Bodhi healing and spirituality in Frankston, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Bodhi healing and spirituality
Locality: Frankston, Victoria
Phone: +61 450 821 732
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24.01.2022 Fear is OPTIONAL So I'm not going to lie I'm slowwwly coming back to a state of balance. When the initial reality of the lockdown hit, it knocked me right off my feet. ... Cancelling my trip to Bali. Worrying about my new job. No more gym Having to stop my women's circles. Worrying about my family overseas. But more than anything.... That MASSIVE MESS in the collective CONSCIOUSNESS. Fuckerdefuckballs. Not cool man. I turned to food. Stuffing my face and then feeling bad about it. I felt so powerless and hopeless for a little while. The self-destructive demon whispering in my ear 'its ok', 'the world is in total chaos anyway'. So fast forward a week. Yes the world is not the same. Our lives have changed indefinitely. But the world is still spinning. Day by day I'm regaining the confidence that I CAN make a difference. That I might feel a certain level of stress, but, I can STILL be mindful. I can take precaution with the current situation, I can use common sense and then I can LET GO. I don't HAVE TOO binge watch the news or engage in negative conversation only. It's still up to me to get my exercise, to clean my house, to enjoy time with my daughter, eat healthy, meditate, to make the best of work, to paint, study, dance, garden, to have hope. I can be creative, flexible, I can BE.. STILL. And know that you can BE too. It's your birth right. Claim it. Fear is optional. Being mindful is still a choice. Celebrate this choice nobody can ever take away from you. Be kind to yourself (and others) Namaste
22.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE To all my client's, friends and family please take some time to read. Hi my beautiful tribe ... We've all been aware of the current situation in the world and accordingly my business will undergo some transformations. After over a year of hosting beautiful women's circles these will be postponed until further notice. Even though at the moment we're legally still allowed to gather, I think it's better to postpone until there's more clarity and collective fear has settled. On top of that, as advised by ARC (Australian Reiki Connection). I will not be treating clients 1:1. So these sessions are postponed too. On a personal note: What does this mean? As a new single mom and business owner, on top of the emotional loss, it means loss of income. I was gradually settling into my life as a single mum, then suddenly there were no more potatoes in the stores and people were fighting over TP. Suddenly I am facing possible loss of my new found job and security. I know lots of us are in the same boat and it breaks my heart. Today I am asking as a holistic practicioner, as a friend, as family, as a mom. If you can still afford my services please do get in touch. Absolutely any form of business means the world right now. Those who know me probably know I never ask for much. But today I am reaching out to anyone who wants and can offer support. So what services do I still offer: Mini guidance readings at $25,55 Distance healing (1hr) at $65 I sell essential oils and beautiful crystal Orgones. Get in touch to look at my stock. Posted Australian wide. The readings and healings are energetic and can be received regardless of distance. So even if you're further away (hi overseas friend's) you can receive these powerful sessions. Moving forward (for now) I will be advertising more distant services and see how we can grow together in this space. We also have a wonderful messenger group (free of charge) where I'll be providing weekly 1-card readings. Where we can still connect and share. Pm if you'd like to be added to this group. Stay safe and stay healthy. Together we rise Cynthia
22.01.2022 I am sitting on the moist warm earth. My body is still warm from all the dancing. It is Saturday night at the seven sisters Festival as I'm attending a 'reclaim your womb circle'. Are there any intentions we would like to share before starting our ritual? The space holders are waiting for our answers. ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Get some air...
21.01.2022 The transmission can only happen when there's trust. Chaos is creation (through destruction of the old) Let go ... Trust
20.01.2022 Fire, flames, despair, destruction, death... Ashes to ashes. Tears falling on the scorched earth.... Then, Beyond the flames... Sparks of collision, particles,atoms A sudden screech tearing through EVERY molecule that makes our universe, vibration. The phoenix roars, rises, it's time Rebirth. Transformation. In fields of black they spring. New Life. Little green promises. Courageous embodiments of hope. The reminders of love. The reminders to do better. Foundations of the new earth. These leaves of promise will sprout in the hearts of those: Willing to rebuild, Willing to love Willing to listen Brave enough to move beyond the flames. And you ARE BRAVE, dear soul. Every end is a beginning. The endless cycle of all that is, all that was and all that will be. Together we fall and Together we rise If we choose too. Let us choose too
19.01.2022 "Lie Down' by Nancy Paddock Lie down with your belly to the ground, like an old dog in the sun. Smell the greenness of the cloverleaf, feel the damp... earth through your clothes, let an ant wander the uncharted territory of your skin. Lie down with your belly to the ground. Melt into the earth's contours like a harmless snake. All else is mere bravado. Let your mind resolve itself in a tangle of grass. Lie down with your belly to the ground, flat out, on ground level. Prostrate yourself before the soil you will someday enter. Stop doing. Stop judging, fearing, trying. This is not dying, but the way to live in a world of change and gravity. Let go. Let your burdens drop. Let your grief-charge bleed off into the ground. Lie down with your belly to the ground and then rise up with the earth still in you. "Lie Down" by Nancy Paddock, from Trust the Wild Heart. Red Dragonfly Press, 2006.
18.01.2022 Mini guidance readings are BACK. I've done these throughout December and received so much positive feedback(!) I've decided to add them to my services permanently. So what exactly does a mini guidance reading embody?... I'll enter a meditative state and energetically tap into your auric field. Then using a combination of cards, pendulum and Clairaudience write up a personal report. This report will include: -A channeled sentence from your guides -The chakra Centres that require some TLC and HOW to realign them, giving power back to you -One Oracle card message All this is done through email so you can refer back to your report at any given time. Mini guidance reports focus specifically on a 3/4 week timeframe. So that you can realign your attention in a way that serves you, without giving away your power. I won't tell you what to do. But your auric field and guides will provide you with valid information, so you can take action into your own hands. These readings are only $25.55 Get in touch for your personal report
17.01.2022 Hi gorgeous souls, Hope everybody is keeping well I have some beautiful handmade orgones for sale. I've been in love with these ever since I've first seen them. ... Here's a couple of the varieties I have available right now. $50 per pyramid. Shipping Australia wide. Description of the individual pyramids crystal (healing) properties will be send to you on request. These sell quick and have limited stock at this time. so if you'd like to purchase contact me :)
17.01.2022 Welcoming my blood the first morning of the new decade. Releasing... my old ego continues to die while the Phoenix gathers her embers. If you would've told me 5 years ago I would go to a new years eve party without any alcohol... I would've laughed. Yet it's where I was yesterday. Drumming, dancing, free. ... If you would've told me 4 years ago I would be out all night dancing, just a day before my period started... I would've thought that would be impossible, as my period pains were excruciating. Yet I've released, healed and aligned with this energy. I have had painless periods for over a year now If you would've told me 3 years ago I would rise up, start my own business and be a healer... I would've thought you must be out of your mind. I can never do that. Yet it's what I'm doing and still rising. If you would've told me 2 years ago I don't need outside validation to love myself... I would agree, but seek it out anyway. Yet I'm deepening this wonderful respect and love for myself daily. Regardless the circumstances If you would've told me 1 year ago I would be attending these wonderful events with my tribe people... I would've thought, how? I have a baby I don't have time. Yet I integrate beautiful gatherings into my life almost weekly If you would've told me 6 months ago some of my best friends would be amazing men... In my thoughts I would've immediately dismissed the idea. I would never be able to connect with men on a truly meaningful level. Yet I've forged friendship connections with a few men that have enriched my life in so many ways already Happy 2020 my loves. Thank you so much for all your soulwork and service. Yes we can and yes we will. Together we rise
15.01.2022 Feeling into the motion for tonight's circle gathering. She feels nurturing and calm. We'll explore our connection to the water element. Today, she whispers to me of healing drops rather than raging storms. Quiet waters hold deep grounds. In the still lake we find our reflection. ... Time to float. Time to be held. Time to surrender. Still spaces available for those seeking a night of sisterhood and relaxation Namaste
15.01.2022 That moment you're getting changed at the gym... Forgetting you stuffed crystals down your bra. So they end up bouncing all over the change room #lightworkersissues #struggles #laughs
14.01.2022 Wait... And see.
12.01.2022 The transmission can only happen when there's trust. Chaos is creation (through destruction of the old) Let go ... Trust
11.01.2022 Sleep now, Close your eyes Restore... The earth carries you In the comfort Of oblivion You'll be rested In her core
11.01.2022 2 spots left for tonight's circle, come join ! We will explore spirit animals and how to integrate their wisdom in our lives Traveling through meditation last night I connected to the spirit of the Otter and that of the Lyrebird... What a surprise. Complete new guides for me! So I'm inviting them in with me tonight. I was expecting to encounter an Owl or maybe my old friend Fox .... But no, and that's the fun thing about spirit animals. As our path and energy shifts new guides present themselves accordingly. Can't wait to see all the beautiful guides that come forth tonight
06.01.2022 In the midst of transitioning/ releasing so much in my life. Relationships, finances, old beliefs, fears, sexual trauma... It's been a bit quiet here as I'm trying to live in the receptive mode and let go of old conditioning...... My vision for the future becomes clearer every day. In the meantime I allow the universe to cradle me with love and reassurance. As I'm working through all the paperwork and practical aspects of things I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I see the light I've always envisioned and I know I'm on my way.
06.01.2022 Today on 22-2-2020 it's exactly one year ago we hosted our first women's circle. Incredibly grateful for all that I have witnessed in this space. The tears, joy, recognition, sisterhood. We've had big circle's, we've had small ones. Sisters come, go and come back... I'm just here holding the door for whoever needs to step into this space. We are all on our own journey, we just need someone to 'hold the door'. ... I am honoured to be that person. I see women come in as strangers, people that would've passed each other in the street.... Yet after 2 hours in circle space they are hugging like old friends. Something was shared, a recognition of humanness. I'm so incredibly honoured to provide this space. And, honestly if making strangers hug is the best thing I'll do in this life.... That's fine with me. I made a vow to myself. I would keep showing up, no matter what happens. Be it for 1 sister or a 100. I'm honouring this vow. To the next 70 years Together we rise
06.01.2022 What if rather than thinking my life, I will just live my life for a while. You know ... Just to see how that goes Cynthia
06.01.2022 Bodhi is moving. After going through some major transitions in pretty much every aspect of my life, I am now moving... next week! (I'll Still be in Frankston on Cranbourne Rd.) It's been a lot and it will be a bit more, but I feel in my heart of hearts it's the right thing to do. ... Leaving behind certain aspects of my life that don't fit anymore. They either became too loose and naturally shed, or too tight and got mindfully untied and left. I will set up a gorgeous new spot for 1:1 treatment and the circles will either resume in my new homespace, or in one of the local gorgeous (yoga) studio's. Will feel into that after my new space is set up Then I would like to share a little bit more about my future visions. I've been down some major rabbit holes surrounding this coronavirus situation. Stuff that is so dark and scary it can make you question the very foundation of human existence. I was repelled, sad, frustrated, angry and down right sick to my stomach. However, now more than ever I see a new light shining upon this situation. I see a structure that is outdated and must crumble to make space for the new. There is no more space for these old practices that try to restrict, restrain, manipulate and control. I feel more than ever we need a revolution rather than a rebellion. We need a revolution of love, home grown veggies, communities, music and alternative therapies. We need to step away from the huge companies, the 1%, the mainstream media, the 5G, the unhealthy substances. And here is the beautiful thing WE CAN. We really can. one step at the time we can say... No. I do not consent and I do not participate. I'll have the backyard of my new home solely dedicated to growing my own produce. I don't expect to be perfect but I'm willing to learn, through trial and failure. I've been gathering information about maintaining a vegetable garden and already learned so much I never knew! (There's amazing FB groups) Only very few of us got taught how to grow our own food from a young age. We've been starved of the most practical of information. This will be my first step. My first little revolution in becoming more independent. And along the way I will learn how to step away. 3 steps forward 2 steps back probably, but that's ok. The goal is to rent a few more years and then invest in either a tiny home or eco home. Maybe even within a community. We will see how it will manifest. But I know one thing... I do not consent. And you don't have to either Namaste
05.01.2022 A little clearing ritual for myself tonight. To let go of heavy emotions and outdated thought patterns. During my body scan I noticed my throat, heart and sacral chakra presenting themselves. And behold, both Oracle cards I pulled have a clear heart connection image Also just a little funny that my angel statue and the card hold the same pose YES I got the hint universe ... This Pisces energy can make us delve deep and 'feel all the feels'. So much brought to the surface in, sometimes, quite uncomfortable ways. If we don't release what no longer serves us we hold this emotional tension in our body creating physical issues. If you have been feeling specifically vulnerable or overwhelmed prioritise your self-care. I am just recovering from a sore throat myself due to a lack of vocal expression. Can't wait to dive deep into meditation, flow and release. Setting free whatever needs to go, to make Space for the new. And so it is Blessed be Initiation: Let fire turn to ash what no longer serves its purpose. Let rise from the ashes new life, ideas and direction. As the ever-changing fluid state of the universe, so shall be my life.
04.01.2022 I acknowledge I can disengage from the panic and chaos of the collective. I acknowledge I am free to choose my own path and narrative. I acknowledge that although I am human I don't have to be part of a collective state of fear that serves no one. ... I acknowledge I can find love and peace by going inwards. I acknowledge that if I can change the world for one person today, it may as well be myself. I acknowledged that loving energy is always expendable. So inevitable by serving myself I serve others.
04.01.2022 Get some air...
02.01.2022 I acknowledge I can disengage from the panic and chaos of the collective. I acknowledge I am free to choose my own path and narrative. I acknowledge that although I am human I don't have to be part of a collective state of fear that serves no one. ... I acknowledge I can find love and peace by going inwards. I acknowledge that if I can change the world for one person today, it may as well be myself. I acknowledged that loving energy is always expendable. So inevitable by serving myself I serve others.
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