BodiComplete in Kirrawee, New South Wales, Australia | Business service
Locality: Kirrawee, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 431 823 290
Address: 9 Yalgar Rd 2232 Kirrawee, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 The 3 best tips to start dropping unwanted weight, with minimal effort. When it comes to making health changes it can seem like it’s going to take too much effort to get the results you want. Now I don’t know your personal position but what I do know is starting is easy.... Below are 3 simple tips. Tip # 1: Step it up! 10,000 steps per day is considered ideal for maintaining optimal heart and brain health (if you aren’t already exercising). So I have some hints within this tip to help you get your steps up, outside the obvious walk to work Set an alarm every hour, and do a lap of your office floor, grab some water each time to stick to tip # 2. Create a ritual with a friend (to keep accountable bonus tip) where you go for a walk at sunrise on the weekend. For those of you with kids (or not) 20 minutes of dance time. Put on kid friendly spotify and go crazy with them before dinner. Teach them your favourite wedding floor dance moves! Link in bio
23.01.2022 Sustained improvement comes from little efforts daily. - The other day in class, 2 of our newer members remarked that they can't wait to be as fit and strong as @elizabethyabsley (shown in photo) - This was after she casually crushed a workout.... - I remarked that she is currently 23 weeks pregnant and they were stunned! - So I explained further that this is also her third pregnancy with us and she is one of the most consistent members. - After 8 years (or so) she has built a platform that she can always rely on. - And I finished the conversation reminding the new members, they can do it too. See more
21.01.2022 Can you see how these movements have been progressed/regressed? - There's the obvious knee raise to straight leg raise then toes to bar. - What else?... - As the movement grows more challenging, the need to push down on the bar increases. Hence the larger torso angle. - How do you build on your strength/skills? See more
21.01.2022 Action builds confidence #Bodicomplete
21.01.2022 Let's have a bit of love for our member of the month @alexander.hunt - Alex always finds time to train despite running his exceptionally successful business @fleetphysiotherapy - He brings the fire and pushes everyone in the gym.... - Keep up the good work big Al. See more
20.01.2022 Performing the same exercises over and over is a sure-fire way to slow your progress. Learn a few different pressing techniques and how to do them properly to get strong shoulders.
20.01.2022 I know it can be hard, gaining motivation that is, we all know to some degree what healthy eating looks and good training look like. If you still haven't managed to shake that Covid layer or perhaps you just want to go into 2020 with the strongest and healthiest you I'd love to help. What we do in the 21 day challenge is teach you how to create good habits. Life changing habits that have flow on effects into your work life and relationships. These tools have helped this gym s...ucceed through Covid as well as it's members! You’ll receive: Meal plans and Nutrition setup Unlimited semi-private group training sessions Daily accountability and Weekly review Structured programming and coaching to teach you Daily education delivered to your inbox Support not just from our coaches, but the community where you can thrive Click below or in our bio to find out more. https://bit.ly2WYiZhP/
20.01.2022 Get your morning right... Win the day. - Victories are often a culmination of small wins along the way. - The BEST and easiest way to get small wins is to start your day right.... - How I hear you all asking? - Breakfast is a great starting point. - Choosing whole, natural foods will provide you with: Quality energy Mental Clarity Healthy gut - Anyone with any sort of food discomfort will tell you just how much difference choosing the right food can make on their decision making and energy. See more
20.01.2022 I've got to warn you. There are bogus rumors going around about strength training. The truth is that strength training is one of the absolute best things you can do for your health and appearance. If you've fallen for these 5 myths then you're missing out on tremendous potential results. ... Myth #1 Muscle Turns Into Fat Why would anyone want to build muscle if it could morph into fat after a span of disuse? Rest assured that this is a myth of the highest order. Muscle tissue is muscle tissue. Fat tissue is fat tissue. One will never become the other. Myth #2 Strength Training Doesn't Burn Fat On the contrary, muscle mass is your number one ally against fat gains. A pound of muscle burns 10-20 calories each day, while you're just living and breathing. Regular strength training helps you increase your muscle mass as well as preserve existing muscle mass, turning you into a fat burning machine. To debunk more myths. Follow the link in our bio.
19.01.2022 When you eat at home, you know what you’re getting. Head to a restaurant, and it’s another story. The ingredients, method of preparation, and portion size can easily add excess calories to your diet. ... Restaurant menus have so many choices and are often full of unfamiliar terms. Is a food fried or baked? Does it come with a sauce or dressing? If you’re not careful, you won’t know answers to these questions and more until you ask them. Click the link for the full blog post: #Bodicomplete
16.01.2022 We'll miss your handsome face Rich!
15.01.2022 Do you even coach-tilt? - If your coach doesn't, do they even care about you?
15.01.2022 The following 5 successful techniques (Do This) and 5 unsuccessful techniques (Not That) are from Wiseman's book, 59 Seconds Change Your Life in Under a Minute. Do This: Make a Step-by-Step Plan. If you are serious about achieving your goal, then you need to create a step-by-step plan on how to do it. ... Successful goal-achievers break down their overall goal into sub-goals. Each sub-goal needs to be concrete, measurable, and time-based. Not That: Motivate yourself by focusing on someone that you admire. Studies show that focusing on someone you admire is not a strong enough motivator to see you through your goal. Do This: Tell Other People About Your Goal. How badly do you want to achieve your goal? If you want it bad enough, you'll tell your friends and family. Not That: Think about the bad things. When you focus on the negative it becomes your reality. Do This: Focus on the Good Things When Achieving Your Goal. Remind yourself of the benefits associated with achieving your goal. Do This: Reward Your Progress. Studies show that attaching rewards to each of your sub-goals encourages success. Not That: Rely on willpower. Willpower alone rarely gets anyone to their goal. Do This: Record Your Progress. Make your plans, progress, benefits and rewards concrete by expressing them in writing. Are you ready to achieve your fitness and weight loss goal once and for all? Call or email me now to get started on the process that will put an end to your yo-yo dieting and your fat jeans. Now is your time to get into the best shape of your life. #Bodicomplete
15.01.2022 Exercise quality counts more than quantity when it comes to staying healthy and fit. I often hear people say, ‘The more I work out the fitter I will be’. Though it's logical, doing such lacks balance. Basically, if you’re not doing an exercise with the proper form, you’re not doing the exercise at all. Proper form, posture, and exercise techniques are critical for achieving great results in any sport and even more so in the gym. Combined with the correct training/program... is necessary to improve your body for movement in life. Make sure you’re doing workouts that cover all aspects of fitness strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Don’t be afraid to vary the intensity of your workouts. On days you feel capable of pushing yourself hard, do it. After a day of hard training or on days you’re not feeling your strongest, lighten up. It’s all about listening to your body and adapting. #Bodicomple #reapwhatyousow #health #nutrition #kirrawee
15.01.2022 Some days you just gotta put your head down and push forward.
13.01.2022 Consistency is the key, so many people want the good life but just give up after a few days or they don’t even try. If you are truly serious about moving your life in a new direction you need to take action every single damn day. Success is not a sprint, it a marathon. Be a coward and remain confined to an average life or you can be a leader of your lif e and live life how you want to live it, on your terms.#Bodicomplete
10.01.2022 Excess weight is almost always due to overeating in some form. The truth is often very simple. And there can be a number of reasons why including: Habit whether you realise it or not, habits have been created. You keep eating what’s laid out on the table even if you haven’t stopped to decide if you are full or perhaps your mum always told you You can’t go until you’ve eaten everything on your plate.... Absent minded snacking. While watching a movie or just netflix each night. Perhaps while playing games or driving. These can really add up. Something deeper Food is recreational to help change your mood and while it may help in the moment, your body may be suffering long term. So to combat this I want to share 3 easy steps to overcome overeating. Read and apply. Check the link in our bio or follow here:
09.01.2022 Tip # 1: Pinpoint your motivation. Others may call this Find your why. I want to explain what the ‘why’ is though. The ‘why’ isn’t the first reason you are trying to get fit. The first reason when asked why are you at the gym might be To look good or to feel better or To make my ex jealous.... However that’s just the surface answer The real ‘why’ behind those answers are often deeper 1.To look good and feel comfortable wearing the clothes I want and not feel like I’m being judged Or 2.To feel better and not out of breath playing soccer with my kids, I want to be a role model Or 3. I want my ex to be jealous because they hurt me and I want to be the best version of me knowing I’ve given it my all because no one can take that away from me. Tip # 2: Make it official. For more on this, follow this link or find it in our insta bio.
09.01.2022 Wisdom Wednesday If it's important to you, you'll make time. - On Wednesday's I dedicate the whole day to hanging out with my son.... - He's important and he deserves more than just a good night in the evening. - And I bring this up because too many people tell me the same thing. - "I want to achieve 'X' but I don't have time" - If it was important, you'd make the time. - It's not hard to. - But you do need to stop and consciously decide to carve out some time each week. - The 86% of high performing individuals put aside at least 3 times per week to get in 45-60 minutes of exercise. - Think presidents, CEO's, presenters and tv personalities. - They understand their body is important and they make the time each week to look after it. - Vaughn See more
07.01.2022 This is a favourite exercise we use for beginner and intermediate athletes. - The goal is to help teach scapular control using the floor as a tactile cue. - Often programmed as a low impact super set or into our aesthetic training blocks.
07.01.2022 You want to be fit. You know what a healthy you looks like. You can even picture how great those skinny jeans will look. So why aren't you living ideal healthy life? I know there are many complex reasons that can get in the way and that can spiral making it feel out of control.... I'm talking about the life issues that get in the way of your success. Read the following 5 obstacles and the solutions to unlock your best body ever. 1. You don't want to be bothered. It's in your DNA to avoid pain and seek out pleasure. Unfortunately this works against you when trying to get fit. In your mind, it's painful (or at least uncomfortable) to deny yourself the tasty food that you crave and to exert yourself with exercise. There's a simple way to work around this obstacle. Negative experience. I’ll give an example; you know those movies where the hero experiences something awful which causes them fight with hope and fervor. Well... Find something painful about your situation, to motivate yourself towards healthy eating and exercise. Focus on the negative impact your current weight has on your health, self-esteem and lifestyle. Convince yourself that the pain of being out of shape is much greater than the discomfort of losing weight. For ways to overcome this and more obstacles. Link in our Bio.
06.01.2022 Deadlifts or Squats? - What's your favourite... or least favourite?
05.01.2022 The value behind...
05.01.2022 Don't stress the little things #Bodicomplete
05.01.2022 Wisdom Wednesday - Cherry picking your workouts will always be detrimental. - Unless you are training for a specific sport or unique project, the your body should be exposed to different elements of training.... - As a human you are dynamic and created to explore, not just exist. - You should experience a little bit of strength work, a dash of endurance training and a sprinkle or two of mixed modal work. - And while you're at it, learn some fun skills. - You never know what life will throw at you. - Perhaps you'll need to help your folks around the yard moving heavy objects, you may want to go for a long hike to impress a new relationship or take up a new more demanding role at work. - Training should prepare you for these moments. See more
03.01.2022 it's time to share 3 things I learned this week. Thing #1 More and more, people want to understand why they are doing the exercises they are within the gym.... The feedback after we ran some re-testing this week has been a sense of gratefulness that we explained why we were doing each exercise each day over the last 6 weeks. It gave people a better commitment to the process and better results. Thing #2 Roasts are easy to cook. I always thought it would be quite challenging to nail a roast. But because they are generally a cheaper cut, I've been doing them fortnightly and it's become quite easy to get it right now. Thing #3 The carrot and the stick. The old metaphor of attaching a carrot to a pole ahead of a donkey to get it to move forward or using the stick on it's behind is still a relevant one. Having coached athletes and general population for 13+ years I still see it day in and day out. Some are motivated by the desire to be healthier, stronger, fitter, sexier. For others, they need the comradery. Someone on their back reminding them to show up and get the work done. That sense that someone is watching and they need to perform, or else. Neither approach is superior to the other. But wherever you fall in that spectrum, remember to have someone check in on you once in a while with an outside perspective to make sure it's still the healthiest approach. Coach
03.01.2022 @jdevine88 the world is your oyster. - You're always off on adventures with work and this is another. - We'll see you when you return!
01.01.2022 Take the fuss out of eating healthy this weekend. - Our latest blog contains 3 simple recipes that take almost no time at all. - Link in our bio...
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