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23.01.2022 Myths and Misconceptions ‘How not everything you read is the Truth’ Apart from leaving me with the fond memory that I’d never pass year 12 Modern History without a year 10 & 11 background on it, my 12th grade history teacher did teach me one of the most important lessons I would ever learn. To CRITICALLY ANALYSE the sources of EVERYTHING. Things aren’t always what they seem. As well we know History is written by the victors....Continue reading

21.01.2022 For the Dudes... and the ladies

18.01.2022 Looking to firm-up that flab or tighten that tummy? Try this Abs Circuit I use with my clients... Start with 10 reps per exercise... then gradually build both the number of reps and sets. I guarantee you WILL feel this and see the results. For best results, aim to complete the workout 2-3 times per week.

08.01.2022 Over indulged this Christmas? Found yourself needing to loosen that belt buckle??? Well don't dismay... Try my '1000 Rep Challenge' (below) guaranteed to incinerate fat and burn off those extra festive season calories. ---------------------------------... 1000 Rep Challenge: --------------------------------- 100 Plyometric Lunges 200 Star Jumps 100 Push Ups 50 Box Jumps/Jump Squats 100 Sit Ups 50 Burpees 100 Bench Dips 200 Seal Jumps 100 Step Ups with 5-10kg DBs For best results, aim to complete the workout in under 45mins. It's HARD, but do-able. If you don't quite make it, that's ok, just give it your best shot. And for some well deserved credit/bragging rights... post your times & completed reps below. Good luck!!!

08.01.2022 For the ladies...

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