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Body & Soul Health Coaching

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24.01.2022 Announcement For anyone that is interested I am giving away 10 free 30 minute Body & Soul consultations This is a time for you to really give back to yourself and to really connect deep within to what is important to you and for you, and to really uncover where some of your challenges may lie. ... Comment below or DM me for further information on how you can take those first steps today I look forward to connecting with you Much love Xx Chelsea

22.01.2022 Mind Body & Soul connection Listening to Your Body 1. Respect it.... Begin by thinking about and speaking to your body with love and respect. If you’re not sure how to do that, try repeating this. Dear Body: I love you exactly the way you are. I thank you for all the things you’ve done for me throughout my life. I respect you for all the things you do for me daily. I honor you for having the wisdom to know how to heal. I trust you to take care of me, and I will take care of you. I promise I will always listen to you and give you what you ask for to heal and thrive. My beloved body, I will speak to you with love and care for you as long as we’re together. Thank you. Commit to replacing any negative thoughts you have about your body with thoughts of gratitude for how well your body works and how many ways it serves you throughout your day. If you’d like, pick the body part you like best, and resolve to replace any negative thoughts about your body with a positive thought about what you like about your nose or your hands or your teeth. 2. Connect body and mind. The easiest way to connect your body and mind is to use a combination of your breath and your sense of touch. Begin by putting your hand over your heart. Notice how your heart beats under your palm, and how your chest rises and falls with each breath you take. Now close your eyes and draw a deep breath into your belly. Hold it a moment, then exhale slowly. Now, tune into your body and what it’s telling you. Is it tense? Relaxed? Tired? Hungry? Thirsty? Jittery? Notice if there’s a part that’s holding tension. Is that part tight or stiff? Does any part of you feel achy or anxious? Take a moment and really listen. You may be surprised at what you learn about what’s really going on inside you. 3. Next take some time and ask your body what it needs on a long-term basis to heal and thrive in the future. -Do you need to go back to the gym? -Do you need to stop eating at night? -Do you need to replace your mattress to get a better night’s sleep? -Do you need to ask for help at work, or at home? -Do you need to schedule a massage? -Do you need to forgive yourself or someone else? -Do you need to start speaking up for yourself? Pick the one thing you know your body needs right now to help it heal. Decide on one small step you could take right now to make long-term healthy changes. Commit to taking that step. Then commit to taking another small step tomorrow, and the day after that, until it becomes a healthy habit Remind yourself how important you are, not only to yourself but also to the people around you. What you think and feel matters. Your body matters. And when you honor that body by treating it with love and respect, it will respond in kind.

22.01.2022 FOOD IS MEDICINE I know I talk about it all the time but your body is a temple and what you fuel your body with is so important ! Food is energy just like a car if you are filling up with the wrong fuel you won’t get very far when you are feeling run down what do you put into your body ? What does health mean for you ? This photo is one of my favourite meals and goddam it is tasty it took me the longest time to learn that what I am putting into my body comes out . ... When I eat junk I get oily skin, pimples I feel run down, sluggish I lack in motivation vs eating healthy and eating for my soul I feel alive and like I can do anything to the point where I don’t need caffeine the energy is within me In our vs out put is so important and your body will always show you signs something is not working

22.01.2022 YOUR WORLD THROUGH YOUR MIRROR Our experience of life is defined by our perceptions. We each have our own unique way of seeing ourself and our lives. We rely on the world around us to serve us as a mirror by reflecting back what we are sending out. This reflection can help to clarify our understanding of ourself and serve us as a useful tool for greater self awareness. It can allow us to see ourselves more objectively and therefore more truthfully. Everything in your life ...can teach you more about yourself. Clear your mind and think of an area in your life where you are denying your own self worth ? Stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself and smile back declare your self worth I am beautiful I am celebrated in my life whatever it is that feels true to you ! Self reflection can be such a powerful thing I am incredibly proud of the person I am today and the person I now see, when was the last time you stopped to truly see yourself ?

21.01.2022 Are you living your values? Have you ever given a thought to the values that guide your actions every day? Are you living by the values that Support you in living a life you love ? Or are your actions taking you away from what is really important? Leading your life in a way that is meaningful and purposeful is how you live a life you love. One of the foundations of purposeful living is living your life in alignment with your values.... Explore what it takes to live a life in alignment with your values, really connect deep and into your soul and really see if you are aligned with what is most important to you

20.01.2022 Body & Soul What does your body scream? What does your soul desire? Recently I have had an interesting experience with pain and not knowing how I had hurt myself I could feel my body screaming at me, I connected to my soul and I needed to release emotions that were not serving a purpose getting to the point of unconsciously filtering for the negatives and not seeing the positives in any situation, something I was taught was you are not your thoughts and you are stronger tha...n them! Being able to express and release my pain was gone. The mind & body connection is very real and everything that is happening in your life is exactly what you need right now to learn and to grow however it is up to you to dive into this to see what life is trying to show you. This has taught me to really give back to myself and connect beyond a deeper level listen to your body, your heart and your soul it is always trying to teach you something. We as humans are so powerful and have so much magic in us

19.01.2022 Dear Eating disorder ( what its really like to live with an eating disorder) You are always there but rarely do I notice you other than when I feel a pang of hunger or when I come to after a bout of binging and purging. Rarely do I talk back to you as I let you insidiously control me. I don’t know what to call you, a friend or an enemy. We have a complex relationship but a relationship that has me dependent, stuck, fearful, and exhausted. I wish I could simplify you and defin...e you in an effort to heal and understand. You have shown yourself as bulimia, you have shown yourself as anorexia, you have shown yourself as an obsession with exercise and weight but you are more than that. You are a constant conversation in my head about what to do, what not to do, how to be, how not to be with food, with exercise, and otherwise. You were not merely in the binging and purging itself, you were not merely in the skipped meals, you were present throughout my days. You were the voice behind my actions. You were perfectionism targeting what seems to be the easiest and most apparent thing for me to project upon and control, my physicality. You attempt to control and attack not only my physical body but my personality, worth, and value. You draw me in with promises of relief, of power, of satisfaction without fear of consequences of eating the rich foods that you have told me are bad. Cake, cookies, cereal can all be consumed without the fear of the effects on my body. I can experience the freedom of eating what I want without the fear of the costs of that freedom. I loved the way that you give me a sense of control and power. You help me get rid of the things inside. Emotions that I fear would lead to vulnerability or rejection. The guilt I feel when I can’t please everyone around me. But in getting rid of these parts of me that feel bad, you were also getting rid of some of the good. The protection you provide comes with a price. Invincibility or invisibility. Over the years I have wasted food I have wasted money and time on binges I wish I could forget. Imagine the investments I could have made! Investments in people, experiences, growth. But instead I went to the store. Knowing I shouldn’t buy the chocolate that ends in a binge. Knowing the chips will end in the toilet. Compulsively, I buy it anyway However I am grateful for you, you have taught me lessons and you have taught me how strong I really am I write this post with no pain and no sadness just pure gratitude for our journey and that you have helped me become the person I am today. You have given me the ability to find my passion in this world and to have the strength to be able to help others. Gratitude for my eating disorder I am proud of who I am because of you, and I thank you for showing me the blessings and support life has to offer. You are always stronger than you think.

19.01.2022 WHY DO YOU EAT ? Do you have any specific goals ? Do you eat for the sake of eating ? Do you eat to fuel your body ? ... Throughout my own journey and working in the fitness industry so many people think that training is enough and training is key let me tell you that everything comes from nutrition and feeding your body to fuel it to move and to help you achieve specific goals. For the longest time I never understood that I needed to eat more and not less to get the results I wanted I absolutely love food I eat because I enjoy it, it fills my soul and when I am in the kitchen it is just me in my element creating and to know that I am truly looking after my body Your body is a temple how do you treat it ?

15.01.2022 Love the skin you are in So many of us shame our bodies and wish for a better shape that we forget to be grateful for the body we have. I grew up being the overweight kid, I grew up being the one that was constantly bullied at school and what I have learnt is that every emotion needs an outlet and for me mine was binge eating and starving myself. I went from being 125kilos down to 42kilo in the space of a year and a half and I have out my body through a lot of pain. It too...k me a very long time to see that what I was doing to myself was also trying to get approval from others and fit into what I thought was the norm in society. I began to start preaching self hate and body shame regardless of what people told me my hate towards my self and my body was all that mattered. As I write this post I look back and think how can someone truly have so much hate for themselves and the gift of life. Over the years of being in my 20's I have had bouts of anorexia and binge eating disorder. As I went through the healing process, I began to realize that I could never heal unless I let go of my self-hate. I had to learn to love myself. My stretch marks remind me of the girl that was beat down everyday called various names and made to feel like she was worthless, they remind me of the girl that did not have a voice they remind me of someone that was not strong they remind me of who I am at heart. My loose skin reminds me of just how big my journey has been it reminds me of the constant battle I had been fighting with myself and it reminds me that I am human. After everything I have put myself through I am proud to share who I am and just what the human body is capable of, us as women we can carry life inside us for 9months and we should never be ashamed of our bodies after. The only person holding you back from accepting yourself if you. When you truly learn to accept who you are you learn what it feels like to be free. I love my body I love my stretch marks I love my scars and I love me

14.01.2022 Body shaming has grabbed eyeballs all over social media and in the general eye. What one misses to notice is that there are people taking a stand against body-shaming. Since I was a young girl, I have been called a million different words by not only females but also males. Growing up I was constantly called UGLY and without me knowing I started to create an identity around this word and I was not able to see anything else as well as being bullied for my body. Because of th...e words I was called I use to walk around with my head down and feeling ashamed of who I was all because I did not fit someone else’s model of the world. For years I have walked around with these words hanging over my head like a black cloud and not feeling comfortable in my own skin or just being me , not feeling like you can truly be ok with who you are is one of the worst feelings! I have had the privilege to have had these words written on me and fully surrender to letting these identity’s go! And this is such a powerful thing. Each of us are born unique and perfect in our own way, No one is you and that is your power. Be strong enough to stand up for yourself and to anyone that tells you otherwise do not not let the insecurities of someone else bring you down we a ruled by a social media run world where it is constantly telling us we cannot be happy with our bodies or that we are constantly needing to change something that makes us uniquely you. How many times have you changed your fashion style or changed your hair color to try fit in with others or due to a comment that was said? the words you speak can influence someone so much without you knowing. Next time you go to judge someone take a moment to think how those words would affect you don’t treat or speak to someone differently to how you want to be treated. Be incredibly proud of you! Be proud of all of your scars they show you how far you have come!! Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and smile!! Take a moment to surrender to any nasty words that have affected you they are only words after all. Be brave, be powerful and be uniquely you

13.01.2022 Product review Wow where do I even start ? I am in love with PANA I can across this on a friends social media she was talking about how she adds it to smoothies and I was intrigued. I am a sucker for anything sweet and especially Nutella and this my friends is guilt free it is organic and dairy free what more could you want ? ... I am already addicted to eating this out of the jar with a spoon or adding it to recipes, there are so many different flavours this one and their salted caramel fill a spot in my heart who says to be healthy you have to cut out all good things ? I don’t mind if I indulge in this a bit more

13.01.2022 Ice cream I don’t know about you but I am a massive sweet tooth. Lately especially after dinner I have been wanting something to indulge in previously I always would have said NO you cannot have that it’s bad for you... and then I started to question well why do the things I want to eat have to be bad... And here you go guilt free CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM ... 1 can coconut cream 1 table spoon cacao poweder 1 banana 4 table spoons maple syrup ( I added in some chocolate nibbles you can use cacao nibs, sugar free chocolate , or dark chocolate) Super simple and I can’t wait to eat it

12.01.2022 Good fats! For years I have watched and monitored what I have been eating, I have restricted my food intake because I simply did not have the knowledge around food and what I have learnt is that some of the tastiest food is all made of good fats I want to share with you my top high ( good ) fat foods that I love. 1- Dark chocolate 2- Avocados ... 3- Coconut (coconut cream, coconut oil) 4- Salmon great for omega 3 and high in protein 5- Eggs how good are eggs you can cook these so many different ways. Food should be exciting and delicious to eat not a challenge or a sigh of oh great this again. Grow your knowledge around what you are eating and you will learn what works for your body and how you feel

08.01.2022 PB fudge It has been a while since I have made this but my god it is still one of my favourites and I will happily sit there and eat an entire container like I have done in the past Food is honestly an art and there are so many ways to create especially with the amount of ingredients we have access too. ... What sweets do you enjoy ? Recipe 2 table spoons of peanut butter(. I use smooth but crunchy is also fine) 1/2 coconut oil or coconut butter 1/2 shredded coconut 3-4 drops vanilla essence A pinch of salt ( I use pink) Enjoy

07.01.2022 Today’s little slice of heaven I was initially following a recipe and then I just made it my own and you know what it taste pretty dam good and it’s guilt free Choc peanut-butter strawberry slice simple and easy Base 4 wheetbix crushed 1/2 cup shredded coconut... 1/3 cup maple syrup 2table spoons cacao powder 1/3cup water to mix (I use a blender ) Filling 2 table spoons peanut butter crunchy( or smooth) 1/3 shredded coconut 1/3 sugar free strawberry jam Topping 4-5 squares dark chocolate ( I use lint 80% ) Freeze for an hour and enjoy

05.01.2022 BREAKFAST Who Else is guilty of skipping breakfast and not feeling like they are on their A game. Well this has been me I know within my body that if I eat breakfast I feel so much better and below are just a few reason why. - Increased energy levels ... - Speeds up your metabolism - Increase focus - can decrease snacking - Refuels your Glycogen (energy) stores - Taste amazing Food and myself have had a very difficult relationship over the past few years but now it is time to really dive deep and listen to by body by starting my mornings fueling and looking after it. Usually I would skip breakfast and go straight for coffee and end up feeling more tired... crazy right and I bet I am not the only one. If you’re practicing intermittent fasting or just skipping breakfast and not feeling your best, it’s possible that eating breakfast would be better for your health. And if you are eating breakfast but it’s not nutritionally adequate, you could be having the same problems as someone who’s skipping breakfast! Here are some of the most common signs that skipping breakfast or eating an inadequate one is hurting your health: -Fatigue especially in the morning -Intolerance to cold -Sugar cravings -Caffeine cravings -Headaches -Brain fog -Anxiety -Poor workout tolerance or recovery -Excessive hunger and snacking later in the day -Elevated fasting blood sugar -Increased insulin resistance -Low grade inflammation Adrenal fatigue syndrome (aka HPA axis dysregulation) Now, before I get a bunch of commenters telling me that intermittent fasting is awesome and that they feel amazing now that they’re doing it, please keep in mind that not everyone experiences issues when they skip breakfast. Staring today I am challenging myself to eat breakfast consistently for the next 20days my goal is to have a meal in my body before 10am and to journal at the end of the day exactly how I feel and really see the mental and physical difference are you with me? Lets do this together I would love to hear your experience and also your favorite breakfast recipes.

05.01.2022 How do you show up for you ? Do you give the same love to yourself that you give to others ? Do you put yourself first like you do others ?... Do you remind yourself that you are just as important ? Yesterday I was reminded that I am a beautiful person and that I am so powerful in my own life and this is just something I had forgotten! What happens outside of me is out of my control but what happens with me and inside of me is in my control. Your body always knows things even before your mind does, any pains you may have or discomfort in your body will show up exactly as you need it and when this happens I ask you to really look at your life and see what is presenting for you and learning to let fit of anything that does not matter Life is always happening for us and not against us, you have full control of your life your emotions and how you show up for yourself and everyone around you. Do the things that you love Surround your self with the people that matter and bring out the best in you. Find everything that you want inside of you first

04.01.2022 Raw slice And at it again I am In love with food and creating new things I also have a small chocolate addiction Recipe... 1&half cups of raw almonds 2 cups shredded coconut 1 cup coconut oil 2table spoons vanilla essence 2table spoons cacao powder ( I also add a small amount of water to mix ) Drizzle over the top is Noshu chocolate chips melted freeze for half an hour and enjoy

02.01.2022 In a sea full of people STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Not one person is the same as the other we are all unique and we are all an individual, we are constantly surrounded by ideas of what we should look like and influenced to who we should be but really what is wrong with just being you ? You is all you ever really have and your uniqueness is what makes you who you are never let others influence you in ways that take you away from yourself, love yourself and be kind to your...self Yes I am holding markers in my hand sometimes it can be really good to look at your reflection and write something on the mirror in front of you that brings you back to yourself

01.01.2022 Welcome to Body & Soul My Name is Chelsea, I am here to help women view their bodies in a healthy and loving way and learn to build a healthy relationship with food and also the skin you are in. I am here to help empower yourself, your mind and heal from the negativity and past events that have influenced the way you view yourself. I have been on a road of recovery from Obesity, anorexia and also bulimia I have been down a very dark road however I have come out seeing the l...ight. As humans we put so much pressure on ourselves to fit into what we think is the norm for society, I am here to help you think and feel for yourself and bring your soul back home to your body

01.01.2022 Dieting vs Healthy eating Over the years words have played such a big part of my life, the word diet was apart of my every day life however I never really understood what it meant. Research by Malcolm Gladwell declared the key to mastering any skill is simply practicing it deliberately for 10,000 hours. Are you still trying to master the skill of dieting (i.e., manipulating what I eat to manipulate how I look) .... New years and January are the peak times for the word diet, everyone is looking for that resolution and the way they wish to start off the year and most of us will be guilty for saying I am going to diet and there is so much publicity around this. What if you could change your words and say I don’t want to change my body, but I do want to take better care of it. I don’t want to diet, but I do want to eat nutritiously (and joyfully). I don’t want to lose weight, but I do want to be mindful and intentional about the foods I’m choosing to consume. I don’t want to exercise more self-control, but I do want to replace it with more self-compassion and self love ? It sounds so much better right?. Do you stop and take a few moments to really listen to your body, to appreciate your body and to really be grateful? Weight-loss dieting is limited but healthy eating is FREEING what if you could re-train your mind to think Intuitively when it comes to eating, mindful and truly healthful eating is making choices about food because they nourish the mind, body and spirit. Your body is amazing- If you are wanting to develop nutritious eating habits for physical health and don't want to fall into the trap of a dieting mindset LISETN TO YOUR BODY! When was the last time you felt connected to your body and could feel that your body was trying to show you what it wanted? don't worry we all are guilty of falling out of connection meditation is a great way to be present and reconnect you with your body and to help be mindful of what is really going on. Your body can do more than you know- when in doubt ask yourself the following. Do I want to eat this food because it will make my body, mind and spirit feel well right now? Am I avoiding this food because I don’t think it will feel good in my body now "self-care" or am I avoiding this food because I think I will lose weight if I don’t eat it "self-control"? There is a big difference with both, nothing can happen over night and that is ok like all brain detangling efforts it takes time. Don't be afraid to give into a craving when this happens your body is more than likely telling you that you are lacking something. Your body is a temple and should be treated like one, as humans we should be very grateful for life connect with your body free your soul and clear your mind.

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