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Body Elite Natural Therapies in Gleneagle, Queensland, Australia | Spa

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Body Elite Natural Therapies

Locality: Gleneagle, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 456 306 363


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25.01.2022 Relieving Cortisol levels is one of the best ways of regaining bio-chemical balance.. Doing it without pharmaceutical help can assist in developing a pathway of recovery.. Though it may sound hard this link will show you how easily it can be achieved.

25.01.2022 I hope everyone has not only had a chance to think about some of these option, I hope you have attempted to implement some of these things into your own lifestyle.. One of the most important things I say to my clients when we have finished is... Dont go looking for your pain.. It is easy to focus on the familiar even when it is not in our best interest to do so.. It is kind of like wearing in new shoes.. You must persevere long enough to get comfortable in your new choices..... Like with shoes if you focus on the blisters it becomes impossible to walk.. Sometimes we have to wear our new habits in around the house before we wear them out in public.. We have to make sure we can go the distance.. For just a week no matter how you feel search your being for the place and things which feel good and healthy.. Find the tiniest corner of your being where you own healing can take root.. No matter how many familiar pains show themselves bring yourself back to the places that are well within you and see how that changes the mix.. See more

25.01.2022 A very interesting read...

24.01.2022 For those seeking a pathway to non medicated recovery.

24.01.2022 Authenticity is one of the most important parts of living a health balanced existence and it is not just about being authentic.. It is about eating authentic food wearing authentic clothing and dealing with authentic situations.. Authentic foods are those which contain no artificial or synthetic products.. Wearing authentic clothing is the same.. and dealing with authentic situations means not hiding behind a glaze of positivity.. It is about facing your problems head on realizing how the situation good or bad can benefit you and then resolving issues in a manner which does not avoid the pain however uses it as a tool for expansion.. more about expansive and contractive thought later..

24.01.2022 I realized alot of the links I have used as recourses are not available on the page so I am updating today with the links I trust..

23.01.2022 Interesting facts on fats.. and why I love em....

23.01.2022 It can all be in the timing... Making change can be difficult sometimes and at others can be damn near impossible.. Starting a diet or giving up drinking just before the Xmas party season can create the greatest chance of failure.. Choosing to start a diet though in autumn or spring is alot easier due to the fact that the seasons and our bodies are going through natural dietary changes anyway.. If you choose to start eating differently now is the perfect time to begin.. Our ...bodies are naturally changing from wanting lighter foods rich in energy giving carbohydrates like fruit and desires heavier foods as we wind down to the colder month.. Adding exercise can work the same way.. most people make a desperate dash in Spring to get their bodies back in shape.. This year lets use our down time during winter to do this instead.. We are naturally indoors more often we have more time to do a few easy exercises and so with this in mind over the next few days we will be looking at healthier choices and simple exercise.. The exercises I will be teaching were originally designed for people with spinal injuries to help build stomach and back muscles.. These can be done with no equipment and require no lifting of the head from the ground or clumsy techniques.. I will include one as a comment on this for you to attempt... See more

22.01.2022 There is absolutely no point in making all these changes in diet if we arent also looking at other ways we feed our being.. Today we are going to look at feeding the intellectual IQ emotional EQ and spiritual SQ bodies.. Intellectually I will pick up a new book today and I will go read it in a park.. Today I will have my meetings outside and I will walk noticing the nature all around me and every now and then I shall feed my soul by looking at something which shows the in...telligent design of the mystery like the make up of a flower or the veins of a leaf or the intricate beauty of wings.. Today as I go about my business I will do so within the moment. Not looking forward and not looking back.. Just for one day I will stay with me at all time.. I will not allow my thoughts or feelings to be distracted from myself.. Today is a selfing day not a selfish day because everything I do today will make what I do for others that much more rewarding for all.. See more

22.01.2022 Its not about being all spiritual and shit.. These are simple ways that even the most hardened atheists can grasp.. Its not about faith its about action.. Jeff Poole even you could do it... hehehehehe..

22.01.2022 If you are interested in what fats are good for you and which are not, here is a wonderful resourse..

21.01.2022 If you want to learn the answers to the big questions in life you have to begin by accepting that the small simple answers are just as important.. Learning how to breath can be one of the simplest most effective ways of initiating change within your world. If you are dealing with situations which seem to overwhelming, circumstances in which you feel you have no choice stop for one single moment and take a full breathe as you exhale let go of anything which tightens the center... of your being and at the end of the breathe hold for a moment in the stillness.. when you return your focus to the external find something immediately which fills your heart with inspiration.. Animals art music can all be stimuli for our benefit.. If you feel yourself falling into unwanted patterns breathe again.. Learn how to pull yourself up on old patterns and initiate new ones.. a simple return to default can happen in just one breathe.. Once breathing is achieved moving on to bigger issues like self observation become easier and easier. Before you know it you have a level of control over your own being and in turn the energy present around you. The paradox being that if you are not willing to see the simple answers the complicated ones can do nothing for you except distract you for a while. See more

20.01.2022 Sometimes replacement is the only cure....

19.01.2022 Sharing some feedback Terrica Strudwick Blessings to you for all the souls you assist in the many and varied methods you apply each matched to our own soul. you seem to know just how to reach the essence of each person you meet. i love learning from you xo

18.01.2022 are you a cannibal without knowing it... Share this with all your vegan friends and watch the results.. Yes I am ruining lives with the truth.. when have you known me to do any different.

18.01.2022 for those who may find fish oil thins the blood too much or would like to simply use a plant based choice here are some hints on where you can get most of the omega 3s you need.

18.01.2022 How to deal with stress and anxiety without medication. see the comments for links to articles..

17.01.2022 More on natural hair care...

17.01.2022 for those seeking bitter and sour alternatives

16.01.2022 Sound and resonance healing... Nothing in life is silent.. Though many sounds are outside our limited range like the sound of the density changing in a rock or the sound water moving through the veins of a leaf we understand they still exist and with every sound comes a rhythm.. some rhythms like the movement of the planets take hundreds of years to play just one sequence other rhythms like our breathe are far more tangible. Our heart beat is a classic example of one of the r...hythms of life.. and like all other rhythms it must remain regular to function correctly.. Every organ in the body and the body as one organism has a balanced harmony to its rhythms.. When one of these is out the entire system can fall into chaos.. Sound therapy offers the opportunity to reset these rhythms.. Much like a watchmaker adjusts a time piece or a piano tuner adjusting the strings a sound therapist uses tone rhythm and melody to adjust and align the different resonance fields of the body mind heart and spirit in order to create homeostasis. This week I will be offering $30 sound bath treatments using a range of drums, tibetan singing bowls, ting sha and elven chimes.. Treatments including pre-treatment triage consultation takes an hour and appointments are available from 10am - 6pm Wednesday to Friday and limited appointments Saturday and Sunday. With the success of last weeks offer of a reading meditation and massage package for $60 I have decided to continue the offer. Please feel free to PM through the page or contact me by text on 0456 306 363 See more

15.01.2022 sometimes therapy can be as simple as a walk in the forest with a new understanding.. Places are still available for this guided walk of the aboriginal rock art gallery on Mount Coot-tha..

14.01.2022 Whilst it is in my head I might as well write it... The evils of the empty stomach... Our bodies have been cultured by millions of years of environmental evolution.. Our body is designed to meet certain cicadian rhythms one of the most important being the clock of digestion... Each day is made up of twenty four hours which we can break up into three eight hour periods.. Our digestive system is set up to appropriate food assimilate food and eliminate waste.. It has incredibly... powerful chemicals and acids to do so.. When we deny our body food during the periods of appropriation and assimilation we leave not only our stomachs barron but our intestines as well.. Our body does not stop making digestive juices simply because there is nothing to digest so consentrated acid compounds instead of being diluted or changed by the consumption maseration or digestion of food are instead pumped into the intestines... This can cause a multitude of problems some of which have been mentioned by you.. So how do we get around this.. I like to bake.. I bake Omega 3 cookies and slices using breakfast cereal.. I like cheese cake.. and if all else fails slimming supplements actually assist even the skinniest people by offering essential nutrients without hollow carbs.. I am not a fan of breakfast replacement drinks because they are full of sugar however a frozen mashed banana mixed a drop of milk is an awesome compliment.. It is up to you to find your own dietary choices however making sure that your stomach never gets to a rumble can save the lining of the rest of your intestinal tract.. See more

13.01.2022 facts about minerals and how and when to use them...

13.01.2022 So many different eating plans around telling you that you should eat this and shouldnt eat that.. There are so many people out there attempting to sell a lifestyle to you and because of this alot of what they say is designed to create a dependency between you and the system they are peddling.. So how do you know what will be best for you.. Here is an easy way to judge.. Does it look like a challenge do you feel you would have to change "alot" to achieve it. Does it take you... too far outside your normal habits.. If you have answered yes to any or all of these then dont waste your time and money. Instead why not look at what you are already eating and make some healthier choices.. If you are overweight the best way to start limiting your food is to put away all your dinner plates and start using side plates instead.. By design it will start to reduce your portions.. Instead of jumping off your current eating routines and starting some great plan why not attempt to replace one meal a day with something healthier. Grate a carrot into your normal lunch.. Change from beef mince to turkey for those nachos and add a salad.... Drink some pineapple juice after the meal to help with digestion.. It is the little things we do which encourage us to do more.. It is far easier to climb a mountain in stages rather than attempting to reach the summit in the first go.. Just for today lets look at adding a tiny bit more nutrition to our meals before we start reducing what we eat.. 30% raw can be as simple as a apple or piece of fruit after each meal or a carrot or parsnip grated into a burger or a sqeeze of lemon over a few lettuce leaves to break up the fat in that bacon and eggs.. Small changes last and easily become new lifestyle choices.. Sudden changes cause craving and distress.. Start today if what you have been doing up till now is not working what have you got to lose.. In other news.. All these changes have now had me completely pain free and mobile for the past three weeks.. Even in the cold of canberra not an arthritic pain to be seen.. It honestly can be as simple as the posts on this page say... Scroll back to the picture of the vertebrae to follow the entire program.. See more

11.01.2022 I speak a lot of alkalized water and the benefits of raising your internal pH. Alkalizing can create an environment where bacteria virus and fungi are unable to remain viable.. Though drink water alone does little to increase internal pH when combined with a alkalizing diet can achieve some amazing results.. I know people who have had life long fistulas and infection completely cured without the use of antibiotics.

10.01.2022 simple effective and something you can do without assistance in many cases..

10.01.2022 this company carry some fantastic hydration products which contain calcium magnesium iron and potassium all in chelated amino acid form.. I have been using their sports drink as a source of magnesium for just on six months and the changes in my circulation and also the take up of other nutrients has been quite noticeable.. I no longer wake up tired or saggy and I find my stomach is basically empty ten minutes after I eat anything.. a hydration product such as this can also assist in helping you shed excess or retained fluids.. by increasing fluid movement and the replacement of minerals most fluid retention can be managed.

10.01.2022 The language of being well.. Whether we believe it or not, the way we express ourselves has a great deal to do with the amount of ease or dis-ease we create.. No matter how healthy the body is if it is constantly hearing complaints about itself if it is constantly being remind of the effort and stress of life this will become the bodys focus.. In order to achieve a health body one must have a healthy mind.. By programming the mind to speak in manner which offer benefit to th...e body we can make sure that every word from our mouths becomes and affirmation.. Not a note up on the fridge however an endemic vocabulary of positivity and this does not mean denial of the negative in fact this embraces the negative as part of existence in its totality.. Words like but negate everything which comes before it.. I am a good person but..... cant implies there is something greater than us that is an obstacle we are unable to circumvent.. Try a word which implies great effort is required to achieve a result.. All these words destroy the positive intent of our minds... For just one day listen to your own words.. See if you can observe and identify how often you use them and then see if you can change them... Alternative you may like to use... But / however - try / allow - cant / wont.. If you can reprogram just these three words until they are natural you can change just about anything else in your world as well.. See more

08.01.2022 What are the two things in our diet which cause us the most problems and what can we do about them.. Well if we think back to our five pointed star of nutrition we see that sugar and salt are the two main ingredients in food which cause us problems.. we actually get ten times more salt in a day than we need from processed foods.. Even bread pasta and tinned vegetables all contain higher levels of salt than is necessary.. So what can we do about this.. Well start by throwing ...out the table salt and buy alternatives.. Himalayan rocks salt, celery salt and vegetable minerals, celtic salt and murray river salts all have mineral salts rather than your standard sodium chloride.. As for sugar there are alternatives such as stivia and agave however I find them both to taste a bit chemical after a while so I use dextrose instead.. Dextrose is the glucose part of sugar.. Its the fructose which does the harm.. glucose is also alot sweeter and requires you use less for the same results.. Just by replacing these two elements in your diet you can bypass things like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.. See more

08.01.2022 Do you suffer from a chronic condition as defined as a condition or injury which is likely to persist for more than three months.. Are you unable to afford things like physio therapy osteopathy chiropractics however you feel you would benefit by learning more holistic ways of managing you condition.. Then I have three letters that may help.. EPC Enhanced Primary Care.. This is a medicare funded program of allied health professional completely devoted to your health.. You may... have up to five funded visits to your choice of services over a year. This is a free service to anyone suffering a chronic condition. If you are not on an EPC plan talk to your GP about how it may be able to help you.. There are other chronic condition plans such as pain management clinics and more.. Understand that these places are not just about pharmacology and offer alternative and complimentary therapies as well. As a remedial therapist I believe that there needs to be balance between the fields.. This is one way of being able to access a more pro active approach to your own therapy. See more

07.01.2022 I have been using there products for more than ten years starting first with their water and then some of their supplement products and I have to say of all the products I have used over the years there are few that end up as permanent parts of my tool kit.. If you are interested in the products however do not want to become a member of Xooma contact me for details on local reps.

07.01.2022 Having just begun a new medication and going through side effect which I had no support to be able to seek I posted my feeling in the feed and was lead to this.... If you are considering any form of new medication especially in the area of pain management of nerve disease/degen it is a must do to make contact with a few people who can give you a range of opinions before proceeding. Duck duck go is a search engine which does not track your usage..

05.01.2022 it really is as individual as body type however there is a protein supplement for everyone... In a fast paced world it can be difficult to make sure you are getting everything your body may need to run properly.. Though I am not one for cheats I do believe that added bonuses are a must when it comes to eating wholesome..

04.01.2022 Rosemary hair care... how to treat loss naturally..

04.01.2022 Cause you dont have to avoid looking good when injured... I use Rocktape when ever my neck goes episodic on me to allow me a trigger for when I move in ways that cause more damage.. and it comes in a colour to go with any ensemble.. I personally go with bio hazard print because sometimes people just need to be told subtly..

03.01.2022 People often ask how I stay so young and alive when I run four businesses and work with children.. My answer is that this is the exact reason why.. I run a remedial therapy business and each time I share with a client I receive something from it as well.. I read palms for people and each time I do so there is a revelation for myself either in a new feature I learn or a message I hear.. My EBF Childrens Program is about positive play about exploring life with a sense of curiosity and discovery.. How do I stay so young.. I never gave myself time to get old..

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