the whole of Australia. Fuel security is one of the biggest and most urgent issues facing Australia. One of the biggest things the Federal Government can do is to build a world-class, economies of scale refinery so we can refine our own petrol. About 25% of Australia’s petrol can be met by our own oil reserves, but we currently export it because we can’t refine it in Australia. Our refineries ancient, hopelessly small and diseconomies of scale. We cannot hope to fight a war and defend ourselves if we only have 28 days of fuel, it’s as simple as that. Enforced ethanol mandates are another clear-cut decision that must be taken immediately by state and federal Governments. #KAP #BobKatter #auspol #qldpol

24.01.2022 Their tagline is 'Spirit of Australia', but there is absolutely nothing Australian about this. Qantas is going to axe 2000 ground staff and outsource the work they do. The Transport Workers Union said Qantas' latest decision to sack 2000 ground staff was not a "COVID response".... And let's not forget that in the 2019 financial year, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce was paid $24 million. What a disgrace. #KAP #KAPteam #Qantas

23.01.2022 You BEGA-believe it!! Dairy is back in Aussie hands! I congratulate Australian dairy business, BEGA for its purchase of Lion’s dairy and drinks business and celebrate the sale as a ‘huge win for Australia’. Today is a great day for Australia. ... The BEGA company is one where families, like the Kelly’s, have been dairy farming for 183 years in Australia. They are one of the many good quality people associated with BEGA. It is the duty of every Australian to buy BEGA cheese from now on. The North Queensland dairy area is one of the nation’s largest and most condensed. This is extremely good news and we would see this as an opportunity to get a much better deal out of the giant supermarket chains who literally have sold cheap milk over the dead bodies of Australian dairy farmers, their job farmers, contractors and associated businesses. So with this sale, they will be getting a bit of their own medicine back. I look forward to having discussions with the BEGA people at the earliest convenience. #KAP #auspol #BobKatter

22.01.2022 It was great to inspect progress at the new rock wall and boat access at Mission Beach, that Shane Knuth MP delivered, before heading out to the magical Great Barrier Reef. Katter's Australian Party is fighting for more boat access facilities up and down the Queensland coast so more people can enjoy this natural wonder. #KAP #BobKatter #workingforyou

22.01.2022 The Australian sugar industry is walking the road to perdition. I was absolutely appalled to hear that the Maryborough sugar mill will close permanently at the end of the crushing season. Here is what is happening to your country. A very clear technicality the industry is closing down. Jobs are being transferred overseas and every time a mill closes in Australia, Thailand, Europe, India and Brazil do somersaults of happiness and joy.... The sugar industry will close and will be replaced by trees which use fly in, fly out Pacific Islanders, to harvest. There is no industrial side to crops, no processing so no industry with it. And so the profits that once went into the pocket of the mill workers, the harvest and haul-out operators, and the diesel fitters the money that went to them will now flow into the pockets of the Sydney slithering suits; the corporates, who own and control the farming corporations. And successive past government failures are to blame for the industry demise. Both the ALP and the Liberals are to blame here but the latter started this regime of terror against the sugar industry with Robert Hill’s run off controls as Liberal Minister for the Environment. And the ALP is most certainly delivering the coup de grace. It is a magnificent metaphor for what is happening in the economies of Australia. The Government, in almost every case, provided the money for those sugar mills to establish the industry and create jobs. Most of the corporate farms collapsed, having precipitated over production whether it be mangoes or almond nuts or tea tree oil, but the sharks of Sydney, they’ve fed well on the tax dodgers that sold to their Piketty-brotherhood who rob the superannuation funds. There are three other mills scheduled to close over the next six to seven years so there is no doubt that what is actually happening is the entire industry is closing down. We just can’t compete against the cross subsidy from ethanol, unlike Brazil, Europe and Thailand. Our two major parties cry and howl about saving the planet from CO2, yet the first solution in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ written by the Greenies Patron Saint, Al Gore, is stated as being ethanol. But of course that suits the major parties’ ‘save the planet, anti-farming’ agenda. There are only 20-odd mills left in Queensland and unless political parties such as the KAP are given the balance of power, they remain doomed. #KAP #Auspol #BobKatter

22.01.2022 So I've been included in a deck of cards created by the Parliament House of Cards as the Joker. Pretty fitting actually. The joker was in the King’s palace, a critical and extremely influential member of the court he is always by the king’s side always there to give wise counsel. He did this by way of humour, and often acting in a most outrageous manner. Starting with his dress. The worrying part for me, is that the King’s joker often had his head cut off. Because of ...the undue influence of giving the wrong advice. But I really think I’m safe on both accounts! #KAP #BobKatter #auspol

21.01.2022 Are you eating your lunch right now? A banana? A sandwich? Or perhaps my personal favourite; the banana sanga?? If you are, then you need to wrap your head around something pretty important. Today is National Agriculture Day. We are a net importer of fruit and vegetables, a net importer of pork and seafood. Cattle numbers are down from 23 million to 10 million, our sheep herd is down from 162 million to 72 million. ... Dairy is down. Our sugar mills are mostly foreign owned. Our young people could have found farming inspirational, but we let our farmland go. The biggest farm in Australia Van Diemen’s Dairy is owned by China, the second biggest, Cubbie, is owned by China, the fourth biggest AA Company is foreign owned. Self-sufficiency has never been more important because if you cut these other items off, we are unable to feed ourselves. Without it, our diet pretty much only consists of bread, and beef and chooks, so maybe we will be doing alright. But maybe our life expectancy will go down dramatically. Our school leavers need to be encouraged to pursue a life on the land. It’s hard but rewarding yakka and there is something pretty special about feeding your country. #NationalAgricultureDay #AteToday #ThankAFarmer Pictured with Leny from Leny's fruit and veg stall at Mission Beach. Leny sells a huge range of local produce and if you're in the region, make sure you stop by! #KAP #BobKatter #auspol

21.01.2022 I am gobsmacked that the Federal Government’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has invested $9.6m in a Chinese solar panel company, and I am officially demanding that the Minister responsible be sacked. The CEFC a Government owned entity which was established to investigate and deliver renewables in Australia has brokered deal with a Chinese solar company which will be disastrous for Australian energy production workers. Production of these solar panels in China wi...ll replace coal miners and power station workers in Australia. Australians are living in a country that is going broke at 100 miles an hour. You cannot buy everything from overseas when you have nothing to sell overseas. The people running this country with their free market fundamentalism, their fanaticism, have imposed upon Australia a regime that no other country on earth has had to suffer under. Can we please for the love of God have a new regime that won’t continue to sell out Australia, or is it business as usual - Australia for sale? #BobKatter #KAP #auspol

20.01.2022 Queenslanderrrrr!!!!!!!! Well done boys! #origin

20.01.2022 The Federal and State Governments are short-changing Far North Queensland growers whose properties were impacted by Cyclone Niran earlier this month. The Category C $25,000 grants as ‘virtually useless’. Banana growers have been on the phones to my office requesting that the Federal and State Governments increase the grants. Local growers pointed out that while they were appreciative of the support, it equated to roughly two week’s wages and that for numerous farmers who had... lost 80-100 per cent of their properties, it would barely scrape the surface. There were many reports made to us that $75,000 grants were being made available. We want to know why North Queensland, once again gets $25,000 while New South Wales and Victoria got $75,000 for the bushfires? Whether you call it a cyclone or a tropical low or an extreme weather event, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the damage that has been done to the farmers. I am also disappointed that there had been no option offered to reconstruct existing loans. I will write to the Federal and State Ministers for Agriculture today requesting that they intervene and provide assistance on a case by case basis for the growers that have been severely impacted, with grants up to $75,000. This is a region that provides Australia with 93 per cent of its bananas. It’s time they recognise the area and our growers for the significant contribution they make to our country. Photo credit Michael Chambers #KAP #BobKatter #Bananas #auspol #qldpol

19.01.2022 Welcome to the team, Sam Cox - KAP Candidate Burdekin. Born in Home Hill, Sam grew up as part of a beef cattle and sugar cane business family and knows the vital importance of the agricultural and mining sectors to North Queensland. #KAP #BobKatter #qldpol #auspol

18.01.2022 I am not suggesting money shouldn't have been spent on the coronavirus crisis, but why is it the government was suddenly able to find money for this crisis, but not crises that have been plaguing regional Queenslanders for years? #KAP #KAPteam #workingforyou #coronavirus

18.01.2022 If you're in Moranbah this afternoon, I'll be at the Workers Club from 5pm if you'd like to come say g'day and have a yarn. #auspol #bobkatter #kap

16.01.2022 I am calling on the Federal LNP Government to adopt self-reliance and the recreation of industry as policy imperatives, following China’s trade sanctions and threats against Australian exports. China’s behaviour has made a mockery of the Free Trade Agreement the two countries had signed in 2015, and Australia will return to a convict colony if we continue to rely so heavily on China. Ethanol mandates, Australian-made cars and local manufacturing are part of the answer. ... #KAP #BobKatter #auspol

16.01.2022 The LNP are all talk, and no walk. Once again they’ve promised regional and North Queensland major projects, but the Party’s costings document shows it has no intention of delivering them. - A tiny $20m for Bradfield over four years ... - Only $530m for the Bruce Highway. However, it will spend $755 million on another road between Brisbane and the Gold Coast This is just more evidence that the fundamental problem for North Queensland is that the Queensland Government is run by Brisbane-based parties which jump to the tune of inner-suburban Brisbane. The cynical way in which the LNP has conned us for the last month does not give us a choice. This time we have to put Brisbane last. Put the KAP first. #KAP #BobKatter #auspol #qldpol

16.01.2022 It’s great to be in a team who are delivering for regional and North Queensland. #KAP #workingforyou #BobKatter #auspol #qldpol

15.01.2022 Calling all aspiring film makers! If you're good with a camera and can spin a yarn about a "significant or distinctive character", I encourage you to apply.

14.01.2022 It's time for a Royal Commission into Veterans' Suicide. Both Houses of Federal Parliament have now unanimously voted for a Royal Commission. Prime Minister it is over to you to immediately set the Royal Commission in motion. If you are a current or former ADF member, or a relative, and need counselling or support, contact the Defence All-Hours Support Line on 1800 628 036 or Open Arms on 1800 011 046. Support is also available from Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or the Suic...ide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 #KAP #BobKatter #auspol #Veterans Heston Russell Senator Jacqui Lambie

14.01.2022 We need to return to the days of development in Australia when people like the Thiess brothers showed true leadership. We need to build new railway lines, roads, dams, mines and industry and allow Queensland to boom once again. I have just completed my trip through the coalfields and the resounding message was we want our jobs and industry protected as well as proper pay and conditions. #BobKatter #Kap #auspol

14.01.2022 North Queensland has been hit with another outbreak of the livestock and animal related illness, Q-Fever. It's no wonder we keep seeing outbreaks because the vaccine costs $150 a shot, sometimes a lot more, and there is no education on the risks. I am calling on the Federal Government to reduce the cost by placing the vaccine on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme - we must protect workers in our essential industries. #BobKatter #KAP #auspol #qfever

13.01.2022 North Queensland tax dollars and revenue continues to be spent in Brisbane and the south-east corner. It's time to boot Brisbane; we need a North Queensland state. #KAP #BobKatter #qldpol #auspol

13.01.2022 I will vote for a Royal Commission into Veteran Suicides when a motion comes before the House of Representatives on Monday. I would prefer to be voting for real measures and action, but the Federal Government has failed to do anything about the horrific situation that is occurring in the Defence Force and in the veteran community. The Federal Government will not listen, and it will not act. I have tried for two months now to get the Veterans Affairs Minister to come to North ...Queensland and to Townsville (Australia’s biggest garrison city) and yet he will not even commit to a date. The DVA is a mess with veterans’ forms and applications being lost or not acted upon for months, sometimes years. There is no proper transition program from the Defence Force. NRL clubs such as the Broncos faced a similar situation where players were falling off a cliff when they stopped playing. The Defence Force should implement a similar transition program to what the Broncos did including financial advice, training and skills development and pathways to jobs. Our soldiers and veterans should be the pride of Australia. If any of the Government’s North Queensland MPs are thinking about voting against this Royal Commission, then they should think again. I am losing sleep at night over this suicide crisis and I will be voting for this Royal Commission. If you are a current or former ADF member, or a relative, and need counselling or support, contact the Defence All-Hours Support Line on 1800 628 036 or Open Arms on 1800 011 046. Support is also available from Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Read: #VeteransLivesMatter #VetsWeForget #auspol

13.01.2022 I refuse to give up on these men. We fronted media today to get the message across: the Federal Government must do everything in its power to resume an extended search for Lukas Orda and Will Mainprize. The Government's response has been simply not good enough. ... #BobKatter #Kap #auspol

13.01.2022 The major parties have bailed out airlines during COVID-19 which has helped the big cities like Brisbane, but it’s done nothing for regional and North Queensland. In fact, for towns like Cloncurry services have become worse. #KAP #BobKatter #qldpol #auspol

12.01.2022 This is not your ball game. You've had your chance to build dams and you failed. We are the big boys in town now. #batterup Great yarn with Studio 10 this morning talking relocation sentencing and election. #kap #auspol #bobkatter...

11.01.2022 Without trucks, Australia stops. 300 trucks are currently going through Cloncurry every day, and the local Council intends to secure funding to develop a transport hub at the local sale yards - which is one of the biggest in Australia. #BobKatter #KAP #auspol

11.01.2022 Two terrific water schemes in North Queensland are facing delays of six months to a year due to the incompetence of the State Labor Minister at the helm. With the stroke of a pen the bulldozers could move into the Big Rocks Weir site near Charters Towers. Similarly the Hughenden Irrigation Project is facing a six month delay. ... Minister Lynham, do you want your legacy to be that you were a do-nothing, Brisbane-based, Lily Pad Lefty? Get out of the way and let North Queensland unlock its potential through irrigation and industry. #KAP #BobKatter #qldpol #auspol

11.01.2022 I love a country pub! #KAP #BobKatter

11.01.2022 Can you believe this? The major parties are still refusing to bin the Brisbane bid for the 2032 Olympic Games. Any government that goes ahead with a bid would be trying to build a Colosseum to distract people. It’s a nice thing to do when you’re an affluent state that is in good control of its economy, but that is the exact opposite of the position we’re in. #BobKatter #KAP #auspol #Olympics

11.01.2022 When Labor and LNP Members of Parliament go to bed at night and ask themselves who sold out Australia, they should look in the mirror and they will have their answer. Drew Pavlou and his friends had the temerity to stand up for the persecuted Uyghur, Hong Kong and Tibetan peoples. Their reward? They were bashed by a bunch of Chinese thugs, and then the University kicked Drew out. The leadership of UQ and the UQ senate will go down in infamy and will be remembered as traitors.... Today I spoke on the Federal Government's Foreign Relations Bill which will allow the Foreign Minister to tear up dodgy deals between State/Territory entities (such as Universities and Councils) and foreign entities. To the LNP Government's shame the Bill does not cover deals between corporations. That means the Port of Darwin sale to a Chinese company cannot be reversed. Labor and the LNP must stop cowering in their hidey-holes. #KAP #BobKatter #auspol

10.01.2022 With the borders due to open for NSW and Vic, Mr Katter together with local tourism operators and representatives are encouraging incoming visitors to drive south from Cairns and experience the tropical coast and all that it offers. Mission Beach, Tully, Innisfail, the Tablelands and surrounding regions have a message to our southern visitors we are open and ready for business. #KAP #BobKatter #auspol

10.01.2022 BANANA BOB: This week Tanika Parker KAP Candidate Cook and I got to work on the Gilbert's Banana Farm in Mareeba. The fruit and vegetable industry is facing a shortage of willing workers which is predicted to result in fruit rotting on the ground and a doubling of supermarket prices by Christmas. If I can do the work at 75 years old, then I think a lot of other Aussies can as well. I'm supportive of a range of solutions including a Gap Year Program, Work for the Dole or finding other ways to attract workers. #KAP #BobKatter #workingforyou

10.01.2022 The problems the supermarket duopoly in Australia has caused for our farmers, small businesses and eventually consumers, are too many to count. #KAP #KAPteam #workingforyou

09.01.2022 Flinders Highway roadworks

08.01.2022 You can't trust Labor or the LNP to back regional Queensland. Put the Brisbane-based major parties last, and put KAP first, this state election. #kap #BobKatter #qldpol #auspol

08.01.2022 Ripper Saturday night in CQ with Christian Shepherd KAP Candidate for Rockhampton! #kap #BobKatter

08.01.2022 We are facing the worst recession in our nation’s history. Regional and north Queensland have the wealth-creating projects that will help rebuild the nation, but the major parties keep pumping funding into absorb money projects in Brisbane.

08.01.2022 Australia's fruit and vegetables are rotting. The Government must act. #BobKatter #KAP #auspol

07.01.2022 I recently joined The Ferg Neal Show to talk everything from Drew Pavlou, to egging the Beatles, Covid-19 and the future of Australia. Listen: #KAP #BobKatter Fergus Neal

07.01.2022 With the borders opening 1 December, I am encouraging visitors to head south once they land in Cairns. You will never find the adventure, tropical food and wine, rich jungle lapping sand anywhere else in the world. It is paradise and it is open for business.

07.01.2022 Submissions can now be made to the Inquiry into national security risks affecting the Australian higher education and research sector. The Inquiry was launched after myself and Drew Pavlou placed immense pressure on the Federal Government, following an incident at the University of Qld where Drew was bashed by a bunch of CCP thugs during a human rights demonstration. If you are a university student, alumni, academic or staff member who has experienced or witnessed foreign i...nfluence and control on campus, then I urge you to make a submission. Make a submission here: Inquiry terms of reference: #KAP #BobKatter #auspol

07.01.2022 Robbie Katter MP busts those myths about KAP preferences. #kap #auspol #BobKatter

06.01.2022 If the LNP goes ahead with its plan to preference the Greens in south east Queensland seats at the state election, it will be a disaster for regional and north Queensland. Put the Greens last. #KAP #BobKatter #auspol #qldpol

06.01.2022 It pays to speak up when things aren’t right. The Feds have ditched their cash ban bill. #KAP #BobKatter #auspol

06.01.2022 The major parties and their free market ideology has made farming unprofitable in this country Despite growing enough veggies to feed between 70 and 80 million people a year, Australia spent $215m importing fruit and vegetables in one month alone, according to a report in the Courier Mail. And Australia imported about $40million of milk products, butter and cheese in August alone, making life even tougher for our own dairy farmers.... We must give our farmers a fair go and stop importing so much. #KAP #KAPteam #workingforyou

06.01.2022 If you want an economy run on happy thoughts, then go and vote for the Greens", KAP Leader Robbie Katter MP told Sky News. And be warned, that this election the LNP has preferenced the Greens ahead of Labor in all 93 seats. #KAP #KAPteam #workingforyou

05.01.2022 We must support Aussie jobs and industry. #KAP #BobKatter

05.01.2022 We must build Hells Gates dam to the right height otherwise the Bradfield dream is destroyed for forever. #KAP #BobKatter

05.01.2022 Great to be back at the footy. Unfortunately the North Queensland Toyota Cowboys didn’t get the result we were after. Always next week. #NRL #Cowboys #Kap #BobKatter

03.01.2022 I have tried to get a minimum farmgate milk price for our struggling dairy farmers numerous times in Federal Parliament, but everytime the LNP has voted against it. Even the Greens and Labor support paying our farmers above the cost of production. #KAP #BobKatter #auspol #qldpol

02.01.2022 The Barron River Bridge will be down to one lane for a further six months. Does the State Government based in Brisbane really think this is acceptable? The Transport Minister is a ‘mirror man’, he’s always looking into things but never acting. We need a new highway. The proposed Reddicliffe Bridle Track highway will mean it will take 20 minutes to get from Mareeba to Cairns, rather than one hour. ... Sign the petition for a new highway: #KAP #BobKatter #auspol #qldpol

02.01.2022 Government COVID-19 policies, good or bad, and border closures mean we have a lack of willing workers. I’m backing a proposal to get school leavers to work on our farms, in our meatworks and essential industries through a ‘gap year’ policy. #kap #BobKatter #auspol

02.01.2022 EUREKA! COVID-DEPRESSION CURE FOUND IN QUEENSLAND’S GOLD FIELDS The Miner’s Right needs to be restored which will allow people to fossick and prospect for gold in state forests. It is a solution to this Covid-Depression we are currently experiencing. The fossicking of gemstones and gold was originally allowed under the Mining Fossicking Act but was repealed in 1994. ... I am currently touring coal country and visited Clermont where I met with Frieda Berry-Porter from the local fossicking business Jonathan Porter - The Outback Prospector who showed me giant gold nuggets found yesterday!. We are in the middle of a mild holocaust the Covid-depression. In the Great Depression, the Government did nothing (what’s new?). We Australians went out gold fossicking which wasn’t surprising since our fathers and grandfathers came to Australia searching for gold. The therapeutic value of buying a metal detector and going out, as our forefathers did, to the Clermonts, the Curries, the Chillagoes, the Charters Towers, and Gympies, is enormous. It is a fun thing to do and I have a good friend, who in six months, made over $200,000. Nick Dametto, Member for Hinchinbrook fronted Parliament and said that if the KAP get the power in October’s election, then they will move immediately for the restoration of the land to the Australian people - not the Crown. And that is a quote from the Magna Carta specifically. The Mining Right will come back into existence and state forest fossicking will be restored. The therapeutic value of fossicking in this Covid-Depression affecting so many people is badly needed. So it cures the depression from Covid and it was one of the cures of the Great Depression itself. The Government built nothing in the Great Depression, but they at least allowed us to go out and do it for ourselves. But so many people in Australia won’t because they had freedoms then that we can only dream of now. When I first launched the KAP, I said we are the freedom and fun party. But now you are not allowed to go into Government land with a metal detector and dig up the gold out of the ground. The chief responsible said it took an hour in the Roma airport to process 50 passengers as they searched everybody. And these freedoms will only be inhibited further. Soon we will see Woolworths and Coles not allowing you to buy things the same as before they will not let you use cash. You will have to get permission from the banks (under the control of the government) to buy food. Stand up Australia and fight the fight. Make us again a place of wonder, freedom and excitement. #BobKatter #KAP #auspol

01.01.2022 I applaud the Federal Government for backing a push for a monetary incentive program designed to attract school-leavers to do fruit picking during holidays and as a gap year. I was out there humping bananas last week, and while it’s definitely hard yakka, it can be great fun in the packing sheds and you’ll feel good about helping to feed your country. #KAP #BobKatter #workingforyou

01.01.2022 Twiggy Forrest's purchase of RM Williams is a hallmark moment in Australian retail history. They say you can’t manufacture anything in Australia, well we can if wasn’t for our governments who propped up the dollar to about twice its real value! If you buy a pair of RM Williams they are very expensive but you wear them maybe seven or eight years.... Two American Presidents have worn RM Williams; George W Bush went to his inauguration in his RM Williams and Bill Clinton also wore RM Williams. Senior trade union officials as well as workers once wore them mustering. Even the city suits have a pair in their shoe rack. So to have them back in the hands of two truly great Australians, Andrew and Nicola Forrest, is very heartening. And they are in the hands of the only major mining company that is still Australian. Read: #kap #BobKatter #Auspol #qldpol

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